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发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 林溢 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 浙江碳中和创新研究院
学位 学历 浙江碳中和创新研究院
职称 联系方式 朝晖校区东配楼112
邮箱 linyi@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 研究方向温室气体源汇反演;城市生态遥感;城市生态管理教育背景 2016-2020     博士学位,香港大学社会科学学院    研究方向:城市可持续发展与管理;城市生态管理 2012-2015     硕士学位,浙江大学环境与资源学院    研究方向:城市生态环境管理与规划    2008-2012     学士学位,浙江大学环境与资源学院 教学与课程 G133101 地理信息系统 科研项目 科研成果 ŸLin Y, Wang Z*, Jim C.Y., Li J, Deng J,Liu J.Water as an urban heat sink: Blue infrastructure alleviates urban heat island effect in mega-city agglomeration[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2020, 262: 121411. (SCIE,中科院一区top,影响因子:7.246)ŸDeng J, Lin Y*, Zhou M, Wu C, Chen B, Xiao G, Cai J. Ecosystem services dynamics response to tremendous reclamation in a coastal island city[J].Ecosystem Health and Sustainability,2019,5(1): 155-168. (SCIE,非top,影响因子:2.315)ŸLin Y, Jim C.Y.*, Deng J, Wang Z. Urbanization effect on spatiotemporal thermal patterns and changes in Hangzhou (China)[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 145:166-176. (SCIE,中科院一区top,影响因子:4.971)ŸXue X, Lin Y, Zheng Q, Wang K, Zhang J, Deng J, Gan M*.Mapping the fine-scale spatial pattern of nighttime light pollution in urban environments from the perspective of bird habitats[J].Science of the Total Environment,2019,702:134725.(SCI,中科院二区top,影响因子:6.551)ŸZhou M., Deng J. *, Lin Y. *, Zhang L., He S., & Yang W. Evaluating combined effects of socio-economic development and ecological conservation policies on sediment retention service in the Qiantang River Basin, China [J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 286: 124961. (SCIE,中科院一区top,影响因子:7.246)ŸChen B, Lin Y, Li Z, Dong L, Huang Y, Wang K, Deng J*. Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Exposure Analysis of Daily PM2.5 using a Remote Sensing-Based Machine Learning Model and Multi-time Meteorological Parameters[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research,2021, 12(2):23-31.ŸZhou M, Deng J*,Lin Y, Belete M, Wang K, Comber Alexis, Huang L, Gan M.Identifying the effects of land use change on sediment export: integrating sediment source and sediment delivery in the Qiantang River Basin, China[J].Science of the Total Environment,2019,686:38-49. (SCI,中科院二区top,影响因子:6.551)ŸWu C., Tao H., Zhai M., Lin Y., Wang K. *, Deng J., Shen A., Gan M., Li J., Yang H.. Using nonparametric modeling approaches and remote sensing imagery to estimate ecological welfare forest biomass[J]. Journal of Forestry Research. 2018; 29(1):151-161. ŸPan Y., Zhai M., Lin L.,Lin Y., Cai J., Deng J., Wang K. *. Characterizing the spatiotemporal evolutions and impact of rapid urbanization on island sustainable development[J].Habitat International. 2016; 53: 215-227.ŸWu J*, Wen C,Lin Y, Wang W. The emission inventory of atmospheric industrial pollution sources of the five cities in Zhejiang Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2014, 12(2): 185-188.ŸLi J, Deng J*, Wang K, Li J, Huang T,Lin Y, Yu H. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urbanization in a Developed Region of Eastern Coastal China[J]. Sustainability. 2014; 6(7):4042-4058.ŸGu Q, Deng J*, Wang K,Lin Y, Li J, Gan M, Ma L, Hong Y. Identification and Assessment of Potential Water Quality Impact Factors for Drinking-Water Reservoirs[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014; 11(6):6069-6084.Ÿ吴建*, 李鹏, 林溢, 邓劲松, 李文娟, 晁娜. 中心城区城市化生态环境综合评价——以宁波为例[J].环境污染与防治. 2018,04:491-496. (环境污染与防治)Ÿ邓劲松,林溢*. 浙江省自然资源评估与负债表编制中遥感大数据应用研究[C].“两山”理念与实践国际会议, 中国湖州, 2018. (优秀论文二等奖)Ÿ林溢,邓劲松*. 关于自然资源资产负债表结构的初步探讨[C]. 自然资源资产离任审计专题研讨会, 中国北京, 2014: 113-119.

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