发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646
姓名 | 毛剑峰 | 性别 | |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 | 部门 | 机械工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 机械工程学院 |
职称 | 副研究员 | 联系方式 | 杭州市西湖区浙江工业大学广知楼C410室 |
邮箱 | maojianfeng@zjut.edu.cn,maojianfeng@zjut.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 姓名:毛剑峰 性别:男 职务:高校教师 技术职称:博士生导师、副研究员 最高学位:工学博士 办公电话:0571-85290723 邮箱地址:maojianfeng@zjut.edu.cn 个人简介:毛剑峰(1983-), 浙江江山人,目前工作于浙江工业大学机械学院,博导,副研究员。2014年博士毕业于上海交通大学动力工程及工程热物理专业,一直致力于机械结构与机电产品开发研究,材料高温强度理论与实验研究等。 主要研究方向:方向一:机械结构完整性设计,新一代核电、太阳热电、超超临界火电、先进化工生产、航空发动机等领域关键高温部件的设计、制造、评估技术;方向二:高端机电装备机-电-液技术,高参数泵、阀技术,新能源电机及控制技术; 教育及工作经历:(1) 2019-12至现在, 浙江工业大学, 机械工程学院, 副研究员;(2) 2014-9至2019-12, 浙江工业大学, 机械工程学院, 讲师;(3) 2010-9至2014-6, 上海交通大学, 动力工程及工程热物理, 博士;(4) 2013-3至2013-9, 美国加州结构完整性(SI)研究院, 火电技术部, 访问学者(合作导师:Pete Riccardella;Tony Giannuzzi);(5) 2012-3至2013-2, 上海电气集团汽轮机厂, 研发部, 工程师;(6) 2005-6至2007-9, 广汽集团长丰猎豹汽车, 研发部, 工程师; 主要科研项目:(1)XX企业,横向项目,能源动力类高效节能电机设计与控制研究生联培项目,SH1020220908,2023-04至2025-06,在研,主持;(2)XX企业,横向项目,高端比例喷雾阀等国产化替代设计开发产学研项目,SH1020231231,2023-09至2025-06,在研,主持;(3)浙江工业大学台州研究院,成果转化项目,F23103,储能冷却系统高能效电机及智能控制关键技术及产业化,2023-10至2024-12,在研,主持;(4)XX企业,横向项目,30000rpm高速电机及其他风机电机关键技术咨询,HZFSJS202311759,2023-10至2024-10,在研,主持;(5)XX企业,横向项目,超高压柱塞泵轻量化设计与压力脉动抑制技术,SH1020230608,2023-07至2024-12,在研,主持;(6)XX企业,横向项目,电机材料与制造工艺装备研发技术咨询,HZFSJS202207069,2022-07至2023-12,结题,主持;(7)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51975526,严苛事故环境条件下核电压力容器结构强度急降与失效机制的研究,2020-01至2023-12,结题,主持;(8) 浙江工业大学台州创新研究院,成果转化项目,F22103,新能源车用电动智能部件的电机及电控关键技术及产业化,2021-11至2022.12,结题,主持;(9) XX企业,横向项目,深井泵主轴断裂原因分析及解决方案,SH102021XXXX,2021-12至2022.12,结题,主持;(10)消防应急救援装备应急管理部,重点实验室开放课题,2020XFZB10,消防液压破拆装备用高压柱塞泵关键技术研究,2021-01至2022-12,结题,主持;(11)科技部,国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFC0808800,严苛环境下典型承压类特种设备结构安全性评价及失效预防技术,2019-01至2021-12,结题,参与;(12)杭州XXX有限公司,重点横向项目,SH1020170122,BELTON工具产品设计,2017-02至2018-02,结题,主持;(13)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,51505425,700℃含镍耐热钢多轴蠕变孔洞长大失效机制和应用模型研究,2015-01至2018-12,结题,主持;(14)浙江省自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,LQ15E050007,太阳热电蒸汽发生器的多轴蠕变-疲劳寿命分析,2015-01至2016-12,结题,主持;(15)国家核电工程公司,重点横向项目,SH1020160361,国产SA-508 Gr.3 Cl.1钢高温拉伸试验,2015-01至2016-12,结题,参与;(16)科技部,国家科技重大专项课题,2014ZX06002001,SA508 Gr.3 Cl.2;母材断裂韧性参数敏感性和疲劳裂纹扩展试验,2014-12至2016-12,结题,参与;(17)中国广核集团,国家级科技计划项目,2014ZX06012003,压力容器内堆芯熔融物滞留IVR下RPV结构完整性评价,2014-12至2016-12,结题,参与; 代表性论文、专利、论著:2023年发表的部分论文:(1)Jianfeng Mao*, Youquan Cai, Chi Cao, Mengda Hua, Limin Xie, Mingya Chen, Dasheng Wang. Experimental investigation on creep behaviors and life prediction across phase-transformation of thermal aged 16MND5 steel. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2023, 206: 105063.(2)Jianfeng Mao*, Qian Xu, Jiadong Yang, Chi Cao, Dasheng Wang, Fengping Zhong, Mingya Chen. Nonlinear Impact Damage Evolution of Charpy Type and Analysis of Its Key Influencing Factors. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 37: 300986-3.(3)Anyu Liao, Jian Zhu, Dasheng Wang, Ting Jin, Qiang Zhou, Fengping Zhong, Linlin Ma, Jianfeng Mao*. Characterization of Multiaxial Creep Behaviors of 16MND5 Steel at Pre- and Post-phase Transformation. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023, 8: 08635-5. (4)Mengda Hua, Chi Cao, Youquan Cai, Jie Ge, Fengping Zhong, Jianfeng Mao*. Failure analysis and structural fatigue resistance design of multistage centrifugal pump shaft. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 153: 107545. (5)Jianfeng Mao*, Chi Cao, Jiadong Yang, Mengda Hua, Youquan Cai, Weigang Wang, Fengping Zhong. Research on multi-scale failure mechanism of gradient nanostructured 316L steel under strain-controlled fatigue at 650 ◦C. International Journal of Fatigue 177 (2023) 107970. 2022年发表的部分论文:(1)Jianfeng Mao*, Jiadong Yang, Jian Zhu, Zhenyu Ding, Fengping Zhong, Dasheng Wang; Experimental and theoretical research on creep-fatigue behaviors of 316L steel with and without 650℃ thermal aging, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2022, 45(4):1179-1198. SCIE, SSCI. (7)Jianfeng Mao*, Jian Zhu, Dasheng Wang, Fengping Zhong, Jichang Chen, Qiang Zhou, Shiyi Bao. Influence of 650°C Thermal Aging on Microstructure and Creep–Fatigue Behaviors of P92 Steel, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2022, 144(3). SCIE, SSCI. (8)Yang Jiadong, Zhu Jian, Zhou Qiang, Wang Dasheng, Li Xiangyang, Mao Jianfeng*. Experimental investigation on effect of holding time on creep-fatigue behaviors of P92 steel, Pressure Vessel Technology, 2022, 39(1): 1-8. EI. (9)Wang Dasheng, Zhou Qiang, Mao Jianfeng*. Fracture mechanics evaluation of reactor pressure vessel under severe accident conditions, Pressure Vessel Technology, 2022, 39(5):72-82. EI. (10)Jianfeng Mao*, Jian Zhu, Xiangyang Li, Dasheng Wang, Fengping Zhong, Jichang Chen. Effect of strain amplitude and temperature on creep-fatigue behaviors of 9-12%Cr steel, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2022, 36(5):2265-2276. SCIE, SSCI. (11)Anyu Liao, Jiadong Yang, Ting Jin, Pan Liu, Dasheng Wang, Jianfeng Mao*. Study on structural integrity of reactor pressure vessel with various ablation under core meltdown accident, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2022, 399(2022). SCIE, SSCI. 2021年发表的部分论文:[1]Jianfeng Mao, XiangyangLi,DashengWang,FengpingZhong,LijiaLuo,Shiyi Bao, Zhenyu Ding. Experimental study on creep-fatigue behaviors of chinese P92 steel with consideration of several important factors. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021,142:105900.(SCI:) [2]Jian Zhu, DaSheng Wang, ShiYi Bao, Qiang Zhou, ZaiXiang Qin, FengPing Zhong, JianFeng Mao*. Experimental and numerical study on multiaxial creep behavior of 16MND5 steel at 700 ℃. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022,558:153387.(SCI:)[3]Jianfeng Mao, Jian Zhu, Xiangyang Li, Dasheng Wang*, Fengping Zhong, Jichang Chen. Effect of strain amplitude and temperature on creep-fatigue behaviors of 9-12% Cr steel. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, MEST-D-21-00521.(SCI:)[4]Shiyi Bao, Zaixiang Qin, Jian Zhu, Lijia Luo, Fengping Zhong, Jichang Chen, Jianfeng Mao*. Quickly analyze the limit load of thinning defect elbows with elastic modulus adjustment method. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2021,194:104516.(SCI:)[5]Shiyi Bao, Zhongyang Xiao,Xiangyang Li, Fengping Zhong, Jianfeng Mao*. The Studies on Multiaxial Creep Behavior of Inconel 718 Notched Bar at 700℃.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2021,143:011504-1.(SCI:)[6]Zhiming Lu, Fan Xu, Chong Tang, Yang Cui, Hao Xu, Jianfeng Mao*. Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of 304 Stainless Steel Subjected to Laser Shock Peening without Coating. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021,5:05898-8.(SCI:)[7] Jianfeng Mao, Xiangyang Li, Shiyi Bao*, Renyue Ge, Ling Yan. The experimental and numerical studies on multiaxial creep behavior of Inconel 783 at 700°C. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2019,173:133-146.(SCI: ID5QU) [8] Jianfeng Mao, Xiangyang Li, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zhenyu Ding. Comparative study of the geometric effects on fracture behaviors of side-grooved and plain-sided compact tension specimens. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019,28(10):6514-6524.(SCI: JH2KN)[9]Shiyi Bao, Yunkai Liu, Jianfeng Mao*, Renyue Ge, Xiangyang Li. Numerical and experimental investigation on limit load of elbow with local thinning area. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2019,172:414-422.(SCI:IB1VI)[10]Jianfeng Mao, Yunkai Liu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zhiming Lu, Zengliang Gao. Structural integrity investigation for RPV with various cooling water levels under pressurized melting pool. Mechanical Sciences, 2018,9(1):147-160. (SCI:FY3WK)[11]Jianfeng Mao, Shiyi Bao, Zhiming Lu*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. The influence of crust layer on RPV failure under pressurized core meltdown accident. ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science,2018,4:041015-1(SCI: HK7YD)[12]Jianfeng Mao, Xiangqing Li, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. The influence of the crust layer on RPV structural failure under severe accident condition. Nuclear Engineering and Design,2017,316:63-74.(SCI:EU6AG)[13]Jianfeng Mao, Linghui Hu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Investigation on the RPV structural behaviors caused by various cooling water levels under severe accident. Engineering Failure Analysis,2017,79:274-284.(SCI:FA6FN)[14]Jianfeng Mao, Jianwei Zhu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Investigation on structural behaviors of reactor pressure vessel with the effects of critical heat flux and internal pressure. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME.2017,139(2):021206.(SCI: )[15]Jianwei Zhu, Jianfeng Mao*, Shiyi Bao, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Comparative study on reactor pressure vessel failure behaviors with various geometric discontinuities under severe accident. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology- Transactions of the ASME.2017,139(2): 021214.(SCI:EN5JN)[16] Jianfeng Mao, Xiangqing Li, Shiyi Bao*, Zengliang Gao. Investigation on multilayer failure mechanism of RPV with a high temperature gradient from core meltdown scenario. Nuclear Engineering and Design,2016,310:39-47.(SCI:EG0QD)[17] Jianfeng Mao, Jianwei Zhu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Creep deformation and damage behavior of reactor pressure vessel under core meltdown scenario. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2016,139-140:107-116. (SCI:DM2YT)[18] Jianfeng Mao, Di Tang, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. High temperature strength and multiaxial fatigue life assessment of a tubesheet structure. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016,68:10-21.(SCI: DT9RL)[19] Jianfeng Mao*, Shiyi Bao, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Effect of bolt clamping force and constraint arrangement on structural strength of bolted joint. ASME Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering,2016, 1:V001T03A014.(SCI:BG2AS)[20] Jianfeng Mao*, Shiyi Bao. Comparative studies on buckling behaviors of T joint and pipe by varying geometric parameters and analysis methods. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2015,90:113-121.(SCI:CA9VJ)[21] Jianfeng Mao, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Comparative study on peak stress multipliers for perforated flat plate with various loadings. Mechanics Research Communications, 2015,66:20-26.(SCI:CJ8SK)[22] Jianfeng Mao*, Jianwei Zhu, Shiyi Bao, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Creep and Damage Analysis of Reactor Pressure Vessel Considering Core Meltdown Scenario. Procedia Engineering,2015,130:1148 -1161.(SCI:BE3KA)[23] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*, Junhui Zhang, Yingzheng Liu. Numerical investigation on the dynamic behaviors of turbine valve disc-seat impact at low velocity. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2015,29(2):507-515.(SCI: CB1WT)[24] Jianfeng Mao*, Weizhe Wang. Environmental fatigue analysis of a U seal in pressure vessel under simulated LWR operation. Engineering Failure Analysis,2014 36:362-371.(SCI: AB2AA)[25] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*, Yingzheng Liu, Junhui Zhang. Comparative study of flange-to-seal contact couplings with bolt relaxation under creep condition. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME.2014, 136(7): 072504.(SCI:AJ8FS)[26] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*, Yingzheng Liu, Junhui Zhang. Multiaxial creep-fatigue life prediction on the rotor of a 1000mw supercritical steam turbine. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, 2013, v7(A&B): 289-298.(SCI:BA4JO)[27] Jianfeng Mao, Junhui Zhang, Weizhe Wang*. Creep-fatigue life prediction of stop & regulating valves on the intermediate-pressure section of a 1000mw steam turbine, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air. GT2013-94167, June 3-7, 2013, Texas, USA. (SCI:BD5ZA)[28] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*,Yingzheng Liu. Experimental and theoretical investigation on the sealing performance of the combined seals for reciprocating rod. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012,26(6):1765~1772.(SCI: 957NL)部分专利成果:2023年授权的部分发明专利:毛剑峰,等.一种高压变量柱塞油泵系统装置,2023.09.22,中国,发明专利号ZL201810230577.X;毛剑峰,等.一种手持式可更换工作头的电动液压破拆器,2023.09.19,中国,发明专利号ZL201710547001.1;毛剑峰,等.一种电磁阀运行的控制系统,2023.08.25,中国,发明专利号ZL202111026763.X;毛剑峰,等.一种多孔防堵塞先导式溢流阀,2022.11.18,中国,发明专利号ZL202110011862.4;毛剑峰,等.一种旋转拨档式多油路液压控制开关,2023.01.10,中国,发明专利号ZL201710359624.62022年授权的部分发明专利:(1)毛剑峰,等.严重事故工况下反应堆压力容器安全性测试系统,2018.06.01,中国,发明专利号ZL201610720893.6;(2)毛剑峰,等.飞机起落架缓冲器密封性能试验装置,2019.10.21,中国,发明专利号ZL201610722745.8;(3)毛剑峰,等.一种螺栓连接件变形及摩擦模拟试验装置,2017.09.26,中国,发明专利号ZL201510020159.4;(4)包士毅,高增梁,毛剑峰.一种反应堆压力容器IVR 条件下结构完整性试验平台,2017.07.07,中国,发明专利号ZL201510371631.9;(5)毛剑峰,等.一种U 型油压泵泵体的油路结构,2019.01.08,中国,发明专利号ZL201710664974.3;(6)毛剑峰,等.一种紧凑型多功能油路一体式泵体的油路结构,2019.03.08,中国,发明专利号ZL201710664959.9;(7)毛剑峰,等.往复机械的高性能组合密封圈性能测试系统,2018.05.04,中国,发明专利号ZL201610713471.6;(8)罗利佳,包士毅,毛剑峰,等.一种用于序列数据分割的有序模糊C 均值聚类方法,2019.10.29,中国,发明专利号ZL201510702441.0;(9)毛剑峰,等.一种一体式高压柱塞油泵驱动的挤压器,2018.10.29,中国,发明专利号CN201810024157.6;(10) 毛剑峰, 等. 一种轻型钢筋速断器,2017.09.28, 中国, 发明号CN201710680129.5;(11)毛剑峰,等.一种液压顶扩器,2017.09.11,中国,发明专利号 CN201710431168.1;(12)毛剑峰,等.一种一体式高压柱塞油泵驱动的挤压器,2018.12.19,中国,发明专利号CN 201810024157.6;(13)柳云恺,包士毅,毛剑峰.一种管道压力测试装置及方法,2019.02.26,中国,发明专利号CN201910142573.0;奖励和荣誉(省部级及以上):(1)全国大学生科技竞赛优秀指导教师,教育部,1/1;(2)2019年全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘一等奖’,教育部,1/3(指导);(3)2019年浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛'特等奖',教育厅,1/3(指导);(4)2020年浙江省优秀发明成果,科技厅,1/5;(5)2021年浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘一等奖,教育厅,1/3(指导);(6)2021年浙江省技术发明三等奖,省人民政府,1/5;(7)2022年全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘三等奖', 教育厅, 1/3(指导);(8)2022年中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛'一等奖',中国机械工程学会,1/1(指导);(9)2023年浙江省科技进步三等奖,省人民政府,2/5;(10)2023年中国机械工业科技进步三等奖,中国机械工业联合会,2/7; 教学与课程 (1)计算机辅助工程分析,机械工程、能源动力、动力工程班级,2学分,32学时,53人,本科生专业课程;(2)有限元分析软件及应用,机械工程、能源动力、动力工程班级,2学分,32学时,35人,学术学位硕士课程;(3)过程装备及控制技术前沿,机械工程、能源动力、动力工程班级,2学分,32学时,63人,本科生选修课程; 育人成果 (1)全国大学生科技竞赛优秀指导教师,教育部,1/1;(2)2019年全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘一等奖’,教育部,1/3(指导);(3)2019年浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘特等奖,教育厅,1/3(指导);(4)2021年浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘一等奖,教育厅,1/3(指导);(5)2019年优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师,浙江工业大学校级,1/1;(6)2019年优秀本科生导师,浙江工业大学校级,1/1;(7)2021年浙江省优秀硕士毕业生,浙江省教育厅,1/1(指导);(8)2019;2020年全国优秀奖学金(一等),教育部,1/1(指导);(9)2019年全院教学技能比赛三等奖;(10)2015年优秀科技工作者,机械工程学院;(11)2022年全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘三等奖', 教育厅, 1/3(指导);(12)2022年中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛'一等奖',中国机械工程学会,1/1(指导);(13)2022年院级优秀硕士毕业论文,机械工程学院,1/1(指导);(14)2023年院级优秀硕士毕业论文,机械工程学院,1/1(指导);(15)2022年优秀本科生毕业设计(论文),浙江工业大学校级1/1(指导); 科研项目 主要科研项目:(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51975526,严苛事故环境条件下核电压力容器结构强度急降与失效机制的研究,2020-01至2023-12,在研,主持;(2) 浙江工业大学台州创新研究院,成果转化项目,F22103,新能源车用电动智能部件的电机及电控关键技术及产业化,2021-11至2022.12,在研,主持;(3) XX企业,横向项目,深井泵主轴断裂原因分析及解决方案,SH102021XXXX,2021-12至2022.12,在研,主持;(4) 消防应急救援装备应急管理部,重点实验室开放课题,2020XFZB10,消防液压破拆装备用高压柱塞泵关键技术研究,2021-01至2022-12,在研,主持;(5) 科技部,国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFC0808800,严苛环境下典型承压类特种设备结构安全性评价及失效预防技术,2019-01至2021-12,在研,参与;(6) 杭州XXX有限公司,重点横向项目,SH1020170122,BELTON工具产品设计,2017-02至2018-02,已结题,主持;(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,51505425,700℃含镍耐热钢多轴蠕变孔洞长大失效机制和应用模型研究,2015-01至2018-12,已结题,主持;(8) 浙江省自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,LQ15E050007,太阳热电蒸汽发生器的多轴蠕变-疲劳寿命分析,2015-01至2016-12,已结题,主持;(9) 国家核电工程公司,重点横向项目,SH1020160361,国产SA-508 Gr.3 Cl.1钢高温拉伸试验,2015-01至2016-12,已结题,参与;(10) 科技部,国家科技重大专项课题,2014ZX06002001,SA508 Gr.3 Cl.2;母材断裂韧性参数敏感性和疲劳裂纹扩展试验,2014-12至2016-12,已结题,参与;(11) 中国广核集团,国家级科技计划项目,2014ZX06012003,压力容器内堆芯熔融物滞留IVR下RPV结构完整性评价,2014-12至2016-12,已结题,参与; 科研成果 代表性论文、专利、论著:[1]Jianfeng Mao, XiangyangLi,DashengWang,FengpingZhong,LijiaLuo,Shiyi Bao, Zhenyu Ding. Experimental study on creep-fatigue behaviors of chinese P92 steel with consideration of several important factors. International Journal of Fatigue, 2021,142:105900.(SCI:) [2]Jian Zhu, DaSheng Wang, ShiYi Bao, Qiang Zhou, ZaiXiang Qin, FengPing Zhong, JianFeng Mao*. Experimental and numerical study on multiaxial creep behavior of 16MND5 steel at 700 ℃. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022,558:153387.(SCI:)[3]Jianfeng Mao, Jian Zhu, Xiangyang Li, Dasheng Wang*, Fengping Zhong, Jichang Chen. Effect of strain amplitude and temperature on creep-fatigue behaviors of 9-12% Cr steel. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, MEST-D-21-00521.(SCI:)[4]Shiyi Bao, Zaixiang Qin, Jian Zhu, Lijia Luo, Fengping Zhong, Jichang Chen, Jianfeng Mao*. Quickly analyze the limit load of thinning defect elbows with elastic modulus adjustment method. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2021,194:104516.(SCI:)[5]Shiyi Bao, Zhongyang Xiao,Xiangyang Li, Fengping Zhong, Jianfeng Mao*. The Studies on Multiaxial Creep Behavior of Inconel 718 Notched Bar at 700℃.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2021,143:011504-1.(SCI:)[6]Zhiming Lu, Fan Xu, Chong Tang, Yang Cui, Hao Xu, Jianfeng Mao*. Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of 304 Stainless Steel Subjected to Laser Shock Peening without Coating. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021,5:05898-8.(SCI:)[7] Jianfeng Mao, Xiangyang Li, Shiyi Bao*, Renyue Ge, Ling Yan. The experimental and numerical studies on multiaxial creep behavior of Inconel 783 at 700°C. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2019,173:133-146.(SCI: ID5QU) [8] Jianfeng Mao, Xiangyang Li, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zhenyu Ding. Comparative study of the geometric effects on fracture behaviors of side-grooved and plain-sided compact tension specimens. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019,28(10):6514-6524.(SCI: JH2KN)[9]Shiyi Bao, Yunkai Liu, Jianfeng Mao*, Renyue Ge, Xiangyang Li. Numerical and experimental investigation on limit load of elbow with local thinning area. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2019,172:414-422.(SCI:IB1VI)[10]Jianfeng Mao, Yunkai Liu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zhiming Lu, Zengliang Gao. Structural integrity investigation for RPV with various cooling water levels under pressurized melting pool. Mechanical Sciences, 2018,9(1):147-160. (SCI:FY3WK)[11]Jianfeng Mao, Shiyi Bao, Zhiming Lu*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. The influence of crust layer on RPV failure under pressurized core meltdown accident. ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science,2018,4:041015-1(SCI: HK7YD)[12]Jianfeng Mao, Xiangqing Li, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. The influence of the crust layer on RPV structural failure under severe accident condition. Nuclear Engineering and Design,2017,316:63-74.(SCI:EU6AG)[13]Jianfeng Mao, Linghui Hu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Investigation on the RPV structural behaviors caused by various cooling water levels under severe accident. Engineering Failure Analysis,2017,79:274-284.(SCI:FA6FN)[14]Jianfeng Mao, Jianwei Zhu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Investigation on structural behaviors of reactor pressure vessel with the effects of critical heat flux and internal pressure. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME.2017,139(2):021206.(SCI: )[15]Jianwei Zhu, Jianfeng Mao*, Shiyi Bao, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Comparative study on reactor pressure vessel failure behaviors with various geometric discontinuities under severe accident. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology- Transactions of the ASME.2017,139(2): 021214.(SCI:EN5JN)[16] Jianfeng Mao, Xiangqing Li, Shiyi Bao*, Zengliang Gao. Investigation on multilayer failure mechanism of RPV with a high temperature gradient from core meltdown scenario. Nuclear Engineering and Design,2016,310:39-47.(SCI:EG0QD)[17] Jianfeng Mao, Jianwei Zhu, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Creep deformation and damage behavior of reactor pressure vessel under core meltdown scenario. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,2016,139-140:107-116. (SCI:DM2YT)[18] Jianfeng Mao, Di Tang, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. High temperature strength and multiaxial fatigue life assessment of a tubesheet structure. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016,68:10-21.(SCI: DT9RL)[19] Jianfeng Mao*, Shiyi Bao, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Effect of bolt clamping force and constraint arrangement on structural strength of bolted joint. ASME Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering,2016, 1:V001T03A014.(SCI:BG2AS)[20] Jianfeng Mao*, Shiyi Bao. Comparative studies on buckling behaviors of T joint and pipe by varying geometric parameters and analysis methods. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2015,90:113-121.(SCI:CA9VJ)[21] Jianfeng Mao, Shiyi Bao*, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Comparative study on peak stress multipliers for perforated flat plate with various loadings. Mechanics Research Communications, 2015,66:20-26.(SCI:CJ8SK)[22] Jianfeng Mao*, Jianwei Zhu, Shiyi Bao, Lijia Luo, Zengliang Gao. Creep and Damage Analysis of Reactor Pressure Vessel Considering Core Meltdown Scenario. Procedia Engineering,2015,130:1148 -1161.(SCI:BE3KA)[23] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*, Junhui Zhang, Yingzheng Liu. Numerical investigation on the dynamic behaviors of turbine valve disc-seat impact at low velocity. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2015,29(2):507-515.(SCI: CB1WT)[24] Jianfeng Mao*, Weizhe Wang. Environmental fatigue analysis of a U seal in pressure vessel under simulated LWR operation. Engineering Failure Analysis,2014 36:362-371.(SCI: AB2AA)[25] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*, Yingzheng Liu, Junhui Zhang. Comparative study of flange-to-seal contact couplings with bolt relaxation under creep condition. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME.2014, 136(7): 072504.(SCI:AJ8FS)[26] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*, Yingzheng Liu, Junhui Zhang. Multiaxial creep-fatigue life prediction on the rotor of a 1000mw supercritical steam turbine. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, 2013, v7(A&B): 289-298.(SCI:BA4JO)[27] Jianfeng Mao, Junhui Zhang, Weizhe Wang*. Creep-fatigue life prediction of stop & regulating valves on the intermediate-pressure section of a 1000mw steam turbine, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air. GT2013-94167, June 3-7, 2013, Texas, USA. (SCI:BD5ZA)[28] Jianfeng Mao, Weizhe Wang*,Yingzheng Liu. Experimental and theoretical investigation on the sealing performance of the combined seals for reciprocating rod. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012,26(6):1765~1772.(SCI: 957NL)部分专利成果:(1)毛剑峰,等.严重事故工况下反应堆压力容器安全性测试系统,2018.06.01,中国,发明专利号ZL201610720893.6;(2)毛剑峰,等.飞机起落架缓冲器密封性能试验装置,2019.10.21,中国,发明专利号ZL201610722745.8;(3)毛剑峰,等.一种螺栓连接件变形及摩擦模拟试验装置,2017.09.26,中国,发明专利号ZL201510020159.4;(4)包士毅,高增梁,毛剑峰.一种反应堆压力容器IVR 条件下结构完整性试验平台,2017.07.07,中国,发明专利号ZL201510371631.9;(5)毛剑峰,等.一种U 型油压泵泵体的油路结构,2019.01.08,中国,发明专利号ZL201710664974.3;(6)毛剑峰,等.一种紧凑型多功能油路一体式泵体的油路结构,2019.03.08,中国,发明专利号ZL201710664959.9;(7)毛剑峰,等.往复机械的高性能组合密封圈性能测试系统,2018.05.04,中国,发明专利号ZL201610713471.6;(8)罗利佳,包士毅,毛剑峰,等.一种用于序列数据分割的有序模糊C 均值聚类方法,2019.10.29,中国,发明专利号ZL201510702441.0;(9)毛剑峰,等.一种一体式高压柱塞油泵驱动的挤压器,2018.10.29,中国,发明专利号CN201810024157.6;(10) 毛剑峰, 等. 一种轻型钢筋速断器,2017.09.28, 中国, 发明号CN201710680129.5;(11)毛剑峰,等.一种液压顶扩器,2017.09.11,中国,发明专利号 CN201710431168.1;(12)毛剑峰,等.一种一体式高压柱塞油泵驱动的挤压器,2018.12.19,中国,发明专利号CN 201810024157.6;(13)柳云恺,包士毅,毛剑峰.一种管道压力测试装置及方法,2019.02.26,中国,发明专利号CN201910142573.0;奖励和荣誉(省部级及以上):(1)全国大学生科技竞赛优秀指导教师,教育部,1/1;(2)2019年全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘一等奖’,教育部,1/3(指导);(3)2019年浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘特等奖,教育厅,1/3(指导);(4)2020年浙江省优秀发明成果,科技厅,1/5;(5)2021年浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛‘一等奖,教育厅,1/3(指导);(6)2021年浙江省技术发明三等奖,省人民政府,1/5;(7)2021年全国压力容器学会优秀青年论文奖,中国机械工程学会,3/3(通讯);(8)2021年国际结构完整性学会优秀论文提名奖,中国结构完整性联盟学会,6/6(通讯);(9)2021年浙江省优秀硕士毕业生,省教育厅,1/1(指导) 社会服务 美国机械师工程学会(ASME)会员;多个国际权威学术期刊的审稿专家,如《Nuclear Engineering and Design》、《International Journal of Mechanical Science》、《International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping》、《Journal of mechanical Science and Technology》、《Ocean Engineering》等 内容来自集群智慧云企服 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理