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姓名 雷心 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 管理学院
学位 博士 学历 管理学院
职称 副研究员 联系方式 博易楼B507
邮箱 leixin@zjut.edu.cn,leixin@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 雷心,女,工学博士。2022年1月加入浙江工业大学管理学院,特聘副研究员、硕士生导师。教育背景2016.09~2022.01 清华大学 管理科学与工程 工学博士 2012.08~2016.07 清华大学 工业工程 工学学士 工作经历2022.01 至 今 浙江工业大学 管理学院 特聘副研究员研究兴趣人因与工效学,人机交互,行为决策,信任,AR/VR,用户体验,跨文化研究等联系方式邮箱:leixin@zjut.edu.cn地址:浙江工业大学屏峰校区博易楼B507(邮编:310023) 教学与课程 《高等工程统计学》 育人成果 科研项目 科研成果 发表论文Lei X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2023). Effects of Task Structure and Attribution Target on Responsibility Attributions in Human-Robot Interaction. International Journal of Human–Computer Studies, 176, 103038.Lei, X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2023).  Emotional Responses to Performance Feedback in an Educational Game During Cooperation and Competition with a Robot: Evidence from fNIRS. Computers in Human Behavior, 138, 107496.饶培伦, 雷心* (2023). 人机服务接触体验的影响因素. 包装工程, 44(12), 77-88.Lei, X., Tsai, Y. L., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2022). Harnessing the Visual Salience Effect With Augmented Reality to Enhance Relevant Information and to Impair Distracting Information. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 39(6), 1280-1293.Lei, X., Chen, H-H., Rau, P.-L. P.*, Dong L., & Liu, X. (2022). Learning in virtual reality: Effects of instruction type and emotional arousal on learning performance. Learning and Motivation, 80, 101846.Lei, X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2021). Effect of relative status on responsibility attributions in human–robot collaboration: Mediating role of sense of responsibility and moderating role of power distance orientation. Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106820.Lei, X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2021). Should I Blame the Human or the Robot? Attribution Within a Human-Robot Group. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(2), 363–377. Lei, X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2021). Effect of Robot Tutor’s Feedback Valence and Attributional Style on Learners. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(7), 1579–1597. Lei, X., Rau, P.-L. P. *, & Huang, H. (2021) Regional Differences in the Effect of Interpersonal Relationship on Trust and Trustworthiness in China. PsyCh Journal, 10(6), 878-888. Tsao, H.-H., Lei, X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2020) Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Virtual Aging Simulation System. Educational Gerontology, 2020, 46(6), 317–330.Lei, X., Ko, M., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2021). Trust and Trustworthiness in Northeast Asia. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Experience and Product Design Across Cultures. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12771. Springer, Cham.Lei, X., Tsai, YL., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2019). Effect of Layout on User Performance and Subjective Evaluation in an Augmented-Reality Environment. In: Rau, PL. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Tools and User Experience. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11576. Springer, Cham. Lai, X., Lei, X., Chen, X., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2019). Can Virtual Reality Satisfy Entertainment Needs of the Elderly? The Application of a VR Headset in Elderly Care. In: Rau, PL. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Culture and Society. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11577. Springer, Cham.Lei, X., Zhang, A., Wang, B., & Rau, P.-L. P.* (2018). Can Virtual Reality Help Children Learn Mathematics Better? The Application of VR Headset in Children’s Discipline Education. In: Rau, PL. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Social Development. CCD 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10912. Springer, Cham.Rau, P.-L. P., Guo, Z., Qie, N., Lei, X., & Zhang, A. (2020). The Cognitive Bias in Cross-Cultural Design. In E. Vanderheiden & C.-H. Mayer (Eds.), Mistakes, Errors and Failures across Cultures: Navigating Potentials (pp. 455–472).  Springer, Cham. 社会服务

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