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姓名 | 周倩 | 性别 | |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 | 部门 | 环境学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 环境学院 |
职称 | 讲师 | 联系方式 | 环境学院C202 |
邮箱 | qianzhou@zjut.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 周倩,博士,讲师,国家留学基金(CSC)获得者。2020年7月毕业于中国科学院大学,同年12月进入浙江工业大学环境学院工作,主要从事环境微塑料老化过程及其与污染物相互作用等。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和浙江省自然科学基金各1项,并先后参与了国家重点研发计划项目、中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目、中国科学院重点部署项目和中德合作项目等。目前以第一作者在《Water Research》、《Geoderma》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry》、《Environmental Pollution》和《科学通报》等国内外杂志发表论文共十余篇,其中ESI全球领域前0.1%高被引热点论文1篇,中信所F5000高被引论文1篇。以主要撰写人参与出版国际著作《The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry》1部,以及国内第一部有关微塑料研究的中文著作—《海洋与海岸环境微塑料污染与治理》1部。已授权发明专利共2件。 教学与课程 本科生课程《中外环境保护比较》、《海洋探索与发现》、《全球环境治理》研究生课程《海洋环境污染与修复》、《环境地球化学》 科研项目 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项(在研);主持并参与浙江省自然科学基金各1项(在研);主持浙江省博士后科研项目择优资助项目1项(在研);参与中德国际合作项目1项(已结题)。 科研成果 (一)中英文论文Zhou, Q., Zhang, J., Fang, Q., Zhang, M., Wang, X., Zhang, D*., Pan, X. (2023). Microplastic biodegradability dependent responses of plastisphere antibiotic resistance to simulated freshwater-seawater shift in onshore marine aquaculture zones. Environmental Pollution, 331, 121828.1. Zhou, Q., Ma, S., Liu, B., Zhang, J., Chen, J., Zhang, D., & Pan, X. (2023). Pretreatment, identification and quantification of submicro/nano-plastics in complex environmental matrices. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 167, 117259.Zhou, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, M., Wang, X., Zhang, D., Pan, X*. (2022) Persistent versus transient, and conventional plastic versus biodegradable plastic? - Two key questions about microplastic-water exchange of antibiotic resistance genes. Water Research 222, 118899.Zhou, Q., Tu, C*., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, H., Vogts, A., Plewe, S., Pan, X., Luo, Y., Waniek, J. J. (2022). Biofilm enhances the copper (II) adsorption on microplastic surfaces in coastal seawater: Simultaneous evidence from visualization and quantification. Science of The Total Environment, 853, 158217.Zhou, Q., Chen, J., Zhang, D., Pan, X*. (2022) Evaluation of organic matter removal by H2O2 from microplastic surface by nano-physicochemical methods. Green Analytical Chemistry 3, 10035.Zhou, Q., Tu, C., Yang, J., Fu, C., Li, Y., Waniek, J. J. (2021). Trapping of microplastics in halocline and turbidity layers of the semi-enclosed Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1555. Zhou, Q., Zhang, H., Fu, C., Zhou, Y., Dai, Z., Li, Y., Tu, C., Luo, Y. (2018). The distribution and morphology of microplastics in coastal soils adjacent to the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Geoderma, 322, 201-208. (ESI全球领域前0.1%高被引热点论文)Zhou, Q., Tu, C., Fu, C., Li, Y., Zhang, H., Xiong, K., Zhao, X., Li, L., Waniek, J. J., Luo, Y. (2019). Characteristics and distribution of microplastics in the coastal mangrove sediments of China. Science of the Total Environment, 134807.Zhou, Q., Zhang, H., Waniek J. J., Luo, Y. (2020). The Distribution and Characteristics of Microplastics in Coastal Beaches and Mangrove Wetlands (Chapter 5). In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.Zhang, H., Zhou, Q., Xie, Z., Zhou, Y., Tu, C., Fu, C., Mi, W., Ebinghaus, R., Christie, P., Luo, Y. (2018). Occurrences of organophosphorus esters and phthalates in the microplastics from the coastal beaches in north China. Science of the Total Environment, 616, 1505-1512. Tu, C., Zhou, Q., Zhang C, Liu Y, Luo Y. (2020). Biofilms of Microplastics (Chapter 16). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Li, L., Yang, J., Zhou, Q., Peijnenburg, W. J.G.M., Luo, Y. (2020). Uptake of microplastics and their effects on plants (Chapter 15). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Dai, Z., Zhang, H., Zhou, Q., Tian, Y., Chen, T., Tu, C., Fu, C., Luo, Y. (2018). Occurrence of microplastics in the water column and sediment in an inland sea affected by intensive anthropogenic activities. Environmental Pollution, 242, 1557-1565. Tang, G., Liu, M., Zhou, Q., He, H., Chen, K., Zhang, H., Hu, J., Huang, Q., Luo, Y., Ke, H., Chen, B., Xu, X., Cai, M. (2018). Microplastics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Xiamen coastal areas: Implications for anthropogenic impacts. Science of the Total Environment, 634, 811-820.Tu, C., Chen, T., Zhou, Q., Liu, Y., Wei, J., Waniek, J. J., Luo, Y. (2020). Biofilm formation and its influences on the properties of microplastics as affected by exposure time and depth in the seawater. Science of the Total Environment,734, 139237. Li, L., Luo, Y., Li, R., Zhou, Q., Peijnenburg, W., Yin, N., Yang, J., Tu, C., Zhang, Y. (2020). Effective uptake of submicrometer-plastics by crop plants via a crack-entry mode. Nature Sustainability. 3(11).Li, Y., Fu, C., Zeng, L., Zhou, Q., Zhang, H., Tu, C.,Li, L., Luo, Y. (2021). Black Carbon Contributes Substantially to Allochthonous Carbon Storage in Deltaic Vegetated Coastal Habitats. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(9), 6495-6504.Li, Y., Zhang, H., Li, Q., Zhou, Q., Chen, X., Tu, C., Luo, Y., Christie, P., Hu, X., Li, L. (2016). Characteristics of residual organochlorine pesticides in soils under different land-use types on a coastal plain of the Yellow River Delta. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 38(2), 535-547. Chen, Q., Zhang, H., Allgeier, A., Zhou, Q., Ouellet, J. D., Crawford, S. E., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Shi, H., Hollert, H. (2019). Marine microplastics bound dioxin-like chemicals: Model explanation and risk assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 364, 82-90. Li, L., Luo, Y., Peijnenburg, W., Li, R., Yang, J., Zhou, Q. (2020). Confocal measurement of microplastics uptake by plants. MethodsX, 7: 100750.周倩, 张峻, 孟竺, 马绍峰, 陈建腾, 祝鹏烽, 张道勇, 潘响亮. (2023). 可生物降解塑料袋膜在土壤中降解的纳米尺度特征. 生态与农村环境学报, 39(05): 675-684.1. 周倩,章海波, 李远, 骆永明. (2015). 海岸环境中微塑料污染及其生态效应研究进展. 科学通报, 60(33): 3210-3220. (被中信所选入2019年度F5000高被引论文)周倩, 章海波, 周阳, 李远, 薛勇, 付传城, 涂晨, 骆永明. (2016). 滨海潮滩土壤中微塑料的分离及其 表面微观特征. 科学通报, 61: 1604-1611.周倩, 田崇国, 骆永明. (2017). 滨海城市大气环境中发现多种微塑料及其沉降通量差异. 科学通报, 62, 3902-3909.周倩, 章海波, 周阳, 代振飞, 李远, 付传城, 涂晨, 王文海, 骆永明. (2018). 滨海河口潮滩中微塑料 的表面风化和成分变化. 科学通报, 63(2), 214-223.周倩, 涂晨, 张晨捷, 章海波, 付传城, 李远, 李连祯, 熊宽旭, 徐笠, 骆永明. (2020). 滨海湿地环境中微塑料表面性质及形貌变化研究. 科学通报. 66(13).章海波, 周倩, 周阳, 涂晨, 骆永明. (2016). 重视海岸及海洋微塑料污染加强防治科技监管研究工作.中国科学院院刊, 31(10), 1182-1189.骆永明, 周倩, 章海波, 潘响亮, 涂晨, 李连祯, 杨杰. (2018). 重视土壤中微塑料污染研究防范生态与食物链风险. 中国科学院院刊, 33(10), 1021-1030.李连祯, 周倩, 尹娜, 涂晨, 骆永明. (2019). 食用蔬菜能吸收和积累微塑料. 科学通报, 64(9), 928-934. (二)出版的著作1. 骆永明,周倩, 章海波, 涂晨, 张华, 马海青, 代振飞, 陈涛, 胡学锋, 李连祯, 李艳芳, 李远, 周阳. 海洋和海岸环境微塑料污染与治理. 北京. 科学出版社,2019年6月.((三)授权专利1. 章海波, 周倩, 骆永明, 涂晨, 张瑞昌, 李远.一种微颗粒塑料的连续流动分离浮选装置及方法: 中国专利, 公开号: CN106179773A.2. 涂晨, 刘颖, 周倩, 骆永明. 一种聚乙烯塑料高效降解菌及其分离筛选方法和应用: 中国专利, 专利号: ZL201910743229.7. 育人成果 社会服务 最新消息 内容来自集群智慧云企服 请访问正版网址 www.jiqunzhihui.net