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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 晁许江 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 机电学院
学位 工学博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高 联系方式
邮箱 xchao_me@nwpu.edu.cn    
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综合介绍 General Introduction 个人相册 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2022-至今, 西北工业大学,机电学院,准聘副教授,硕士生导师2020-2022,香港理工大学,智能可穿戴系统研究院&智慧能源研究院,博士后研究员 2010.09 - 2014.07,西北工业大学机电学院,机械设计制造及其自动化专业,本科2014.09 - 2020.06,西北工业大学机电学院,机械制造及其自动化专业,博士研究生

内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net


获奖信息 The winning information 1、入选国家级创新团队(2024年)2、陕西省高等学校科学技术奖“特等奖”(2021年)3、西北工业大学优秀博士学位论文(2022年)4、Polyu Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship (2021)5、西北工业大学博士研究生优秀毕业生(2021年)6、西北工业大学优秀本科毕业论文奖(2014) 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究兴趣1、极端环境复合材料结构使役行为数值评估:2、力/热/电学超材料结构设计;3、力学驱动的智能传感&智慧能源器件结构优化设计;

内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理


学术成果 Academic Achievements 谷歌学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-xX4S0EAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao; Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xujiang-Chao?ev=hdr_xprf *入职西工大后*...2024年   [18] Jinhao Xu, Fei Liang, Zhaokun Wang, Xujiang Chao, Yuheng, Ning Li  Haiqing Liu, Jun Wan, Xiaohui Zhang, Bing Li, Dongliang Zhao, Dahua Shou, A durable, breathable, and weather-adaptive coating driven by particle self-assembly for radiative cooling and energy harvesting [J], Nano Energy, 2024, 124:149729 (IF: 17.6)[17] Ruirui Zhang, Lehua Qi*,  Xujiang Chao*, Hongcheng Lian, Jun Luo, Siwei Chen, A highly stable and sensitive sensor with linear response enabled by embedded droplet printing and bio-inspired design [J], Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 485:149729 (IF: 15.1)[16] Jianing Niu, Lehua Qi,  Hongcheng Lian, Jun Luo, Ruirui Zhang, Xujiang Chao, Revisiting the inhomogeneity in drop-on-demand printing of graphene: An effective route for overcoming the coffee-ring effect [J], Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024, 46:104036 (IF: 6.2)[15] Jian Ge, Xujiang Chao*, Wenlong Tian, Shouyang Zhang, Lehua Qi*, Numerical mapping relationship between process parameters and mechanical properties of unidirectional carbon/carbon composites [J], International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 267:109008 (IF: 7.3)2023年   [14] Jianing Niu, Xujiang Chao*, Hongcheng Lian, Jun Luo, Lehua Qi, A Novel Stacked-graphene-line Printing Method Enabled by Droplet Ejection and Micro-pen Writing [J], 2023 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), 2023, 145-148 (Best Student Paper Award)[13] Yixuan Ma, Tao Hua, Yiyi Yang, Xiao Tian, Ben Niu, , Xujiang Chao, Predicting the Pressure Behavior and Sensing Property of Elastic Pressure Exerting and Sensing Fabrics for Compression Textiles [J], ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 42:49402–49417 (IF: 9.5)[12] Jian Ge, Lehua Qi, Wenlong Tian, Wei Li, Xujiang Chao, Hierarchical evaluation of effective thermal conductivities of needled composites [J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 192:111077 (IF: 6.4)[11] Lin Su, Lehua Qi, Hongcheng Lian, Jun Luo, Yi Zhou, Yibo Dou, Xujiang Chao, A new strategy for eliminating bottom hole defects during aluminum droplet printing within a broad temperature range[J], Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 319: 118079,(IF: 6.3)[10] Cheng Yang, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao*, Jiancheng Wang, Jian Ge, Highly thermal conductive Csf/Mg composites by in-situ constructing the unidirectional configuration of short carbon fibers [J], Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 470:144327 (IF: 16.744)[9] Xujiang Chao, Haoteng Hu, Lehua Qi*, Cheng Yang, Wenlong Tian, Dahua Shou*, An asymptotic homogenization model for evaluating the mechanical properties of random fiber reinforced composites with high volume fraction [J], Composites Communications, 2023, 101633 (IF: 7.568)[8] 田文龙, 齐乐华, 晁许江. 基于有限元压缩方法的复合材料RVE创建. 力学学报, 2023, 55(6): 1-11;Tian Wenlong, Qi Lehua, Chao Xujiang. An efficient FE compression method for generating the RVEs of composites. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2023, 55(6): 1-11[7] Wenlong Tian*, Lin Xu, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao, Minimum potential method appropriate to generate 2D RVEs of composites with high fiber volume fraction [J], Composite Structures, 2023, 318:117070, (IF: 6.603)[6] Yutai Su, Ziyi Shen, Xu Long*, Chuantong Chen, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao*, Gaussian filtering method of evaluating the elastic/elasto-plastic properties of sintered nanocomposites with quasi-continuous volume distribution [J], Materials Science & Engineering A, 2023, 872:145001, (IF: 6.044)[5] Ziqi Li, Xujiang Chao, Andrew Balilonda, Wei Chen*, Scalable Van Der Waals Graphene Films for Electro-Optical Regulation and Thermal Camouflage [J], InfoMat, 2023:e12418, (IF: 24.798)[4] Shudong Yu*, Yuheng Gu, Xujiang Chao, Guanghan Huang, Dahua Shou*, Recent advances in interfacial solar vapor generation: clean water production and beyond [J], Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, (IF: 14.5, 当选为期刊封面文章,ESI高被引论文) [3] Cheng Yang, Lehua Qi*, Wenlong Tian*, Xujiang Chao, Jian Ge, Effect of short carbon fibers on the thermal conductivities of Csf/AZ91D composites [J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 942:168988 (IF: 6.371)[2] Jian Ge, Lehua Qi*, Wenlong Tian,  Xujiang Chao, Wei Li, Hejun Li, Numerical evaluation of effective elastic properties of CVI-C/C composites considering anisotropic matrix [J], Composite Structures, 2023, 306:116561 (IF: 6.603)[1] Xujiang Chao, Lehua Qi*, Wenjing Ma, Jian Ge, Wenlong Tian, Monte carlo based strategy to simulate the microstructure evolution of the short-fiber reinforced metal matrix composites [J], Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33: 104275. (IF: 3.662)*入职西工大前*[1] Xujiang Chao, Wenlong, Tian, Feng Xu, Dahua Shou*, A Fractal Model of Effective Mechanical Properties of Porous Composites [J], Composites Science & Technology, 2021, 213: 108957. (中科院大区1区,IF: 9.879)[2] Liang Fei#, Xujiang Chao#, Shudong Yu, Yuheng Gu, Xiaohui Zhang, Xin Wei, Jintu Fan, Xiao-ming Tao, Dahua Shou*, An All-Fabric Droplet-Based Energy Harvester with Topology Optimization [J], Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 2102991(共同1作,中科院大区1区,IF: 29.698)[3] Xujiang Chao, Dingyi Jiang, Xin Wei, Fei Liang, Yuheng Gu, Dahua Shou*, Fractal-based model for evaluating the filtration efficiency of the non-woven fbrous composites [J], Fractals, 2022 (中科院大区2区,IF:4.555)[4] Xujiang Chao, Lehua Qi*, Wenlong Tian, Xianghui Hou, WenJing Ma, Hejun Li, Numerical evaluation of the influence of porosity on bending properties of 2D carbon/carbon composites [J], Composites Part B: Engineering, 2018, 136: 72-80. (中科院大区1区,IF: 11.322) [5] Qi Lehua*, Chao Xujiang, Tian Wenlong, Wenjing Ma, Hejun Li. Numerical study of the effects of irregular pores on transverse mechanical properties of unidirectional composites[J], Composites Science & Technology, 2018, 159:142-151. (中科院大区1区,IF: 9.879)[6] Xujiang Chao, Lehua Qi *, Jing Cheng, Wenlong Tian, Shouyang Zhang, Hejun Li. Numerical evaluation of the effect of pores on effective elastic properties of Carbon/Carbon composites [J]. Composite Structures, 2018, 196: 108-116. (中科院大区1区,IF: 6.603)[7] Xujiang Chao, Lehua Qi*, Wenlong Tian, Yufei Lu, Hejun Li. Potential of porous pyrolytic carbon for producing zero thermal expansion coefficient composites: a multi-scale numerical evaluation [J], Composite Structures. 2020, 235:111819. (中科院大区1区,IF: 6.603)[8] Xiaohui Zhang#, Xujiang Chao#, Lun Lou, Jintu Fan, Qing Chen, Bing Li, Lin Ye, Dahua Shou*, Personal thermal management by thermally conductive composites: A review [J], Composites Communications, 2021, 23:100595 (共同1作,中科院大区2区,IF: 7.568,ESI高被引论文)[9] Xujiang Chao, Lehua Qi*, Wenlong Tian, Kaike Yang, Hejun Li. Evaluation for interfacial fracture of fiber-reinforced pyrocarbon matrix composites by using a zero-thickness cohesive approach [J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 820: 153378. (中科院小区1区,IF: 6.371)[10] Wenlong Tian*, Lu Zhu, Xujiang Chao, Lehua Qi*, M.W. Fu, Micro-mechanics of the mechanical properties of composites with fractal fiber length distribution [J], Fractals. 2022[11] Jian Ge, Wei Li*, Xujiang Chao, Hanhui Wang, Zhaowei Wang, Lehua Qi*, Experiment-based numerical evaluation of the surface recession of C/C–SiC composites under the high-energy laser [J], Ceramics International. 2022, 48:34550-34563[12] Wenlong Tian, Xujiang Chao, M.W. Fu*, Lehua Qi*, An algorithm for generation of RVEs of composites with high particle volume fractions[J], Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 207:108714 [13] Wenlong Tian*, Xujiang Chao, M.W. Fu, Lehua Qi*, An advanced method for efficiently generating composite RVEs with specified particle orientation [J], Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 205:108647 [14] Wenlong Tian, Xujiang Chao, M.W. Fu*, Lehua Qi*, Luyan Ju, New numerical algorithm for the periodic boundary condition for predicting the coefficients of thermal expansion of composites [J], Mechanics of Materials, 2021, 154:103737 [15] Jian Ge, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao, Yibei Xue, Xianghui Hou, Hejun Li, The effects of interphase parameters on transverse elastic properties of Carbon–Carbon composites based on FE model [J], Composite Structures, 2021, 268:113961[16] Wenlong Tian, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao, Junhao Liang, Mingwang Fu*, Periodic boundary condition and its numerical implementation algorithm for the evaluation of effective mechanical properties of the composites with complicated micro-structures [J], Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 162: 1-10. [17] Wenlong Tian, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao, Luyan Ju, Shaolin Li, Junhao Liang. Experimental and multi-scale numerical evaluations for effective mechanical properties of 2-D Cf/Mg composites [J]. Composite Structures, 2018, 189: 1-8. [18] Wenlong Tian, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao, Junhao Liang, M.W. Fu*, A new interpolative homogenization model for evaluation of the effective elasto-plastic responses of two-phase composites [J], Composite Structures, 2019, 210: 810-821. [19] Wenlong Tian, Lehua Qi*, Xujiang Chao, Junhao Liang, M.W. Fu*, Numerical evaluation on the effective thermal conductivity of the composites with discontinuous inclusions: Periodic boundary condition and its numerical algorithm [J], International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 735-751. [20] Ting Zhang, Jiawei Fu*, Zhuqing Lu, Xujiang Chao, Jiming Zhou, Lehua Qi*, Strengthening mechanism of SiC nanowires on microhardness of AZ91D-based composites [J], Ceramics International, 2021, 47: 30310-30318 [21] Ting Zhang, Lehua Qi*, Shaolin Li, Xujiang Chao, Wenlong Tian, Jiming Zhou. Evaluation of the effect of PyC coating thickness on the mechanical properties of T700 carbon fiber tows [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 463: 310-321. [22] Wenlong Tian, M.W. Fu*, Lehua Qi, Xujiang Chao, Junhao Liang, Interphase model for FE prediction of the effective thermal conductivity of the composites with imperfect interfaces [J], International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 145. [23] Ting Zhang, Lehua Qi*, Jiawei Fu*, Xujiang Chao, Wei Li, Hejun Li, Microstructure and thermal expansion behavior of a novel Cf-SiCNWs/AZ91D composite with dual interface [J], Ceramics International, 2019. [24] Wenlong Tian, Lehua Qi*, Junhao Liang, Xujiang Chao, Jiming Zhou, Evaluation for elastic properties of metal matrix composites with randomly distributed fibers: Two-step mean-field homogenization procedure versus FE homogenization method [J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 658: 241-247. [25] Junhao Liang, Hejun Li, Lehua Qi*, Wenlong Tian, Xuefeng Li, Xujiang Chao, Jianfeng Wei, Fabrication and mechanical properties of CNTs/Mg composites prepared by combining friction stir processing and ultrasonic assisted extrusion [J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 728: 282-288. [26] Ting Zhang, Lehua Qi*, Jiawei Fu*, Jiming Zhou, Xujiang Chao, Effect of SiC nanowires addition on the interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of the Cf-SiCNWs/AZ91D composite [J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 776:746-756. [27] Yixian Li, Lehua Qi *, Yongshan Song, Xujiang Chao. Quantitative characterization of the carbon/carbon composites components based on video of polarized light microscope [J]. Microscopy Research and Technique, 2017, 80(6):644-651. 内容来自集群智慧云企服 www.jiqunzhihui.net


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