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姓名 贺艳明 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 机械工程学院
学位 博士 学历 机械工程学院
职称 研究员 联系方式 浙江工业大学屏峰校区广知楼C513
邮箱 heyanming@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 贺艳明,博士,研究员,博士生导师 中国机械工程学会焊接青委会委员,浙江省焊接学会秘书长,美国西北大学高级访问学者。多年来一直从事能源装备绿色制造技术,极端条件下材料或焊接结构服役寿命评价,机器学习辅助固态电池电解质设计等方面的科研工作。 近年来主持承担了国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、浙江省重点研发计划项目等10余项。发表论文100余篇,授权国家发明专利20余项。  教育经历:  2010.09-2011.09   南卡罗来纳大学(美国),机械工程,联合培养2008.09-2012.07   哈尔滨工业大学,材料学,博士2006.09-2008.07   哈尔滨工业大学,材料学,硕士2002.09-2006.07   安徽工程大学,材料成型与控制工程,学士  工作经历:  2022.12-        浙江工业大学,研究员2017.10-2018.10   西北大学(美国),访问学者2016.12-2022.12   浙江工业大学,副研究员2013.12-2016.11   浙江工业大学,校聘副教授2012.07-2013.11   杭州华光焊接新材料股份有限公司,研发工程师     教学与课程   本科:过程装备制造技术能源装备先进连接技术研究生:承压设备焊接工程与理论动力工程及工程热物理技术进展  育人成果 指导李亚飞博士获全国第九届“创青春”中国青年创新创业大赛银奖指导李亚飞博士获浙江省第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖/亚军指导李亚飞博士获第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖指导李亚飞博士获第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖指导闾川阳获得2020年浙江省优秀博士论文(第一导师:高增梁;第二导师:贺艳明)指导硕士生高科获得2018年浙工大优秀硕士论文指导本科生徐逞详获得2018第二届全国大学生焊接创新设计大赛三等奖 科研项目 主持纵向项目:  国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目《基于界面结构及残余应力调控的金刚石微波窗制造关键技术研究》(2019YFE03100400);2020.12-2025.11;在研国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于多尺度调控的单晶高温钎焊接头设计及其蠕变-疲劳损伤评价方法研究》(52175368);2022.01-2025.12;在研浙江省重点研发计划项目《新型光电材料及器件研发及产业化—高性能IGBT氮化铝陶瓷基板覆铜活性钎焊技术研究与产业化应用》(2021C01178);2021.01-2023.12;在研国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于界面结构梯度化设计的SiC陶瓷接头高温力学行为研究》(51405439);2015.01-2014.12;结题浙江省自然科学基金项目《熔盐堆(MSR)结构材料SiCf/SiC复合材料与Hastelloy N合金高温钎焊接头稳定性研究》(LY17E050019);2017.01-2019.12;结题 参与纵向项目:  浙江省公益技术计划项目《严重事故下核反应堆压力容器的安全保障技术研究》(2014C23001)国家自然科学基金面上项目《Hastelloy-N合金焊接接头再热裂纹敏感性及其控制》(51475426)国家自然科学基金面上项目《堆芯熔融事故下反应堆压力容器超高温蠕变损伤机理和失效评价研究》( 51575489)浙江省自然科学基金项目《高Knudsen数喷流和喷流撞击的理论研究》(LQ16E060004)国家重点研发计划《高参数承压类特种设备风险防控与治理关键技术研究》(2016YFC0801905)核电安全监控技术与装备国家重点实验室开放课题《核电厂BOSS头焊缝Overlay堆焊数值模拟》主持横向项目:  铜钢异种金属CMT焊接过程数值模拟PVDF/PVF单体装置C槽进料管失效分析CFB锅炉下降管爆裂和低压省煤器管子裂纹失效分析新型高品质低温软钎料开发焊条成分组织分析及工艺研究DD5燃导单晶叶片钎焊接头微观组织分析焊条药皮成分分析设计与压涂工艺研究钛合金焊接固态相变试验基于使用条件的高温碟簧失效分析与寿命管理策略研究聚合釜(2R307D/E)分析设计PVDF聚合釜分析设计通海管路承压安全评估技术研究参与横向项目:  高速载荷作用下焊接接头力学响应特征及优化设计方法Hastelloy N合金焊接再热裂纹机理研究平面拼板焊变形随焊控制研究随焊变形控制焊接接头性能测试铝合金焊接接头断裂韧性评价研究装甲车辆关键部件损伤在线监测与诊断技术研究 科研成果 发表的主要论文:1.  Weijian Chen, Yafei Li, Daochen Feng, Chuanyang Lv, Huaxin Li, Shoubin Zhou, Qinhai Jiang, Jianguo Yang, Zengliang Gao, Yanming He*, Jiayan Luo*, Recent progress of theoretical research on inorganic solid state electrolytes for Li metal batteries, Journal of Power Sources 2023, 561: 232720.2.   Yafei Li, Jiahe Zhou, Yifei Liu, Chuanyang Lu*, Lei Shi, Wenjian Zheng, Weiya Jin, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Yanming He*, Microstructural evolution and mechanical characterization for the AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy under different temperatures, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 2023: 1-12.3.   Haitao Xu, Yafei Li, Lei Wang, Chuanyang Lu, Huaxin Li, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Yanming He*, Optimized AgCuSnTi filler alloy for brazing of diamond/copper combination used in microwave windows: Microstructure and mechanical performance, Vacuum 20234.  Chuanyang Lu, Zhulai Qin, Shiyang Wang, Yanming He*, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao, Shan-Tung Tu, Uncovering the high-temperature microstructural evolution and creep-fatigue damage mechanism of CMSX-4 brazed joints, International Journal of Fatigue 20235.   Chuanyang Lu, Chengyin Zhang, Haitao Xu, Jiahe Zhou, Xiaolong Gu, Ping Liu, Lei Shi, Xia Jin, Yan Li, Yuhang Wang, Huaxn Li, Jianguo Yang, Yanming He*, Constructing a heterogeneous interlayer in relieving the residual stresses for the AlN/Cu brazed joint used in IGBT, Materials Characterization 2023, 199: 112759.6.   Daochen Feng, Wenjun Wang, Yifei Liu, Wenjian Zheng*, Dejun Yan, Chengan Li, Miao Huang, Yanming He, Shaobo Lai, Jianguo Yang, Hydrogen-induced evolution associated with nano-scale precipitated phases in AlCoCrFeNi2.1 high-entropy alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2023, 944: 169116.7.  Jianguo Yang, Daochen Feng, Yifei Liu, Wenjian Zheng*, Shaobo Lai, Dejun Yan, Yanming He, Jilin Xie, Excellent corrosion resistance of electron beam welded joint and remelted layer of eutectic high-entropy alloy AlCoCrFeNi2.1, Intermetallics 2023, 154: 107822.8.   Yafei Li, Weijian Chen, Chuanyang Lu*, Huaxin Li, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Ying Jin, Weiya Jin, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Yanming He*, Microstructural evolution mediated creep deformation mechanism for the AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy under different testing conditions, Materials Science & Engineering A 2022, 857: 144100. 9.    Huaxin Li, Weijian Shen, Fuquan Yang, Chuanyang Lu, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Sendong Ren, Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang*, Microstructural, electrical, and mechanical properties of conductive SiC ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 2022, 19: 3376-3391.10. Huaxin Li, Chuan Cheng, Lei Shi, Ying Jin, Junjian Wang, Wenjian Zheng, Chuanyang Lu, Yinghe Ma, Sendong Ren, Yong Zheng, Lianfeng Wei, Zhenggang Wu, Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang*, An ultra-strength SiC ceramic joint with an in-situ formed high-entropy carbide interlayer via diffusion bonding by spark plasma sintering, Materials Characterization 2022, 194: 112350. 11. Huaxin Li, Yindian Feng, Weijian Shen, Chuanyang Lu, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Gang Ma, Zhongping Jin, Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu/Al joints brazed using (Cu, Ni, Zr, Er)-modified Al-Si filler alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2022, 32: 237-248.12. Yanming He, Weijian Chen, Yumeng Zhao, Yafei Li, Chuanyang Lv, Huaxin Li, Jianguo Yang, Zengliang Gao, Jiayan Luo*, Recent developments and progress of halogen elements in enhancing the performance of all-solid-state lithium metal batteries, Energy Storage Materials 2022, 49: 19-57.13. Jiahe Zhou, Yafei Li, Chuanyang Lu*, Huaxin Li, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Yanming He*, Molecular dynamics simulation of the tensile response and deformation mechanism of diamond/TiC combinations, Computational Materials Science 2022, 215: 111779.14.  Yanming He, Xianshuai Zhu, Weijian Chen, Chuanyang Lu*, Yafei Li, Haitao Xu, Huaxin Li, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Jianguo Yang, Zengliang Gao, An ultra-high bond strength of the Cf/C composite-TC4 alloy joint brazed using pure Ni and revealing of synergetic action of multiple stress-relief mechanisms, Materials Letters 2022, 308: 131245.15.  Daochen Feng, Wenjun Wang, Wenjian Zheng, Weijian Chen, Yanming He, Jianguo Yang, 1D growth of Cr-rich nanophase induced by hydrogen in high-entropy alloy AlCoCrFeNi2.1, Materials Letters 2022, 329: 133163.16. Daochen Feng, Wenjun Wang, Wenjian Zheng, Hao Zhou, Yanming He, Jianguo Yang, Hydrogen-induced phase boundary Cr-segregation in high-entropy alloy AlCoCrFeNi2.1, Materialia 2022, 26: 101556.17.  Guochao Wang, Jiahe Zhou, Weijian Chen, Jianguo Yang, Jie Zhang*, Yanming He*, An investigation on substitution of Ag atoms for Al or Ti atoms in the Ti2AlC MAX phase ceramic Based on first-principles calculations, Materials 2021, 14: 7068. 18.  Guochao Wang, Yafei Li, Weijian Chen, Jianguo Yang, Jie Zhang*, Yanming He*, An investigation of atomic interaction between Ag and Ti2AlC under the processing temperature of 1080°C, Metals 2021, 11, 1963. 19.  Haitao Xu, Lei Shi, Chuanyang Lu, Huaxin Li, Yanming He*, Weijian Chen, Yafei Li, Jianguo Yang, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Donghong Wang, Zhenyu Ding, Hai Zou, Zengliang Gao, A novel joining of Cf/C composites using AlCoCrFeNi2.1 high-entropy brazing filler alloys, Materials Characterization 2021, 179: 111368. 20.  Huaxin Li, Weijian Shen, Weijian Chen, Weizhen Wang, Guohao Liu, Chuanyang Lu, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Jianguo Yang, Zhenyu Ding, Hai Zou*, Yanming He*, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy joints brazed using a novel Ni-based filler, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 860: 157926. 21.  Yanming He, Fan Xiao, Yuan Sun, Chuanyang Lu*, Shuanjian Chen*, Weijian Chen, Huaxin Li, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Zhenyu Ding, Jianguo Yang, Zengliang Gao, Tailoring microstructure and mechanical performance of Hastelloy N-Hastelloy N superalloy joint through modifying brazing processing parameters and post thermal exposure, Materials Characterization 2021, 173: 110947.22.  Yafei Li, Chuanyang Lu, Huaxin Li, Yanming He*, Gangqiang Chen, Weijian Chen, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Uncovering the critical factor governing the fatigue crack propagation under the coexistence of multi-interfaces in AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2021, 258: 108132. 23.  Yanming He, Chuanyang Lu, Chengyuan Ni, Qingxia Chen, Wenjian Zheng, Donghong Wang, Lianfeng Wei, Limei Wang, Yuan Sun*, Hai Zou*, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Tailoring microstructure and mechanical performance of the TC4 titanium alloy brazed joint through doping rare-earth element Dy into Ti-Cu-Ni filler alloy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2020, 50: 255-265. 24. Huaxin Li, Weijian Shen, Yanming He*, Zhihong Zhong*, Wenjian Zheng, Yinghe Ma, Jianguo Yang, Yucheng Wu, Microstructural evolution and characterization of interfacial phases in diffusion-bonded SiC/Ta–5W/SiC joints, Ceramics International 2020, 46(14): 22650-22660.25. Yinghe Ma, Jianguo Yang*, Xiubo Tian*, Chunzhi Gong, Wenjian Zheng, Yanming He, Zengliang Gao, Microstructure, adhesion, mechanical and corrosion properties of TiN coatings deposited by high energy pulse-enhanced vacuum arc evaporation, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2020, 34(10): 1040-1061. 26.  Yinghe Ma, Kexin Zhang, Jianguo Yang*, Xiubo Tian*, Chunzhi Gong, Wenjian Zheng, Yanming He, Zengliang Gao, Lianfeng Wei, Paul K Chu, Effects of the target-to-substrate distance on the microstructure and properties of TiN coatings fabricated by pulse-enhanced vacuum arc evaporation, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2021, 35(11): 1125-1137.27.  Yinghe Ma, Jianguo Yang*, Xiubo Tian*, Chunzhi Gong, Wenjian Zheng, Yanming He, Huaxin Li, Zengliang Gao, Kexin Zhang, Lianfeng Wei, Paul K Chu, Enhanced discharge and surface properties of TiSiCN coatings deposited by pulse-enhanced vacuum arc evaporation, Surface and Coatings Technology 2020, 403: 126413.28.  Yinghe Ma, Jianguo Yang*, Xiubo Tian*, Chunzhi Gong, Wenjian Zheng, Yanming He, Zengliang Gao, Lianfeng Wei, Paul K Chu, Kexin Zhang, Influence of acetylene on Ti target poisoning during pulse-enhanced vacuum arc evaporation, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2020, 48(8): 2799-2809.29. Dongdong Zhu, Haitao Xu, Duo Dong, Yanming He, Xiaohong Wang, Qing He, Brazing of (TiB + Y2O3) reinforced titanium matrix composites using CuTiZrNi amorphous filler alloy,Vacuum2020, 174: 109212.30.  Dongdong Zhu, Haitao Xu, Duo Dong, Yanming He, Xinyu Zhao, Qing He,Brazing of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb and TiC/Ti matrix composite using Ag-28Cu filler alloy, Results in Physics 2019, 14: 102436.31.  Yanming He,* Chuanyang Lu, Shan Liu,* Wenjian Zheng, Jiayan Luo, Interfacial incompatibility and internal stresses in all-solid-state lithium ion batteries, Advanced Energy Materials2019, 9(36), 1901810. 32. Chunjie Qin, Haitao Xu, Zhengqiang Zhou, Yanming He*, Chuanyang Lu, Ke Gao, Wenjian Zheng, Jianguo Yang, Donghong Wang, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao. Microstructure and mechanical performance of the DD98M-DD98M single crystal superalloy joints brazed using a Pd-Si composite filler, Metals 2019, 9(9): 1001. 33.  Wenjian Zheng,Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang, Zengliang Gao, Influence of crystallographic orientation of epitaxial solidification on the initial instability during the solidification of welding pool, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2019, 38: 298-307.34. Huamin He, Chuanyang Lu, Yanming He*, Wenjian Zheng, Jianguo Yang, Limei Wang, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao. Characterization of SiC ceramic joints brazed using Au-Ni-Pd-Ti high-temperature filler alloy, Materials 2019,12(6): 931. 35.  Yuebing Li, Yanming He*, Chuanyang Lu, Wenjian Zheng, Jianguo Yang, Donghong Wang, Limei Wang, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao. Microstructural evolution and mechanical evaluation of a laser-induced composite coating on a Ni-based superalloy during thermal exposure, Materials2019, 12(9), 1439.36. Yanming He, Chuanyang Lu, Wenjian Zheng*, Jianguo Yang, Shuangjian Chen, Zhijun Li, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao. Microstructural modification and mechanical characterization for a laser-induced composite coating during thermal exposure, Surface and Coating Technology 2019, 358: 11-21.37. Yanming He, Chuanyang Lu, Wenjian Zheng*, Jianguo Yang, Donghong Wang, Hanyang Shen, Limei Wang, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao. Tailoring Microstructure and mechanical performance of the graphite-Ni based superalloy brazed combination used for molten salt reactors through thermal exposure. Materials Characterization 2019,156, 109831. 38. Chuanyang Lu, Xijia Wu, Yanming He*, Zengliang Gao, Rong Liu, Ze Chen, Wenjian Zheng, Jianguo Yang, Deformation Mechanism-based true-stress creep model for SA508 Gr.3 steel over the temperature range of 450-750°C, Journal of Nuclear Materials 2019, 526, 151776. 39.  Zengliang Gao, Chuanyang Lu, Yanming He*, Rong Liu, Huamin He, Weizhen Wang, Wenjian Zheng, Jianguo Yang, Influence of phase transformation on the creep deformation mechanism of SA508 Gr.3 steel for nuclear reactor pressure vessels, Journal of Nuclear Materials 2019, 519: 292-301.40.  Wenjian Zheng, Yanming He, Jianguo Yang*, Zengliang Gao, Hydrogen diffusion mechanism of the single-pass welded joint in welding considering the phase transformation effects, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2018, 36: 126-137.41. Yanming He, Wenjian Zheng*,Jianguo Yang,Dongdong Zhu,Xueshun Yang,Zengliang Gao.An Analysis of high-temperature microstructural stability and mechanical performance of the Hastelloy N-Hastelloy N superalloy joint bonded with pure Ti, Materials and Design 2018, 144: 72-85. 42. Yanming He, Wenjian Zheng*, Jianguo Yang, Dongdong Zhu, Xueshun Yang, Yuan Sun*, Zengliang Gao, TEM Study of microstructural characteristic and evaluation of mechanical performance for the Hastelloy N/Ti/Hastelloy N superalloy joint brazed for diverse soaking time. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2018, 35: 271-281. 43. Chuanyang Lu, Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang, Wenjian Zheng, Zhigang Xie, Zengliang Gao, An investigation of phase transition on the microstructural characteristic and creep behavior for the SA508 Gr.3 steel used for nuclear reactor pressure vessels, Materials Science & Engineering A 2018, 711: 659-669. 44. Zhigang Xie, Yanming He, Jianguo Yang, Xiangqing Li, Chuanyang Lu, Zengliang Gao*, Microscopic damage mechanism of SA508 Gr3 steel in ultra-high temperature creep, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 2018, 25(4): 453-459.45. Weiya Jin, Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang, Dongdong Zhu, Hanyang Shen, Limei Wang, Zengliang Gao, A novel joining of dissimilar materials in the graphite/hastelloy N alloy system using pure Au doped with Si particles, Materials Characterization 2017, 131: 388-398.46. Chuanyang Lu, Yanming He*, Zengliang Gao, Jianguo Yang, Weiya Jin, Zhigang Xie, Microstructural evolution and mechanical characterization for the A508-3 steel before and after phase transition, Journal of Nuclear Materials 2017, 495: 103-110. 47. Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang*, Shuanjian Chen, Aging time-microstructure-nechanical property correlation of a Ni-17Mo-7Cr-based superalloy subjected to simulated heat-affected zone thermal treatment, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2017, 26(9): 4556-4566. 48. Zhigang Xie, Yanming He, Jianguo Yang, Zengliang Gao*, Microstructural evolution of nuclear power steel A508-III in the creep process at 800℃, Applied Mechanics and Materials 2017, 853: 153-157.49. Yanming He, Jianguo Yang⁎, Hanyang Shen, Limei Wang, Zengliang Gao, Brazing graphite to hastelloy N superalloy using pure-Au filler metal: bonding mechanism and joint properties, Materials and Design 2016.08.15, 104: 1-9.50. Yanming He*, Jianguo Yang*, Sanlong Zheng, Microstructure dependent fatigue crack growth characteristics in the Ni-17Mo-7Cr base superalloy before and after thermal exposure, Journal of Materials Research2016, 31(24): 3880-3890. 51. Yanming He, Jianguo Yang*, Wei Fu, Limei Wang, Zengliang Gao, An analysis of formation mechanism and nano-scale hardness of the laser-induced coating on Ni-17Mo-7Cr based superalloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 673: 8-16.52.  Yanming He, Jianguo Yang*, Shuangjian Chen, Zengliang Gao, Influence of simulated heat-affected zone thermal cycle treatment on mechanical performances and microstructural stability of Ni17Mo7Cr based superalloy, Vacuum 2016.03, 125: 26-35.53.  Yanming He*, J.G. 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