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姓名 马哲 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 副教授 联系方式 移动电话:022-27402887 邮箱:zhe.ma@tju.edu.cn
邮箱 zhe.ma@tju.edu.cn    
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马哲 教师名称:马哲 教师拼音名称:Ma Zhe 出生日期:1983-12-13 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 移动电话:022-27402887 邮箱:zhe.ma@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestPolymer Crystallization Structural Evolution of Polymer under DeformationResearch projects1. General Program of National Natural Science Fund; 2. Youth Program of Tianjin Natural Science Fund; 3. Key Program of National Natural Science Fund;Selected publications (Journal articles, patents and books)Z. Ma, L. Balzano, G.W.M. Peters*. "Dissolution and re-emergence of flow-induced shish in polyethylene with a broad molecular weight distribution", Macromolecules, 49, 2720-2730, (2016) Zhen Wang, Zhe Ma, Liangbin Li*, "Flow-induced crystallization of polymers: molecular and thermodynamic considerations", Macromolecules, 49, 1505-1517, (2016) K. Cui, Z. Ma, Z. Wang, Y. Ji, D. Liu, N. Huang, L. Chen, W. Zhang, L. Li*, "Kinetic process of shish formation: from stretched network to stabilized nuclei", Macromolecules, 48, 5276-5285, (2015) P.C. Roozemond, M. van Drongelen, Z. Ma, M.A. Mulsen, G.W.M. Petsrs*, "Modeling flow-induced crystallization in isotactic polypropylene at high shear rates", Journal of Rheology, 59, 613-642, (2015) E. M. Troisi, G. Portale, Zhe Ma, M. van Drongelen, D. Hermida-Merino, G. W. M. Peters*, "Unusual melting behavior in flow induced crystallization of LLDPE: effect of pressure", Macromolecules, 48, 2551-2560, (2015) K. Cui, D. Liu, Y. Ji, N. Huang, Z. Ma, Z. Wang, F. Lv, H. Yang, L. Li*, "Nonequilibrium nature of flow-induced nucleation in isotactic polypropylene", Macromolecules, 48, 694-699, (2015) P.C. Roozemond, M. van Drongelen, Z. Ma, A.B. Spoelstra, D. Hermida-Merino, G.W.M. Peters*, "Self-regulation in flow-induced structure formation of polypropylene", Macromolecular rapid communications, 36, 385-390, (2015) Z Ma, L. Balzano, G. Portale, G.W.M. Peters*. "Flow induced crystallization in isotactic polypropylene during and after flow", Polymer, 55, 6140-6150, (2014) P. C. Roozemond, Z. Ma, K. Cui, L. Li, G.W.M. Peters*, "Multimorphological crystallization of shish-kebab structures in isotactic polypropylene: Quantitative modeling of parent-daughter crystallization kinetics", Macromolecules, 47, 5152-5162, (2014) Z. Ma, L. Balzano, T.B. Van Erp, G. Portale, G.W.M. Peters*. "Short-term flow induced crystallization in isotactic polypropylene: How short is short?" Macromolecules, 46, 9249-9258, (2013) Z. Ma, L. Fernandez-Ballester, D. Cavallo, G.W.M. Peters*. "High-stress shear-induced crystallization in isotactic polypropylene and propylene/ethylene random copolymers", Macromolecules, 46, 2671-2680, (2013) Z. Ma, L. Balzano, G.W.M. Peters*. "Pressure quench of flow-induced crystallization precursors", Macromolecules, 45, 4516-4224, (2012) Y. Liu, K. Cui, N. Tian, W. Zhou, L. Meng, L. Li*, Z. Ma, X. Wang, "Stretch-induced crystal-crystal transition of polybutene-1: an in situ synchrotron radiation wide-angle X-ray scattering study", Macromolecules, 45, 2764-2772, (2012) B. Zhao, X. Li, Y. Huang, Y. Cong, Z. Ma, C. Shao, H. An, T. Yan, L. Li*, "Inducing crystallization of polymer through stretched network", Macromolecules, 42, 1428-1432, (2009). Polyme Physics and Processing 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2008.9-2012.12 Eindhoven University of Technology   Materials Technology   博士 2006.7-2008.7 University of Science and Technology of China   Polymer Physics   硕士 2005.9-2008.7 Sichuan University   Polymer Process Engineering   硕士 2001.9-2005.7 Zhejiang University of Technology   Polymer Science and Technology   学士 工作经历 2015.4 -2019.12 |Tianjin University|Associate Professor 2012.9 -2015.1 |Eindhoven University of Technology|Postdoc

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