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姓名 | 史吏 | 性别 | |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 | 部门 | 土木工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 土木工程学院 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 浙江工业大学 |
邮箱 | lishi@zjut.edu.cn | ||
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个人简介 史吏,教授,博士生导师,入选浙江省高层次人才特殊支持计划。现任土木工程学院岩土工程研究所所长。主持和参与国家重点研发计划、国家重点国合、国家基金等国家级项目5项、浙江省科技计划重点研发等省部级项目3项、横向课题10余项;近五年以第一或通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文34篇(包括岩土三大刊在内),授权专利和软件著作权16项;参编行业标准2部;获浙江省科技进步二等奖1项,中国公路学会科学技术二等奖1项。 创新成果成功运用于台州集聚区、德清通用航空机场、嘉兴机场、温州瓯江口浅滩二期等地基处理工程,温州市轨道交通S1线振动预测和控制、嘉兴海堤提升改造对明清古海塘振动影响、紫之隧道施工振动影响等评估项目,以及嘉兴海上风电场风机基础设计项目,有效支撑了我国软土工程防灾减灾和双碳战略。教育背景和工作经历1. 浙江工业大学,岩土工程研究所,教授,博导;2. 加拿大McGill University,岩土力学实验室,博士后;3. 浙江大学,建工学院,直接攻博;4. 中国地质大学,工程学院,本科。研究方向1. 土动力学和土与结构动力相互作用 该方向主要解决地基土中波的传播和衰减特性问题,并用于交通荷载(如高速列车)、工程施工(如打桩)等环境振动等涉及土/结构动力相互作用问题的分析中。侧重于解析和有限元数值工具开发、预测模型建立以及现场实测验证等方面。2. 超软土地基处理 该方向主要解决吹填土和疏浚泥等超软土排水板真空预压相关问题,侧重于过滤固结理论、真空预压能耗分析、超深排水板处理效果提升、循环真空节能加载模式和真空预压防淤促排技术等问题。3. 海工基础服役特性 该方向主要解决海上风电、海底管线等海工基础涉及的大直径单桩/群桩基础、吸力桶基础和管线与海床土体的的静动力相互作用问题,落脚于海工基础的静动力响应特性和承载变形等服役性能预测和智能分析等问题。4. 海塘安澜 该方向主要解决浙江省既有海塘提标改造过程中涉及的沉降变形、渗流、稳定性和周边敏感环境保护等关键问题。涉及管袋丁坝、桩式丁坝、既有海堤等主要水工构筑物的施工关键技术、变形和稳定性分析等方面。 上述各研究方向均有相应课题支撑,研究经费充足,热烈欢迎主观能动性强、有责任心、扎实肯干的学生报考硕士或博士研究生。Academic Resume1. Personal InfoTitle: Li Shi, Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, Doctor of Engineering, Director of Geotechnical Engineering Research InstituteAddress: Zhejiang University of Technology, Liuhe Rd #288, Xihu District, Hangzhou, China2. Education Background & Work ExperiencesBachelor degree, China University of Geosciences, WuhanDoctor degree, Zhejiang University, HangzhouPostdoc research, McGill University, Montreal, CanadaAssociate Prof, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou3. Research interest Soil DynamicsGround ImprovementOffshore Engineering FoundationTransportation Geomechanics4. Research fundingi) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Dynamic clogging features on drainage consolidation of dredged slurry under vacuum loading, Jan. 2019 ~ Dec. 2022, PI;ii) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on band-gap behaviors and vibration-propagation characteristics of periodic track-viaduct-saturated ground structures, Jan. 2017 ~ Dec. 2019, PI;iii) Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, Research on high-efficiency drainage of slurry ground of high water content when treated by negative and positive pressurizations, Jan. 2022 ~ Dec. 2024, PI.5. Selected PublicationsLi Shi, et al. On load-bearing and soil-reacting characteristics of hybrid pile-bucket foundations subjected to static horizontal loading. Marine Structures, 2022, 84:1-20.Li Shi, et al. Numerical investigations on influences of tunnel differential settlement on saturated poroelastic ground vibrations and lining forces induced by metro train. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 107202.Li Shi, et al. A New Approach for Determining Compressibility and Permeability Characteristics of Dredged Slurries with High Water Content. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2021, Accepted.Li Shi, et al. Numerical study on movements of soil particles forming clogging layer during vacuum preloading of dredged slurry. Granular Matter, 2021, 23(4), 23:92.Li Shi*, et al.Hybrid analytical-numerical modelling of ground vibrations from moving loads in a tunnel embedded in the saturated soil. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2021, 1928554.Li Shi,et al. A theoretical investigation on characteristic frequencies of ground vibrations induced by elevated high speed train. Engineering Geology, 2019, 252: 14-26.Li Shi et al. The equivalent stiffness of a saturated poroelastic halfspace interacting with an infinite beam under a moving point load. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 107: 83-95.Li Shi, et al. Dynamic responses of an infinite beam supported by a saturated poroelastic halfspace and subjected to a moving load moving at a constant velocity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 88-99: 35-55. Li Shi, et al. A theoretical investigation on influences of slab tracks on vertical dynamic responses of railway viaducts. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 374: 138-154. Li Shi, et al. Multi-transmitting formula for finite element modeling of wave propagation in a saturated poroelastic medium. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 80: 11-24.5. 教学与课程 1.本科生课程, 《工程地质》,24学时2.留学生课程,《Engineering Geology》,48学时3.本科生课程,《工程地质与水文地质》,32学时4.研究生课程,《岩土工程数值计算》,32学时5.实习实践,《工程地质认知实习》,0.5学分上述课程会从课题组内聘请研究生助教,并发放助教补贴。 科研项目 累计主持国家自然科学基金3项、省重点基金项目1项、省属高校基本科研业务费1项:1. 国家自然科学基金面上,高含水量淤泥地基过滤固结耦联排水理论及节能高效真空加载技术研究,在研,主持;2. 国家自然科学基金面上,真空负压下吹填淤泥排水固结动态淤堵特性研究,结题,主持;3. 国家自然科学基金青基,轨道—高架桥—饱和地基周期结构振动带隙及振动传播特性研究,结题,主持;4. 浙江省自然科学基金重点,高含水量淤泥地基正负压高效排水研究,在研,主持;5. 省属高校基本科研业务费,考虑隧道结构性能劣化的软土地区地铁运营长期沉降预测,结题,主持;累计主持企事业单位委托的横向项目9项,代表性横向项目如下:1. 溧宁高速浙江省淳安段第QHTJ02标“千岛湖库区高速公路建造与运营关键技术研究”之隧道爆破开挖环境振动影响和振动控制研究项目,在研,主持;2. 市域铁路S1线运营对新状元水厂振动和变形影响监测与评价,结题,主持。 科研成果 以第一或通讯作者在《Géotechnique》、《Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》、《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》、《International Journal of Solids and Structures》、《Journal of Sound and Vibration》等国内外知名期刊发表SCI论文28篇,论文他引300次,单篇他引最高次数29。授权发明专利7项,参编团体标准2部(排名6和17),浙江省科技进步二等奖1项(排名8),作为组委会秘书组织了第三届地基处理国际会议(ICGI2017),6次受邀在国际国内会议和企事业单位做主题报告和专题讲座。创新成果成功运用于台州集聚区、德清通用航空机场、嘉兴机场、温州瓯江口浅滩二期等地基处理工程,温州市轨道交通S1线振动预测和控制、嘉兴海堤提升改造对明清古海塘振动影响、紫之隧道施工振动影响等评估项目,以及嘉兴海上风电场风机基础设计项目,有效支撑了我国软土工程防灾减灾和双碳战略。主要取得了三项学术成绩:一、首创了流泥固结能耗理论,研发了节能高效真空加载技术;二、提出了软土地基高架轨道交通环境振动全链条预测方法;三、建立了吸力桶和大直径单桩长期承载变形分析方法,形成了海上风机桩桶复合基础技术。代表性论文如下:1. Li Shi, Jiahao Wang, Xiaotian Wang, Honglei Sun*, Yanming Yu, Yuanqiang Cai. How Energy is Consumed in Vacuum Preloading Treatment of Soft Ground? Géotechnique, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.21.00394.2. Li Shi, Xing Yin, Xiaoqian Ye, Zili He, Honglei Sun*, Yuanqiang Cai. Radial Filtration Model of Clogging Column for Prefabricated Vertical Drain Treatment of Slurry. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2023, 149(1): 04022118.3. Li Shi*, Xing Yin, Honglei Sun, Xiaodong Pan, Zonghao Yuan, Yuanqiang Cai. A New Approach for Determining Compressibility and Permeability Characteristics of Dredged Slurries with High Water Content. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2022, 59: 965-977.4. Li Shi, Honglei Sun*, Xiaodong Pan, Xueyu Geng, Yuanqiang Cai. A theoretical investigation on characteristic frequencies of ground vibrations induced by elevated high speed train. Engineering Geology, 2019, 252: 14-26.5. Li Shi, Yuanqiang Cai, Peng Wang*, Honglei Sun. A theoretical investigation on influences of slab tracks on vertical dynamic responses of railway viaducts. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 374: 138-154.6. Li Shi*, A.P.S. Selvadurai. Dynamic responses of an infinite beam supported by a saturated poroelastic halfspace and subjected to a moving load moving at a constant velocity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 88-89: 35-55.7. Li Shi, Changjie Xu*, Yuanqiang Cai, Xueyu Geng. Dynamic impedances and free-field vibration analysis of pile groups in saturated ground. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333: 3709-3731.8. Zhen Huang, Li Shi*(通讯), Honglei Sun, Yuanqiang Cai. A simple bounding surface elasto-viscoplasticity model for marine clays under monotonic and cyclic loading. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 226: 113129.9. Hongxu Jin, Lin Guo, Honglei Sun, Li Shi*(通讯), Yuanqiang Cai. Undrained cyclic shear strength and stiffness degradation of overconsolidated soft marine clay in simple shear tests. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 112270.10. Hongxu Jin, Lin Guo, Honglei Sun, Tingyu Wu, Li Shi*(通讯), Yuanqiang Cai. Energy-based evaluation of undrained cyclic behavior of marine soft clay under multidirectional simple shear stress paths. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, DOI10.1007/s11440-022-01765-5.11. Li Shi, Zhiying Yuan, Zonghao Yuan, Honglei Sun*, Yuanqiang Cai. On load-bearing and soil-reacting characteristics of hybrid pile-bucket foundations subjected to static horizontal loading. Marine Structures, 2022, 84:1-20.12. Li Shi, Peng Wang, Yuanqiang Cai*, Zhigang Cao. Multi-transmitting formula for finite element modeling of wave propagation in a saturated poroelastic medium. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 80: 11-24.
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