发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 殷玉明 | 性别 | |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 | 部门 | 机械工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 机械工程学院 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 机械楼C523 |
邮箱 | yinyuming@zjut.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 面向我国智能网联汽车的战略发展需求,持续开展高性能车辆系统设计、车辆极限工况控制、最优控制与强化学习交叉点等研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、主持国家自然科学基金区域联合重点项目子任务1项和优青项目子任务1项、主持北京市杰出青年基金项目子任务1项,主持/参与多项横向研究课题和浙江省重点研发计划,总到校经费约200万元。发表高水平论文30余篇,获IEEE国际会议最佳论文奖、参与获河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖(2023)、河南省教育厅科技成果二等奖(2022)、中国商业联合会科技进步特等奖(2022)等奖项。 科研项目 纵向智能车辆协同决策控制算法的实车测试,2023.5-2024.5,主持极限工况的智能汽车漂移控制技术开发与验证,2021.7-2021.12,主持自动驾驶汽车集成式决控代码的Apollo仿真测试,2022.12-2023.5,主持抗侧倾互联油气悬架系统的油气两相多腔掺混机理及其调控方法研究,2020.1-2022.12,主持 横向智能网联汽车通信状态评估技术研究,2023.3-2023.6,主持 科研成果 期刊论文[1] Yin, Y., Tang, K., Li, S. E., Cao, W., Wu, W., Li, H., Zheng, Y.s Approximate Optimal Filter Design for Vehicle System via Actor Critic Reinforcement Learning, Automotive Innovation (2022, accepted).[2] Sun, E., Yin, Y., Xin, Z., Li, S. E., He, J., Kong, Z., Liu, X., Adaptive Joint Estimation of Vehicle Mass and Road Grade for Small Acceleration Driving Scenarios, Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) (2021, accepted).[3] Tang, K., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., Guan, Y., Duan, J., Cao, W., & Li, J. Approximate Optimal Filter for Linear Gaussian Time-invariant Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05505 (2021).[4] Jiang, J., Ren, Y., Guan, Y., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., & Jin, X. Integrated Decision and Control at Multi-Lane Intersections with Mixed Traffic Flow. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.13038 (2021).[5] Liu, Z., Duan, J., Wang, W., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., Lin, Z., & Cheng, B.. Recurrent Model Predictive Control. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10289 (2021).[6] Peng, B., Sun, Q., Li, S. E., Kum, D., Yin, Y., Wei, J. End-to-End Autonomous Driving Through Dueling Double Deep Q-Network. Automotive Innovation 4.3 (2021): 328-337.[7] Yin, Y., Li, S. E., Li, K., Yang, J., & Ma, F. Self-learning drift control of automated vehicles beyond handling limit after rear-end collision. Transportation Safety and Environment 2.2 (2020): 97-105.[8] Ye, Z., Xie, W., Yin, Y., & Fu, Z. Dynamic Rollover Prediction of Heavy Vehicles Considering Critical Frequency. Automotive Innovation 3 (2020): 158-168.[9] Peng, B., Mu, Y., Guan, Y., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., & Chen, J. Model-Based Actor-Critic with Chance Constraint for Stochastic System. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.10716 (2020).[10] Li, J., Li, S. E., Guan, Y., Duan, J., Li, W., & Yin, Y. Ternary Policy Iteration Algorithm for Nonlinear Robust Control. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06810 (2020). 会议论文[1] Yin, Y. (invited speaker) Learning-based collision avoidance control in extreme scenarios. China-SAE Congress & Exhibition (2021).[2] Ge, Q., Sartoretti, G., Duan, J., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., & Zheng, S. Distributed model predictive control of connected multi-vehicle systems at unsignalized intersections. International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS). IEEE, 2022.[3] Zhang, F., Yin, Y., Li, S. E., Xin, Z., Li, W., Yang, R. Time and fuel efficient predictive cruise control for commercial vehicles with load variation. 2021 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2021).[1] Yin, Y. (invited speaker) Learning-based collision avoidance control in extreme scenarios. China-SAE Congress & Exhibition (2021).[2] Ge, Q., Sartoretti, G., Duan, J., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., & Zheng, S. Distributed model predictive control of connected multi-vehicle systems at unsignalized intersections. International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS). IEEE, 2022.[3] Zhang, F., Yin, Y., Li, S. E., Xin, Z., Li, W., Yang, R. Time and fuel efficient predictive cruise control for commercial vehicles with load variation. 2021 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2021).[4] Jiang, J., Ren, Y., Guan, Y., Li, S. E., Yin, Y., Yu, D., Jin, X. Integrated decision and control at multi-lane intersections with mixed traffic flow. International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, 2021.[5] Yin, Y., Rakheja, S., Yang, J., & Lozano-Guzman, A. Hydraulic damping nonlinearity of a compact hydro-pneumatic suspension considering gas-oil emulsion. Vibroengineering Procedia 30 (2020): 68-71.[6] Lin, Z., Duan, J., Li, S. E., Ma, H., Yin, Y., & Cheng, B. Continuous-time finite-horizon ADP for automated vehicle controller design with high efficiency. 2020 3rd International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS). IEEE, 2020.[7] Yin, Y. (presenter), Rakheja S., and Shangguan, W.B.. Temperature dependence of the dynamic friction of a hydro-pneumatic suspension strut, No. DETC2018-86335 International Conference of Advanced Vehicle Technology, 2018.[8] Yin, Y. (presenter), Rakheja S., Boileau P. E., and Yang F. Seal friction characteristics of a hydro-pneumatic suspension strut, No. 17098 International Conference of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 2017.[9] Yin, Y. (presenter), Rakheja S., Yang J., and Boileau P. E., Effects of entrapped gas within the fluid on the stiffness and damping characteristics of a hydro-pneumatic suspension strut, No. 2017-0.1-0411 SAE World Congress, 2017.[10] Yin, Y. (presenter), Rakheja S., Yang J., and Boileau P. E., Analysis of a flow volume regulated frame steering system and experimental verifications, No. 2015-01-2740. SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2015.[11] Yin, Y., Yang J., and Zhang W., Handling and roll prediction of electric drive mining trucks, Advanced Materials Research 712 (2013): 1135-1138. 会议主席/联合主席[1] Yin, Y. (session chair), Constrained Control I, The 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2021).[2] Yin, Y. (session co-chair), Automated Driving and Artificial Intelligence, China-SAE Congress & Exhibition (2021).[3] Yin, Y. (session co-chair), The ICV Application of Artificial Intelligence, International Congress of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles Technology (2022). 教学与课程 本科生专业课:《汽车电子与控制(双语)》《汽车动力学基础》研究生选修课:《振动理论及应用(英语)》 育人成果 每年指导3—4名大四本科生的毕业设计工作指导本科生团队参与第五届“恒星杯”毕业设计大赛以及互联网+产业赛道
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