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姓名 张小旺 性别
学校 天津大学 部门
学位 学历
职称 副教授 联系方式 邮编:300350 通讯/办公地址:Office:B405,Building55.No.135YaguanRoad,HaiheEducationPark,Tianjin,China 移动电话:13920302709 邮箱:xiaowangzhang@tju.edu.cn
邮箱 xiaowangzhang@tju.edu.cn    
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张小旺 教师名称:张小旺 教师拼音名称:Xiaowang Zhang 出生日期:1980-04-24 性别:男 职称:副教授 其他联系方式 邮编:300350 通讯/办公地址:Office: B405, Building 55. No.135 Yaguan Road, Haihe Education Park,Tianjin, China 移动电话:13920302709 邮箱:xiaowangzhang@tju.edu.cn 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果 Dr.Xiaowang Zhang is currently an associate professor in School of Computer Science and Technology at Tianjin University in China. He was selected in Tianjin Thousand Young Talents Program in 2016. He is also a vice-director of Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cognitive Computing and Application. He received my PhD. degree from Peking University in 2011 (supervisor: prof.Zuoquan Lin) and previously worked as a postdoc at Hasselt University in Belgium (sep.2011 - dec.2014, supervisor: prof.Jan Van den Bussche). In 2009, He worked at Griffith University in Australia as a visiting PhD student (supervisor: prof.Kewen Wang). His main area of research is that of artificial intelligence, databases, knowledge graph, and semantic web. Currently, he is mostly interested in data management and data processing in a distributed context. In the past, he worked on knowledge representation and reasoning, ontology non-classical reasoning, and logics in databases etc. He won the 2016 ACM Tianjin Rising Star award. Knowledge Graph Databases Artificial Intelligence 2016 ACM Tianjin Rising Star Award Xiaowang Zhang.On the satisfiability problem for SPARQL patterns.Journal of Artifi....2016 (56):403-428 Xiaowang Zhang.A distance-based framework for inconsistency-tolerant reasoning and inconsistency measurement in DL-Lite.International Jou....2017 (89):58-79 Xiaowang Zhang.On the power of SPARQL in expressing navigational queries.The Computer Jour....2015,58 (11):2841-2851 Xiaowang Zhang.Forgetting for distance-based reasoning and repair in DL-Lite.Knowledge-Based S....2016,107 :246-260 Xiaowang Zhang.Context-free path queries on RDF graphs.15th Internationa....2016,LNCS 9981 :632-648 Xiaowang Zhang.PROSE: A plugin-based framework for paraconsistent reasoning on semantic web.International Jou....2015 Xiaowang Zhang.A tableau algorithm for handling inconsistency in OWL.6th European Sema....2009,LNCS 5554 :399-413 Xiaowang Zhang.Inconsistency-tolerant reasoning with OWL DL.International Jou....2014,55 (2):557-584 Xiaowang Zhang.Quasi-classical description logic.Journal of Multip....2012,18 (3-4):291-327 Xiaowang Zhang.On the primitivity of SPARQL 1.1 operators.26th Internationa....2017 :875-876 Xiaowang Zhang.An argumentation framework for description logic ontology reasoning and management.Journal of Intell....2013,40 (3):375-403 Xiaowang Zhang.An approach to generating arguments over DL-Lite ontologies.Computing and Inf....2013,32 (5):924-948 Xiaowang Zhang.On the primitivity of operators in SPARQL.Information Proce....2014,114 (9):480-485 Xiaowang Zhang.On the satisfiability of quasi-classical description logics..Computing and Inf....2015 Zhe Wang.Tableau-based forgetting in ALC ontologies.14th European Con....2019 :47-52 Jelle Hellings.Walk Logic as a framework for path query languages on graph databases.16th Internationa....2013 :117-128 Xin Wang.Efficient distributed regular path queries on RDF graphs using partial evaluation.25th ACM Internat....2016 :1933-1936 教育经历 2007.9-2011.7 Peking University   Computer Science   博士 工作经历 2011.9 -2014.12 |Hasselt University|Postdoc 团队成员 Data Science and Services Engineering 团队名称:Data Science and Services Engineering 团队介绍:Data Science and Services Engineering aims on the study of data and software services, and based on the application requirement of cloud computing, Internet of Things and social networking, the complex ecosystems of human-machine coupling driven by multi-modal data are studied, such as: large scale data query parallel processing technology and platform, high-performance streaming data processing technology, interactive data processing technology, Internet-based intelligent software service engineering, open ontology based software service semantic model, the system analysis on complex network theory and structure analysis of human-machine coupling, complex shape and space modeling based on differential manifolds, the intelligent modeling of VR and data automation analysis, VR role virtualization or scene intelligence based on artificial intelligence, multi-modal analysis based Human-computer interaction and so on. The team is also committed to the application of the data and service engineering achievements in life science and clinical phenotype data fusion applications, real-time intelligent transportation systems and other fields. Team members includes 26 faculties, among them two professors won the “Thousand Talents Program” Expert of Tianjin Municipality, three experts won the “Tianjin Thousand Young Talents Program”. The team presided over three National High-tech R&D Programs (863 Program), one National Key Technology Research and Development Program, one key project supported by the National Development and Reform Commission of China, more than ten projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China and General Program, and also participates in several military projects. The team combines the faculty from the School of Computer Science and Technology and the School of Computer Software, which helps on developing the cross-disciplinary characteristics. The team has developed a cutting-edge research direction, and has developed a solid work foundation and international research team.http://cs.tju.edu.cn/csweben/researchdetail?item=DSSE 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理