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姓名 侯旭 性别
学校 长春工业大学 部门 长春工业大学
学位 博士学位 学历 职务:教师
职称 副教授 联系方式 邮箱 : houx@ccut.edu.cn
邮箱 houx@ccut.edu.cn    
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个人简介Personal Profile 侯旭 男 汉族 1988年9月 副教授 硕士导师 籍贯:辽宁省大石桥市 电话: 13821025140 Email: houx@ccut.edu.com 研究方向 目前主要从事裂解工艺、固废资源化、电化学工艺、化工数值模拟的相关研究,包括以石油烃、醇为原料的热、催化裂解工艺,以聚合物为代表的固体废弃物资源化技术,以电容器、电催化为目标的新型能源材料制备,以上相关研究的数值模拟计算等。 教育工作经历 2008.09 - 2012.06 天津大学/化学工程与工艺 学士学位 导师:王莅、韩优教授 2012.09 - 2017.06 天津大学/化学工艺 博士学位 导师:张香文、刘国柱教授 2017.09 - 2020.12 长春工业大学/化学工程学院  校聘副教授 2021.01 -至今 长春工业大学/化学工程学院  副教授 学术兼职 《石油学报(石油加工)》青年编委 主持科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,表面修饰的级孔ZSM-5催化烃类裂解制备低碳烯烃的积炭行为研究,批准号21908010,2020.01-2022.12,主持。 2. 吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术项目,基于石脑油催化裂解的积炭形成机理及抗积炭分子筛催化剂研究,批准号JJKH20191314KJ,2019.01-2020.12,主持。 3. 吉林省教育厅科学技术研究项目,醇烃耦合催化裂解制备低碳烯烃过程研究,批准号JJKH20220694KJ,2022.01-2023.12,主持。 4. 吉林省自然科学基金,基于新型HZSM-5分子筛的石脑油催化裂解制烯烃工艺研究,批准号20220101089JC,2022.01-2024.12,主持。 代表性论文 2024年 1. Hao Zhou, Rufan Xu, Xu Hou*, Chenggong Song, Huimin Qiao, Li Yin*, Jing Huang, Tingting Cui*, Enxian Yuan*, Boosting the efficient combustion of plastic wastes via tailoring the oxygen vacancies of Ce-Zr solid solution, Chemical Engineering Journal 488 (2024) 150911. 2. Chenggong Song, Zhenzhou Ma, Xu Hou*, Hao Zhou, Huimin Qiao, Changchang Tian, Li Yin, Baitang Jin, Enxian Yuan*, HZSM-5 zeolites undergoing the high-temperature process for boosting the bimolecular reaction in n-heptane catalytic cracking, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 66 (2024) 136-144. 3. Hao Zhou, Xu Hou*, Ao Dong, Huimin Qiao, Chenggong Song, Enxian Yuan*, Unraveling the structure‑activity relationship of CeO2 catalysts in the low‑temperature combustion of polymer wastes, Catalysis Letters, 2023, Online. 4. Enxian Yuan*, Yongling Yu, Guojun Shi, Panming Jian, Xu Hou*, Chan Wu, Fabrication of single Co sites in graphitic carbon nitride via the ion exchange to boost aerobic cyclohexane oxidation, Carbon, 217 (2024) 118612. 2023年 1. Huimin Qiao, Xu Hou*, Hao Zhou, Chenggong Song, Li Yin, Jing Huang, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Coupling thermal and catalytic cracking of polymer wastes to boost carbon nanotubes production: Effects of HZSM-5 zeolites, Fuel, 351 (2023) 128821. 2. Huimin Qiao1, Rufan Xu1, Xu Hou*, Hao Zhou, Chenggong Song, Li Yin, Jing Huang, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui, Synthesis of Fe-Al catalysts to boost CNTs formation from polymer wastes via the improved two-stage system, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2023) 111449. 3. Zhenzhou Ma, Xu Hou*, Bochong Chen, Liu Zhao, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Experiment and modeling of coke formation and catalyst deactivation in n-heptane catalytic cracking over HZSM-5 zeolites, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 55 (2023) 165-172. 4. Xinyao Sun, Liu Zhao, Xu Hou*, Hao Zhou, Huimin Qiao, Chenggong Song, Jing Huang, Enxian Yuan*, Screening non-noble metal oxides to boost the low-temperature combustion of polyethylene waste in air, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 58 (2023) 155-162. 5. Chenggong Song, Xu Hou*, Hao Zhou, Huimin Qiao, Li Yin, Jing Huang, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Fabrication of mesopore-rich HZSM-5 to boost the degradation of plastic wastes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25 (2023) 33104. 6. 周浩, 侯旭*, 马振洲, 陈柏冲, 袁恩先*, 崔亭亭, 正庚烷与甲基环己烷的相互作用及其对耦合裂解过程的影响, 石油学报(石油加工), 39(04) (2023) 737-749. 7. 董奥, 赵柳, 周浩, 宋成功, 乔慧敏, 侯旭*, 铈基催化剂催化聚乙烯低温燃烧性能, 石油炼制与化工, 54(10) (2023) 102-109. 8. Enxian Yuan*, Changlong Wang, Chan Wu*, Guojun Shi, Panming Jian, Xu Hou, Constructing hierarchical structures of Pd catalysts to realize reaction pathway regulation of furfural hydroconversion, Journal of Catalysis, 421 (2023) 30-44. 9. Enxian Yuan*, Changlong Wang, Chan Wu*, Guojun Shi, Panming Jian, Xu Hou, Constructing a Pd-Co interface to tailor a d-band center for highly efficient hydroconversion of furfural over cobalt oxide-supported Pd catalysts, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(37) (2023) 43845-43858. 10. Enxian Yuan*, Meixia Zhou, Panming Jian, Xu Hou*, Atomically dispersed Co/C3N4 for boosting aerobic cyclohexane oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 613 (2023) 155886. 11. Jiaxin Wang, Junjie Li, Dandan Liu, Yongjie Wang, Shujing Zhang, Yang Liu, Long Zhao, Xin Xing, Minjie Zhi, Peng Wang*, Xu Hou*, Solubility behavior, Hansen solubility parameters, and thermodynamic modeling of l-leucine in 12 monosolvents from 283.15 to 323.15 K, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 68(10) (2023) 2725-2734. 2022年 1. Xu Hou*, Chenggong Song, Zhenzhou Ma, Bochong Chen, Liu Zhao, Jing Huang, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Universality analysis of the reaction pathway and product distribution in C5-C10 n-alkanes pyrolysis, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 162 (2022) 105451. 2. Jianyu Sun, Yuhang Tian, Jifeng Cao, Qilun Huang, Zilin Fang, Zhenzhou Ma*, Xu Hou*, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Roles of ethanol in coke formation and HZSM-5 deactivation during n-heptane catalytic cracking, New Journal of Chemistry 46 (2022) 3916-3924. 3. Zhenzhou Ma, Xu Hou*, Bochong Chen, Liu Zhao, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Analysis of n-hexane, 1-hexene, cyclohexane and cyclohexene catalytic cracking over HZSM-5 zeolites: Effects of molecular structure, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 7 (2022) 1762-1778. 4. Xu Hou*, Bochong Chen, Zhenzhou Ma, Jintao Zhang, Yuanhang Ning, Donghe Zhang, Liu Zhao, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Empirical modeling of normal/cyclo-alkanes pyrolysis to produce light olefins, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 42 (2022) 389-398. 5. Liu Zhao, Xu Hou*, Zhenzhou Ma, Bochong Chen, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Role of heating condition in polyethylene behaviors under nitrogen and air atmosphere, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, 24 (2022) 27-35. 6. Huimin Qiao1, Zhenzhou Ma1, Xu Hou*, Bochong Chen, Jing Huang, Enxian Yuan*, Tingting Cui*, Roles of molecular structure in the catalytic cracking of n-heptane, methylcyclohexane and cyclopentene over HZSM-5 zeolites, ChemistrySelect, 7 (2022) e202203425. 7. Enxian Yuan*, Meixia Zhou, Guojun Shi, Panming Jian, Xu Hou*, Ultralow-loading single-atom cobalt on graphitic carbon nitrogen with robust Co-N pairs for aerobic cyclohexane oxidation, Nano Research, 15(10) 2022 8791-8803. 2016-2021年 1. Xu Hou*, Liu Zhao, Zhenzhou Ma, Bochong Chen, Jingyuan Feng, Tingting Cui*, Effects of operating conditions on the catalytic performance of HZSM-5 zeolites in n-pentane cracking, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, 23 (2021) 67-75. 2. Xu Hou*, Zhenzhou Ma, Bochong Chen, Jintao Zhang, Yuanhang Ning, Liu Zhao, Enxian Yuan*, Role of normal/cyclo-alkane in hydrocarbons pyrolysis process and product distribution, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 156 (2021) 105130. 3. Xu Hou*, Liu Zhao, Zhenheng Diao, Roles of alkenes and coke formation in the deactivation of ZSM-5 zeolites during n-pentane catalytic cracking, Catalysis Letters, 150 (2020) 2716-2725. 4. Weijun Zhu1, Xingwang Liu1, Xu Hou*, Jiayao Hu, Zhenheng Diao, Application of machine learning to process simulation of n-pentane cracking to produce ethylene and propene, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28 (2020) 1832-1839. 5. Enxian Yuan∗, Ping Ni, Ju Xie, Panming Jian, Xu Hou*, Highly efficient dehydrogenation of 2,3-butanediol induced by metal-support interface over Cu-SiO2 catalysts, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8 (2020) 15716-15731. 6. Xu Hou, Nan Ni, Ya Wang, Weijun Zhu, Yuan Qiu, Zhenheng Diao, Guozhu Liu, Xiangwen Zhang, Roles of the free radical and carbenium ion mechanisms in pentane cracking to produce light olefins, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 138 (2019) 270-280. 7. Xu Hou, Weijun Zhu, Yajie Tian, Yuan Qiu, Zhenheng Diao, Fuxiang Feng, Xiangwen Zhang, Guozhu Liu, Superiority of ZrO2 surface enrichment on ZSM-5 zeolites in n-pentane catalytic cracking to produce light olefins, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 276 (2019) 41-51. 8. Xu Hou, Yuan Qiu, Yajie Tian, Zhenheng Diao, Xiangwen Zhang, Guozhu Liu, Reaction pathways of n-pentane cracking on the fresh and regenerated Sr, Zr and La-loaded ZSM-5 zeolites, Chemical Engineering Journal, 349 (2018) 297-308. 9. Xu Hou, Yuan Qiu, Xiangwen Zhang, Guozhu Liu, Effects of regeneration of ZSM-5 based catalysts on light olefins production in n-pentane catalytic cracking, Chemical Engineering Journal, 321 (2017) 572-583. 10. Xu Hou, Yuan Qiu, Xiangwen Zhang, Guozhu Liu, Analysis of reaction pathways for n-pentane cracking over zeolites to produce light olefins, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307 (2017) 372-381. 11. Xu Hou, Yuan Qiu, Enxian Yuan, Fuqiang Li, Zaizheng Li, Shuang Ji, Zhenning Yang, Guozhu Liu, Xiangwen Zhang, Promotion on light olefins production through modulating the reaction pathways for n-pentane catalytic cracking over ZSM-5 based catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, 543 (2017) 51-60. 12. Xu Hou, Yuan Qiu, Enxian Yuan, Xiangwen Zhang, Guozhu Liu, SO42−/TiO2 promotion on HZSM-5 for catalytic cracking of paraffin, Applied Catalysis A: General, 537 (2017) 12-23. 13. Xu Hou, Yuan Qiu, Xiangwen Zhang, Guozhu Liu, Catalytic cracking of n-pentane over CLD modified HZSM-5 zeolites, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 54580-54588. 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理