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姓名 李毅 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 机械工程学院
学位 博士 学历 机械工程学院
职称 副教授 联系方式 屏峰校区机械楼A区
邮箱 ly17@zjut.edu.cn,ly17@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介    个人简介李毅,男,浙江工业大学机械工程学院副教授,硕士生导师,日本信州大学博士、博士后,特聘研究员,浙江省钱江人才项目获得者。主要研究方向为基于智能材料的柔性驱动器/人工肌肉、软体机器人、仿生机器人、人机交互等。主持国家基金等项目8项,第一作者发表学术论文40 余篇,多次在IEEE ICRA等国际学会获奖,授权专利30余项。担任 Advanced Functional Materials、Advanced Science、Small、Additive Manufacturing、Applied Materials Today、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical、Soft Robotics 等多个国际权威学术期刊审稿人。2023年获浙江省第十三届高校青年教师教学竞赛特等奖(工科组第一名),2022年获第七届全国高等学校教师图学与机械课程示范教学与创新教学法观摩竞赛一等奖。   教育经历 ○ 2008-2016  日本信州大学, 硕士、博士 ○ 2003-2008  西南大学, 学士,保送硕士    科研经历 ○ 2017- 至今  浙江工业大学,  机械工程学院,讲师、副教授、硕导 ○ 2012-2017  日本信州大学,  机械机器人系,  特聘研究员,博士后   研究领域 1. 智能材料、智能驱动器、传感器 ○ PVC凝胶柔性驱动器及传感器的研发与应用研究 ○ DEA柔性驱动器 2. 智能机器人 ○ 软体机器人、仿生机器人、表情机器人、外骨骼等可穿戴医疗器械机器人 3. 人- 机交互  ○ 表情识别、情感表达、人机协同等 4. 机电一体化设备  ○ 自动化设备等   研究生招生      ○ 招收:学术型硕士生,欢迎有志于上述研究领域及有意愿读博的同学加入研究团队!    有意者请将个人简历发至 ly17@zjut.edu.cn。 教学与课程    本科生课程○ 《Design of Machinery》   (留学生)17~○ 《机 械 原 理》                     (本科生)19~○ 《Engineering Graphics》  (留学生)17~○ 《工 程 图 学》                     (本科生)19~○ 《机 械 制 图》                     (本科生)19~   研究生课程○ 《系 统 仿 真》                     19~   育人成果○ 获2023年浙江省第十三届高校青年教师教学竞赛特等奖(工科组第一名)○ 获2022年第七届全国高等学校教师图学与机械课程示范教学与创新教学法观摩竞赛一等奖○ 获2022年浙江工业大学第十四届青年教师教学竞赛十佳青年教师称号○ 获2023年度浙江工业大学校级优秀教师○ 获2022年度校级毕业论文(设计)优秀指导教师○ 获2020年度校级优秀班主任○ 获2021年度教改论文优秀论文一等奖○ 连续多次获教学OBE考核优秀、获校优课优酬奖励○ 连续多次教学业绩考核优秀○ 指导硕士研究生获优秀硕士毕业论文○ 指导多名本科生获优秀本科毕业设计○ 指导本科生参加浙江省第十九届大学生机械设计竞赛获一等奖○ 指导本科生完成十余项课外项目,制作多台机电一体化设备,发表SCI论文2篇,申请多项发明专利○ 指导研究生和本科生参加国际学术会议获奖○ 指导学生社会实践获优秀○ 本科生毕业被美国华盛顿大学、浙江大学、华中科技大学、重庆大学、北京理工大学、中南大学等高校研究生录取 科研项目    一     主要主持项目  (国家级2项)国家自然科学基金青年项目浙江省“钱江人才计划”项目D类项目浙江省自然科学基金探索一般项目浙江省自然科学基金探索青年项目日本国家自然科学基金青年项目(日本学术振兴会(JSPS)若手研究B)日本长野县省级自然科学基金青年项目(长野县医学产业振兴会若手研究者萌芽研究)日本信州大学科学研究助成事业科研费补助金(若手研究B)  二    主要参与项目  (国家级6项)日本国立研究开发法人新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)重大项目(主要负责人)日本尼康公司联合研发项目(主要负责人)日本学术振兴会(JSPS )基盤研究B(面上项目)日本丰田公司联合研发项目日本本田公司联合研发项目日本电装公司联合研发项目国家自然科学基金面上项目国家自然科学基金面上项目国家自然科学基金面上项目浙江省自然科学基金面上项目 科研成果    一     主要发表论文  1. Research Papers[1] Yi Li*, Xuxin Feng, Lixiang Zhu, Ziqian Zhang, Mingfei Guo, Yanbiao Li, Hashimoto Minoru, High performance fiber-constrained plasticized PVC gel actuators for soft robotics, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2023, 393:134177. SNB2023.pdf [2]  Yi Li*, Yanbiao Li, Minoru Hashimoto*, Low-voltage planar PVC gel actuator with high performances, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 282: 482-489. SNB2019.pdf [3]  Yi Li*, Mingfei Guo, Yanbiao Li*, Recent advances in plasticized PVC gels for soft actuators and devices: A review, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 12991-13009.JMCC2019.pdf[4]  Yi Li*, Xuxin Feng, Lixiang Zhu, Ziqian Zhang, Mingfei Guo, Zhixin Li, Yanbiao Li, Modeling of fiber-constrained planar PVC gel actuators, Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(9): 1483.Nanomaterials2023.pdf[5] Yi Li*, Lixiang Zhu, Ziqian Zhang, Mingfei Guo, Zhixin Li, Yanbiao Li*, Minoru Hashimoto*, Humanoid Robot Heads for Human-robot Interaction: a Review, Science China Technological Sciences, 2024, 67(2):357-379.SCTS2023.pdf[6]  Yi Li*, Minoru Hashimoto*, PVC gel soft actuator-based wearable assist wear for hip joint support during walking, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26(12): 125003.SMS2017.pdf[7]  Yi Li*, Minoru Hashimoto, Design and prototyping of a novel lightweight walking assist wear using PVC gel soft actuators, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2016, 239: 26-44.SNA2016.pdf[8]  Yi Li*, Minoru Hashimoto, PVC gel based artificial muscles: Characterizations and actuation modular constructions, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 233: 246-258.SNA2015.pdf[9]  Yi Li*, Bo Sun,Xuxin Feng,Mingfei Guo,Yanbiao Li* and Minoru Hashimoto, A novel electroactive plasticized polymer actuator based on chlorinated polyvinyl chloride gel, RSC Advances, 2021,11,36439-36449.RSC Adcances2021.pdf[10]  Yi Li*, Yuteng Xu, Zhenguo Wu, Lei Ma, Mingfei Guo, Zhixin Li, Yanbiao Li, A comprehensive review on fish-inspired robots, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2022, 19(3): 1-20.IJARS2022.pdf[11]  Yi Li, Bo Sun, Taimin Chen, Bingwen Hu, Mingfei Guo* and Yanbiao Li*, Design and prototyping of a novel gripper using PVC gel soft actuators, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 60, 087001.JJAP2021.pdf[12]  Yi Li*, Yasuhiro Maeda, Minoru Hashimoto, Lightweight, Soft Variable Stiffness Gel Spats for Walking Assistance, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, 12(12): 61815.IJARS2015.pdf[13]  Yi Li*, Minoru Hashimoto*, Emotional synchronization-based human-robot communication and its effects, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 2013, 10(01): 1350014.IJHR2013.pdf2. Conference Papers[1]  Yi Li, PVC gel Artificial Muscles for Soft Robotics, The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering (IRCE 2023),Jilin, China, August 4-6, 2023 (邀请报告)[2]  Yi Li, Lixiang Zhu, Ziqian Zhang, 基于PVC凝胶的柔性驱动器技术及其应用,中国微米纳米技术学会柔性电子技术与应用创新论坛,苏州,2023.05.20-05.22[3]  Yi Li, Ziqian Zhang,Lixiang Zhu, 基于PVC凝胶的柔性传感器的性能调控研究,中国微米纳米技术学会柔性电子技术与应用创新论坛,苏州,2023.05.20-05.22[4]  Yi Li, Mingfei Guo, Bo Sun, Richeng Wang, Bingwen Hu, Taimin Chen, Jiaxuan Zhao, Yehui Hong, Yanbiao Li, Minoru Hashimoto,Design and Prototyping of a Novel Soft Gripper Based on PVC Gel Actuators, International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering (HKSME, MSME),Sanya, China, 2020.11.05-11.08[5]  Yi Li, Minoru Hashimoto, A Novel Sheet Actuator using Plasticized PVC Gel and Flexible Electrodes, SPIE Conference on Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (SPIE, EAPAD), Portland, OR, 2017.3.26-3.29[6]  Yi Li, Minoru Hashimoto, Development of a Lightweight Walking Assist Wear using PVC Gel ArtificialMuscles, 6th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (IEEE, BioRob),2016.6.26-6.29[7]  Yi Li, Minoru Hashimoto, A Proposal of a Light-weight Walking Assist Wear using PVC Gel ArtificialMuscles, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE, ICRA), Seattle, WA, 2015.5.26-5.30[8]  Yi Li, Minoru Hashimoto, Influence of the number of stacked layers on the performance of PVC gel actuators, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (IEEE, AIM), 2014.7.8-7.11[9]  Yasuhiro Maeda, Yi Li, Keigo Yasuda, Minoru Hashimoto, Development of variable stiffness gel spats for walking assistance, in: The 2013 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IEEE, IROS), Tokyo, Japan,2013, pp.5404-5409.[10]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Effect of Emotional Synchronization using Facial Expression Recognition in Human-Robot Communication, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE, ROBIO), pp.2872- 2877, December 7-11, Phuket, Thailand, 2011.[11]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Flexible Electrodes Based Multilayered PVC Gel Actuator and Its Characterization, in the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Meeting (JSME, Annual Meeting), pp. S1510106, 2016.[12]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Development of a PVC Gel sheet actuator using flexible electrodes, in theJSME conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (JSME,Robomech), pp. 2P2-14b6, 2016.[13]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Application of Expansion Type PVC Gel Artificial muscles to Walking AssistWear, in the 21th Robotics Symposia (RSJ, SICE Robotics Symposia), pp. 390-395, 2016. (with peer review)[14]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Fabrication and Evaluation of PVC Gel Artificial Muscles based WalkingAssist Wear, in the 16th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SICE, SI), pp. 1H1-7, 2015.[15]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Development of a PVC Gel Sheet Actuator with Flexible Electrodes, in the25th Annual Meeting of MRS-Japan (MRS-J, Annual Meeting), pp. A4-09-002, 2015.[16]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, A light-weight Walking Assist Wear using PVC Gel Artificial Muscles, in the 20th Robotics Symposia (RSJ, SICE Robotics Symposia), pp. 477-482, 2015. (with peer review)[17]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Characteristics and Modeling of PVC Gel Actuators, in the JSME conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (JSME, Robomech), pp. 2A2-A09, 2015.[18]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, A Characteristics Evaluation Method for PVC Gel Actuators, in the 15thSICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SICE, SI), pp. 592-595, 2014.[19]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Relation of Stacked Layers and Characteristics of PVC Gel Actuators, in theJSME conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (JSME, Robomech), pp. 2A1-K01, 2014.[20]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, PVC Gel Spats for Walking Assistance using Variable Stiffness, in the 19thRobotics Symposia (RSJ, SICE Robotics Symposia), pp. 319-424, 2014. (in English, with peer review)[21]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Construction of an Expansion Type PVC Gel Actuator, in the 14th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SICE, SI), pp. 2478-2479. 2013.[22]  Yasuhiro Maeda, Yi Li, Keigo Yasuda, Minoru Hashimoto, Development of a variable stiffness gel spats for walking assistance, in the JSME conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (JSME, Robomech), pp. 2P1-F08, 2013.[23]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Interaction Design of an Animated Robotic Interface in Vehicle, 5thInternational Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (DRS, IASDR), Tokyo, 2013, pp.4903-4907. (in English, with peer review)[24]  Yi Li and Minoru Hashimoto, Human-Robot Communication based on Emotional Synchronization using Facial Expression Recognition,in the 12th Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Conference and General Meeting (JSKE, Annual Meeting), Tokyo, 2010.[25]  Aya Suzuki, Yi Li, Ryo Sakai, Minoru Hashimoto, The mechanism of the displacement attenuation of contraction type PVC gel actuators,in the JSME conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (JSME, Robomech), pp. 2A2-A08, 2015.[26]  Aya Suzuki, Yi Li, Yoichiro Tsuchiya, Minoru Hashimoto, Durability Evaluation of Contraction Type PVC Gel Actuators, in the JSME conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (JSME, Robomech), pp. 3A1-M02, 2014.[27]  Minoru Hashimoto and Yi Li, Kansei communication of a humaoid robot using dynamic information processing, in the 2010 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers (IEIE Tohoku-Section, Joint Convention), pp. S3-4, 2010.3. Books [1]  Yi Li *,  Minoru Hashimoto, Chapter 4. Applications of PVC gel artificial muscles on wearable robots, CMC Publishing CO.,LTD, 2017     二     主要发明专利  [1] 李毅,张雨杨,郭明飞,张越 ,李志鑫,李研彪,一种眼部按摩仪及其控制方法,2023.04.20,2023104253855[2] 李毅,张子谦,郭明飞,朱理想 ,冯徐鑫,李志鑫,李研彪,一种基于柔性驱动器的外骨骼康复手套及其交互方法,2022.08.19,202210998517.9[3] 李毅,郭明飞,王日城,李志鑫,李研彪,一种六足宠物机器人及其交互方法,2022.09.05,202211076854.9[4] 李毅,郭明飞,赵佳璇,李志鑫,李研彪,一种自动存取的智能鞋柜及其控制方法,2022.09.19,ZL 202211134719.5[5] 李毅,冯徐鑫,郭明飞,朱理想,李志鑫,李研彪,一种柔性凝胶驱动器及其制备方法,2022.03.23,202210288176.6[6] 李毅,冯徐鑫,孙博,郭明飞,李研彪,一种表情机器人,2021.06.28,ZL 202110718570.4[7] 李毅,郭明飞,庞寅麒,韩泽琦,赵佳璇,王日城,李研彪,基于CPVC/PVC凝胶材料的3D打印机,2021.06.28,202110719848.X[8] 李毅,戴伊威,朱辰炜,郭明飞,李志鑫,李研彪,一种筋膜枪,2021.12.08,ZL 202123062609.6[9] 李毅,孙博,冯徐鑫,郭明飞,李研彪,基于电活性聚合物驱动器的新型自助皮下注射器,2021.06.28,ZL 202121442325.7[10] 李毅,郭明飞,程金伟,戴伊威,于润泽,马涛,徐贤涛,李研彪,一种PVC凝胶薄膜分切机,2020.12.31,202011642529.5[11] 李毅,冯徐鑫,郭明飞,李研彪,一种基于凝胶驱动器的机械手, 2020.10.21,ZL 202022346936.3[12] 李毅,郭明飞,孙博,赵佳璇,李研彪,一种基于电活性聚合物驱动器的拟人表情机器人,2020.03.19,ZL 202010194085.7[13] 李毅,郭明飞,陈泰民, 赵佳璇,周锦泽,基于凝胶驱动器的夹爪,2020.04.28,ZL 201921100308.8[14] 李毅,郭明飞,洪叶晖,李研彪,一种基于凝胶驱动器的夹爪手,2020.04.28,ZL 201921099983.3[15] 李毅,郭明飞,李研彪,曾晰,一种凝胶驱动器,2019.07.30, ZL 201822101473.7[16] 李毅,郭明飞,李研彪,曾晰,一种柔性机械手,2019.09.10,ZL 201822101471.8[17] 李毅,郭明飞,李研彪,曾晰,一种机械手,2019.09.06,ZL  2018122099637.7[18] 李毅,郭明飞,李研彪,曾晰,一种仿生机械手,2019.09.06,ZL 20182220836.1[19] 李毅,程金伟,盛况,陈泰民,赵佳璇,一种新型开心果开口机,2019.12.19,ZL 201911315933.9[20] 郭明飞,李毅,陈泰民,施亦非,孙鑫,李翔龙,李研彪,一种面向PVC凝胶材料的3D打印机,2020.12.31,ZL 202011641191.1[21] 吴陨辰,李毅,郭明飞,李研彪,李志鑫,一种基于凝胶驱动器的百叶,2020.9.14,ZL 202021998421.5[22] 郭明飞,李毅,陈泰民,程金伟,一种新型涂布机构, 2019.06.11,ZL 201910500721.1[23] 橋本稔,李毅,  ゲルシート素子及びゲルアクチュエータ (凝胶薄膜单体以及凝胶驱动器 ), 2016.9.29,  日本,  特願 2016-166434[24] 橋本稔,李毅,鈴木彩,  誘電アクチュエータ(介电驱动器), 2015.12.9,  日本,  特願 2015-240298[25] 橋本稔,李毅,鈴木彩,  ゲルアクチュエータ (凝胶致动器), 2015.6.4,  日本,  特願 2015-113601[26] 橋本稔,李毅,白井叔子,   ゲルアクチュエータを用いたクラッチ機構  (基于凝胶驱动器的离合 器),  2014.9.9, 日本,  特願 2014-183160[27] 橋本稔,李毅, アクチュエータ装置及びアクチュエータ装置のユニット(凝胶驱动器及驱动装 置单元),  2014.3.6, 日本,  特願 2014-044275[28] 橋本稔,李毅,安田圭吾,  ゲルアクチュエータ(凝胶致动器), 2013.12.10,  日本,  特願 2013-254612[29] 郭明飞,施亦非,李翔龙,李毅 ,一种多场景轮‑履复合型电动轮椅,2022.01.05,202210003506.2[30] 张征,周一松,孙敏,李毅,等,一种磁场驱动双稳态结构及其制作方法,2020.04.01,ZL 202010250564.6 [31] 李志鑫,应申舜,金明生,李毅,等,三支撑双组控多冗余磁轴承系统,2020.01.07,ZL 202020025320.3[32] 李志鑫,应申舜,金明生,李毅,等,三支撑双组控交错排布磁极非一致多冗余磁轴承系统,2020.01.07,ZL 202020025303.X[33] 曾晰,李卓,黄丰磊,李毅,石梦,一种点阵型阵列柔性凝胶砂轮,2019.07.17,ZL 201921122239.0[34] 郭明飞,李毅,陈泰民,程金伟,一种先导阀生产线用的夹紧工件,2019.06.28,ZL 201920991945.2[35] 郭明飞,李毅,秦宋阳,徐梦茹,郑航,一种方管钻孔夹具装置,2019.01.21,ZL 201920093460.1[36] 郭明飞,李毅,秦宋阳,徐梦茹,郑航,一种带有方管钻孔夹具装置的机床,2019.01.21,ZL 201920093987.4     三     主要科研荣誉  1.  2020年获第三届材料科学与制造工程国际会议(MSME 2020)最佳海报奖○ Yi Li(1/9),Design and Prototyping of a Novel Soft Gripper Based on PVC Gel Actuators, MSME  2020, 2020.11.82.  2017年获国际光学工程学会(SPIE)EAP-in-Action2017最佳演示一等奖○ Yi Li (2/5), Multilayered PVC gel Artificial Muscle, SPIE Smart Structures NDE, SPIE Smart Structures NDE  2017 EAP-in-Action, 1st Place Best Demonstration Award, 2017.3.283.  2016年获日本仪器与控制工程师学会(SICE) 系统集成研讨会(SI2016) 优秀报告奖○ Yi Li (1/2),  Characterizations  of  a flexible  electrodes based PVC  gel  sheet  actuator under low driving voltages,  SICE2016 System  Integration(SI2016),優秀講演賞,  2016.12.184.  2016年获IEEE 国际学术会议BioRob2016最佳海报奖三等奖○ Yi Li (1/2), Development of a Lightweight Walking Assist Wear using PVC Gel Artificial Muscles, The 6th IEEE RAS/EMBS Int. Conf.  on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2016), 3rd Best Poster Award, 2016.6.285.  2015年获IEEE ICRA2015 IEEE RAS日本支部青年奖○ Yi Li (1/1), A Proposal of a Light-weight Walking Assist Wear using PVC Gel Artificial Muscles, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award, 2015.5.27 社会服务    担任多个国际学术期刊审稿人部分审稿期刊目录序号期刊名影响因子分区1《Chemical Society Reviews》60.615SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top2《Advanced Functional Materials》19.924SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top3《Advanced Science》17.521SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top4《Small》15.153SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top5《Additive Manufacturing》11.632SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top6《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical》9.221SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top7《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》10.383SCI Q1, 中科院2区Top8《Soft Robotics》7.784SCI Q1, 中科院1区Top9《Applied Materials Today》8.663SCI Q1, 中科院2区10《Sensors and Actuators A: Physics》4.291SCI Q1, 中科院3区11《Smart Materials and Structures》4.131SCI Q2, 中科院2区12《Express Polymer Letters》3.952SCI Q2, 中科院3区13《Journal of Bionic Engineering》2.995SCI Q2, 中科院3区14《IEEE Access》3.476SCI Q2, 中科院3区15《Polymers For Advanced Technologies》3.348SCI Q2, 中科院3区来源: Journal Citation Reports ™ 2021 内容来自集群智慧云企服 www.jiqunzhihui.net