发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 马蕙 | 性别 | 女 |
学校 | 天津大学 | 部门 | |
学位 | 学历 | ||
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 邮编:300072 传真:27891891 通讯/办公地址:No.92WeijinRoad,NankaiDistrict,Tianjin,China 移动电话:13114801296 邮箱:mahui@tju.edu.cn |
邮箱 | mahui@tju.edu.cn | ||
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马蕙 教师名称:马蕙 教师拼音名称:Ma Hui 出生日期:1973-12-16 性别:女 学科:Environmental and Building Acoustics 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300072 传真:27891891 通讯/办公地址:No.92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 移动电话:13114801296 邮箱:mahui@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Research area: Environmental and Building Acoustics60+ publications, including 40+ in refereed journals, 30+ invited and contributed conferences10+ research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science and Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin Reviewer for 5+ journals in acoustics & built environmentChair, 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control EngineeringFellow, Council & Committees, Chinese Institute of AcousticsFellow, Council & Committees, Chair, Tianjin Institute of Acoustics Noise Control Soundscape Environmental and Building Acoustics Advanced Individual Title Excellent Supervisor in the Science and Technology Project Woman Pace-Setter of Tianjin University Jia Y H.An exploratory study on the attitude to soundscape preservation by focus group interview.46st Internationa....2019 :2041-2046 Yang L.Study on the optimization of soundscape in city commercial street based on sound level distribution.Architecture & Cu....2017 (1):73-74 Shu S.A pilot study: The restorative potential of soundscape on children.46st Internationa....2017 :4625-4631 Chen J.A grounded theory investigation on subjective evaluation of the sound environment in large interior spaces.46st Internationa....2017 :2897-2905 Yu B Y.Development of Indicatorsfor the Soundscape in Urban Shopping Streets.Acta Acustica Uni....2016,102 (3):462-473 Ma H.Influence of visual factors on noise annoyance evaluation caused by road traffic noise in indoor environment.41st Internationa....2014 Nie W J.Acoustic design of the music library in Tianjin Library.Entertainment Tec....2014 (5):38-43 Yang J J.Research on harmonious combination of acoustic design and interior design for theatre.Architecture & Cu....2014 (3):109-110 Yu B Y.Effect of design factors on soundscape perception in urban pedestrian street.New Architecture.2014 (5):8-11 Yang Q.Parameter extraction of traffic noise by analysis of auto-correlation function and interaural cross-correlation function.Acta Acoustica.2014,39 (5):624-632 Ma H.Laboratory study on effects of environment noise on children.21st Internationa....2013 Yang Q.Analysis of temporal and spatial factors of traffic noise.Noise and Vibrati....2013,33 (2):60-63 Song J W.Analysis on how to create a comfortable soundscape for commercial open space.41st Internationa....2012 Ma H.Primary quantification of soundscape elements in urban parks.Noise and Vibrati....2012,32 (1):81-85 Song J W.Review of soundscape.Noise and Vibrati....2012,32 (5):16-19 Zhang S.Analysis of sound environment in coastwise area of Haihe river and preliminary study on its soundscape design and expression.Noise and Vibrati....2011,31 (3):115-119 Song J W.The influence of color perception on noise annoyance evaluation of road traffic noise.South Architectur....2011 (1):77-79 Zhang S.Soundscape design on Haihe coastwise area according to acoustical environment investigation.40th Internationa....2011 Ma H.Investigation on sound environment and community response to road traffic noise in Tianjin, a Chinese city.40th Internationa....2011 Ma H.Analysis of sound environment in coastiwise area of Haihe river.2010 Ma H.Analysis of community response to noise in Chinese city.Acta Acoustica.2008,33 (3):275-282 Ma H.Analysis of sound environment in Chinese city.35th Internationa....2006 教育经历 2001.10-2004.9 Kumamoto University (Japan) Environmental Psychology Doctor 1995.9-1998.6 Tianjin Normal University Educational Psychology Master 1991.9-1995.6 Tianjin Normal University Education Bachelor 工作经历 2014.6 -2019.12 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Professor 2007.7 -2014.6 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2005.1 -2007.6 |School of Architecture|Tianjin University|Lecturer 专利成果更多+ 2017 11 A automatic identification method based on ACF and IACF analysis 内容来自集群智慧云企服 发明专利4999元代写全部资料全国受理