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姓名 曹中臣助理 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 助理教授 联系方式 邮箱:charles.zc.cao@hotmail.com
邮箱 charles.zc.cao@hotmail.com    
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曹中臣 教师名称:曹中臣 教师拼音名称:Cao Zhongchen 性别:男 职称:助理教授 其他联系方式 邮箱:charles.zc.cao@hotmail.com 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Dr. Cao obtained his Doctor of Philosophy degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and then stated his academic career as Research assistant and Post-Doctoral fellow in the Partner State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology. He has published more than 20 papers related to the ultra-precision polishing technology and participated in some domestic academic exchanges and international academic conferences and seminars. Dr. Cao is the reviewer of several internationally renowned periodicals including Precision Engineering, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering etc. His research interest is in the main following areas: ultra-precision free-form polishing and abrasive machining technology; material science/workpiece surface integrity analysis; modelling, simulation and optimization of manufacturing processes. Ultra-precision free-form polishing and abrasive machining technology; Innovative hybrid manufacturing processes for difficult-to-machine materials; Material science / workpiece surface integrity analysis; Modelling, simulation and optimization of manufacturing processes; 暂无内容 Cao Zhong-Chen.Theoretical Modelling and Analysis of the Material Removal Characteristics in Fluid Jet Polishing.International Jou....2019,89 :158-166 Cao Zhong-Chen.Computational fluid dynamics–based analysis of material removal characteristics in fluid jet polishing.Proceeding of IMe....2016,230 (6):1035-1048 Cao, Zhong-Chen.Modelling and Characterization of Surface Generation in Fluid Jet Polishing.Precision Enginee....2016,43 :406-417 Cao Zhong-Chen.Multi-scale Modelling and Simulation of Material Removal Characteristics in Computer-controlled Bonnet Polishing.International Jou....2016,106 :147-156 Cao, Zhong-Chen.A theoretical and experimental investigation of material removal characteristics and surface generation in bonnet polishing.Wear.2016,360 :137-146 Cao, Zhong-Chen.Theoretical and experimental investigation of surface generation in swing precess bonnet polishing of complex three-dimensional structured surfaces.Precision Enginee....2017,50 :361-371 教育经历 2012.4-2015.4 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering   Ph.D. 2009.9-2011.11 Harbin Institute of Technology   Mechanical and Electronic Engineering   MEng 工作经历 2016.9 -2017.6 |The Hong Kong State Key Labratory in Ultra-precision Machining Technology|The Hong Kong Polytechnic University|Postdoctoral Fellow 2015.4 -2016.9 |The Hong Kong State Key Labratory in Ultra-precision Machining Technology|The Hong Kong Polytechnic University|Research Assistant

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