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姓名 常慧 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 联系方式
软件产品登记测试全国受理 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理

常慧 教师名称:常慧 教师拼音名称:changhui 性别:女 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 暂无内容 暂无内容 暂无内容 [1] Chang Hui, Ma Zhaojing, Tang Yang: Technical Security of E-commerce in China and Its Legal Risk Prevention. The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, (7): 286-290 (2010)..2019 [4] Chang Hui, Yang Jian, Qu Zhao: Investigation on Law and Economics Based on Complex Network and Time Series Analysis. PLOS ONE, 10 (6): 1-16 (2015)..2019 [3] Chang Hui, Tang Yang, Ma Zhaojing: Legal Protection of Network Virtual Property. Advances in ECWAC, (1): 559-564 (2012)..2019 [2] Chang Hui, Ma Zhaojing, Cai Xiaojun: On the 3G-based E-government Technology and Its Legal Risk Prevention. The International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, (24): 539-542 (2010)..2019 [6] Chang Hui, Chen Shijun, Gao Zhongke: A New Research on the Development of Our Country’s Small Enterprises——Application of Complex Network Theory. Hebei Academic Journal. 28 (5): 234-236 (2008)..2019 [7] Chang Hui: Research on Legal Protection of Indigenous Innovation of High-tech Enterprise. Science of Science and Management of S.&T., 32(8): 44-48 (2011)..2019 [2] Chang Hui, Ma Zhaojing, Cai Xiaojun: On the 3G-based E-government Technology and Its Legal Risk Prevention. The International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, (24): 539-542 (2010)..2019 [1] Chang Hui, Ma Zhaojing, Tang Yang: Technical Security of E-commerce in China and Its Legal Risk Prevention. The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, (7): 286-290 (2010)..2019 [3] Chang Hui, Tang Yang, Ma Zhaojing: Legal Protection of Network Virtual Property. Advances in ECWAC, (1): 559-564 (2012)..2019 [7] Chang Hui: Research on Legal Protection of Indigenous Innovation of High-tech Enterprise. Science of Science and Management of S.&T., 32(8): 44-48 (2011)..2019 [6] Chang Hui, Chen Shijun, Gao Zhongke: A New Research on the Development of Our Country’s Small Enterprises——Application of Complex Network Theory. Hebei Academic Journal. 28 (5): 234-236 (2008)..2019 [5] Chang Hui, Yang Jian, Bai Shuying, Qu Zhao: Investigation on Law and Economics of Listed Companie' Financing Preference Based on Complex Network Theory. PLOS ONE, 12(3): 1-17 (2016)..2019 [5] Chang Hui, Yang Jian, Bai Shuying, Qu Zhao: Investigation on Law and Economics of Listed Companie' Financing Preference Based on Complex Network Theory. PLOS ONE, 12(3): 1-17 (2016)..2019 [4] Chang Hui, Yang Jian, Qu Zhao: Investigation on Law and Economics Based on Complex Network and Time Series Analysis. PLOS ONE, 10 (6): 1-16 (2015)..2019

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