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姓名 贺振 性别 办公地点:10号楼305
学校 扬州大学 部门 植物保护学院正高级
学位 农学博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高级 联系方式 hezhen@yzu.edu.cn
邮箱 hezhen@yzu.edu.cn    
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贺振 48 个人信息Personal Information 正高级 博士生导师 硕士生导师 教师拼音名称:He Zhen 电子邮箱: hezhen@yzu.edu.cn 入职时间:2014-07-01 所在单位:植物保护学院 学历:博士研究生毕业 办公地点:10号楼305 性别:男 学位:农学博士学位 在职信息:在岗 毕业院校:中国农业科学院研究生院 学科:植物病理学 其他联系方式Other Contact Information 通讯/办公地址 : 江苏省扬州市文汇东路48号植物保护学院 邮箱 : hezhen@yzu.edu.cn 同专业博导 同专业硕导 个人简介Personal Profile 贺振,男,1987年09月出生,山东临沂人,现任扬州大学植物保护学院教授、博士生导师、硕士生导师,院长助理,先后入选江苏省“科技副总”,泰州市“凤城英才计划”双创引进专项,扬州大学高端人才支持计划(拔尖人才),扬州大学“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,扬州大学交叉学科青年支持项目。兼任中国植物保护学会青年工作委员会委员;中国植物病理学会会员;江苏省植物病理学会会员;扬州市林学会森林防护专业委会副主任委员;扬州市园艺学会会员;《Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution》(IF 4.493)、《Genes》(IF 4.141)、《Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems》(IF 5.005)和《Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology》(IF 6.073)客座编辑。先后毕业于山东农业大学和中国农业科学院研究生院(植物保护研究所),获得农学学士学位(植物保护,2009)和博士学位(植物病理学,2014)。2012年10月~2014年2月受国家留学基金委资助,在日本国立佐贺大学(Saga University)联合培养。2014年进入扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院植物保护系工作。 主要从事植物病毒基因功能和致病机理、植物与病毒互作、植物病毒病害的检测鉴定、植物病毒比较基因组学、系统发生学和分子流行学机理等方面研究。在《Genome Biology》、《 PLOS Pathogens》、《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》、《Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal》、《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》、《Plant Methods》、《Infection, Genetics and Evolution》、《Cells》、《Viruses》、《Insect Science》、《Virus research》、《Plant disease》、《BMC Genomics》、《Archives of Virology》、《微生物学报》、《植物保护学报》、《植物病理学报》等国际国内核心刊物上发表论文80余篇,其中第一作者、通讯作者50余篇;以第一发明人申请并公开国家发明专利8项,已授权3项;获得国家软件著作权5项;副主编、参编十三五规划教材各两部;在《高等理科教育》等杂志以第一作者发表教改论文2篇。主持研究国家自然科学基金面上项目(32272485)和青年项目 (31601604)、国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(2022YFE0130900)课题、中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302-1904-11)、江苏省自然科学基金(BK20211323)、国家重点研发计划课题子任务(2020YFD1000302)、植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室开放课题 (SKLOF201518) 等二十余项。 应邀作为《Genome Biology》、《Plant Physiology》、《Plant Biotechnology Journal》、《Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics》、《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》、《Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark》、Frontier系列、《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》、《Ecology and Evolution》、《Infection, Genetics and Evolution》、《Viruses》、《Virus research》、《Virology Journal》、《Archives of Viology》、《Plant disease》、《Plant Pathology Journal》、《European Journal of Plant pathology》、《Canadian Journal of Plant pathology》、《Sugar Tech》、《Plant Genetic Resources》、《Molecular Biology Reports》、《Genetica》、《BioTech》、《International Journal of Agricultural Technology》、《植物病理学报》等期刊杂志的审稿人。国家自然科学基金同行评审专家。 指导的16级研究生陈春峰、17级研究生陈雯、19级研究生董婷婷分别获得2018、2019、2021年度国家奖学金。   代表性论文: [1].    He Zhen, Sheng Shuangyu, Wang Lingqi, Zhao Haiting, Wang Zhilei, Ding Shiwen, Qin Lang, Jiang Runzhou, Deng Xiaolong, Li Liangjun*. (2024) Cucumber mosaic virus-induced gene and microRNA silencing in water dropwort (Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC). Plant Methods. 20: 6. (IF 5.1) [2].    Zhang Kun, Gu Tianxiao, Xu Xiaowei, Gan Haifeng, Qin Lang, Feng Chenwei, He Zhen*. (2023) Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 protein inhibits unfolded protein response through direct suppression of bZIP60U splicing. PLOS Pathogens. 19(10): e1011738. (IF 6.7 top) [3].    Qin Lang, Ding Shiwen, He Zhen*. (2023) Compositional biases and evolution of the largest plant RNA virus order Patatavirales. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 240 124403 (IF 8.2 top) [4].    He Zhen*, Qin Lang, Xu Xiaowei, Ding Shiwen. (2022) Evolution and host adaptability of plant RNA viruses: Research insights on compositional biases. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 20 2600-2610 (IF 7.0) [5].    Zhang Kun, Zhuang Xinjian, Dong Zhuozhuo, Xu Kai, Chen Xijun, Liu Fang*, He Zhen*. (2021) The dynamics of N6-methyladenine RNA modification in interactions between rice and plant viruses, Genome Biology, 22, 189 (IF 17.906 top) [6].    He Zhen*, Dong Zhuozhuo, Gan Haifeng. (2020) Genetic changes and host adaptability in sugarcane mosaic virus based on complete genome sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 149 106848 (IF 4.286 top)     论文列表: [1].    He Zhen, Sheng Shuangyu, Wang Lingqi, Zhao Haiting, Wang Zhilei, Ding Shiwen, Qin Lang, Jiang Runzhou, Deng Xiaolong, Li Liangjun*. (2024) Cucumber mosaic virus-induced gene and microRNA silencing in water dropwort (Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC). Plant Methods. 20: 6. [2].    Zhang Kun, Gu Tianxiao, Xu Xiaowei, Gan Haifeng, Qin Lang, Feng Chenwei, He Zhen*. (2023) Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 protein inhibits unfolded protein response through direct suppression of bZIP60U splicing. PLOS Pathogens. 19(10): e1011738. (IF 6.7 top) [3].    Wang Lingqi, Zhao Haiting, Wang Zhilei, Ding Shiwen, Qin Lang, Jiang Runzhou, Deng Xiaolong, He Zhen*, Li Liangjun*. (2023) An Evolutionary Perspective of Codon Usage Bias, Dinucleotide Composition and Codon Pair Bias in Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus. Genes. 14(9): 1712 [4].    Wang Lingqi, Wu Weiwen, Chen Chunfeng, Liu Xian, Li Liangjun*, He Zhen*. (2023) First report of cucumber mosaic virus infecting water dropwort (Oenanthe javanica (Blume) D.C) in Jiangsu province in China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 105 (2): 621 [5].    Qin Lang, Ding Shiwen, He Zhen*. (2023) Compositional biases and evolution of the largest plant RNA virus order Patatavirales. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 240 124403 (IF 8.2 top) [6].    He Zhen*, Qin Lang, Xu Xiaowei, Ding Shiwen. (2022) Evolution and host adaptability of plant RNA viruses: Research insights on compositional biases. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 20 2600-2610 (IF 7.0) [7].    He Zhen*, Ding Shiwen, Guo jiyuan, Qin Lang, Xu Xiaowei. (2022) Synonymous codon usage analysis of three narcissus potyviruses. Viruses. 14(5):846 (IF 5.818) [8].    He Zhen*, Qin Lang, Wang wenzhi, Ding Shiwen, Xu Xiaowei, Zhang Shuzhen*. (2022) The dinucleotide composition of sugarcane mosaic virus is shaped more by protein coding regions than by host species. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 97 105165 (IF 4.393) [9].    Zhang Kun, Xu Xiaowei, Guo Xiao, Ding Shiwen, Gu Tianxiao, Qin Lang, He Zhen*. (2022) Sugarcane Streak Mosaic Virus P1 Attenuates Plant Antiviral Immunity and Enhances Potato Virus X Infection in Nicotiana benthamiana. Cells. 11:2870 (IF 7.666) [10]. Qin Lang, Ding Shiwen, Wang Zhilei, Jiang Runzhou, He Zhen*. (2022) Host Plants Shape the Codon Usage Pattern of Turnip Mosaic Virus. Viruses. 14: 2267 (IF 5.818) [11]. Zhuang Xinjian, Guo Xiao, Gu Tianxiao, Xu Xiaowei, Qin Lang, Xu Kai, He Zhen, Zhang Kun*. (2022) Phosphorylation of plant virus proteins: Analysis methods and biological functions. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13 935735 [12]. Zhang Kun, Zhuang Xinjian, Xu Hongmei, Gan Haifeng, He Zhen, Chen Jiahuan*. (2022) Development of a polyclonal antibodies-based serological methods and a DIG-labelled DNA probe-based molecular method for detection of the Vicia cryptic virus-M in field plants. Journal of Virological Methods. 299 114331 [13]. Zhang Kun, Zhuang Xinjian, Dong Zhuozhuo, Xu Kai, Chen Xijun, Liu Fang*, He Zhen*. (2021) The dynamics of N6-methyladenine RNA modification in interactions between rice and plant viruses, Genome Biology, 22, 189 (IF 17.906 top) [14]. Zhang Kun, Zhuang Xinjian, Guo Xiao, Xu Hongmei, He Zhen, Chen Jiahuan*. (2021) Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting Rehmannia glutinosa was detected in China. Plant disease. 105(10), 3310 [15]. He Zhen*, Dong Zhuozhuo, Qin Lang, Gan Haifeng. (2021) Phylodynamics and codon usage pattern analysis of broad bean wilt virus 2. Viruses. 13(2), 198 (IF 5.048) [16]. Wang Tieling, Guan Wei*, Du Yongxi, Xu Yang, He Zhen, Zhang Yan, Kang Chuanzhi, Wan Xiufu, Chi Xiulian, Sun Kai, Zhang Xiaobo. (2021) Proteome-Wide Analyses Reveal Diverse Functions of Acetylation Proteins in Neurospora crassa. Proteomics. 21, e2000212 [17]. Zhang Kun, Zhuang Xinjian, Xu Hongmei, Guo Xiao, He Zhen, Xu Kai, Liu Fang*. (2021) Sensitive and high-throughput polyclonal antibody-based serological methods for rice stripe virus detection in rice plant and brown planthopper, Crop Protection, 144 105599 [18]. He Zhen, Dong Tingting, Chen Wen, Wang Tielin, Gan Haifeng, Li Liangjun*. (2020) Antiserum preparation of recombinant sweet potato latent virus-lotus (SPLV-lotus) coat protein and application for virus-infected lotus plant detection. Plant Pathology Journal. 36 (6) 651-657 [19]. He Zhen*, Dong Zhuozhuo, Gan Haifeng. (2020) Comprehensive codon usage analysis of rice black-streaked dwarf virus based on P8 and P10 protein coding sequences. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 86 104601 (IF 3.342) [20]. He Zhen, Dong Tingting, Wang Tielin, Chen Wen, Liu Xian, Li Liangjun*. (2020) Genetic variation of the novel badnavriuses infecting lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) based on the RT/RNase H coding region sequences. Horticultural Plant Journal. 6 (5) 335-342 (IF 3.032) [21]. He Zhen*, Dong Zhuozhuo, Gan Haifeng. (2020) Genetic changes and host adaptability in sugarcane mosaic virus based on complete genome sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 149 106848 (IF 4.286 top) [22]. He Zhen, Dong Tingting, Wu Weiwen, Wang Tielin, Li Liangjun*. (2020) Development of a reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for the rapid detection of sweet potato latent virus-lotus in lotus plants. Australasian Plant Pathology. 49 (4) 425-429 [23]. Zhang Kun, Xu Hongmei, Zang Ying, Chen Jiahuan, Zhuang Xinjian, He Zhen*. (2020) First report of milk vetch dwarf virus infecting faba bean in Jiangsu province in China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 102 (3) 929-930 [24]. Guan Yuan, Chen Wen, Wu Yuxin, Hu Yingxiong, Wang Hui, He Zhen*, Zheng Hongjian*. (2020) First report of corn stalk rot caused by Dickeya zeae on sweet corn in Shanghai, China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 102 (2) 557-558 [25]. He Zhen, Guo Jingfei, Reitz Stuart, Lei Zhongren, Wu Shengyong*. (2020) A global invasion by the thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis: Current virus vector status and its management. Insect Science. 27 (4) 626-645 [26]. He Zhen, Dong Tingting, Wu Weiwei, Chen Wen, Liu Xian, Li Liangjun*. (2019) Evolutionary rates and phylogeographical analysis of Odontoglossum ringspot virus based on the 166 CP gene sequences. Plant Pathology Journal. 35 (5) 498-507 [27]. Wang huiyuan, Liu Xian, Chen Chunfeng, Chen wen, Li Liangjun*, He Zhen*. (2019) Genomic and biological characterization of a novel strain of sweet potato latent virus isolated from lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) Journal of Plant Pathology. 101 (4) 1077-1084 [28]. He Zhen*, Gan Haifeng, Liang Xinyan. (2019) Analysis of synonymous codon usage bias in potato virus M and its adaption to hosts. Viruses. 11, 752. [29]. He Zhen*, Chen Wen, Yasaka Ryosuke, Chen Chunfeng, Chen Xijun. (2019) Temporal analysis and adaptive evolution of the global population of potato virus M. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 73 (4) 167-174 [30]. He Zhen, Chen Wen, Chen Chunfeng, Liu Xian, Li Liangjun*. (2019) First Report of Apple stem grooving virus Infecting Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) in China. Plant disease. 103 (4) 782 [31]. Chen Xijun*, Chen Yuwen, Zhang Lina, He Zhen, Huang Benli, Chen Chen, Zhang Qingxia, Zuo Shimin. (2019) Amino acid substitutions in a polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (OsPGIP2) increases sheath blight resistance in rice. Rice 12 56 [32]. He Zhen, Wu Weiwen, Chen Chunfeng, Liu Xian, Li Liangjun*. (2018) First report of Odontoglossum ringspot virus from Cymbidium goeringii (Orchidaceae) in Jiangsu province, China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 100 (3) 591 [33]. Chen Xijun*, Li Lili, He Zhen*, Zhang Jiahao, Huang Benli, Chen Zongxiang, Zuo Shimin, Xu Jingyou. (2018) Molecular cloning and functional analysis of two novel polygalacturonase genes in Rhizoctonia solani. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 40 (2) 39-47 [34]. Liu Xian, He Zhen, Yin Yulai, Xu Xu, Wu Weiwen, Li Liangjun*. (2018) Transcriptome sequencing and analysis during seed growth and development in Euryale ferox Salisb.. BMC Genomics. 19 343 [35]. He Zhen, Mahmut Mijit, Li Shifang, Zhang Zhixiang*. (2017) Complete nucleotide sequence of a novel strain of fig fleck-associated virus from China. Archives of Virology. 162 (4) 1145-1148 [36]. Gao Rui, Xu Yunxiao, Candresse Thierry, He Zhen, Li Shifang, Ma Yuxin, Lu Meiguang*. (2017) Further insight into genetic variation and haplotype diversity of Cherry virus A from China. PLoS ONE 12(10) e0186273 [37]. Wu Shengyong*, He Zhen, Wang endong, Xu xuenong, Lei zhongren*. (2017) Application of Beauveria bassiana and Neoseiulus barkeri for improved control of Frankliniella occidentalis in greenhouse cucumber. Crop Protection. 96 83-87 [38]. Mahmut Mijit, He Zhen, Hong Jian, Lu Meiguang, Li Shifang, Zhang Zhixiang. (2017) Analysis of fig tree virus type and distribution in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 16 (0) 60345-60347 [39]. He Zhen, Yasaka Ryosuke, Li Wenfeng, Li Shifang, Ohshima Kazusato*. (2016) Genetic structure of populations of sugarcane streak mosaic virus in China: Comparison with the populations in India. Virus Research. 211 103-116 [40]. He Zhen*, Chen Chunfeng. (2016) First report of Tobacco rattle virus infecting Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) in China. Plant disease. 100 (12) 2543 [41]. He Zhen, Li Wenfeng, Yasaka Ryosuke, Huang Yingkun, Zhang Zhixiang, Ohshima Kazusato, Li Shifang*. (2014) Molecular variability of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus in China based on an analysis of the P1 and CP protein coding regions. Archives of Virology. 159 (5) 1149-1154 [42]. Ge Beibei#, He Zhen#, Zhang Zhixiang, Wang Hongqing, Li Shifang*. (2014) Genetic variation of Potato virus M infecting pepino (Solanum muricatum) in China. Archives of Virology. 159 (12) 3197-3210 (#共同第一作者) [43]. Li Wenfeng#, He Zhen#, Li Shifang*, Huang Yingkun, Zhang Zhixiang, Jiang Dongmei, Wang Xiaoyan, Luo Zhiming. (2011) Molecular characterization of a new strain of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV). Archives of Virology. 156 (11) 2101-2104 (#共同第一作者) [44]. He Zhen, Jiang Dongmei, Liu Aiqin, Sang Liwei, Li Wenfeng, Li Shifang*. (2011) The complete sequence of Cymbidium mosaic virus from Vanilla fragrans in Hainan, China. Virus Genes. 42 (3) 440-443 [45]. Ge BeiBei, He Zhen, Liu Guojie, Zhang Zhixiang, Jiang DongMei, Wang Hongqing*. (2012) Characterization and complete nucleotide sequence of Potato virus M isolated from tomato in China. Acta Virologica. 56 (3) 261-263 [46]. 王智磊, 纪开燕, 赵景奎, 丁诗文, 徐小伟, 秦朗, 张坤, 贺振*. (2023) 李属坏死环斑病毒扬州分离物CP基因的原核表达及抗血清制备. 扬州大学学报. 44 (6): 62-67. [47]. 冯陈尉, 李正刚, 郭枭, 庄新建, 丁诗文, 董卓倬,贺振, 王铁霖, 张坤*. (2023) 地黄花叶病毒河南分离物的CP基因克隆及序列分析. 扬州大学学报. 44 (4): 113-118. [48]. 顾天潇, 冯陈尉, 郭枭, 花滟泓, 贺振, 张坤, 陈佳欢* (2023) 我国主要玉米病毒病的鉴定及分类研究进展. 江苏农业科学. 2023,51(09): 1-9. [49]. 吴圣勇, 谢文, 刘万才, 雷仲仁, 王登杰, 任小云, 张起恺, 吕宝乾, 贺振, 唐良德*. (2023) 我国豇豆蓟马研究进展及综合防控措施. 植物保护. [50]. 赵书平, 吴鹏, 冯凯, 张善文, 缪宏, 贺振, 李良俊*. (2023) 优质轻简高效生产技术(十三) 莲藕优质轻简高效栽培技术规程. 中国蔬菜. (1): 116-120 [51]. 秦朗, 王铁霖, 董卓倬, 徐小伟, 甘海锋, 贺振*. (2022) 安徽亳州地黄叶枯病的病原鉴定. 扬州大学学报. 43 (4): 142-146 [52]. 王凌琪, 董婷婷, 陈雯, 甘海锋, 徐小伟, 秦朗, 李良俊*, 贺振*. (2022) 甘薯潜隐病毒莲藕分离物辅助成分-蛋白酶基因原核表达及抗血清制备. 植物保护. 48 (2):331-337 [53]. 程磊, 董卓倬, 杜用玺, 陈夕军, 姚洁, 王铁霖, 贺振*. (2022) 河南温县地黄轮纹病的病原鉴定. 信阳农林学院学报. 32(2): 89-91+97 [54]. 郭枭, 冯陈尉, 庄新建, 丁诗文, 董卓倬, 贺振, 张坤*. (2022) 地黄花叶病毒河南分离物检测鉴定及其MP序列分析. 扬州大学学报. 43 (3): 102-107 [55]. 庄新建, 郭枭, 丁诗文, 董卓倬, 贺振, 张坤*. (2022) 河南温县地黄上瓜类褪绿黄化病毒的鉴定及其CP序列分析. 植物病理学报. 已接收 [56]. 徐小伟, 陈雯, 丁诗文, 甘海锋, 张坤, 贺振*. (2022) 甘蔗线条花叶病毒P1蛋白基因原核表达及抗血清制备. 植物保护. 48 (2):157-161 [57]. 丁涛, 张坤, 杨进, 陆佩玲, 陈宸, 贺振, 陈夕军*. (2021) 丙硫菌唑与5种常用杀菌剂复配对水稻、小麦纹枯病菌的联合毒力. 现代农药. 20(4): 56-60+64 [58]. 张浩, 庄新建, 郭枭, 徐红梅, 贺振, 张坤*. (2021) 本氏烟转录因子bZIP60多克隆抗血清的制备及其应用. 中国烟草学报. 27(4): 122-126 [59]. 陈宸, 张坤, 丁涛, 冯建国, 杨进, 贺振, 陈夕军*. (2021) 24%丙硫戊唑醇悬浮剂的研制及其对稻麦纹枯病的防治效果. 农药学学报. 23(3): 578-586 [60]. 王铁霖, 秦朗, 杜用玺, 孙楷, 王升, 贺振*. (2021) 菊花病毒病研究进展. 中国现代中药. 23(9): 1655-1663 [61]. 徐红梅, 庄新建, 陈佳欢,甘海锋, 贺振, 张坤*. (2020) 蚕豆常见病毒病的鉴定及分类综述. 江苏农业科学. 48(24): 8-16 [62]. 陈煜文, 何超, 陈夕军*, 贺振, 魏利辉, 刘邮洲, 黄奔立*. (2020) 大葱水提物对辣椒疫病的控制作用及其活性成分分析. 植物保护. 46 (3): 78-84 [63]. 庄新建, 徐红梅, 甘海锋, 贺振, 刘芳, 张坤*. 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(2011) 苹果锈果类病毒山东栖霞样品的分子鉴定及序列分析. 植物保护. 37(2) 91-94   教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 2009.9 2014.6 中国农业科学院研究生院 植物病理学 农学博士学位 2012.10 2014.2 日本国立佐贺大学 植物病理学 2005.9 2009.7 山东农业大学 植物保护 学士学位 暂无内容 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 植物病毒学 国家自然科学基金同行评审专家 扬州市园艺学会会员 2020.12 至今 扬州市林学会森防专委会副主任 植物病理学会会员

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