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姓名 吴军 性别 职务:副院长
学校 扬州大学 部门 环境科学与工程学院正高级
学位 办公地点:环境学院学行楼N301 学历 所在单位:环境科学与工程学院
职称 正高级 联系方式 j.wu@yzu.edu.cn
邮箱 j.wu@yzu.edu.cn    
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吴军 462 个人信息Personal Information 正高级 博士生导师 硕士生导师 教师拼音名称:Wu Jun 出生日期:1979-03-04 电子邮箱: j.wu@yzu.edu.cn 入职时间:2009-03-01 所在单位:环境科学与工程学院 职务:副院长 学历:博士研究生毕业 办公地点:环境学院学行楼N301 性别:男 学位:博士 在职信息:在岗 毕业院校:英国拉夫堡大学 个人简介Personal Profile 主要从事给排水工程与科学专业的本科生教学和研究生的指导工作。主要研究方向包括“污水处理过程数学模拟和优化控制”,“水环境系统管理(降雨、管网、污水处理设施、水体)”。目前主持各类科研项目10多项,其中国家自然科学基金2项,入选江苏省企业博士集聚和扬州大学高端人才培养计划,以第一作者和通讯作者在国内外主流学术期刊(如Water Res., J. Membr. Sci. 和Chem. Eng. J.等)发表论文40余篇,总他引次数1000多次,以第一发明人获授权发明专利3次。曾分别于2015和2017年赴荷兰代尔夫特(Delft)理工大学和美国北卡州立大学从事访问学者工作,现为英国特许水环境管理协会会员(CIWEM)和国际水质协会会员(IWA),通过美国注册土木工程师考试(PE-Civil)。 教育经历 博士2003.7-2008.7 英国拉夫堡大学土木与建筑工程系,水工程 硕士2000.9-2003.6 同济大学环境工程学院,环境工程 本科1996.9-2000.6扬州大学给水排水专业   工作经历 2009/3 – 今天,扬州大学,环境科学与工程学院,讲师、副教授、教授 2017/7-2018/6, 北卡州立大学,土木建筑与环境工程系,访问学者 2015/8 – 2016/1,荷兰TU Delft大学,环境生物系,访问学者 2009/3 - 2013/8,扬州大学,环境科学与工程学院,   研究方向 污水处理过程优化与数学模拟 雨水径流管理   开设课程 给水排水专业英语(本科) 水质工程学II      (本科) 活性污泥模型(研究生)   学会会员 英国特许水环境管理协会会员 (CIWEM, UK) 国际水质协会会员      (IWA) 江苏水利协会会员   人才计划 江苏省企业博士集聚计划“初期雨水原位处理装置研发” (2011-2013 ) 江苏省教授博士柔性进企业计划 2011 扬州大学高端人才支持计划 2015 南通市紫琅英才人才计划 2016 扬州高新区创享高新人才计划 2020 会议报告 吴军,计算流体力学研究好氧颗粒颗粒污泥的形态特征,北卡州立大学土木建筑环境工程系研究论坛,2018年3月9日,美国北卡州 吴军,污水进水中无机悬浮固体(ISS)对污水厂运行提质增效的影响,中国给水排水2020年中国污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会,2020年10月19-22日,山西太原 吴军,基于管网模型的污水管网外水入流量和入流点估计,中国给水排水线上大会,2022年5月12日    主持研究课题 国家自然科学基金(2015-2018)      51478410 基于r-K策略菌群选择的硝化动力学模拟及其优化调控 国家自然科学基金“颗粒有机物对活性污泥供碳及絮体结构改善协同作用机制研究 ”(2013-2015); 51208450 江苏省高校自然科学基金 “颗粒物质在MBR膜污染过程中堆积机理研究 ”(2010-2012); 江苏高校省级重点实验室课题 “基于颗粒特性分析的MBR膜污染研究 ”(2009-2011 )。 江都区污水管网水质调查, 2017-2018,主持 电絮凝污水处理技术,江苏京源环保股份有限公司,2015-2017,主持 城市污水处理厂磷资源回收智能系统研发和应用,扬州高新区创享高新人才计划项目,2020,主持 高氨氮废水短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化处理反应器研发与示范,扬州市邗江区科学技术局,2020,主持 扬州市工业企业排水调查,扬州城控排水管网运维有限公司,2021,主持 污水管网模型开发与智慧运维支持,2021,主持 城市雨水管网模拟与积水点评估预测,山东正元地球物理有限公司,2021,主持   参与研究课题 国家水污染控制重大专项 “城市低强度污染景观湖泊及关联河网多元生态水质改善与功能提升关键技术研究与工程示范 ”(2009-2011) ; 国家自然科学基金“空气混合对水库蓝藻生长的胁迫作用研究 ”(2011-2015)。   发明专利 一种城市景观水体控藻除污装置 (ZL200910264167 ) 排名3/5      (实用新型) 活性污泥法一体化水处理装置 ZL201420010836.5排名3/5 (实用新型) 活性污泥在线计算机图形分析预警系统及方法 ZL201310713069.4       排名1/6(发明) 一种监测污水生物处理氧吸收速率和控制曝气量的方法 ZL201410018309.3排名1/6 (发明) 一种污水生物处理活性污泥模型自适应参数校准方法 201310694701.5排名1/6      (发明) 一种硝化颗粒污泥反应装置201620454040.8  排名1/5 (实用新型)   第一和通讯作者论文 * Correspondence author 1.         Zhang M, Gao J, Liu Q, Fan Y, Zhu C, Liu Y, He C and Wu J*, Nitrite accumulation and microbial behavior by seeding denitrifying phosphorus removal sludge for partial denitrification (PD): The effect of COD/NO3− ratio. Bioresource Technology 323: 124524 (2021). 2.         Zhang M, Gao J, Fan Y, Wu X, Wu J and He C*, Combined effects of volume ratio and nitrate recycling ratio on nutrient removal, sludge characteristic and microbial evolution for DPR optimization. Journal of Environmental Sciences 104: 69-83 (2021). 3.         Zhang M, Gao J, Fan Y, Liu Q, Zhu C, Ge L, He C and Wu J*, Comparisons of nitrite accumulation, microbial behavior and nitrification kinetic in continuous stirred tank (ST) and plug flow (PF) moving bed biofilm reactors. Chemosphere 278: 130410 (2021). 4.         Wu J*, Wan J, Yu L, Zhang M and Ducoste JJ, The effect of activated sludge floc morphology on the measurement of biomass half-saturation coefficient: A 2D CFD biofilm model-based evaluation and experimental verification. Biochemical Engineering Journal 168: 107931 (2021). 5.         Zhang M, Zhu C, Pan T, Fan Y, Soares A, Wu J and He C, Nutrient metabolism, mass balance, and microbial structure community in a novel denitrifying phosphorus removal system based on the utilizing rules of acetate and propionate. Chemosphere 257: 127076 (2020). 6.         Zhang M, Zhu C, Pan T, Fan Y, Liu Y, He C, Gu X and Wu J*, Elucidating sludge characteristic, substrate transformation and microbial evolution in a two-sludge denitrifying phosphorus removal system under the impact of HRT. Journal of Environmental Management 262: 110391 (2020). 7.         Zhang M, Wang Y, Fan Y, Liu Y, Yu M, He C and Wu J*, Bioaugmentation of low C/N ratio wastewater: Effect of acetate and propionate on nutrient removal, substrate transformation, and microbial community behavior. Bioresource Technology 306: 122465 (2020). 8.         Zhang M, Song T, Zhu C, Fan Y, Soares A, Gu X and Wu J*, Roles of nitrate recycling ratio in the A2/O-MBBR denitrifying phosphorus removal system for high-efficient wastewater treatment: Performance comparison, nutrient mechanism and potential evaluation. Journal of Environmental Management 270: 110887 (2020). 9.         Zhang M, Li N, Chen W and Wu J*, Steady-state and dynamic analysis of the single-stage anammox granular sludge reactor show that bulk ammonium concentration is a critical control variable to mitigate feeding disturbances. Chemosphere 251: 126361 (2020). 10.     Yu L, Chen S, Chen W and Wu J*, Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of the competition among the fast-growing “r-strategists” and the slow-growing “K-strategists” ammonium-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in nitrification. Science of the Total Environment 702: 135049 (2020). 11.     Wu J*, de los Reyes FL and Ducoste JJ, Modeling cell aggregate morphology during aerobic granulation in activated sludge processes reveals the combined effect of substrate and shear. Water Research 170: 115384 (2020). 12.     Liang J, Yu L and Wu J*, The dynamic change of specific cake resistance in membrane bioreactor due to periodical cake relaxation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8: 103837 (2020). 13.     Chen W, Lu Y, Jin Q, Zhang M and Wu J*, A novel feedforward control strategy for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) in aerobic granular sludge sequential batch reactor (AGS-SBR). Journal of Environmental Management 260: 110103 (2020). 14.     Chen W, Chen S and Wu J*, Biomass segregation in the granules and flocs affects the role of heterotrophic bacteria in the ANAMMOX process. Chemical Engineering Journal 392: 123727 (2020). 15.     Chen W, Chen S, Hu F, Liu W, Yang D and Wu J*, A novel anammox reactor with a nitrogen gas circulation: performance, granule size, activity, and microbial community. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 18661-18671 (2020). 16.     Zhang M, Yu M, Wang Y, He C, Pang J and Wu J*, Operational optimization of a three-stage nitrification moving bed biofilm reactor (NMBBR) by obtaining enriched nitrifying bacteria: Nitrifying performance, microbial community, and kinetic parameters. Science of the Total Environment 697: 134101 (2019). 17.     Sun F, Lu Y and Wu J*, Comparison of operational strategies for nitrogen removal in aerobic granule sludge sequential batch reactor (AGS-SBR): A model-based evaluation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7: 103314 (2019). 18.     Jiang X, Xu B and Wu J*, Sulfur recovery in the sulfide-oxidizing membrane aerated biofilm reactor: experimental investigation and model simulation. Environ Technol 40: 1557-1567 (2019). 19.     Zhu T, Xu B and Wu J*, Experimental and mathematical simulation study on the effect of granule particle size distribution on partial nitrification in aerobic granular reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal 134: 22-29 (2018). 20.     Zhu T, Wu J, He C, Fu D and Wu J*, Development and evaluation of MTLSER and QSAR models for predicting polyethylene-water partition coefficients. Journal of Environmental Management 223: 600-606 (2018). 21.     Wu J*, Zhang Y, Zhang M and Li Y, Effect of nitrifiers enrichment and diffusion on their oxygen half-saturation value measurements. Biochemical Engineering Journal 123: 110-116 (2017). 22.     Wu J* and Zhang Y, Evaluation of the impact of organic material on the anaerobic methane and ammonium removal in a membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) based on the multispecies biofilm modeling. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 1677-1685 (2017). 23.     Wu J*, Li Y and Zhang M, Activated sludge floc morphology and nitrifier enrichment can explain the conflicting reports on the oxygen half-saturation index for ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 92: 2673-2682 (2017). 24.     Wu J*, Comparison of control strategies for single-stage partial nitrification-anammox granular sludge reactor for mainstream sewage treatment—a model-based evaluation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 25839-25848 (2017). 25.     Cong H*, Sun F, Wu J, Zhou Y, Yan Q, Ren A and Xu H, Study on method and mechanism of deep well circulation for the growth control of Microcystis in aquaculture pond. Water Science and Technology 75: 2692 (2017). 26.     Wu J*, Zhang Y and Yan G, Differentiating two partial nitrification mechanisms: Inhibiting nitrite oxidizing bacteria activity or promoting ammonium oxidizing bacteria activity. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 4: 3260-3266 (2016). 27.     Wu J*, He C, van Loosdrecht MCM and Pérez J, Selection of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) over nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) based on conversion rates. Chemical Engineering Journal 304: 953-961 (2016). 28.     Wu J*, Yan G, Zhou G and Xu T, New insights in partial nitrification start-up revealed by a model based approach. RSC Advances 5: 100299-100308 (2015). 29.     Wu J*, Xu T, Yan G, He C and Zhou G, Model predictive control of partial nitrification via nitrous oxide (N2O) emission monitoring. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3: 2857-2865 (2015). 30.     Wu J*, Xu T, Jiang X, Yan G and Yu L, Model based optimization of partial nitrification by monitoring nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3: 1602-1613 (2015). 31.     Yu J, He C, Liu X, Wu J*, Hu Y and Zhang Y, Removal of perfluorinated compounds by membrane bioreactor with powdered activated carbon (PAC): Adsorption onto sludge and PAC. Desalination 334: 23-28 (2014). 32.     Wu J*, Yan G, Zhou G and Xu T, Model predictive control of biological nitrogen removal via partial nitrification at low carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2: 1899-1906 (2014). 33.     Wu J*, Yan G, Zhou G and Xu T, Wastewater COD biodegradability fractionated by simple physical-chemical analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 258: 450-459 (2014). 34.     Bi D, He C and Wu J*, Modeling head losses in biological aerated filters including active biomass, inert biomass and extracellular polymeric substances. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 13: 929-938 (2014). 35.     Wu J*, He C, Bi D, Yu J and Zhang Y, A bio-cake model for the soluble COD removal by the back-transport, adsorption and biodegradation processes in the submerged membrane bioreactor. Desalination 322: 1-12 (2013). 36.     Wu J*, He C and Zhang Y, Modeling membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor by considering the role of solid, colloidal and soluble components. Journal of Membrane Science 397-398: 102-111 (2012). 37.     Wu J* and He C, Effect of cyclic aeration on fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Water Res 46: 3507-3515 (2012). 38.     Wu J* and He C, The effect of settlement on wastewater carbon source availability based on respirometric and granulometric analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 189-190: 250-255 (2012). 39.     Wu J*, He C, Jiang X and Zhang M, Modeling of the submerged membrane bioreactor fouling by the combined pore constriction, pore blockage and cake formation mechanisms. Desalination 279: 127-134 (2011). 40.     Wu J and Wheatley A*, Assessing activated sludge morphology by laser and image analysis. Proceedings of the ICE - Water Management 163: 139 –145 (2010). 41.     Wu J* and He C, Experimental and modeling investigation of sewage solids sedimentation based on particle size distribution and fractal dimension. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 7: 46 (2010). 42.     Wu J, Jiang X and Wheatley A*, Characterizing activated sludge process effluent by particle size distribution, respirometry and modelling. Desalination 249: 969-975 (2009). 教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 1996.9 2000.7 扬州大学 给排水科学与工程 学士学位 2000.9 2003.7 同济大学 全日制学术学位硕士 英国拉夫堡大学 水工程 博士 暂无内容 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 水环境系统管理(降雨、管网、污水处理设施、收纳水体) 污水处理过程数学模拟和优化控制 暂无内容 内容来自集群智慧云企服 发明专利4999元代写全部资料全国受理