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发布日期:2024-04-07 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 韩夏 性别
学校 苏州大学 部门 商学院
学位 学历
职称 联系方式
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个人简介 韩夏,管理学博士,毕业于北京大学。研究方向包括公司战略,公司竞合战略,从企业间(上下游)关系视角考察公司战略调整以及企业和外部环境的互动。目前在《外国经济与管理》,《管理学报》等期刊发表论文;研究论文多次被美国管理学年会(AOM)、战略管理学会(SMS)、中国管理国际学会(IACMR)录用并参会报告;担任AOM,SMS和IACMR等国际会议匿名审稿人。教育背景:2016年,四川大学,商学院,工商管理学士,吴玉章学院荣誉学士2021年,北京大学,国家发展研究院(CCER),管理学博士2020年,科罗拉多大学Leeds Business School,访问学者工作经历:2021年,苏州大学,东吴商学院,管理系,优秀青年学者(讲师)期刊论文:1、企业死亡研究纵览,外国经济与管理,2016年6月,韩夏,马浩,41/6/71-842、业务退出研究综述:基于实物期权的探索,外国经济与管理,2019年11月,韩夏,谢绚丽,马浩,41/11/114-1353、企业家如何应对环境不确定性?基于任正非采访实录的分析,管理学报,2020年8月,陈春花,梅亮,尹俊,韩夏,17/08/1107-1116学术会议和报告:Han, X., Cai, G. & Gu, G. 2023. Disintermediation Governance and Complementor Innovation: An Empirical Look at Amazon.com. Paper presented at the TIM Division at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.Han, X., Chen, L & Tong, T. 2022. The Paradox of Relation-Specific Investment: Evidence from Customer-Supplier Relationships under Uncertainty Shocks. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Division at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.Han, X., Chen, L & Tong, T. 2021. Strategic Responses to Input Shocks: Organizational Determinants of Adjustment Cost (and Benefit). Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference.Han, X., & Cai, G. 2021. Dynamic Coopetition Strategies: The Impacts of Ex ante and Ex post Heterogeneity. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Division at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.Han, X., & Cai, G. 2020. Co-opetition Strategies: Alliance Formation, Value Creation and Value Capture. Paper presented to the Strategic Management Division at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Managementin Vancouver, Canada.Han, X., Xie, X. & Xi, T. 2019. The Contingent Value of Political Connections: A Transaction Cost and Embeddedness Framework.Paperpresented to the Strategic Management Division atthe 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston, USA.Han, X., & Cai, G. 2019. Dynamic Coopetition Strategies: Why and How to Cooperate with Competitors? Paper presented to the Strategic Management Division at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston, USA.荣誉和奖励:Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Best Paper Finalist, 2021Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper, 2023Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Best Paper Prize & Research Methods Paper Prize Nomination, 2023Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Competitive Stratgy IG Best Paper Finalist, 2023Informs Annual Conference E-Business Cluster's Best Paper Award Winner, 2023

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