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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 李冲 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 讲师 联系方式 邮箱:lichongme@tju.edu.cn
邮箱 lichongme@tju.edu.cn    
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李冲 教师名称:李冲 教师拼音名称:Li Chong 出生日期:1985-06-16 性别:男 职称:讲师 其他联系方式 邮箱:lichongme@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestMetal and composite materials, Electronic packaging materialsResearch projects1. Study of mechanism of doping/adsorption and morphological regulation during the growth process of Mg2Si in Al melt, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015.1-2017.122. Study on controlled growth and selective regulation mechanism of Mg2Si in Al alloys, Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin. 2015.4-2018.3Selected publications (Journal articles, patents and books)1 Z.D. Li, C. Li*, Y.C. Liu, L.M. Yu, Q.Y. Guo, H.J. Li, Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical property of Al-10%Mg2Si alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 663 (2016) 16-19.2 Z.D. Li, C. Li*, Z.M. Gao, Y.C. Liu, X.F. Liu, Q.Y. Guo, L.M. Yu, H.J. Li, Corrosion behavior of Al-Mg2Si alloys with/without addition of Al-P master alloy, Materials characterization, 110 (2015) 170-174.3 C. Li, Y.Y. Wu, H. Li, X.F. Liu*, Morphological evolution and growth mechanism of primary Mg2Si phase in Al-Mg2Si alloys, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 1058-1067.4 C. Li, G. Sha*, B. Gun, J.H. Xia, X.F. Liu, Y.Y. Wu, N. Birbilis, S.P. Ringer, Enhanced age-hardening response of Al-4Mg-1Cu (wt. %) microalloyed with Ag and Si, Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 857-860.5 C. Li, G. Sha*, J.H. Xia, B. Gun, L. Li, J.Z. Cui, X.F. Liu, S.P. Ringer, Effect of solution treatment on precipitation and age-hardening response of an Al-4Mg-1Cu-0.5Si-0.4Ag (wt%) alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 599 (2014) 64-68.6 C. Li, J. Hou, D.G. Zhao, Y.Y. Wu, X.F. Liu*, Thermodynamic evaluation of Al-Mg2Si with addition of Ni, Materials Letter 68 (2012) 255-257.7 C. Li, Y.P. Wu, H. Li, Y.Y. Wu, X.F. Liu*, Effect of Ni on eutectic structural evolution in hypereutectic Al-Mg2Si cast alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2010) 573-577.8 C. Li, Y.Y. Wu, X.F. Liu*, Microstructural formation in hypereutectic Al-Mg2Si with extra Si, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 477 (2009) 212-216.9 C. Li, X.F. Liu*, G.H. Zhang, Heterogeneous nucleating role of TiB2 or AlP/TiB2 coupled compounds on primary Mg2Si in Al-Mg-Si alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 497 (2008) 432-437.10 C. Li, X.F. Liu*, Y.Y. Wu, Refinement and modification performance of Al-P master alloy on primary Mg2Si in Al-Mg-Si alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 465 (2008) 145-150. Metal and composite materials,; Microstructure control 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2007.9-2012.12 Shandong University   博士 2011.10-2012.10 The University of Sydney, Australian Centre for M   博士 2003.9-2007.7 Shandong University   学士 工作经历 2013.9 -2019.12 |Tianjin University|lecturer 内容来自集群智慧云企服 发明专利4999元代写全部资料全国受理