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发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 马猛 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 博士 学历 材料科学与工程学院
职称 副教授 联系方式 浙工大莫干山校区材料楼A504
邮箱 mameng@zjut.edu.cn,mameng@zjut.edu.cn    
软件产品登记测试全国受理 软件著作权666元代写全部资料全国受理 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料全国受理

个人简介 性    别: 男技术职称: 副教授最高学位: 博士工作部门: 浙江工业大学材料科学与工程学院联系方式:E-mail:  mameng@zjut.edu.cn主要研究方向:(1) 高分子材料加工与改性(2) 生物基及生物可降解材料(3) 高分子基功能复合材料教育工作经历:2004.09-2008.07  西安工业大学材料与化工学院,学士2008.09-2013.06  四川大学高分子科学与工程学院,博士(硕博连读)2019.09-2020.08  美国阿克隆大学高分子科学与工程学院,访问学者2013.07-至今       浙江工业大学大学,讲师,副教授科研项目:1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52373092,透明阻燃聚碳酸酯/聚硼硅氧烷阻燃剂的设计合成、性能调控及机理研究,2024/01-2027/12,主要参与2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,52273044,聚乳酸基3D打印线材反应挤出制备过程中多层次结构调控及性能研究,2023/01-2026/12,主持3. 浙江省科技计划项目-尖兵项目,2023C01101,高玻璃化转变温度共聚酯的合成与产业化,2023/01-2025/12,参与4. 浙江省科技计划项目-领雁项目,2023C01210,聚烯烃的功能化改性制备及其在高性能耐高温尼龙中的应用示范,2023/01-2025/12,参与5. 浙江省科技计划项目,2022C01205,尼龙基高导热复合材料制备研发及其在大功率LED散热系统中的应用示范,2021/01-2023/12,参与6.  浙江省科技计划项目-重大专项择优资助(子课题),2020C01010,非光气法PC产品高性能化功能化改性技术开发,2020/01-2022/12,主持7. 高分子材料工程国家重点实验室(四川大学)开放基金,sklpme2023-3-4,2023-2024,主持8. 浙江省科技计划项目-尖兵项目,2022C01049,聚乳酸生产关键技术及改性应用,2022/01-2024/12,参与9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21504078,纳米粒子填充聚合物共混体系相分离、去润湿和纳米粒子聚集行为的研究,2016/01-2018/12,主持10. 浙江省自然基金一般项目,LY20E030008, 基于反应挤出超韧耐热聚乳酸3D打印线材的制备及其构效关系研究, 2020/01-2022/12,主持11. 浙江省自然基金青年项目,LQ14B040002,结晶/非晶聚合物共混薄膜相分离、去润湿和结晶行为的研究,2014/01-2016/12,主持12.  重大企业横向,尼龙基高导热复合材料开发,2022/06-2025/12,主持13.重大企业横向项目,高耐热、超韧性、新型聚乳酸3D打印材料的开发,2015/04-2019/03,主持14. 重大企业横向项目,车用低VOC无卤阻燃GMT材料制备技术开发,2015/04-2019/06,主持15. 企业横向课题,透明抗静电PMMA合成制备技术开发,2016/08-2018/08,主持代表论文:(35) Baoli Huang, Meng Ma*, Zongsheng Liu, Zhaoliang Jiang, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. A strategy toward improving flame retardancy and thermal oxidative stability of polyamide 6 based on cuprous diethylphosphinate, Polymer, 2024, 302:127046.(34) Bangdong Ge, Meng Ma*, Lei Bai, Zongsheng Liu, Si Chena, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. Synergistic effects of organosilicon flame retardant and DOPO-based reactive compatibilizer for high performance PC/PBT composites, Polymer, 2024, 299:126948.(33) Meng Ma*, Zhaoliang Jiang, Zongsheng Liu, Baoli Huang, Ni Sun, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. Toward flame retardancy, anti-melt dripping, and UV resistance properties of polylactic acid based on eco-friendly core-shell flame retardant, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2024, 6, 3814-3825.(32) Wenting Tao, Wenqin Shao, Meng Ma*,Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He,Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. Ag anchored mesoporous carbon hollow sphere in Cellulose nanofibers/MXene composite films for high‑performance electromagnetic interference shielding, Nano Materials Science, 2024, Accept.(31) Meng Ma*, Yan Liao, Hao Lin, Wenqin Shao, Wenting Tao, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. Double-layer of CNF/rGO film and CNF/rGO/FeCo-LDO aerogel structured composites for efficient electromagnetic interference shielding, Carbon, 2024,220:118863.(30) Meng Ma*, Wenqin Shao, Qindan Chu, Wenting Tao, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. Structural design of asymmetric gradient alternating multilayered CNF/MXene/FeCo@rGO composite films for efficient and enhanced absorbing electromagnetic interference shielding, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2024,12:1617-1628.(29) Baoli Huang, Meng Ma*, Yueyin Wang, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, and Xu Wang*. Morphology-Manipulated Aluminum Diethylphosphinate and Flame-Retardant Properties in Thermoplastic Polyurethane. Journal of Polymer Research, 2023, 30:455.(28) Zongsheng Liu, Meng Ma*, Bangdong Ge, Yi Zheng, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Yulu Zhu, Xu Wang*. Toward flame-retardant, transparency, and high mechanical property of polycarbonate based on low addition of linear polyborosiloxane, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474: 145799.(27) Zhaoliang Jiang, Meng Ma*, Xinpeng Wang, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He and Xu Wang*. Toward Flame-retardant and Toughened Poly(lactic acid)/Cross-linked Polyurethane Blends via the Interfacial Reaction with the Modified Bio-based Flame Retardants, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 251:126206.(26) Wenting Tao, Meng Ma*, Xianjun Liao, Wenqin Shao, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Cellulose nanofiber/MXene/mesoporous carbon hollow spheres composite films with porous structure for deceased reflected electromagnetic interference shielding, Composites Communications, 2023, 41: 101647.(25) Qiang Peng#, Meng Ma#*, Qindan Chu, Hao Lin, Wenting Tao, Wenqin Shao, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Absorption-dominated Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Composite Foam Based on Porous and Bi-conductive Network Structure. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11: 10857-10866.(24) Hao Lin, Meng Ma*, Qindan Chu, Lin Xu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*.Multifunctional Nanofibrillated Cellulose/ZnO@rGO Composite Films for Thermal Conductivity, Electrical Insulation, and Antibacterial Applications. Composite Structures, 2023, 312:116896.(23) Yao Gao*, Yong Li, Xiangwei Kong, Meng Ma*. Enhanced Mechanical Property of Polyamide-6/Graphite Sheet Composites with Segregated 3D Network Binary Structure for High Thermal Conductivity. Polymers, 2023, 15:1041.(22) Qindan Chu, Wenting Tao, Hao Lin, Meng Ma*, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Well-designed structure of sandwich-like composite films based on hollow polyaniline and MXene with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption. Industrial Crops & Products, 2023,194:116299.(21) Qiang Peng, Meng Ma*, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Magnetic-conductive bi-gradient structure design of CP/PGFF/Fe3O4composites for highly absorbed EMI shielding and balanced mechanical strength. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 133:102-110.  (ESI Highly Cited Paper)(20) Meng Ma*, Wenting Tao, Xianjun Liao, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Cellulose nanofiber/MXene/FeCo composites with gradient structure for highly absorbed electromagnetic interference shielding, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452:139471. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)(19) Hao Lin, Meng Ma*, Qindan Chu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. MgAl Layered Double Oxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites with Reduced Interfacial Thermal Resistance for Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Insulation Applications. ACS Appl. Nano Mater, 2022, 5: 18955-18964.(18) Lei Bai, Zonsheng Liu, Chencheng Yu, Meng Ma*, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Enhanced interfacial adhesion for effectively stress transfer inducing the plastic deformation of matrix towards high-toughness PC/PBT/ EMA-GMA blends. Polymer, 2022, 261:125403. (17) Meng Ma*, Chencheng Yu, Lei Bai, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Fatigue resistance and failure behavior of reaction compatibilized PC/ABS blends under tensile cyclic loading, Journal of Polymer Research, 2022, 29:282.(16) Meng Ma*, Xianjun Liao, Qindan Chu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Construction of gradient conductivity cellulose nanofiber/MXene composites with efficient electromagnetic interference shielding and excellent mechanical properties. Composites Science and Technology, 2022, 226: 109540.(15) Qindan Chu, Hao Lin, Meng Ma*, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang* Cellulose Nanofiber/Graphene Nanoplatelet/MXene Nanocomposites for Enhanced Electromagnetic Shielding and High In-Plane Thermal Conductivity. ACS Appl. Nano Mater, 2022, 5: 7217−7227.(14) Meng Ma, Xinpeng Wang, Kai Liu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Achieving simultaneously toughening and flame retardant modifification of poly(lactic acid) by in-situ formed cross-linked polyurethane and reactive blending with ammonium polyphosphate, J Mater Sci, 2022, 57:5645–5657. (13) Meng Ma, Qindan Chu, Hao Lin, Lin Xu, Huiwen He, Yanqin Shi, Si Chen, Xu Wang*. Highly anisotropic thermal conductivity and electrical insulation of nanofibrillated cellulose/Al2O3@rGO composite films: effect of the particle size. Nanotechnology, 2022, 33: 135711.(12) Meng Ma*, Lele Qiao, Hanjing Yu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Lightweight and high-strength GMT/PEFP/GNP composites with absorb-dominated electromagnetic interference shielding property. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32, 25863-25875. (11) Meng Ma#, Lin Xu#, Lele Qiao, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Nanofibrillated Cellulose/MgO@rGO composite films with highly anisotropic thermal conductivity and electrical insulation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 392:123714.(10) Meng Ma, Xinpeng Wang, Kai Liu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Huiwen He, Xu Wang*. Simultaneously enhanced fracture toughness and flame-retardant property of poly(l-lactic acid) via reactive blending with ammonium polyphosphate and in situ formed polyurethane, Polymer International, 2020, 69(10):985-994.(9) Meng Ma , Lin Xu, Kai Liu, Si Chen, Huiwen He, Yanqin Shi, Xu Wang*. Effect of triphenyl phosphite as a reactive compatibilizer on the properties of poly(L-lactic acid)/poly(butylene succinate) blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020,137(18):48646.(8) Meng Ma, Kai Liu, Haiming Zheng, Si Chen, Bozhen Wu, Yanqin Shi and Xu Wang*, Effect of the Composition and Degree of Crosslinking on the Properties of Poly(L-lactic acid)/Crosslinked Polyurethane Blends, Polymer International, 2018, 67:1221-1228.(7) Meng Ma, Jing Wang, Feng Chen*,Qiang Fu*, Control of morphology and lamellae orientations in thin poly(e-caprolactone) films by blending with different molar mass of polystyrene, European Polymer Journal,2017, 88: 259-268.(6) Meng Ma, Zhengdong Zhu, Bozhen Wu, Si Chen, Yanqin Shi, Xu Wang*,  Preparation of highly conductive composites with segregated structure based on polyamide-6 and reduced graphene oxide, Materials Letters, 2017,190: 71-74.(5) Meng Ma, Haiming Zheng, Si Chen, Bozhen Wu, Huiwen He, Liqing Chen, Xu Wang*, Super-toughened poly(L-lactic acid) fabricated via reactive blending and interfacial compatibilization, Polymer International, 2016, 65: 1187-1194.(4) Meng Ma, Feng Chen*, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Hua Deng, Zhongming Li, and Qiang Fu*, Anisotropic Dewetting Holes with Instability Fronts in Ultrathin Films of Polystyrene/Poly(e-caprolactone) Blend, Macromolecules, 2012, 45: 4932-4937.(3) Meng Ma, Zhoukun He,Yuhan Li, Feng Chen,*Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Hua Deng and Qiang Fu*, Surface Phase Separation, Dewetting Feature Size and Crystal Morphology in Thin Films of Polystyrene /Poly(e-caprolactone) Blend, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 387:262-269(2) Meng Ma, Zhoukun He, Jinghui Yang, Qi Wang, Feng Chen*, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Hua Deng, and Qiang Fu*, Vertical Phase Separation and Liquid-Liquid Dewetting of Thin PS/PCL Blend Films during Spin Coating, Langmuir, 2011, 27(3): 1056-1063. (1) Meng Ma, Zhoukun He, Jinghui Yang, Feng Chen*, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Hua Deng, and Qiang Fu*, Effect of Film Thickness on Morphological Evolution in Dewettiong and Crystallization of Polystyrene/ploy(ε-caprolactone) Blend Films, Langmuir, 2011, 27: 13072–13081.科研成果及专利:(1) 马猛 等.一种可生物降解的超韧阻燃聚乳酸基复合材料的制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201810214221.7(2) 马猛 等.一种阻燃高强GMT复合板材及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201810432810.2(3) 马猛 等.一种无卤阻燃的高韧聚乳酸基复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201811178091.2(4) 马猛 等. 一种阻燃保温型纤维素基气凝胶的制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201910394173.9(5) 王旭,马猛 等.一种疏水吸油型纤维素基气凝胶的制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201910394860.0(6) 马猛 等.一种高强导热GMT复合板材及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201910511359.8(7) 马猛 等.一种三维导热绝缘环氧树脂复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201911135251.X(8) 马猛 等.一种高强导电导热尼龙复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201911135265.1(9) 马猛 等. 一种核-壳结构阻燃剂及其制备方法与应用[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 202211735408.4(10) 马猛 等. 一种反应型梳状结构增容剂及其制备方法与应用[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 202211272278.5(11)马猛 等.一种高机械性能、高流动阻燃PC/ABS合金材料[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL202211272290.6(12) 马猛 等. 一种电磁屏蔽泡沫的制备方法[P] . 中国发明专利, ZL202111246298.0(13) 马猛 等. 一种无卤阻燃抗氧剂有机铜盐及其制备方法与应用[P] . 中国发明专利, ZL202210982604.5研究生培养等教学情况:指导已毕业硕士研究生16人,指导硕士研究生在读12人。2人次获得研究生国家奖学金,5人次获省优秀毕业生,3人次获校优秀毕业生。奖励和荣誉:1.浙江省151人才第三层次 (省人社厅)2.学院2017/2018学年、2022/2023学年度优秀实习指导教师 (校级)3.学校2014/2015学年度优秀班主任 (校级)4.学校 2014/2014学年校工会积极分子 (校级)
