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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 王乐 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 航空学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高 联系方式
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2010-2015,西北工业大学航空学院,讲师 2015-,西北工业大学航空学院,副教授 2001-2005,西北工业大学,飞行器环境与生命保障工程专业,学士 2005-2010,西北工业大学,固体力学专业,博士 2008-2009,英国南安普顿大学,联合培养博士

内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 1.  结构健康监测,本科生课程,24学时 2.  振动与噪声控制,本科生课程,24学时 3.  飞行器振动理论与应用,本科生课程,32学时 4.  理论力学(英文),本科生课程,64学时 5.  振动测试原理与方法(英文),研究生课程,40学时 6.  结构健康监测方法与实践,研究生课程,40学时 内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net


科学研究 Scientific Research 1.  结构健康监测 2.  结构模型修正 3.  结构动力学分析与试验 内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net


学术成果 Academic Achievements 论文 1. Ning Guo, Zhichun Yang, Le Wang, Yan Ouyang, Xinping Zhang. Dynamic model updating based on strain mode shape and natural frequency using hybrid pattern search technique, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 422: 112-130. 2. Le Wang, Ning Guo, Zhichun Yang. Boundary condition identification of tapered beam with flexible supports using static flexibility measurements, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 75: 138-154. 3. Ning Guo, Zhichun Yang, You Jia, Le Wang. Model updating using correlation analysis of strain frequency response function, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 70-71: 284-299. 4. You Jia, Zhichun Yang, Ning Guo, Le Wang. Random dynamic load identification based on error analysis and weighted total least squares method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 358: 111-123. 5. Le Wang, Zhichun Yang. Effect of response type and excitation frequency range on the structural damage detection method using correlation functions of vibration responses, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332(4): 645-653. 6. Le Wang, Zhichun Yang. Identification of boundary conditions of tapered beam-like structures using static flexibility measurements, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2011, 25(7): 2484-2500.  7. Le Wang, Zhichun Yang, T P Waters. Structural damage detection using cross correlation functions of vibration response, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2010, 329(24): 5070-5086.  8. Le Wang, Zhichun Yang, T. P. Waters, Muyu Zhang. Theory of inner product vector and its application to multi-location damage detection, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 305: 012003. 9. Le Wang, T. P. Waters, Zhichun Yang. Structural health monitoring of constrained tapered beamlike structures using natural frequencies and nodal points, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 305: 012067. 10. Zhichun Yang, Le Wang. Structural damage detection by changes in natural frequencies, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2010, 21(3): 309-319. 11. Zhichun Yang, Le Wang, Hui Wang, Yan Ding, Xiaojuan Dang. Damage detection in composite structures using vibration response under stochastic excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 325(4-5): 755-768. 基金项目 1. 结构动强度评估的多尺度动力学有限元模型修正方法,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,2015-2017 2. 结构动强度分析的精细化建模与试验,航天一院高校联合创新基金,2014-2015 3. 结构边界条件参数识别及其损伤检测研究,西北工业大学中央高校基本科研业务费,2014-2015 4. 基于振动响应相关性分析的结构在线损伤检测方法研究,西北工业大学基础研究基金,2011-2013 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理


社会兼职 Social Appointments 《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》、《Structural Health Monitoring》、《Engineering Structures》、《International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration》、《Shock and Vibration》、《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》等国际期刊审稿人

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