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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 杜慧滨 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 联系方式 邮箱:duhuibin@tju.edu.cn
邮箱 duhuibin@tju.edu.cn    
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杜慧滨 教师名称:杜慧滨 教师拼音名称:Du Huibin 性别:女 其他联系方式 邮箱:duhuibin@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 暂无内容 暂无内容 Pathways for energy conservation and emissions mitigation in road transport up to 2030: A case study of the Jing-Jin-Ji area, China.Journal of Cleane....2019 Large-scale PV power generation in China: A grid parity and techno-economic analysis.Energy, 134: 256-....2019 2017 Groundwater remediation from the past to the future: A bibliometric analysis.Water Research,11....2019 Sustainable construction waste management in Australia: A motivation perspective..In Construction s....2019 Cost–benefit analysis of GHG emission reduction in waste to energy projects of China under clean development mechanism.Resources Conserv....2019 China’s future energy mix and emissions reduction potential: A scenario analysis incorporating technological learning curves.Journal of Cleane....2019 Characteristics and trends of research on waste-to-energy incineration: A bibliometric analysis, 1999–2015.Renewable & Susta....2019 Past, current and future of biomass energy research: A bibliometric analysis.Renewable and Sus....2019 Understanding drivers of energy efficiency changes in China.Applied Energy, 1....2019 An expanding and shifting focus in recent environmental health literature: A quantitative bibliometric study.Journal of Enviro....2019 Market dynamics, innovation, and transition in China's solar photovoltaic industry: A critical review.Renewable and Sus....2019 Mapping the scientific research on life cycle assessment: a bibliometric analysis..International Jou....2019 Energy consumption, environmental impacts and effective measures of green office buildings: A life cycle approach..Journal of Green ....2019 A Bibliographic Analysis of Recent Solar Energy Literatures: The Expansion and Evolution of a Research Field..Renewable Energy,....2019 Expanding and shifting trends in carbon market research: a quantitative bibliometric study.Journal of Cleane....2019 A bibliometric analysis of recent energy efficiency literatures: an expanding and shifting focus..Energy Efficiency....2019 Urban passenger transport energy saving and emission reduction potential: A case study for Tianjin, China.Energy Conversion....2019 A warranty contract model with uncertain demands..Information: An I....2019 The influence of social-psychological factors on the intention to choose low-carbon travel modes in Tianjin, China..Transportation re....2019 CO2 emissions embodied in China–US trade: Input–output analysis based on the emergy/ dollar ratio..Energy Policy, 20....2019 Way forward for alternative energy research.Renewable and Sus....2019 A new statistical dynamic analysis of ecological niches for China’s financial centres..Physica A: Statis....2019 Stated analysis technique of GO methodology for reliability of fire protehction systems..Advanced Material....2019 Evolution of Shanghai as an international financial centre with non-equilibrium statistical mechanics..Advances in Intel....2019 内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net