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姓名 叶涛 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 机电学院
学位 哲学博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高 联系方式
邮箱 yetao@nwpu.edu.cn    
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综合介绍 General Introduction 叶涛,教授/博导,国家级青年人才,陕西省微/纳米系统重点实验室副主任,博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,在新加坡南洋理工大学和美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学完成博士后研究。曾获得2017年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金和新加坡教育部研究奖学金。在国外留学、工作期间撰写并参与了多项前沿尖端科研项目(书)。课题组经费充足,面向国家重大需求和国际学术前沿开展研究,主要研究方向为:智能微能源系统、长自持无人集群、柔性感知微系统、晶上系统(3D封装)等。 个人相册 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2022年1月至今 西北工业大学 机电学院 教授/博导美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程系 博士后(Postdoctoral Scholar)新加坡南洋理工大学能源研究所 博士后(Research Fellow) 新加坡国立大学    工学院       机械工程系   博士(PhD)吉林大学       汽车工程学院   车辆工程专业  本科(学士) 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理


社会兼职 Social Appointments 中国微米纳米技术学会特种微纳器件与系统分会理事。国际SCI期刊Composites and Advanced Materials副主编 (Associate Editor)。国际SCI期刊Journal of Materials Science & Technology和Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A的青年编委国际著名期刊J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Adv. Mater.; Energy Environ. Sci.; ACS Energy Lett.; Adv. Funct. Mater.; Matter; Nano Energy等的审稿人。

内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net


科学研究 Scientific Research 面向国家重大需求和国际学术前沿开展研究,主要研究方向为:智能微能源系统、长自持无人集群、柔性感知微系统、晶上系统(3D封装)等。欢迎感兴趣的机械(微纳制造)、集成电路、电气、材料、自动化、大数据等学科专业的各层次青年人才加盟。主持的纵向科研项目:国家某部委重点基础研究项目(课题2) 2023.06-2027.06国家某部委创新特区项目              2022.09-2024.09国家级青年人才项目                  2022.01-2024.12 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理


学术成果 Academic Achievements 2023年:10. W. He, J. Deng* (通讯作者), B. Ma* (通讯作者), K. Tao, Z. Zhang, S. Ramakrishna, W. Yuan, T. Ye* (通讯作者), Recent Advancements of Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting of Human Tissues and Organs. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2023, in press.9. K. Tao, J. Yu, J. Zhang, A. Bao, H. Hu, Tao Ye, Q. Ding, Y. Wang, H. Lin, J. Wu, H. Chang, H. Zhang, W. Yuan, Deep-Learning Enabled Active Biomimetic Multifunctional Hydrogel Electronic Skin. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 16, 16160–16173.8. J. Liu,  T. Ye,  D. Yu,  S. Liu,  D. Yang, Recoverable Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells for Next-Generation Portable Power Sources. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202307225.7. Y. Hou, H. Wu, J. Yoon, L. Zheng, D. Yang, T. Ye, K. Wang, K. Wang, S. Priya, Self‐Assembly of 0D/3D Perovskite Bi‐Layer from a Micro‐Emulsion Ink. Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 2300570.6. X. Zhang (本科生一作), J. Zheng, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, L. Zheng, A. Nozariasbmarz, K. Tao, B. Ma, B. Poudel, K. Wang, T. Ye* (通讯作者), Solvent-free synthetic protocols for halide perovskites. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 3468-3488. (Invited)5. D. Yang, R. Yang, C. Zhang, T. Ye, K. Wang, Y. Hou, L. Zheng, S. Priya, S. Liu, Highest‐Efficiency Flexible Perovskite Solar Module by Interface Engineering for Efficient Charge‐Transfer. Adv. Mater. 2023, 2302484.4.G. Pei, B. Ma* (通讯作者), T. Ye* (通讯作者), Z. Zhang, K. Zhao, J. Deng, S. Ramakrishna, J. Luo* (通讯作者), Single Crystal-Single Crystal Bonding of Langasite Exhibited High Strength of 23.28 MPa. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2023, 160, 139-147.3. K. Zhao, P. Pang B. Ma, X. Zhang, J. Luo, T. Ye, Z. Zhang, G. Pei, Y. Liu, T. Zhang, W. Gao, J. Deng, Enhanced performance of weak magnetic field sensor based on laminated cantilever: theoretical analysis and experimental verification. IEEE Sens. J. 2023, 23, 10350-10358.2. O. Mohamed, T. Ye (共同一作), X. Li, S. Ma, D. Wu, L. Wei, X. Tang, S. Ramakrishna, Q. Zhu, S. Xiong, C. Vijila, X. Wang, J. Xu, Two Quasi-interfacial pn Junctions Observed by a Dual-Irradiation System in Perovskite Solar Cells. NPJ Flex. Electron. 2023, 7, 23.1. Y. Hou, J. Li, J. Yoon, A. Knoepfel, D. Yang, L. Zheng, T. Ye, S. Ghosh, S. Priya, K. Wang, Retina-Inspired Narrowband Perovskite Sensor Array for Panchromatic Imaging. Sci. Adv. 2023, 9, eade2338.部分发明专利(本人为第一发明人):1.一种微型太阳能无人机系统2.一种高效率、微型化的最大功率追踪电路芯片系统3.具有 TSV 导电通孔的多层互连硅转接板及其制备方法和应用2022年:7. L. Zheng, A. Nozariasbmarz, Y. Hou, J. Yoon, W. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Wu, D. Yang, T. Ye, M. Sanghadasa, K. Wang, B. Poudel, S. Priya, K. Wang, A universal all-solid synthesis for high throughput production of halide perovskite. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 7399.6. K. Tao, Z. Zhao, X. Mao, W. Shen, C. Qiu, H. Qi, T. Ye, X. Zhang, J. Wu, K. Fan, H. Chang, W. Yuan, Direct-current, long-lasting and highly efficient electret energy harvesting from ultra-low-frequency motions using toothed clutch mechanism. Nano Energy 2023, 105, 107998.5. Z. Zhang, G. Pei, K. Zhao, P. Pang, W. Gao, T. Ye* (通讯作者), B. Ma* (通讯作者), J. Luo* (通讯作者), J. Deng, Fresnel Diffraction Strategy Enables the Fabrication of Flexible Superomniphobic Surface. Langmuir 2022, 38, 47, 14508–14516.4. C. Duan, Z. Liang, J. Cao, B. Jin, Y. Ming, S. Wang, B. Ma, T. Ye* (通讯作者), C. Wu, Balancing Lattice Strain by Embedded Ionic Liquid for the Stabilization of Formamidinium-Based Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 38, 43298–43307.3. Z. Zhang, B. Ma* (通讯作者), T. Ye* (通讯作者), W. Gao, G. Pei, J. Luo* (通讯作者), J. Deng, W. Yuan, One-Step-Fabrication of Flexible Bioinspired Superomniphobic Surfaces. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 39665–39672.2. S. Ma, B. Ma* (通讯作者), J. Luo, X. Zhang, N. Zhang, G. Fan, S. Ramakrishna, T. Ye* (通讯作者), Small Molecule Induced Modulation of Grain Crystallization and Ion Migration Leads to High-Performance MAPbI3 Mini-Module. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2022, 5, 9471–9478.1. S. Ma, Z. Wang, Y. Zhu, Y. Tang, G. Fan, B. Ma, T. Ye* (通讯作者), L. Wei*, Micro/Nanofiber Fabrication Technologies for Wearable Sensors: a Review. J. Micromech. Microeng. 2022, 32, 064002. (Invited)2022年之前:专著/章节1. S. Ma, T. Ye, Electrospinning Nanofibers, 7th book chapter in ‘Advanced Fiber Sensing Technologies’, Springer-Nature, ISSN 2363-5096, ISSN 2363-510X (electronic), DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5507-7.主要期刊论文:1. T. Ye* (一作兼通讯作者), K. Wang, Y. Hou, D. Yang, N. Smith, B. Magill, J. Yoon, R. R. H. H. Mudiyanselage, G. A. Khodaparast, K. Wang, S. Priya, Ambient-Air-Stable Lead-Free CsSnI3 Solar Cells with Greater than 7.5% efficiency. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 11, 4319-4328. (ESI高被引论文)2. K. Wang, C. Wu, Y. Hou, D. Yang, T. Ye* (通讯作者), J. Yoon, M. Sanghadasa, S. Priya, Isothermally Crystallize Perovskites at Room-Temperature. Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 3412-3422. (ESI高被引论文)3. T. Ye* (一作兼通讯作者), Y. Hou, A. Nozariasbmarz, D. Yang, J. Yoon, L. Zheng, K. Wang, K. Wang, S. Ramakrishna, S. Priya, Cost-Effective High-Performance Charge-Carrier-Transport-Layer-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Achieved by Suppressing Ion Migration. ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 3044-3052. 4. T. Ye* (一作兼通讯作者), X. Wang, K. Wang, S. Ma, D. Yang, Y. Hou, J. Yoon, K. Wang, S. Priya, Localized electron density engineering for stabilized B-γ CsSnI3-based perovskite solar cells with efficiencies >10%. ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 1480-1489. (ESI热点、高被引论文)5. T. Ye, A. Bruno, G. Han, T. M. Koh, J. Li, N. F. Jamaludin, C. Soci, S. G. Mhaisalkar, W. L. Leong, Efficient and Ambient-air-stable Solar Cell with Highly Oriented 2D@3D Perovskites. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1801654.6. T. Ye, S. Ma, X. Jiang, L. Wei, C. Vijila, S. Ramakrishna, Performance Enhancement of Tri-cation and Dual-anion Mixed Perovskite Solar Cells by Au@SiO2 Nanoparticles. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1606545.7. K. Wang, T. Ye (共同一作), X. Huang, Y. Hou, J. Yoon, D. Yang, X. Hu, X. Jiang, C. Wu, G. Zhou, S. Priya, "One-Key-Reset" Recycling of Whole Perovskite Solar Cell. Matter 2021, 4, 2522-2541. 8. T. Ye* (一作兼通讯作者), K. Wang, S. Ma, C. Wu, Y. Hou, D. Yang, K. Wang, S. Priya, Strain-Relaxed Tetragonal MAPbI3 Results in Efficient Mesoporous Solar Cells. Nano Energy 2021, 83, 105788.9. T. Ye, L. Pan, Y. Yang, Q. Liang, Y. Lu, M. Sui, D. Golberg, X. Wang, Synthesis of Highly-Oriented Black CsPbI3 Microstructures for High-Performance Solar Cells. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 3235-3244.10. L. Pan, T. Ye (共同一作), C. Qin, B. Zhou, N. Lei, S. Chen, P. Yan, X. Wang, α-CsPbI3 Nanocrystals by Ultraviolet Light-Driven Oriented Attachment. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 913-919.11. S. Ma, X. Gu, A. K. K. Kyaw, D. H. Wang, S. Priya, T. Ye* (通讯作者), Fully-Inorganic CsSnI3-Based Solar Cells with >6% Efficiency and Enhanced Stability Enabled by Mixed Electron Transport Layer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 1, 1345-1352. 12. F. Lu, M. Zhou, K. Su, T. Ye* (通讯作者), Y. Yang, T. D. Lam, Y. Bando, X. Wang, Enhancing Capacitance of Nickel Cobalt Chalcogenide via Interface Structural Design. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 11, 2082-2092.13. T. Ye, M. Petrovic, S. Peng, J. L. K. Yoong, C. Vijila, S. Ramakrishna, Enhanced Charge Carriers Transport and Device Performance Through Dual-cesium Doping in Mixed-cation Perovskite Solar Cells with Near Unity Free Carrier Ratio. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 2358-2368.14. T. Ye, B. Zhou, F. Zhan, F. Yuan, S. Ramakrishna, D. Golberg, X. Wang, Below 200 °C Fabrication Strategy of Black‐Phase CsPbI3 Film for Ambient‐Air‐Stable Solar Cells. Solar RRL 2020, 4, 2000014.15. T. Ye, X. Wang, X. Li, A. Q. Yan, S. Ramakrishna, J. Xu, Ultra-High Seebeck Coefficient and Low Thermal Conductivity of Centimeter-sized Perovskite Single Crystal Acquired by a Modified Fast Growth Method. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5, 1255-1260. 16. H. Yang, Y. Zhou, Y. Yang, D. Yi, T. Ye* (通讯作者), T. D. Lam, D. Golberg, B. Bao, J. Yao, X. Wang, Crystal Facet Engineering Induced Anisotropic Transport of Charge Carriers in a Perovskite. J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 11707-11713.17. T. Ye, S. Ma, X. Jiang, M. Petrovic, C. Vijila, S. Ramakrishna, L. Wei, Electrosprayed TiO2 Nanoporous Hemi-spheres for Enhanced Electron Transport and Device Performance of Formamidinium Based Perovskite Solar Cell. Nanoscale 2017, 9, 412-420. 18. S. Ma, T. Ye (共同一作), T. Wu, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, S. Ramakrishna, C. Vijila, L. Wei, Hollow Rice Grain-shaped TiO2 Nanostructures for High-efficiency and Large-area Perovskite Solar Cells. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 2019,191, 389-398. 19. T. Ye, G. Han, A. Surendran, J. Li, T. M. Koh, S. G. Mhaisalkar, W. L. Leong, Large area, high efficiency and stable perovskite solar cells enabled by fine control of intermediate phase. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 2019, 201, 110113. 20. T. Ye, S.-L. Lim, X. Li, M. Petrovic, X. Wang, C. Jiang, W.-P. Goh, C. Vijila, S. Ramakrishna, Pinhole-free mixed perovskite film for bending durable mixed perovskite solar cells. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 2018, 175, 111-117. 21. T. Ye, J. Xing, M. Petrovic, S. Chen, C. Vijila, G. S. Subramanian, T. C. Sum, B. Liu, Q. Xiong, S. Ramakrishna, Temperature Effect of the Compact TiO2 Layer in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells: an Interfacial Electrical, Optical and Carrier Mobility Study. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 2017, 163, 242-249.22. N. Lei, L. Pan, T. Ye* (通讯作者), S. Chen, X. Wang, Whether Addition of Phenethylammonium Ion is Always Beneficial to Stability Enhancement of MAPbI3 Perovskite Film? Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 2000197. 23. T. Ye, X. Jiang, D. Wan, X. Wang, J. Xing, T. Venkatesan, Q. Xiong, S. Ramakrishna, Ultrafast Photogenerated Hole Extraction/Transport Behavior in a CH3NH3PbI3/Carbon Nanocomposite and Its Application in a Metal‐Electrode‐Free Solar Cell. ChemPhysChem 2016, 17, 4102-4109. 24. T. Ye, J. Lee, S. Peng, S. Ramakrishna, In Response: Applications of carbon-based nanomaterials for water treatment-A business perspective. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2015, 34, 957-958. 25. K. Wang, L. Zheng, Y. Hou, A. Nozariasbmarz, B. Poudel, J. Yoon, T. Ye, D. Yang, A. V. Pogrebnyakov, V. Gopalan, S. Priya, Overcoming Shockley-Queisser limit using halide perovskite platform? Joule 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2022.01.009.26. J. Yoon, Y. Hou, A. Knoepfel, D. Yang, T. Ye, L. Zheng, N. Yennawar, M. Sanghadasa, S. Priya, K. Wang, Bio-Inspired Strategies for Next-Generation Solar Mobile Power Sources. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 12915-12984. 27. Y. Yang, S. Q. Wang, H. Wen, T. Ye, J. Chen, C. P. Li, M. Du, Nanoporous Gold Embedded ZIF Composite for Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrogen Fixation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 131, 15506-15510. 28. M. Petrovic, T. Ye, V. Chellappan, S. Ramakrishna, Influence of charge transport and defects on the performance of planar and mesostructured perovskite solar cells. Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 7, 1602610. 29. Y. Hou, C. Wu, X. Huang, D. Yang, T. Ye, J. Yoon, R. Sriramdas, K. Wang, S. Priya. Self‐Powered Red/UV Narrowband Photodetector by Unbalanced Charge Carrier Transport Strategy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2007016. 30. C. Wu, K. Wang, Y. Jiang, D. Yang, Y. Hou, T. Ye, C. S. Han, B. Chi, L. Zhao, S. Wang, W. Deng, S. Priya All Electrospray Printing of Carbon‐Based Cost‐Effective Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2006803.31. D. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. Hou, K. Wang, T. Ye, J. Yoon, C. Wu, M. Sanghadasa, S. F. Liu, S. Priya, 28.3%-efficiency perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell by optimal transparent electrode for high efficient semitransparent top cell. Nano Energy 2021, 84, 105934. 32. Y. Hou, C. Wu, D. Yang, K. Wang, T. Ye, L. Brownlie, K. Wang, S. Priya, Artemisinin (ART)-Induced “perovskite/perovskite” bilayer structured photovoltaics. Nano Energy 2020, 78, 105133. 33. L. Pan, Y. Zhang, F. Lu, Y. Du, Z. Lu, Y. Yang, T. Ye, Q. Liang, Y. Bando, X. Wang, Exposed facet engineering design of graphene-SnO2 nanorods for ultrastable Li-ion batteries. Energy Storage Mater. 2019, 19, 39-47.34. K. Wang, T. Wu, C. Wu, R. Sriramdas, X. Huang, K. Wang, Y. Jiang, H. Liu, Y. Yan, D. Yang, T. Ye, C. Liu, X. Hu, X. Jiang, S. Priya, Nature of terrace edge states (TES) in lower-dimensional halide perovskite. J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 7659-7670. 35. Y. Xu, F. Zhang, T. Sheng, T. Ye, D. Yi, Y. Yang, S. Liu, X. Wang, J. Yao, Clarifying the controversial catalytic active sites of Co3O4 for the oxygen evolution reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 23191-23198.36. H. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Dong, T. Ye, J. Hao, Y. Yang, X. Jiang, X. Kang, Y. Bando, Xi Wang, Curving effects of concave dodecahedral nanocarbons enable enhanced Li-ion storage, J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 14894-14902. 37. M. Petrovic, T. Ye, V. Chellappan, S. Ramakrishna, Effect of low temperature on charge transport in operational planar and mesoporous perovskite solar cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 42769-42778. 38. X. Li, X. Tang, T. Ye, D. Wu, H. Wang, X. Wang, Fully printable organic and perovskite solar cells with transfer-printed flexible electrodes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 18730-18738. 授权专利1. 发明专利:一种可变刚度与阻尼的汽车馈能主动悬架系统, 王军年(导师), 叶涛, 孙文, 马清芝, 王庆年, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0272903.5, 授权公告日: 2016/04/13.

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