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发布日期:2024-04-06 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 龚宝明 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 联系方式
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龚宝明 教师名称:龚宝明 教师拼音名称:Gong Baoming 出生日期:1983-09-24 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Areas of research interestConstraint effects on ductile fracture and welded structures;Effects of microstructural heterogeneity on fracture and fatigue;Cohesive crack model and its application in fracture and fatigue;Fracture and deformation at nano-scale by molecular dynamics simulation;TeachingWelded Structure; Fracture MechanicsResearch projectsa) Italian Project of National Interest (PRIN): Advanced applications of Fracture Mechanics for the study of integrity and durability of materials and structure. Principle Investigator: Prof. Alberto Carpinteri (2010-2012);b) The grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Size effects on fracture properties and structural integrity assessments of welded structures (Euro 36,000) (Contract No. E51305295 2013-2016; Principle Investigator);c) The grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Investigation of the microstructural heterogeneity on the gigacycle fatigue behaviors of the welded joints of light-alloys (Aluminum alloy and Titanium alloy) (Euro 115,000) (Contract No. E050803; 2014-2017; Vice-coordinator);d) The grant from China National Offshore Oil Corp.: The research on Engineering Critical Assessment of welded joints in the offshore structures with thick wall (Euro 283,000)  (Contract No. Z13JZENY151; 2012-2014; Vice-coordinator);Selected publications (Journal articles, patents and books)[1] Gong B*, Chen Q, Wang D. Molecular dynamics study on size-dependent elastic properties of silicon nanoplates. Materials Letters 67: 165-8, 2012.[2] Gong B*, Paggi M and Carpinteri A. A cohesive crack model coupled with damage for interface fatigue problems. International Journal of Fracture, 173(2):91-104, 2012.[3] Carpinteri A, Gong B, Corrado M. Hardening Cohesive/Overlapping Zone Model for metallic materials: The size-scale independent constitutive law. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 82: 29-45, 2012. [4] Zhang T, Wang D, Wang Y, Deng C, Gong B. Surface alloying method of ultrasonic shot peening on iron surface. Applied Surface Science. 265:671-676, 2013.[5] Wang T, Wang D, Liu G and Gong B et al.. Investigations on the nanocrystallization of 40Cr using ultrasonic surface rolling processing. Applied Surface Science. 255:1824-29, 2008.[6] Zhao Y, Gong B* and Deng C. A fractal interpretation of size effects on the strength of metallic glasses. Physics Letters A. 377:2877-9, 2013.[7] Du Y, Pugno N, Gong B*, Wang D, Sun Y and Ding Q. Mechanical properties of the hierarchical honeycombs with stochastic Voronoi sub-structures. Europhysics Letters, 111:56007,2015.[8] Sun Y, Pugno N, Gong B* and Ding Q. A simplified hardening cohesive zone model for bondline thickness dependence on adhesive joints. International Journal of Fracture, 194:37-44, 2015.[9] Deng C, Wang H, Gong B*, Li X and Lei Z. Effects of microstructural heterogeneity on very high cycle fatigue properties of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy friction stir butt welds. International Journal of Fatigue 83(2): 100-8,2016.[10] Wang D, Zhang H, Gong B* and Deng C. Residual stress effects on fatigue behaviour of welded T-joint: A finite fracture mechanics approach. Materials & Design, 91: 211-7, 2016. Size effects on ductile fracture of materials and structures 暂无内容 暂无内容 教育经历 2002.9-2006.6 Tianjin University   Department of Materials Science and Engineering   学士 2006.9-2008.6 Tianjin University   Department of Materials Science and Engineering   硕士 2008.10-2012.4 Polytechnic of Turin   Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering   博士 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理