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姓名 闫玥 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 讲师 联系方式 邮箱:yueyan_geo@126.com
邮箱 yueyan_geo@126.com    
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闫玥 教师名称:闫玥 教师拼音名称:Yan Yue 性别:女 学科:Geotechnical Engineering 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 邮箱:yueyan_geo@126.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Dr. Y. Yan joined the State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety in Tianjin University in 2015. Yue undertook her PhD research (Novel methods for characterizing pipeline interaction forces in situ in deep water) at the Centre for Offshore Foundation system and was awarded “Innovative industrial approach for novel toroid and ball penetrometer” by AGS (Australian Geomechanics Society). Her current research spans from offshore geotechnical engineering in shallow and deep water to novel geotextile material. Her work relates closely to both the oil and gas and the renewable energy industries. Novel construction material - boiconcrete, boifilm and boigrouting Interaction between shallow-embeded offshore structure and soil (i.e. pie-soil) Technology of offshore in situ site investigation Characteristics of Offshore Sediment Research on the thixotropy of subsea surficial soil and its influence on the working performance of subsea pipeline Tianjin Natural Science Award 2016 Award for industrial innovative experimental methods 1) Yan, Y., White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. (2014). “Cyclic consolidation and axial friction for seabed pipelines.” Géotechnique Letters, 4(July to September), 165 – 169..2019 2) Chatterjee, S, Yan, Y., Randolph, M.F., White, D.J. (2012). “Elastoplastic consolidation beneath shallowly embedded offshore pipelines”. Géotechnique Letters, 2(April to June), 73 – 79..2019 3) Randolph, M.F., White, D.J., Yan, Y. (2012). “Modelling the axial soil resistance on deep-water pipelines”. Géotechnique, 62(9), 837 – 846..2019 4) Yan, Y., White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. (2011). “Penetration resistance and stiffness factors for hemispherical and toroidal penetrometers in uniform clay.” Int. J. Geomech., ASCE, 11(4), 263 – 275..2019 5) Yan, Y. White, D.J., and Randolph, M.F. (2010). “Investigation into novel shallow penetrometers for fine-grained soils.” Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. On Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Perth..2019 6) Yan, S.W., Chu, J., Q. J. Fan and Yan, Y. (2009). “Building a breakwater with prefabricated caissons on soft water.” Geotechnical Engineering, 167, 3-12..2019 7) Yan, Y., Yan, S. W., and Qiu, C.L. (2007). “Design Method for Geotextile Tubes Application in Dike Construction.” China Ocean Engineering, 167(3), 445-453..2019 8) Liu, R., Yan, Y., and Yan S.W. (2006). “The analyses and reconstruction of failure mechanisms of soft clays in dikes”. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 41(1), 58-64..2019 9) Zhang, X.Z., Yan S.W., Yan, Y., and Cui, X.M. (2008). “Subinterval Method Based on Quintic B-Spline”, Journal of Tianjin University, 41(1), 58-64..2019 10) Liu, R., Yan, Y., and Yan, S.W. (2007). “Numerical simulation of consolidation process of soil foundation for a dam constructed by geobag solidified soil”. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 28(11), 2409-2414..2019 11) Liu, R., Yan, Y., and Yan S.W. (2006). “Stability Analysis of foundation pit with position change of braces”. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 25(166), 174-178..2019 12) Liu, R., Yan Y., and Yan, S.W. (2006). “Effective analysis on Applying Grouting Method to stabilize weathered rock slope”. Journal of Tianjin Universtiy, 39(5), 532-536..2019 教育经历 2009.1-2013.12 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, WA, Australia   Geotechnical Engineering   博士 2001.9-2005.6 TIANJIN UNIVERSITY   Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering   学士 2005.9-2007.12 TIANJIN UNIVERSITY   Geotechnical Engineering   硕士 工作经历 2015.7 -2019.12 |TIANJIN UNIVERSITY 2014.1 -2015.3 |Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems|UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA|Research Associate
