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发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 刘通 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 博士 学历 材料科学与工程学院
职称 副研究员 联系方式 莫干山校区材料楼A515
邮箱 liut@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 刘通,博士,特聘副研究员,硕士研究生导师,2020年7月毕业于华南理工大学材料加工工程专业,获工学博士学位,同年8月加入浙江工业大学材料科学与工程学院,主要从事高分子材料成型加工新技术和新装备的研究开发、新型功能复合材料设计研究、聚合物基三维多孔材料的绿色制备及应用研究。 科研成果 共发表SCI论文32篇,其中第一/通讯作者(含共同)19篇,含ESI热点论文2篇,ESI高被引论文1篇;发表EI论文3篇,其中第一作者2篇;申请中国发明专利20件,授权5件。发表论文:1.         Tong Liu, Yibo Wang,   Tairong Kuang*. Oriented Porous Polymer Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering: A   Comprehensive Review of Preparation Strategies and Applications. Macromolecular   Materials and Engineering, 2023, 2300246. (SCI)2.         Tong Liu, Chenyang Pei, Runhang Zeng, Jingbing Zhang,   Aleksander Hejna, Tairong Kuang*. Achieving High Thermal Conductivity, Good   Electrical Insulation, and Balanced Mechanical Properties in Biodegradable   Polymer Composites with Low Filler Content. ACS Applied Polymer   Materials, 2023, 5(10), 8062-8072. (SCI)3.         Tong Liu, Huiyao   Feng, Weiqiang Zeng, Chenhong Jin, Tairong Kuang*. Facile Fabrication of   Absorption-Dominated Biodegradable Poly (lactic   acid)/Polycaprolactone/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Foams towards   Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Journal of Composites Science,   2023, 7(9), 395. (SCI)4.         Kailiang Zhang, Hanyu Wang, Tong Liu*, Zhu   Wang, Lvxing Wang, Ping Fan, Feng Chen, Mingqiang Zhong, Bozhen Wu, Shanqiu   Liu*, Jintao Yang*. EMI performance within the conductive composite foams   engineered with bimodal and uniform cell structures. The Journal of  Supercritical Fluids, 2023, 204, 106093. (SCI)5.         Tairong Kuang*, Maolin Zhang, Feng Chen, Yanpei   Fei, Jintao Yang, Mingqiang Zhong, Bozhen Wu*, Tong   Liu*. Creating   poly (lactic acid)/carbon nanotubes/carbon black nanocomposites with high   electrical conductivity and good mechanical properties by constructing a   segregated double network with a low content of hybrid nanofiller. Advanced  Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2023, 6(1): 48. (SCI, ESI热点论文)6.         An Huang*, Zhenyu Yang, Yiwei Zhu, Bin Tan, Yao   Song, Yu Guo, Tong   Liu*, Xiangfang Peng. A unique, flexible, and   porous pressure sensor with enhanced sensitivity and durability by synergy of   surface microstructure and supercritical fluid foaming. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 618: 156661. (SCI)7.      Tairong Kuang*, Jiajun Ju*, Feng Chen, Xianhu Liu,   Shuidong Zhang, Tong Liu*, Xiangfang Peng. Coupled effect of   self-assembled nucleating agent, Ni-CNTs and pressure-driven flow on the   electrical, electromagnetic interference shielding and thermal conductive   properties of poly (lactic acid) composite foams. Composites Science   and Technology, 2022, 230: 109736. (SCI, ESI热点论文)8.      Tairong Kuang#, Jiajun Ju#,*, Tong   Liu*, Aleksander   Hejna, Mohammad Reza Saeb, Shuidong Zhang, Xiangfang Peng, A facile   structural manipulation strategy to prepare ultra-strong, super-tough, and   thermally stable polylactide/nucleating agent composites, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022,5(2),   948-959.(SCI, ESI高被引论文)9.      Tairong Kuang*, Jingbing Zhang, Feng Chen,   Yanpei Fei, Hongfu Zhou, Yunxuan Weng, Tong   Liu*, Jintao   Yang, Mingqiang Zhong. A Simple, Low-Cost, and Green Method for Preparing   Strong, Tough, and Ductile Poly (lactic acid) Materials with Good   Transparency and Heat Resistance. ACS Sustainable Chemistry &   Engineering, 2022, 10, 49, 16389-16398. (SCI)10.      Zhen Wang, Tong   Liu*, Jintao   Yang, Feng Chen, Yanpei Fei, Mingqiang Zhong, Tairong Kuang*. Biomimetically   Structured Poly (lactic acid)/Poly (butylene-adipate-co-terephthalate) Blends   with Ultrahigh Strength and Toughness for Structural Application. ACS   Applied Polymer Materials, 2022, 4, 12, 9351-9359. (SCI)11.      Tairong Kuang, Runhang Zeng, Aleksander Hejna,   Mohammad Reza Saeb, Bozhen Wu, Feng Chen, Tong   Liu*, Mingqiang   Zhong, Pressure-induced flow processing behind the superior mechanical   properties and heat-resistance performance of poly(butylene succinate). e-Polymers,   2022, 22(1), 156-164. (SCI)12.      Tairong Kuang, Shaowei Chen, Zhipeng Gu, Zhisen   Shen, Aleksander Hejna, Mohammad Reza Saeb, Feng Chen, Mingqiang Zhong,Tong Liu*. A facile   approach to fabricate load-bearing porous polymer scaffolds for bone tissue   engineering. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5,   1376-1384(SCI)13.      Tairong Kuang, Maolin Zhang, Xinghan Lian,   Jingbing Zhang, Tong   Liu*, Shuidong, Zhang, Xiangfang Peng*, External   flow-induced highly oriented and dense nanohybrid shish-kebabs: A strategy   for achieving high performance in poly (lactic acid) composites, Composites   Communications, 2021: 101042(SCI)14.      Tong Liu#, Jiajun Ju#, Feng Chen,   Bozhen Wu, Jintao Yang, Mingqiang Zhong, Xiangfang Peng*, Tairong Kuang*,   Superior mechanical performance of in-situ nanofibrillar HDPE/PTFE composites   with highly oriented and compacted nanohybrid shish-kebab structure, Composites   Science and Technology, 2021, 107: 108715(SCI)15.      Tong Liu, Xinghan Lian, Lengwan Li, Xiangfang Peng*,   Tairong Kuang*. Facile fabrication of fully biodegradable and biorenewable   poly (lactic acid)/poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) in-situ   nanofibrillar composites with high strength, good toughness and excellent   heat resistance. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2020, 171:   109044(SCI)16.      Tong Liu#, Keqing Huang#, Lengwan Li,   Zhipeng Gu, Xianhu Liu, Xiangfang Peng*, Tairong Kuang*. High performance   high-density polyethylene/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites for load-bearing bone   substitute: fabrication, in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility evaluation. Composites Science and Technology, 2019,175:100-110(SCI)17.      Tong Liu, Wei Li, Lengwan Li, Xiangfang Peng*, Tairong   Kuang*. Effect of   dynamic oscillation shear flow intensity on the mechanical and morphological   properties of high-density polyethylene: An integrated experimental and   molecular dynamics simulation study. Polymer Testing, 2019, 80:   106122(SCI)18.      Tong Liu, Xiangfang Peng*, Haoyang Mi*, Lihsheng Turng, Baiping   Xu*. Preparation of fast‐degrading poly(lactic acid)/soy protein   concentrate biocomposite foams via supercritical CO2 foaming. Polymer   Engineering & Science, 2019, 59(9): 1753-1762(SCI)19.      Tong Liu#, An Huang#, Lihong Geng,   Xinghan Lian, Binyi Chen, Benjamin S Hsiao, Tairong Kuang*, Xiangfang Peng*.   Ultra-strong, tough and high wear resistance high-density polyethylene for   structural engineering application: a facile strategy towards using the   combination of extensional dynamic oscillatory shear flow and   ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene. Composites Science and   Technology, 2018,167:301-312(SCI)20.      Tong Liu, Xing-Han Lian, Jia-Jun Ju, Xing-Xing Shi,   Tai-Rong Kuang*, Xiang-Fang Peng*, Synergistic reinforcing and toughening   high density polyethylene by introducing dynamic shear force field and   ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene. Annual Technical   Conference-ANTEC, 2018-May(EI)21.      Tong Liu, Yuhen Wu, Qingin He, Mengmeng Wang,   Tairong Kuang*, Xiangfang Peng*. Effect   of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes on poly(ε-caprolactone) foaming behavior. Annual   Technical Conference-ANTEC, 2017-May: 2449-2453(EI)申请专利:1.       彭响方;练兴瀚;张水洞;况太荣;刘通;一种全生物降解的串晶化高耐热聚乳酸复合材料及其制备方法,2021-08-10,中国,ZL201911210201.32.       彭响方;况太荣;陈斌艺;刘通;一种致密串晶化超强超耐磨聚乙烯复合材料及其制备方法,2021-01-19, 中国,ZL201810876457.7.3.       米皓阳;经鑫;况太荣;刘通;一种多维度纳米粒子修饰的超疏水吸油泡沫材料及其制备方法,2021-01-19,中国,ZL201710176409.2.4.       况太荣;曾润杭;刘通;陈枫;杨晋涛;钟明强;一种高强韧耐热聚丁二酸丁二醇酯材料及其制备方法、应用,2023-04-07,中国, ZL202110671338.X5.       况太荣;张茂林;刘通;周楚仪;陈枫;费炎培;杨晋涛;钟明强;一种聚乳酸/碳纳米管/炭黑复合材料及其制备方法,2023-06-02,中国,ZL202210644128.66.       刘通;冯慧耀;况太荣;陈枫;杨晋涛;钟明强;一种电磁屏蔽复合材料及其制备方法,专利公开号:CN202211717466.47.       刘通;冯慧耀;金晨红;况太荣;陈枫;杨晋涛;一种电磁屏蔽复合泡沫材料及其制备方法,专利公开号:CN202311727271.28.       刘通;张凌玮;金晨红;况太荣;陈枫;一种多功能化热管理复合材料的固化制备方法,专利公开号:CN202410105578.79.       刘通;王一博;金晨红;况太荣;陈枫;杨晋涛;一种仿生骨组织工程支架的制备方法,专利公开号:CN 202410068434.9 科研项目 2024.01-2026.12浙江省自然科学基金探索青年项目:剪切流场下聚乳酸立构复合纳米杂化串晶形成机制及性能研究(主持)2022.04-2023.12浙江省重点研发计划项目课题:可穿透毫米雷达波的智能汽车外饰零部件关键制备技术及其产业化(主持)2021.09-2023.09浙江省教育厅一般项目(自然科学类):高强度PCL多级有序连通孔支架的制备及性能研究(主持)2021.07-2023.07高分子材料及制品福建省高校重点实验室开放课题:高强度PCL取向开孔支架的制备及性能研究(主持)2020.08-2025.08浙江工业大学科研启动基金(主持)2022.01-2025.12国家自然科学基金面上项目:可控复杂外场诱导多层次梯度形态结构的形成及其对聚合物同步增强增韧机理的研究(参与) 育人成果 2022省新苗人才计划冯慧耀;王一博,卢鑫锐,靳梦瑶,郭宏鑫省级立项2023第五届“晶通杯”金晨红;冯慧耀,付广昱校三等奖20232023年大学生创新创业训练计划金晨红;付广昱校级立项2024第三十五届“运河杯”冯慧耀;金晨红,喻鹏娟,赵璐,丁少杰,陈书涵校三等奖  2021年起,担任高分子2102班班主任,获2023年度材料学院“优秀班主任”荣誉称号 教学与课程 本科生《聚合物加工及设备》《聚合物合成工艺及设备》               《功能高分子》研究生《聚合物新型加工技术》《先进材料制备加工技术》

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