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姓名 王大明 性别
学校 吉林大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 教授 联系方式
邮箱 wangdaming@jlu.edu.cn    
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王大明 ( 教授 ) 赞15 的个人主页 https://teachers.jlu.edu.cn/WDM/zh_CN/index.htm   教授 性别 : 男 学历 : 博士研究生毕业 学位 : 博士 在职信息 : 在职 所在单位 : 科研院 办公地点 : 吉林大学麦克德尔米德实验室 个人简介 王大明,男,1982年生,2010年6月获吉林大学高分子化学与物理专业博士学位。2015年4月-2016年1月日本关西学院大学访问学者,2017年9月至今任吉林大学化学学院副教授。研究兴趣:聚酰亚胺功能材料、生物基聚酰亚胺材料、高性能聚合物多孔膜材料特种工程塑料的合成、改性及应用研究 邮箱:wangdaming@jlu.edu.cn办公室:吉林大学麦克德尔米德实验室302室电话:0431-85168335代表性成果:1.       Liu ZX, Wang L, Mi ZM, Jin SZ, Wang DM*, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Chen CH, A carboxyl potassium salt polysulfone (PSF-COOK)-embedded mixed matrix membrane with high permeability and anti-fouling properties for the effective separation of dyes and salts, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 490, 7-172.       Sun NW, Tian XZ, Hong LH, Su KX, Zhou ZW, Jin SZ, Wang DM*, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Chen CH*, Highly stable and fast blue color/fluorescence dual-switching polymer realized through the introduction of ether linkage between tetraphenylethylene and triphenylamine units, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 284, 655-6613.       Liu ZX, Mi ZM, Jin SZ, Wang CB, Wang DM*, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Chen CH, The influence of sulfonated hyperbranched polyethersulfone modified halloysite nanotubes on the compatibility and water separation performance of polyethersulfone hybird ultrafiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 557, 13-234.       Sun NW, Su KX, Zhou ZW, Yu Y, Tian XZ, Wang DM*, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Chen CH*, AIE-Active Polyamide Containing Diphenylamine-TPE Moiety with Superior Electrofluorochromic Performance, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10, 16105-161125.       Mi ZM, Liu ZX, Wang CB, Liu YH, Zhou CJ, Wang DM*, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Zhang YM, Chen CH, Transparent and soluble polyimide films containing 4,4'-isopropylidenedicyclohexanol (cis-HBPA) units: Preparation, characterization, thermal, mechanical and dielectric properties, Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry, 2018, 56, 2115-21286.       Wang CB, Li LL, Jiang HF, Tian DB, Qin W, Liu CW, Zhao XG, Chen CH, Wang DM*, Atomic oxygen effects on silvered polyimide films and their surface modification by poly(siloxane amic acid) ammonium salts, RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 21728-217347.       Meng SY, Sun NW, Su KX, Feng F, Wang SL, Wang DM*, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Chen CH, Optically transparent polyamides bearing phenoxyl, diphenylamine and fluorene units with high-contrast of electrochromic and electrofluorescent behaviors, Polymer, 2017, 116, 89-988.       Liu ZX, Mi ZM, Chen CH, Zhou HW, Zhao XG, Wang DM*, Preparation of hydrophilic and antifouling polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane derived from phenolphthalin by copolymerization method, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 401, 69-789.       Mi ZM, Liu ZX, Tian CS, Zhao XG, Zhou HW, Wang DM*, Chen CH, Soluble polyimides containing 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-d-glucidol and fluorinated units: Preparation, characterization, optical, and dielectric properties,  Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 55, 3253-326510.    Sun NW, Zhou ZW, Chao DM, Chu XJ, Du YL, Zhao XG, Wang DM*, Chen CH, Novel Aromatic Polyamides Containing 2-Diphenylamino-(9,9-dimethylamine) Units as Multicolored Electrochromic and High-Contrast Electrofluorescent Materials,  Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 55, 213-22211.    王大明、刘红蕾、陈春海、周宏伟、赵晓刚,一种含有亚砜结构的预聚体及其制备方法和一种先进复合材料,中国发明专利 ZL201810846713.812.    王大明、王春博、管月、陈春海、党国栋、赵晓刚、周宏伟,一种3-叔丁氧酰胺基-4,4,4-三氟丁酸甲酯的制备方法,中国发明专利 ZL201410647570.X

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