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姓名 于欣君 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 生物工程学院
学位 博士 学历 生物工程学院
职称 副教授 联系方式 莫干山校区生物楼A443
邮箱 xjyu@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 博士,副教授,硕士生导师。山东潍坊人。浙江省生物工程学会会员。2011年中国海洋大学获微生物学博士学位。主要研究方向是微生物代谢调控,海洋生物资源化利用。主持浙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、浙江省教育厅项目、浙工大校级重点科研项目,在J. Agric. Food Chem.、Biochem. Eng. J.、Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.、Ind. Crops Prod.、Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng.等SCI期刊上发表论文10余篇,授权中国发明专利4项。 教学与课程 基因工程,基因组与蛋白质组学,生物信息学 育人成果 指导学生:1. 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划(新苗计划),20192. 生工学院学生科技创新基金项目,2014 科研项目 主要科研项目:1. 植物激素赤霉素促进裂殖壶菌油脂和DHA合成的调控机制研究,2018.01-2020.12,浙江省自然科学基金一般项目2. 裂殖壶菌pks基因的克隆及功能分析,2013.01-2015.12,浙江省自然科学基金青年项目 科研成果 代表性论文:1. Yu XJ, Wang ZP, Liang MJ, Wang Z, Liu XY, Hu L, Xia J. One-step utilization of inulin for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production by recombinant Aurantiochytrium sp. carrying Kluyveromyces marxianus inulinase. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 2020.43:1801-1811.2. Yu XJ, Huang CY, Xu XD, Chen H, Liang MJ, Xu ZX, Xu HX, Wang Z. Protein engineering of a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent l-Aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase from Tribolium castaneum for beta-alanine production. Molecules. 2020. 25(6):1280.3. Xu XD, Huang CY, Xu ZX, Xu HX, Wang Z, Yu XJ. The strategies to reduce cost and improve productivity in DHA production by Aurantiochytrium sp.: from biochemical to genetic respects. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2020.104:9433-9447.4. Yu XJ, Huang CY, Chen H, Wang DS, Chen JL, Li HJ, Liu XY, Wang Z, Wang ZP. High-throughput biochemical fingerprinting of oleaginous Aurantiochytrium sp. strains by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) for lipid and carbohydrate productions. Molecules. 2019.24(8):1593.5. Yu XJ, Chen H, Huang CY, Zhu XY, Wang ZP, Wang DS, Liu XY, Sun J, Zheng JY, Li HJ, Wang Z. Transcriptomic mechanism of the phytohormone 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) stimulating lipid and DHA synthesis in Aurantiochytrium sp. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019. 67(19):5560-5570.6. Wang DS, Yu XJ, Zhu XY, Wang Z, Li HJ, Wang ZP. Transcriptome mechanism of utilizing corn steep liquor as the sole nitrogen resource for lipid and DHA biosynthesis in marine oleaginous protist Aurantiochytrium sp. Biomolecules. 2019. 9: 695.7. Yu XJ, Sun J, Sun YQ, Zheng JY, Wang Z. Metabolomics analysis of phytohormone gibberellin improving lipid and DHA accumulation in Aurantiochytrium sp. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2016.112:258-268.8. Yu XJ, Liu JH, Sun J, Zheng JY, Zhang YJ, Wang Z. Docosahexaenoic acid production from the acidic hydrolysate of Jerusalem artichoke by an efficient sugar-utilizing Aurantiochytrium sp. YLH70. Industrial Crops and Products. 2016.83: 372-378.9. Yu XJ, Yu ZQ, Liu YL, Sun J, Zheng JY, Wang Z. Utilization of high-fructose corn syrup for biomass production containing high levels of docosahexaenoic acid by a newly isolated Aurantiochytrium sp. YLH70. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2015.177(6):1229-1240.10. Yu XJ, Sun J, Zheng JY, Sun YQ, Wang Z. Metabolomics analysis reveals 6-benzylaminopurine as a stimulator for improving lipid and DHA accumulation of Aurantiochytrium sp. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2015. 91(4): 1199-1207.授权发明专利:1. 裂殖壶菌及其产淀粉酶的应用,1/3,ZL201711493963.X2. 裂殖壶菌WZYU011及其生产凝乳酶的方法,1/4,ZL201611266502.43. 裂殖壶菌及其产纤维素酶的应用,1/3,ZL201711493956.X4. 一种L-天冬氨酸-α-脱羧酶突变体及其应用,1/3,ZL 201811600551.6. 社会服务 浙江省生物工程学会、中国藻业协会微藻分会会员。Biotechnology for Biofuels、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Carbohydrate Polymers、Process Biochemistry、Frontier in Microbiology、BMC biotechnology等期刊杂志审稿人。 内容来自集群智慧云企服 www.jiqunzhihui.net