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姓名 王军良 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 环境学院
学位 博士 学历 环境学院
职称 教授 联系方式 环境楼B505
邮箱 upupwang@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 王军良,男,浙江绍兴人,博士,教授,博士生导师,美国佛罗里达大学访问学者。担任浙江工业大学绍兴研究院执行院长,中国化学学会超临界流体专业委员会委员,绍兴市生态文明促进会环保产业分会副会长。主要从事超亚临界流体,高浓度有机废水处理与资源化和二氧化碳地质封存等研究。近几年主持或参加国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目、浙江省“尖兵领雁+X”研发攻关计划项目、浙江省重点研发计划项目、浙江省自然科学基金项目、浙江省科技厅重大项目、浙江省科技厅公益项目等20余项。在Fuel、Science  of The Total Environment、Energy and Fuels、Separation and Purification Technology、Journal of Supercritical Fluids、Chemosphere、化工进展等国内外核心期刊上发表论文50余篇,授权发明专利11项,主编《环境保护与生态文明》教材1部 。获中国化工学会科学技术奖“基础研究成果奖”一等奖1项。先后获得“浙江省教育系统三育人先进个人”“浙江工业大学优秀教师”“浙江工业大学优秀工会干部”“浙江工业大学优秀班主任”等称号。 教学与课程 主讲《环境影响评价》《固体废弃物处理与处置》《环境污染控制前沿》《环境科学专业导论》 等课程。 科研项目 1.高浓分散染料废水亚临界水催化氧化及资源化利用技术装备研发及工程示范,浙江省重点研发计划项目(2021C0374),负责人,410万,在研。2.利用显微与拉曼光谱原位在线研究地质封存条件下CO2-烷烃体系溶解物性及机理(41977304),国家自然基金面上项目,负责人,59万,在研。3.地质封存条件下CO2在模拟油体系中的溶解及机理研究(LY17D030002),浙江省自然科学基金项目,负责人,8万,结题。4.竹材热处理工艺优化及其污水处理关键技术研究与示范(2015C02058),浙江省科技计划项目重大专项,负责人(浙工大),20万,结题。5.钱塘江源头水系(衢州段)持久性有毒物质的调查及其生态风险评估(2010C33060),浙江省科技厅公益项目,负责人,15万,结题。6.利用拉曼光谱原位在线检测研究微型毛细管反应器中超/亚临界水氧化含氯有机物(21077092),国家基金面上项目,参加(2/5),38万,结题。7.利用微型可视毛细管反应器研究亚临界水中氯甲苯/四氯乙烯等疏水性有机物溶解度(21377116),国家基金面上项目,参加(2/9),82万,结题。8.绍兴市环保产业调查及“十四五”规划等横向课题50余项,负责人,400余万。 科研成果 近几年发表的主要论文:1. Mian Hu,Xiaotong Huang,LetaoSun, Weicheng Zheng, I-MingChou, Libo Wu, JinlingWan, ZhiyanPan, Junliang Wang*. Catalytic oxidation of o-chloroaniline in hot compressed water: Degradation behaviors and nitrogen transformation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021,274: 119107.2.  Youhui Wang, Yulong Chen, Junliang Wang*, Zhiyan Pan, Jun Liu. Molecular simulation study on the density behavior of n-Alkane/CO2 systems.ACS Omega, 2021, 6 (44), 29618−29628.3. Mian Hu,Zhiheng Ye, Haiyang Zhang, Baixiao Chen, Zhiyan Pan, Junliang Wang*. Thermochemical conversion of sewage sludge for energy and resource recovery: technical challenges and prospects. Environmental pollutants & bioavailability.,2021,33:145−163.4.  Junliang Wang, Weicheng Zheng, Yuqing Zhang, Shuang Song, I-Ming Chou ,Mian Hu,  Zhiyan Pan. Raman spectroscopic technique towards understanding the degradation of phenol by sodium persulfate in hot compressed water. Chemosphere, 2020,57:127264.5.  Junliang Wang, Benben He, Lifeng Xie, Ke Bei,Guixuan Li, Zuhua Chen, I-Ming Chou, Chunmian Lin, and Zhiyan Pan. Determination of CO2 Solubility in Water and NaCl Solutions under Geological Sequestration Conditions Using a Fused Silica Capillary Cell with in Situ Raman Spectroscopy. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2019, 64, 2484−2496.6.  Junliang Wang,Yuanyang Lou,Xiaowei Zhuang,Shuang Song,Weiping Liu,Chao Xu*.Magnetic Pr6O11/SiO2@Fe3O4 particles as the heterogeneous catalyst for the catalytic ozonation of acetochlor: Performance and aquatic toxicity.Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 197:63−69.7.  Ke Bei, Junliang Wang,Shuyan Zhou, Guangna Xie, Yanmei Xu, Liang Wang, Zhuoran Jiang, I-Ming Chou, ZhiyanPan*. Determining the volume expansion of the CO2 + octane mixture using a fused silica capillary cell with in-situ Raman spectroscopy.Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2018, 24:149-156.8. Junliang Wang,Shuyan Zhou,Ke Bei,Dan Zhang,I-Ming Chou,Zuhua Chen,Chunmian Lin, and Zhiyan Pan*.Using a Fused Silica Capillary Cell and In Situ Raman Spectroscopy To Develop a Setup for Measurement of the Volume Expansion of Carbon Dioxide + n‑Hexane. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31, 6314−6319.9. Junliang Wang, Shuyan Zhou, Ke Bei, I-Ming Chou, Chunmian Lin, Zhiyan Pan*. A new approach for the measurement of the volume expansion of a CO2 + n-dodecane mixture in a fused silica capillary cell by Raman Spectroscopy. Fuel, 2017,3:113–119.10.  Junliang Wang, Ke Bei, Zhichao Hu, Yingping Liu, Yanpei Ma, YuanShen, I-Ming Chou, Zhiyan Pan*. Depolymerization of waste polybutylene terephthalate in hot compressed water in a fused silica capillary reactor and an autoclave reactor: Monomer phase behavior, stability, and mechanism. Polymer Engineeting and Science, 2017, 57(5): 544–549.   11.  Ke Bei, Peixia Ma, Junliang Wang, Kai Li, Jinghui Lyu, Zhichao Hu, I-Ming Chou, Zhiyan Pan*. Depolymerization of poly (ethylene naphthalate) in fusedsilica capillary reactor and autoclave reactor from 240 to 280 °C in subcritical water. Polymer Engineeting and Science, 2017, 57(12):1382-1388.12.  Ke Bei, Jie Chen, Junliang Wang, I-Ming Chou, Minghai Yao and Zhiyan Pan*. In situ Raman spectroscopy investigation of the solubility and dissolution mechanism of 1,2- dichlorobenzene in hot compressed water in a fused silica capillary reactor. J. Raman Spectroscopy. 2017, 48(11): 1454–1458.13.  Guangna Xie, Yu Chen, Ke Bei, Zhipeng Gao, Mingde Yang, Junliang Wang, Yulong Wu, Zhiyan Pan*.  Hydrothermal liquefaction phase behavior of microalgae & model compounds in fused silica capillary reactor. Journal International Journal of Green Energy, 2017,14(11): 861−867.14.  Wang Junliang, Xu Chao*, Lou Yuanyang, Song Shuang, Liu Weiping, Magnetic lanthanide oxide catalysts: An application and comparison in the heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of diethyl phthalate in aqueous solution, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 159: 57−67.15. Junliang Wang, Tao Jiang, Weiping Liu, Chunmian Lin*. Sorptive removal of dibutyl phthalate from aqueous solutions by bamboo-derived biochar. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2016,15(1):105−112.16. Ke Bei, Chuanyong Zhang, Junliang Wang, Kai Li, Jinghui Lyu, Jia Zhao, Jie Chen, I-Ming Chou, Zhiyan Pan*. Solubility and dissolution mechanism of 4-chlorotoluene in subcritical water investigated in a fused silica capillary reactor by in situ Raman spectroscopy. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, 425:93−97.17. Jin Jiaojiao, Wang Junliang, Shen Yuan, Lin Chunmian, Pan Zhiyan*, Chou I-Ming, Visual and Raman spectroscopic observations of hot compressed water oxidation of guaiacol in fused silica capillary reactors, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2014,95: 546−552.18. Pan Zhiyan*, Hu Zhichao, Shi Yinghai, Shen Yuan, Wang Junliang, Chou I-Ming. Depolymerization of polycarbonate with catalyst in hot compressed water in fused silica capillary and autoclave reactors, Rsc Advances, 2014,4(38): 19992−19998.19. Zhang Anping, Fang Li, Wang Junliang*, Liu Weiping, Enzymatic decolorization of Orange II: Optimization by response surface methodology and pathway, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2013,32(2): 294−301.20. He Wenjian, Jin Zanfang, Wang Junliang, Pan Zhiyan*, Decomposition of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in hot compressed water in anti-corrosive fused silica capillary reactor and Raman spectroscopic measurement of CO2 product, Chemical Engineering Science, 2013,94: 185−191.21. Sun Jianqiang, Zhang Anping*, Fang Li, Wang Junliang, Liu Weiping, Levels and distribution of Dechlorane Plus and related compounds in surficial sediments of the Qiantang River in eastern China: The results of urbanization and tide, Science of The Total Environment, 2013, 443: 194−199. 22. Wu Shijin, Zhang Huaxing, Zhao Shiliang, Wang Junliang, Li Huilong, Chen Jianmeng*, Biomarker responses of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) exposured to phenanthrene and pyrene both singly and combined in microcosms, Chemosphere, 2012, 87(4):285−293.  23. Wang Junliang, Sun Wenshan, Xu Chao*, Liu Weiping, Ozone degradation of chloramphenicol: Efficacy, products and toxicity, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2012, 15(2): 180−192.24. Wang Junliang, Xia Qing, Zhang Anping*, Hu Xiaoyan, Lin Chunmian, Determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in vegetables by an enzyme inhibition method using α-naphthyl acetate esterase extracted from wheat flour, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science, 2012, 13(4): 267−273.25. Zhang Anping, Fang Li, Wang Junliang*, Liu Weiping, Yuan Hejin, Jantunen Liisa, Li Yi-Fan, Residues of Currently and Never Used Organochlorine Pesticides in Agricultural Soils from Zhejiang Province, China, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60(12): 2982−2988.授权发明专利:1. 一种利用高浓度印染退浆废水制备纸管胶的方法,ZL201310355694.6,2015.4.2. 一种原位在线测定CO2-烷烃体系膨胀系数的方法,ZL201511018098.4,2017.12.3. 原位在线测定二氧化碳在纯水中溶解度的方法,ZL201810203152.X,2020.11.4. 一种管簇式超临界水氧化反应器,ZL201910249834.9,2021.6.5.一种罐底油泥高效资源化利用的方法,ZL202110224171.2,2022.5.6.一种Ru/rGO催化强化超临界水氧化降解含氮有机污染物并强化脱氮的方法,ZL202110271660.3,2022.5. 社会服务 浙江工业大学绍兴研究院执行院长浙江省生态环境领域专家库成员浙江省环境影响评价评审专家库成员浙江省污染地块调查和治理修复项目评审专家库成员浙江省环保产业协会第七届理事会专家库成员中国化工学会超临界流体专业委员会委员绍兴市生态文明促进会环保产业分会副会长
