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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 耿小亮 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高 联系方式
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教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招收攻读工程力学、固体力学、航空工程和航空发动机工程专业的硕士研究生。学生本科专业背景:力学;机械;材料或相近专业。 内容来自集群智慧云企服


科学研究 Scientific Research 当前研究方向:复合材料与3D打印点阵材料的细观尺度变形与损伤;高温、深冷、热力耦合、高应变速率等条件下材料与结构的力学特性;先进材料、飞行器结构的力学试验、仿真与评估技术。主持基金项目:1 国家自然基金:“基于细观分析的微细切削机理和力学模型研究”2 航空科学基金:“基于细观尺度的错位拼接式铺层复合材料的力学行为研究”3 航空科学基金:“基于证据理论的导弹弹翼展开机构可靠性分析及软件平台开发”4  国防重点实验室基金:“基于3D 打印的混合结构减振优设计技术研究”主持其他横向科研项目60项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文30篇,SCI索引12篇,EI索引11篇,ISTP索引1篇。

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学术成果 Academic Achievements 近年来代表性论文:Zhiyuan Xue, Xiaoliang Geng, Xin Li, Yiqun Cao, Jiale Zhang, Ayber Aydeng & Jun Liu (11 Oct 2023): Compressive mechanical properties of lattice structures filled with silicone rubber, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2023.2265354Lei Huang, Xiaoliang Geng, Haolong Li, Kai Jia, Jiaxin Liu, Zhiyuan Xue, Aybar Aydeng, Wanwan Xi, Hengliang Liang, Thermal Response of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyimide Composite Laminate Coated with Highly Oriented Graphite Film Under Heating on Single Side, Applied Composite Materials (2023) 30:857–870, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10443-023-10120-0 Haolong Li, Xiaoliang Geng, Lei Huang, Jiaxin Liu, Kai Jia, Zhiyuan Xue, Ayber Aydeng, Effect of surface quality on the fracture behavior of 3D printed lattice structures, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 43 (2023) 170–180Yiqun Cao, Xiaoliang Geng, Hui Han, Yahui Lu, Jun Wang and Changan Zhao,Experimental and numerical investigation on the buckling of 3D printed sandwich structure with lattice core,Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 2022, Vol. 24(6) 1923–1940朱星宏, 李伟男, 耿小亮, 等. 某型导弹伸缩翼展开可靠性评估[J]. 航空工程进展, 2021, 12(2): 122-130.ZHU Xinghong, LI Weinan, GENG Xiaoliang, et al. Reliability evaluation of a certain missile's telescopic wing deployment[J]. Advances in Aeronautical Science and Engineering, 2021, 12(2): 122-130. (in Chinese)Geng Xiaoliang, Lu Yahui, Liu Chao, Li Weinan, YueZhufeng, Fracture characteristic analysis of cellular lattice structures under tensile load. International Journal of Solids and Structures, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.01.006Geng X, Ma L, Liu C, et al. A FEM study on mechanical behavior of cellular lattice materials based on combined elements. MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A, 2018, 712(17):188-198. Geng, Xiaoliang, Dou, Wang, Deng, Junyan, et al. .Simulation of the orthogonal cutting of OFHC copper based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY. 2017, 91(1-4), 265-272.Geng, Xiaoliang;Dou, Wang;Deng, Junyan. Simulation of the cutting sequence of AISI 316L steel based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY.2017,89(1-4),643-650. X Geng, F Ji, Jiu Wang, Experimental and numerical investigations of compression stability of stiffened composite panel with ply interleaving,Journal of Composite Materials,  2017, Vol. 51(26) 3647–3656Geng, XL ; Wang, B ; Zhang, YJ ; Huang, JX ; Duan, MM; Zhang, KS, Effect of crystalline anisotropy and forming conditions on thinning and rupturing in deep drawing of copper single crystal, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 2013, 213(4) :574-580 (SCI: WOS:000315311300007, EI: IP52363690)王犇, 耿小亮, 钟安彪,复合材料后压力框开口增强方式的比较研究,工程力学,2014, 31(12), 241-248段苗苗,耿小亮,张永久,黄剑贤,岳珠峰,孔挤压过程中孔边应力应变演化规律的试验与模拟研究,工程力学,2013,30(11):55-60张永久, 耿小亮,甘建,岳珠峰,考虑损伤和界面脱粘的复合材料加筋板稳定性试验与模拟研究, 应用力学学报,2013, 30(1): 19-24黄剑贤,耿小亮,张永久,段苗苗,岳珠峰,甘建,错位铺层拼接层合板承载机制的试验与模拟研究, 应用力学学报,2013, 30(5): 787-791 (EI)耿小亮,张克实,郭运强,秦亮,非均质材料微成形过程的晶体塑性模拟,材料科学与工艺,2010,18(3): 297-301(EI: 20102813067767)XL Geng, KS Zhang, YQ Guo, L Qin,Experimental and Numerical Study of Micro Deep Drawing of Copper Single Crystal,Computers, Materials, & Continua,2009, 13(1): 1-15(SCI: WOS:000277067800001,EI:20101312802982) 专著:刘军,耿小亮,王富生,典型飞机结构长寿命设计及试验技术,国防工业出版社,2016年 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理


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