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姓名 孙志永 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 生物工程学院
学位 博士 学历
职称 研究员 联系方式 生工学院 A529
邮箱 szy@zjut.edu.cn,szy@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 学习及工作简历01.2022-目前,浙江工业大学 生物工程学院 校聘教授(运河青年学者)10.2019-09.2021,南丹麦大学,研究助理/博士后09.2015-02.2020, 德累斯顿工业大学,生物学专业,博士学位09.2012-06.2015, 东北师范大学,高分子化学与物理专业, 理学硕士学位09.2008-07.2012, 西北工业大学,化学工程与工艺专业,工学学士学位主要研究方向1:基于聚合物-酶相互作用,构筑稳定、新颖的化学-生物耦联催化体系。2:生物催化剂的表面修饰,提高液-液两相催化体系的效率。3:蛋白质功能化,催化新型反应。4:基于聚合物自组装,调控催化反应活性及产物的立体选择性。欢迎对以上研究方向感兴趣的同学、老师与我取得联系。期待您的加盟、合作!邮箱:szy@zjut.edu.cn电话(微信):18943611718办公地址:浙江工业大学莫干山校区,生物工程学院A529。 教学与课程 育人成果 科研项目 1.重点研发计划子课题,非生物元件增强的合 成生物体系设计与应用。2.国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金项目,含氯挥发性有机物乳液-微生物电解耦合强化生物降解效能与机制研究 科研成果 发表论文17.  Ren L., Liu S., Sun Z.*, Harboring Organocatalysts in a Star-Shaped Block Copolymer for Micellar Catalysis and Emulsion Catalysis. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024,14, 255-260. doi.org/10.1039/D3CY01110K.16. Shanqiu Liu *, Yizhen Li, Jun Wen, Zhenxiang Shen, Qiu Meng, Qing Liu, Fan Yang, Si Yu Zheng, Jingguo Li *,  Zhiyong Sun *, Guilin Zhuang *, Jintao Yang *. Versatile Stretchable Conductor with Exceptional Resilience and Rapid Rebound Capabilities: Toward Sustainable and Damage-Resistant Soft Electronics. Adv. Funct.  Mater.  doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202313397    15. Sun Z., Wu C.*, A sustainability strategy: Convert methanol into valuable chemicals via multi-enzyme cascades. Chem Catal., doi.org/10.1016/j.checat.2022.09.015.14. Sun Z., Jurica J., Hübner R., Wu C.*, Pickering interfacial catalysts for asymmetric organocatalysis. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022,12, 4811-4816.13. Sun Z., Hübner R., Li J., Wu C.*, Artificially Sporulated Escherichia coli Cells as a Robust Cell Factory for Interfacial Biocatalysis,Nat. Commun., 13,  3142, 2022. DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-30915-2.12. Zhang N., Sun Z., Wu C.*, Artificial enzymes combining proteins with proline polymers for asymmetric aldol reactions in water, ACS Catal., 2022,12, 4777–4783.11. Sun Z.#, Zhao Q.#, Haag R.*, Wu C.*, Chemoenzymatic Cascades Enabled by Combining Catalytically Active Emulsions and Biocatalysts, ChemCatChem, 2022,14, e202101556.10. Sun Z.#, Zhao Q.#, Haag R.*, Wu C.*, Responsive Emulsions for Sequential Multienzyme Cascades, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 8410–8414, 9. Sun Z.#, Glebe U.#, Charan H., Böker A., Wu C.*, Enzyme-Polymer Conjugates as Robust Pickering Interfacial Biocatalysts for Efficient Biotransformations and One-Pot Cascade Reactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 13810-13814.8. Sun Z., Cai M., Hübner R., Ansorge-Schumacher M. B., Wu C.*, Tailoring Particle-enzyme Nanoconjugates for Biocatalysis at the Organic-organic Interface. ChemSusChem, 2020, 13, 6523– 6527.7. Sun Z., Popp P., Loderer, C., Revilla-Guarinos A.*,  Genetically Engineered Bacterial Biohybrid Microswimmers for Sensing Applications, Sensors, 2019, 20, 180. 6. Li Y., Yu H., Xu F., Guo Q., Xie Z., Sun Z. *,  Solvent controlled self-assembly of π-stacked/H-bonded supramolecular organic frameworks from a C3 -symmetric monomer for iodine adsorption. CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 1742-1749. 5. Sun Z., Li Y., Chen L., Jing X., Xie Z.*, Fluorescent Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework for Sensing of Aromatic Compounds. Cryst. Growth Des. 2015, 2, 542-545. 4. Sun Z., Li Y., Guan X., Chen L., Jing X., Xie Z.*, Rational design and synthesis of covalent organic polymers with hollow structure and excellent antibacterial efficacy. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 40269-40272. 3. Sun Z., Li Y., Guan X., Sun T., Chen L., Jing X., Xie Z.*, A single-step emulsion approach to prepare fluorescent nanoscale coordination polymers for bioimaging. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 14803-14806. 2. Li Y., Zhang W., Sun Z., Sun T., Xie Z.*, Huang Y., Jing X., Light-induced synthesis of cross-linked polymers and their application in explosive detection. Eur. Polym. J., 2015, 63, 149-155. 1. Li Y., Sun Z., Sun T., Chen L., Xie Z.*, Huang Y., Jing X., Cross-linked polymers based on 2,5-disubstituted tetrazoles for unsaturated hydrocarbon detection. RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 21302-21305. 社会服务

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