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发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 董征 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 土木工程学院
学位 博士 学历 土木工程学院
职称 讲师 联系方式 建工楼D536(屏峰)
邮箱 zdong@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 2010.09-2014.06:合肥工业大学,土木工程,学士2014.09-2021.05:同济大学,土木工程,博士,导师:顾祥林                               克莱姆森大学(美国),土木工程,博士,导师:Amir Poursaee2021.07-今:浙江工业大学,土木工程学院,讲师,硕士生导师 科研项目 [1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(52208294),2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持[2] 浙江省自然科学基金探索项目(LQ22E080017),荷载与腐蚀环境耦合作用下混凝土中钢筋钝化及脱钝行为基础研究,     2022/01-2024/12,在研,主持[3] 工程结构性能演化与控制教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放基金课题(2021KF-2),2021/12-2023/11,在研,主持[4] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2015CB655103),严酷环境下混凝土结构性能退化及可预期寿命设计,结题,     参与[5] 国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目(51320105013),基于时变可靠性分析的混凝土结构全寿命设计理论,     结题,参与 科研成果 [1]   Fu C, Huang J, Dong Z (通讯), Song C, Zhang Y. Shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to accelerated non-uniform corrosion[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023.[2]   Dong Z, Fu C, Lu C, Nóvoa X, Ye H. Effect of stress on the critical chloride content of steel bar in simulated concrete pore solution[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023.[3]   Dong Z, Torbati-Sarraf H*, Poursaee A. Determining the optimal frequency and perturbation amplitude for AC electrical resistance measurements of cement-based materials using harmonic analysis[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 2022, 11(1): 339-353. (EI)[4]   Huang J, Dong Z (通讯), Fu C, Qiu T, Liu C, Li Z, Che X. Evaluation of non-uniform corrosion of steel in concrete based on two-yoke magnetic sensor[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(9): 040222204. (SCI/EI)[5]   Dong Z (通讯), Fu C, Poursaee A. Galvanic corrosion  study between tensile-stressed and non-stressed carbon steels in simulated concrete pore solution[J]. Metals, 2022, 12(1): 98. (SCI/EI)[6]   Dong Z, Gu X L*, Jin Z H, Poursaee A, Ye H. Experimental and numerical investigations on the rate-limiting step for macro-cell corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(1): 04021407. (SCI/EI) ESI高被引论文[7]   Dong Z, Torbati-Sarraf H*, Hussein H, Poursaee A. Harmonic analysis on the effect of potential perturbations and electrode arrangements on the electrochemical impedance (EIS) measurement of cementitious material[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 273: 121701. (SCI/EI)[8]   Fu C, Huang J, Dong Z (通讯), Yan W, Gu X L. Experimental and numerical study of an electromagnetic sensor for non-destructive evaluation of steel corrosion in concrete[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2020, 315: 112371. (SCI/EI)[9]   Dong Z (通讯), Poursaee A. Corrosion behavior of coupled active and passive reinforcing steels in simulated concrete pore solution[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 240: 117955. (SCI/EI)[10]   Gu X L*, Dong Z, Yuan Q, Zhang W P. Corrosion of stirrups under different relative humidity conditions in concrete exposed to chloride environment[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(1): 04019329. (SCI/EI) [11]   董征, 顾祥林*, 张伟平, 等. 交叉钢筋的宏观锈蚀及其对钢筋混凝土构件抗力的影响[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2019, 40(1): 105-112. (EI)  社会服务 兼职:国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM)会员(Young Member)国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM)TC-ECS委员会委员期刊审稿:Advances in Civil Engineering Materials (ASTM)Construction and Building MaterialsJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE)Journal of Zhejiang University- Science AScientific Reports (Nature research) 教学与课程 课程:信息检索、土木工程学科前沿(双语)教学成果:[1] 2022年教育部产学研协同育人项目1项 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理