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姓名 乔梁 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 博士 学历 材料科学与工程学院
职称 副教授 联系方式 莫干山校区材料大楼A211
邮箱 lqiao@zjut.edu.cn    
软件产品登记测试全国受理 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理

个人简介 教育工作经历:1993.9-1998.7:清华大学材料系,本科;1998.9-2003.1:清华大学材料系,博士;2003.3-2005.6:清华大学材料系、福建晋江博士后科研工作站,博士后;2005.6至今:浙江工业大学材料学院,教师。研究方向:磁电功能材料研究领域:(1)铁氧体永磁材料(2)软磁复合材料(3)氮化铝陶瓷材料(4)氧化锆陶瓷、氧化铝/氧化锆陶瓷复合材料(5)陶瓷注射成型(CIM) 教学与课程 本科生课程:材料物理、先进陶瓷材料研究生课程:陶瓷导论 育人成果 培养研究生十五名。培养本科生二十五名。 科研项目 钕铁硼/聚苯硫醚复合稀土永磁材料开发,纵向关键磁性材料与器件,横向大功率LED用氮化铝陶瓷基板的联合开发,纵向氮化铝陶瓷基板产业化技术开发,横向纺织电子行业用有机硅新材料的开发,横向 科研成果 发表的论文:Gu Jinhui, Qiao Liang, Cai Wei, Zheng Jingwu, Ying Yao, Yu Jing, Li Wangchang, Che Shenglei, Effects of heating rate in thermal debinding on the microstructure and property of sintered NiCuZn ferrite prepared by powder injection molding, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2021, 530: 167931Wen Qian, Wang Peng, Zheng Jingwu, Ying Yao, Yu Jing, Li Wangchang, Che Shenglei, Qiao Liang, Carbothermal Reduction Synthesis of Aluminum Nitride from Al(OH)(3)/C/PVB Slurries Prepared by Three-Roll Mixing, Materials, 2021, 14(6): 1386Deng Lijian; Qiao Liang*; Zheng Jingwu; Ying Yao; Yu Jing; Li Wangchang; Che Shenglei; Cai Wei; Injection molding, debinding and sintering of ZrO2 ceramic modified by silane couping agent, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40(4): 1566-1573.Zhao Manman; Qiao Liang*; Zheng Jingwu; Ying Yao; Yu Jing; Li Wangchang; Che Shenglei; Investigation of the solvent debinding in the injection molding of ZrO2 ceramics using LDEP, HDPE and wax binders, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(3): 3894-3901.Fu Li; Qiao Liang*; Zheng Jingwu; Ying Yao; Li Wangchang; Che Shenglei; Yu Jing; Phase, microstructure and sintering of aluminum nitride powder by the carbothermal reduction-nitridation process with Y2O3 addition, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(4): 1170-1178.Wang Lulu; Qiao Liang*; Zheng Jingwu; Cai Wei; Ying Yao; Li Wangchang; Che Shenglei; Yu Jing; Microstructure and properties of FeSiCr/PA6 composites by injection molding using FeSiCr powders by phosphating and coupling treatment, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018, 452: 210-218.Ye Yi; Qiao Liang*; Zheng Jingwu; Ying Yao; Li Wangchang; Yu Ling; Che Shenglei; Jiang Liqiang; Effect of microcrystalline wax on the solvent debinding of the Sr-ferrite ceramics prepared by powder injection molding, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37(5): 2105-2114.Qiao Liang; Dong Xin; Ying Yao; Zheng Jingwu; Li Wangchang; Che Shenglei*, Toughening mechanism of PPS/Sr ferrite composites by TPU elastomer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(25): 43564.Qiao Liang; Zhou Mengbo; Zheng Jingwu; Ying Yao; Che Shenglei*, Microstructure and coercivity of Sr1-x-x'LaxCax'Fe2n-yCoyO alpha ferrites, Journal of Materials Science – Materials in Electronics, 2016, 27(7): 7183-7191.Qiao Liang; Chen Shuwen; Zheng Jingwu; Jiang Liqiang; Che Shenglei*, Preparation and formation mechanism of aluminum nitride ceramic particles from large aluminum powder by self-propagating high temperature synthesis, Advance Powder Technology, 2015, 26(3): 830-835.Qiao Liang; Chen Jie; Ying Yao; Zheng Jing-wu*; Jiang Liqiang, Influence of NH4+ on the preparation of carbonaceous spheres by a hydrothermal process, Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48(9): 3341-3346.Qiao Liang; Xu Bin; Xi Qiaoqin; Zheng Jingwu; Jiang Liqiang*, Effects of trace of Bi2O3 addition on the morphology of strontium ferrite particles, Ceramics International, 2010, 36: 1423-1427.Qiao Liang, You Lishun, Zheng Jingwu, Jiang Liqiang*, Sheng Jiawei, The magnetic properties of strontium hexaferrites with La-Cu substitution prepared by SHS method, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, 319 (1-2): 74-78.授权专利:一种永磁铁氧体烧结磁体注射成型颗粒料及其制备与应用,专利号:ZL201710363870.9一种制备氮化铝/氮化钇复合粉末的方法,专利号:ZL201610919256.1一种透明氮化铝陶瓷的制造方法,专利号:ZL201410663094.0一种AlN陶瓷基板的制造方法,专利号:ZL201110437395.8一种高性能永磁铁氧体磁粉及其制备方法,专利号:ZL200610154830.5一种用于加成型硅橡胶热转印的热熔胶浆料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201210591687.1一种用于粘结加成型硅橡胶与皮革材料的底涂剂,专利号:ZL201210591679.7一种NdFeB/PPS注射成型颗粒料的制备方法,专利号:ZL200710067880.4奖励和荣誉:低压电离传输传输铜覆铝复合导体材料开发,浙江省科学技术三等奖2008.12,主要参加者钕铁硼/聚苯硫醚复合稀土永磁材料开发,浙江省高等学校科研成果三等奖2009.02,主要参加者低成本制备大功率LED用氮化铝陶瓷,浙江省第14届挑战杯三等奖,2015.05,指导教师 内容来自集群智慧云企服 发明专利4999元代写全部资料全国受理