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发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 李燕君 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 计算机科学与技术学院、软件学院
学位 博士 学历 计算机科学与技术学院、软件学院
职称 教授 联系方式 计算机楼A508
邮箱 yjli@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介 浙江大学控制科学与工程博士、现任浙江工业大学教授,网络工程系主任,中国计算机学会物联网专业委员会委员,中国电子学会物联网青年专技组委员,中国人工智能学会智能信息网络专委会委员。长期致力于智能物联网系统优化、室内定位及位置隐私保护研究,近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、浙江省自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、浙江省高校基本科研业务费专项项目等多项科研项目。在中科院一区期刊及CCF推荐的期刊会议如TMC、IEEE Netw、IEEE Commun Mag、TII、TVT、IoT J、INFOCOM、IWQoS、IPDPS、GLOBECOM、WCNC等上发表学术论文70余篇,Google Scholar引用1500余次,授权发明专利20余项(已转化7项),曾获浙江省自然科学奖三等奖,中国自动化学会科学技术进步奖特等奖。 科研成果 代表性期刊论文:[1]  Yufan Zhang, Yanjun Li*, Ertao Li, Kechen Zheng, Kaikai Chi,Yi-hua Zhu. Design_of_an_RFID-Based_Self-Jamming_Identification_and_Sensing_Platform, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023, 0(0):1-15. [CCF A][2] Zhibo Wang, Jingxin Li, Jiahui Hu, Ju Ren, Qian Wang, Zhetao Li, Yanjun Li. Towards Privacy-preserving Incentive for Mobile Crowdsensing Under An Untrusted Platform (early access), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021, 0(0):1-15. [CCF A][3]  Xiaofeng Su, Yanjun Li*, Meihui Gao, Zhibo Wang, Yinglong Li,Yi-hua Zhu. Online policies for throughput maximization of backscatter assisted wireless powered communication via reinforcement learning approaches, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2021, 77, article101463. [CCF C] [4] 李燕君, 陈雨哲, 林瑞仲, 池凯凯, 胡亚红. 射频供能传感网面向融合检测的部署调度方法, 软件学报, 2020, 31(12):3852-3866.  [5]  Kechen Zheng, Xiaoying Liu, Yihua Zhu, Kaikai Chi, Yanjun Li. Impact of Battery Charging on Spectrum Sensing of CRN With Energy Harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020,69(7):7545-7557. [中科院一区][6]   Kai Lin, Honglong Chen, Xin Ai, Vladimir Shakhov, Lina Ni, Jiguo Yu, Yanjun Li. EUMD: Efficient slot utilization based missing tag detection with unknown tags, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020, 160, article102640. [CCF C][7]  Yanjun Li, Chung Shue Chen, Kaikai Chi, Jianhui Zhang. Two-tiered relay node placement for WSN-based home health monitoring system, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019, 12(3): 589-603. [CCF C][8]  Yanjun Li, Yuzhe Chen, Chung Shue Chen, Zhibo Wang, Yi-hua Zhu. Simultaneous Sensor Placement and Scheduling for Fusion-Based Detection in RF-Powered Sensor Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(3): 5595-5606. [中科院一区][9] Zhebiao Chen, Kaikai Chi, Kechen Zheng, Yanjun Li, Xuxun Liu. Common Throughput Maximization in Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(7):7692-7706. [中科院一区][10]Zhanwei Yu, Kaikai Chi, Kechen Zheng, Yanjun Li, Zhen Cheng. Transmit power allocation of energy transmitters for throughput maximisation in wireless powered communication networks, IET Communications, 2019, 13(9):1200-1206. [CCF C][11]Jian-Ping Me, Huajiang Lv, Lianghuai Yang, Yanjun Li. Clustering for heterogeneous information networks with extended star-structure, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2019, 33(4):1059-1087. [CCF B][12]Zhibo Wang, Yijie Li, Bonan Jin, Qian Wang, Yunhe Feng, Yanjun Li, Huejie Shao. AirMouse: Turning a Pair of Glasses into a Mouse in the Air, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(5):7473-7483. [中科院一区][13]Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Jiahui Hu, Wenxin Liu, Qian Wang, Yanjun Li, Honglong Chen. When Mobile Crowdsensing Meets Privacy, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019, 57(9):72-78.  [中科院一区][14]周佳琪, 李燕君*. 基于时空关联和位置语义的个性化假位置生成方法, 软件学报, 2019, 30:18-26. [15]Yanjun Li, Yuzhe Chen, Chung Shue Chen, Zhibo Wang, Yi-hua Zhu. Charging While Moving: Deploying Wireless Chargers for Powering Wearable Devices, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(12):11575-11586.  [中科院一区][16]Yanjun Li, Kaikai Chi, Honglong Chen, Zhibo Wang, Yihua Zhu. Narrowband Internet of Things Systems with Opportunistic D2D Communication, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5(3):1474-1484. [中科院一区][17]Kaikai Chi, Yi-hua Zhu, Yanjun Li. Efficient data collection in wireless powered communication networks with node throughput demands, Computer Communications, 2018, 126:1-10. [CCF C][18]Honglong Chen, Zhibo Wang, Feng Xia, Yanjun Li, Leyi Shi. Efficiently and Completely Identifying Missing Key Tags for Anonymous RFID Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5(4):2915-2926.  [中科院一区][19]李燕君, 陈雨哲, 池凯凯, 田贤忠, 朱艺华. 为移动体域网供能的射频能量源布置方法, 软件学报, 2017, 28:50-60. [20]Y. Li, L. Fu, Y. Ying, Y. Sun, K. Chi, Y. Zhu. Goodput optimization via dynamic frame length and charging time adaptation for backscatter communication, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2017, 10(3):440-452. [CCF C][21]K. Chi, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, L. Huang, M. Xia. Minimization of Transmission Completion Time in Wireless Powered Communication Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, 4(5): 1671-1683. [中科院一区][22]K. Chi, L. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Zhu, X. Tian, M. Xia. Efficient and Reliable Multicast Using Device-to-Device Communication and Network Coding for a 5G Network. IEEE Network, 2017, 31(4): 78-84. [中科院一区][23]Y. Li, L. Fu, M. Chen, K. Chi, Y. Zhu, RF-Based charger placement for duty cycle guarantee in battery-free sensor networks, IEEE Communications Letters, 2015, 19(10): 1802-1805. [中科院二区]代表性会议论文:[1]    Xianzhong Tian, Huixiao Meng, Yanjun Li*, Pingting Miao, Pengcheng Xu. Dynamic Computation Offloading for Green Things-Edge-Cloud Computing with Local Caching, in IEEE IPDPS, Lyon, France, 2022. [CCF B][2]    Meihui Gao, Yanjun Li*, Bernardetta Addis, Giuliana Carello, Shuguo Zhuo. Take the road back: a different way to study the NFV service chaining problem, in IEEE WCNC, Austin, TX, USA, 2022. [CCF C][3]    Yanjun Li, Xiaofeng Su, Huatong Jiang, Chung Shue Chen. Throughput Maximization for Wireless Powered Communication: Reinforcement Learning Approaches, in IEEE/ACM IWQoS, Tokyo, Japan, 2021. [CCF B][4]    Huatong Jiang, Yanjun Li*, Meihui Gao. Simultaneous Charger Placement and Power Scheduling for On-Demand Provisioning of RF Wireless Charging Service, in ICA3PP, Xiamen, China, 2021. [CCF C][5]    Huatong Jiang, Yanjun Li*, Meihui Gao. Online Resource Allocation for SDN-Based Mobile Edge Computing: Reinforcement Approaches, in IEEE GLOBECOM 2021, Madrid, Spain, 2021. [CCF C][6]    P. Sun, Z. Wang, Y. Feng, L. Wu, Y. Li, H. Qi, and Z. Wang. Towards Personalized Privacy-Preserving Incentive for Truth Discovery in Crowdsourced Binary-Choice Question Answering. In Proc.IEEE INFOCOM. 2020, pp. 1133-1142. [CCF A][7]    Zhibo Wang, Jingxin Li, Jiahui Hu, Ju Ren, Zhetao Li, Yanjun Li. Towards Privacy-preserving Incentive for Mobile Crowdsensing Under An Untrusted Platform, in IEEE INFOCOM, Paris, France, 2019. [CCF A] 科研项目 纵向课题:浙江省自然科学基金项目-重点项目,LZ21F020005,强化学习赋能的无线供能通信系统资源优化调度策略研究,2021-01至2023-12.浙江省高校基本科研业务费项目,RF-A2019002,射频供能通信基于强化学习的采能-传输调配机制研究, 2019-07至2022-12.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,61772472,无线供能体域网能量优化理论与方法,2018-01至2021-12.浙江省自然科学基金,面上项目,LY17F020020,基于人体行为模式的无线可充电体域网能量收集研究,2017-01至2019-12.浙江省自然科学基金,面上项目,LY13F020028,无线体域网与泛在网的网络和信息融合关键技术研究,2013-01至2015-12.国家自然科学基金,青年项目,61003264,低占空比无线传感器网络的实时服务质量保障研究,2011-01至2013-12.横向课题:杭州九链网络科技有限公司委托课题:室内定位WIFI融合算法模块.杭州道特信息技术有限公司委托课题:定位引擎系统.南通理工学院委托课题:南通创新区紫琅公园综合物业电子考勤系统.杭州中立房地产土地评估规划咨询有限公司委托课题:土地整治项目验收管理系统.杭州众道信息科技服务有限公司委托课题:评估规划项目管理系统.浙银前源(杭州)资本管理有限公司委托课题:生活服务商圈联盟微信小程序.浙江浙大友创投资管理有限公司:投资项目协同管理系统. 教学与课程 育人成果 社会服务

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