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姓名 胡映天 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 信息工程学院
学位 博士 学历 信息工程学院
职称 讲师 联系方式 屏峰校区信息楼B516
邮箱 huyt@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 简  历:胡映天,浙江工业大学信息工程学院,硕士生导师。2019年,浙江大学工学博士毕业。主要研究方向为信号处理、传感器设计、图像算法、深度学习在智慧水环境监测中的应用。共发表SCI/EI论文二十余篇,以第一作者身份发表高水平论文12篇,包括领域内TOP期刊Water Research(IF=13.4)、Sensors and Actuators B(IF=9.2)、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement(IF=5.6)、Spectrochimica Acta Part A(IF=4.8)等。主持国家自然科学基金项目,参与国家863项目,并与国内外多家知名企业合作承担横向项目。招生专业:081000信息与通信工程 - 学硕、 085402通信工程 - 专硕招生方向:信号处理、嵌入式仪器开发、图像算法、深度学习、传感器设计等课题组自2014年开始研究基于先进光电技术的智慧水环境监测方案及仪器,先后承担了多项国家级、省级项目,发表多篇领域内顶级期刊论文。目前,课题组正在向新算法、新仪器、融合5G通信、图像算法、深度学习等方面拓展,欢迎有志为我国科研事业做贡献的同学报考(本人微信:xiaotianoptic,或联系郑同学:19858115884)。目前就读研究生13名,毕业1名。指导竞赛:2022年指导研究生电子设计竞赛全国总决赛二等奖、华东赛区一等奖、华东赛区优秀指导教师科研项目:基于吸收-荧光光谱*******的水质溯源分析方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2021.1-2023.12(主持)基于多源光谱和电化学的水环境监测方法研究,公司委托项目,2022.12-2027.12(主持)基于多维光谱信息挖掘的水体COD测量方法研究,公司委托项目,2019.10-2021(主持)科研成果:[1]YT, Hu, DD Zhao, YL Qin, An enhancement approach of fluorescence signatures in excitation emission matrixes for water contaminant analysis, Water Research, 2020, 169. (TOP期刊,影响因子为13.4)[2]YT Hu, HD Zhang, DD Zhao, Transform method in three-dimensional fluorescence spectra for direct reflection of internal molecular properties in rapid water contaminant analysis, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021, 250. (领域高水平期刊,影响因子为4.8)[3]YT Hu, DD Zhao, YL Qin, An order determination method in direct derivative absorption spectroscopy for correction of turbidity effects on COD measurements without baseline required, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020, 226. (领域高水平期刊,影响因子为4.8)[4]Yingtian Hu, Hang Xing, Dongdong Zhao, Yuxin Xu, Yali Qin, Hongliang Ren, Novel method based on inherent connection between absorption and fluorescence spectra for water contaminant analysis, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022, 275. (领域高水平期刊,影响因子为4.8)[5]YT Hu, XP Wang, Application of surrogate parameters in characteristic UV–vis absorption bands for rapid analysis of water contaminants, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 239(2017) 718-726 ( TOP期刊,影响因子为9.2) [6]YT Hu, YZ Wen, XP Wang, Novel method of turbidity compensation for chemical oxygen demand measurements by using UV–vis spectrometry, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 227 (2016) 393-398 ( TOP期刊,影响因子为9.2)[7]YT Hu, C Liu, XP Wang, DD Zhao,  Adaptive handling of Rayleigh and Raman scatter of fluorescence data based on evaluation of the degree of spectral overlap, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 199(2018) 170-178 (领域高水平期刊,影响因子为4.8) [8]Yingtian Hu, Bin Dai,  Yujing Yang, Dongdong Zhao, Hongliang Ren, Sample Generation Method Based on Variational Modal Decomposition and Generative Adversarial Network (VMD–GAN) for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Detection Using Ultraviolet Visible Spectroscopy[J].Applied Spectroscopy, 2023, 77(10): 1173-1180[9]YT Hu, XP Wang, Detection of water quality multi-parameters in seawater based on UV-Vis spectrometry, OCEANS2016–Shanghai, IEEE[10]YT Hu, C Liu, XP Wang, DD Zhao,  Novel feature extraction method for rapid analysis of watercontaminants based on three-dimensional fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy, Proceedings of the SPIE, 2018 [11]YT Hu,XP Wang,  Novel Local Calibration Method for Chemical Oxygen Demand Measurements by Using UV-Vis Spectrometry, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 63 (1) 012016 [12] M Lv, YT Hu, Novel Spectral COD Measurement Method based on Identification of Water Samples, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2017, 37(12)3797-3802 [13] Z Shi, YT Hu, Design of in-situ Chlorophyll-a Sensor for Water Based on Dual-Path Fluorescence Intensity Method,Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 2019, 32(5), 687, 670-5[14]DD Zhao, P Chen, YT Hu, RH Liang, Synthesis of sparse planar arrays in the whole field by compressed sensing, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2019, 55(23), 1211-1212[15]XX Liu, YL Qin, KL Ji, YT Hu, Rotation and oscillation of gap vortex solitons in optically induced square photonic lattices with a self-focusing nonlinearity,LASER PHYSICS, 2021, 31(4)[16]DD Zhao, XS Liu, F Zhou, YT Hu, Design of portable three-dimensional sonar for both far-field and near-field, Journal of Zhejiang University. Engineering Science, 2019, 53(2), 364-372 [17]C Liu, YT Hu, XP Wang, Research on marine plankton imaging based on digital holographic technology, Proceedings of the SPIE, 2018 [18]C Liu, YT Hu, XP Wang, An approach for sensing underwater particles using digital holographic imaging, Proceedings of the SPIE, 2018 [19]YZ Wen, YT Hu, XP Wang, Application of a colorimeter for turbidity measurement, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016, 679(1), 012028 2016 [20]ZG Tao, YT Hu, XP Wang, A new biometric system based on inner-knuckle-print recognition, IOP Conference Series-Earth and Environmental Science, 2018[21]Z Shi, C Liu, YT Hu, In-site chlorophyll-a fluorometer based on lock-in amplifier, Proceedings of the SPIE, 2018 [22]DD Zhao, XS Liu, TY Hu, An Efficient Near-Field Parallel Subarray Beamforming for Portable 3D Imaging Sonar, 2018 IEEE 3rd [23]H Chen, YL Qin, HL Ren, LP Chang, YT Hu, H zheng, Adaptive Weighted High Frequency Iterative Algorithm for Fractional-Order Total Variation with Nonlocal Regularization for Image Reconstruction, ELECTRONICS, 2020, 9(7)[24]JP FENG, YL Qin, YY Wang, Z Huan, HL Ren, YT Hu, Defect solitons supported by two-dimensional lattice potentials in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals with saturable self-focusing nonlinearity, LASER PHYSICS, 30(6)教学工作与育人成果:[1] 担任《数字图像处理》、《面向对象C++编程》和《程序设计基础C》课程的主讲教师。[2] 2022年校级“优秀班主任”、2021年信息工程学院“优秀班主任”[3] 指导硕士研究生14名(毕业生已签约海康威视等知名企业)。 内容来自集群智慧云企服 www.jiqunzhihui.net