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姓名 刘云峰 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 机械工程学院
学位 博士 学历 机械工程学院
职称 教授 联系方式 屏峰校区机械楼C404
邮箱 liuyf76@126.com    
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个人简介 刘云峰,男,1976年1月生,四川省荣县人,博士,教授,博士生导师,机械工程学院先进制造与现代设计技术研究所常务副所长,数字化医学团队负责人;长期从事数字化医学及医学3D打印、手术机器人、医疗器械的智能设计及制造技术等研究;2004年毕业于浙江大学,获机械工程博士学位;2004年10月至今在浙江工业大学机械工程学院从事教学科研工作,分别于2011-2012、2015-2016年度在美国普渡大学(印第安纳波利斯)和凯斯西储大学牙医学院从事口腔医学合作研究各一年;累计承担国家自然基金4项,省级项目4项,发表SCI论文30余篇,授权发明专利18项(转化应用5项);开发的数字化种牙技术处于国内领先水平,获得浙江省发明二等奖和第五届中国互联网+创新创业大赛全国银奖,参与创立了杭州六维齿科医疗技术有限公司,与浙江大学医学院附属第一医院、附属第二医院、附属口腔医院以及浙江省人民医院、衢州市人民医院、深圳龙岗中心医院等单位开展了深入合作,实现了大规模产业化应用(累计超1万例),取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 教学与课程 本科生:机械制造技术基础研究生:先进制造技术 育人成果     每年指导本科生3-4人,指导的2021届(2017级)本科生4人,一人保送西安交通大学直博、一人保送电子科技大学,一人考上南京理工大学,一人考上宁波大学;指导的2018级本科生3人中,一人保送到湖南大学,一人保送到本校。    已毕业研究生20人,毕业博士生3人,在读研究生14人,博士生3人,研究生主要成果如下:(1)2019年,游嘉,彭文明,阚天舒等.六维数字化植牙-中国数字化植牙领导者. 第五届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖,指导教师:刘云峰,姜献峰,彭伟,董星涛(2)2017级研究生阚天舒完成的课题《口腔种植机器人的人机协作技术研究》获得2020年浙江省专业学位研究生优秀实践成果;(3)2018级研究生徐宸完成的学位论文《PEKK材料FDM打印工艺对力学性能的影响》获得2021年度浙江工业大学优秀硕士学位论文。(4)张鹏园,刘赛帅,王艳洁,孟祥陈,韦欢。第六届校“工贸85-运河杯”大学生创业计划大赛一等奖(普赛思(Precise)数字医疗技术有限公司创业团队,颌面精确修复手术辅助定位导板项目) 科研项目 口腔种植稳定性的多因素耦合机制及种植机器人操作参数自适应控制(52175280),国家自然科学基金,58万元,2022.01 - 2025.12  1/10 高温合金激光增材/减材制造能场复合控形控性机制与方法研究(LD22E050013),浙江省自然科学基金重大项目,100万元,2022.01 - 2024.12  1/7面向成人正畸的形状记忆高分子材料隐形矫治机理及矫治器研发,浙江省盈盈数据智能研究院,15万元,2021.8- 2023.8  1/7正畸生物力学分析及排牙系统开发,杭州盈盈医疗技术服务有限公司,10万元,2021.3-2022.2  1/6个性化舌侧正畸矫治技术及系统研发,浙江普特医疗器械有限公司,15万元,2020.9-2022.9, 1/6骨与软骨修复植入体设计分析,浙江省人民医院,4万元,2019.10-2022.10  1/7基于金属3D打印与切削加工复合工艺的个性化舌侧正畸托槽研发(LGG19E050022),浙江省基础公益研究计划项目,10万元,2019.1.1-2021.12.31,5/7牙种植手术中模拟骨骼的温度场测定,杭州口腔医院有限公司, 3.46万元,2017.11-2018.12, 1/5基于PEKK复合结构植入体的下颌骨缺损重建机理及其实现技术研究(51775506),国家自然科学基金,60万元,2018.1-2021.12   1/10基于下颌骨生物力学模型的下颌骨骨折个性化三维内固定系统的基础研究(LY18E050022), 浙江省自然科学基金,10万元,2018.1-2020.123/7大鼠显微CT数据分析和有限元建模分析,首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院,3.587万元,2015.6-2015.12牙周炎光动力治疗技术及产品研发(2015C31094),浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目,15万元,2015.7.1-2017.6.30  1/10 基于 SLM 技术的钛合金支架植入物在颌骨缺损修复和咬合功能重建中的研究(LY15H140007),浙江省自然科学基金,8万元,2015.1- 2017.12 2/7实现个性化正畸的新型弓丝的力学机理及实现技术研究,教育部第47批留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目,3万元,2014.1.1-2016.12.30基于形状记忆聚合物的一体式个性化矫治器正畸机理及其实现技术研究(51375453),国家自然科学基金,80万元,2014.1-2017.12,1/10基于数字化设计与制造技术的个性化口腔正畸的基础研究(LY13E050017),浙江省自然科学基金,8万元,2013.1-2015.12,1/6 具有支撑小平面的种牙导板专利实施许可,杭州六维齿科医疗技术有限公司,5万元,2010.9 种牙导板的钻套安装设备专利实施许可,杭州六维齿科医疗技术有限公司,5万元,2010.9 数字化精确种植牙技术及系统开发,杭州六维齿科医疗技术有限公司,10万元,2010.9-2010.12 非均匀梯度结构骨组织工程支架优化设计与制造技术研究(50905164),国家自然科学基金,20万元,2010.1-2012.12 1/10新型人工骨骼非均匀梯度结构组织工程支架的优化设计与制造技术研究(Y2090835),浙江省自然科学基金,10万元,2010.1-2011.12 科研成果 发表的主要论文:Fan Xiao, Yueli Zhai, Yifeng Zhou, Xu Xu, Yunfeng Liu, Xiaochun Ma, Xiaohui Gu*, Wei Wang*. Low-temperature fabrication of titania layer on 3D-printed PEKK for enhancing biocompatibility. Surface & Coating Technology, 2021, 416: 127158 (SCI: SJ5KM  IF:4.158, JCR 1区) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127158 Wen-ming Peng, Kang-jie Cheng, Yun-feng Liu*, Mark Nizza, Dale A. Baur, Xian-feng Jiang, Xing-tao Dong. Biomechanical and Mechanostat analysis of a titanium layered porous implant for mandibular reconstruction: The effect of the topology optimization design. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021, 124:112056 (SCI:RX8QD , IF:7.328 ,JCR1区)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2021.112056仵健磊,刘云峰*,李伯休,王栋才,董星涛,周佳丽. 不同牙槽骨有限元模型对牙周膜生物力学响应的影响. 生物医学工程学杂志,2021,38(2):1-8Xu Xu, Kang-jie Cheng, Yun-feng Liu*, Ying-ying Fan, Joanne H. Wang, Russell Wang, Dale A. Baur, Xian-feng Jiang, Xing-tao Dong. Experimental validation of finite element simulation of a new custom-designed fixation plate to treat mandibular angle fracture. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2021, 20(1): 1-13 (IF: 2.819, SCI: QD0WA, JCR3区)Kang-jie Cheng, Tian-shu Kan, Yun-feng Liu*, Wei-dong Zhu, Fu-dong Zhu, Wei-bin Wang, Xian-feng Jiang, Xing-tao Dong. Accuracy of dental implant surgery with robotic position feedback and registration algorithm: An in-vitro study. Computers in Biology and Medicine,2021, 129: 104153  2月(IF: 4.589, SCI: QB1ST, JCR1区)DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.104153Chen Xu, Kangjie Cheng, Yunfeng Liu*, Russell Wang, Xianfeng Jiang, Xingtao Dong, Xu Xu. Effect of processing parameters on flexural properties of 3D‐printed polyetherketoneketone using fused deposition modeling. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2021,61(2):465-476. DOI: 10.1002/pen.25590(SCI: OT5LV, IF: 2.428,JCR3区)Wu Jianlei, Liu Yunfeng*, Wang Dongcai, Huang Senda, Zhang Jianxing, Chen Jie, Dong Xingtao.Dynamic measurement of orthodontic force using a tooth movement simulation system based on a wax model.  Technology and Health Care, 2021, 29(3): 457-466(SCI:SK2JP,IF:1.285,JCR4区)Wu Jianlei, Liu Yunfeng*, Boxiu Li, Wang Dongcai, Dong Xingtao, Qianli Sun, Gang Chen. Numerical simulation of optimal range of rotational moment for the mandibular lateral incisor, canine and first premolar based on biomechanical responses of periodontal ligaments: a case study,Clinical Oral Investigations, 2021,25(3): 1569-1577 (SCI:NQ8KU,IF:3.573, JCR1区)Aamer Nazir, Aashir Azhar, Usman Nazir, Yun-Feng Liu, Waqar. S. Qureshic, Jia-En Chen, Eisa Alanazi. The rise of 3D Printing entangled with smart computer aided design during COVID-19 era. Journal of Manufacturing System, 2021, 60: 774-786(SCI: OT5LV, IF: 8.863,JCR1区) 2021.7仵健磊,刘云峰*,张建兴,彭伟,陈晨. 基于牙颌模型的正畸弓丝初始回复力口外测量技术. 医用生物力学,2020,35(6): 319-324  ISSN 1004-7220Kang-jie Cheng, Yun-feng Liu*, Russell Wang, Jianxing Zhang, Xianfeng Jiang, Xing-tao Dong, Xu Xu. Topological optimization of 3D printed bone analog with polyetherketoneketone for surgical mandibular reconstruction. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials,2020,107:103758. (SCI:LK0ZD,IF: 3.372,JCR二区)  2020.7Jianlei Wu, Yunfeng Liu*, Dongcai Wang, Jianxing Zhang, Xingtao Dong, Xianfeng Jiang,  Xu Xu. Investigation of effective intrusion and extrusion force for maxillary canine using finite element analysis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 22(16): 1294–1302. (SCI: IW7EZ, IF: 1.61, JCR 三区) DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1661390Wen-ming Peng, Yun-feng Liu*, Xian-feng Jiang*, Xing-tao Dong, Janice Jun, Dale A. Baur, Jia-jie Xu, Hui Pan, Xu Xu. Bionic mechanical design and 3D printing of novel porous Ti6Al4V implants for biomedical applications. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2019, 20(8): 647-659 (SCI: IW8DB, IF:  1.879, JCR 三区), https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.B1800622,  他引6次Jianxing Zhang*, Hui Liang, Dongcai Wang, Jiang Xia, Wenming Peng, Kangjie Cheng, Lianfei Wang, Yunfeng Liu, Wei Peng, Qingyong Li. Photodynamic therapy versus systemic antibiotic for the treatment of periodontitis in a rat model. Journal of Periodontology, 2019, 1-10 (SCI:IK3UD,IF:2.768,JCR 一区) Kang-jie Cheng, Yun-feng Liu*, Chun-yan Yao, Wen-quan Zhao, Xu Xu*. A personalized mandibular implant with supporting and porous structures designed with topology optimization– A case study of canine. Rapid Prototyping Journal,2019,25(2):417-426. (SCI:HM6US,IF:2.801,JCR2区)他引5次Kang-jie Cheng, Yun-feng Liu*, Joanne H. Wang, Janice C. Jun, Xian-feng Jiang, Russell Wang, Dale A. Baur. Biomechanical behavior of mandibles reconstructed with fibular grafts at different vertical positions using finite element method. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery,2019,72:281-289 (SCI: HI1EN, IF:2.228, JCR2区)他引4次Yun-feng Liu*, Jian-lei WU, Shan-ling Song, Li-xin Xu, Jie Chen, Wei Peng. Thermo-mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced shape memory polyurethane for orthodontic application. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2018, 29(9):1-11 (SCI: GS2HS, IF2.448, JRC2区)  他引2次Jian-lei WU, Yun-feng LIU*, Wei PENG, Hui-yue DONG, Jian-xing ZHANG. A biomechanical case study on the optimal orthodontic force on the maxillary canine tooth based on finite element analysis. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2018 19(7): 535-546. (SCI:GM6RH,  IF: 1.815, JCR 三区 )  DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B1700195   ESI 他引3次Jianlei Wu#, Yunfeng Liu#*, Jianxing Zhang, Wei Peng, Xianfeng Jiang*. Biomechanical investigation of orthodontic treatment planning based on orthodontic force measurement and finite element method before implementation: A case study. Technology and Health Care, 2018, 26(S1): 347–359 (SCI: GH9GV, IF: 0.717) 他引2次Yun-feng Liu*, Jian-lei Wu, Jian-xing Zhang, Wei Peng, Wen-qing Liao. Numerical and Experimental Analyses on the Temperature Distribution in the Dental Implant Preparation Area when Using a Surgical Guide. Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry, 2018, 27(1):42-51, (SCI: FS3YR,  IF:1.745, JCR二区) 他引9次    Yun-feng Liu*, Russell Wang, Dale A Baur. A finite element analysis of the stress distribution to the mandible from impact forces with various orientations of third molars. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2018, 19(1): 38-48 (SCI: FT2CI, IF:  1.676, JCR 三区)  他引2次仵健磊,彭伟,董辉跃,姜献峰,刘云峰*. 基于超-粘弹性的牙周膜本构模型构建及模拟. 中国生物医学工程学报,2018,37(2):194-201Yun-feng Liu*, Ying-ying Fan, Hui-yue Dong, Jian-Xing Zhang. An investigation of two finite element modeling solutions for biomechanical simulation using a case study of a mandibular bone. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 139(12):121006-121006-11  (SCI: FL6HQ, IF: 2.057, JCR 2区), 2017.12 ISSN:0148-0731  ESI 他引1次Yun-feng Liu*, Ying-ying Fan, Xian-feng Jiang, Dale A. Baur. A customized fixation plate with novel structure designed by topological optimization for mandibular angle fracture based on finite element analysis. Biomedical Engineering Online, 2017, 16:131(SCI:FM6GK, IF1.683, JCR三区), ISSN: 1475-925X, 2017.11  他引12次Russell Wang*, Yunfeng Liu, Joanne H Wang, Dale A Baur.  Effect of interfragmentary gap on mechanical behavior of mandibular angle fracture with three fixation designs- a finite element analysis. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2017, 70 (3): 360-369. (SCI: EQ5FW, IF: 1.743, JCR二区)  ISSN: 1748-6815  ESI  他引2次Yun-Feng Liu*, Jian-Lei Wu, Jian-Xing Zhang, Wei Peng. Feasible Evaluation of the Thermo-mechanical Properties of Shape Memory Polyurethane for Orthodontic Archwire. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2017, 37(5): 666-674  (SCI: FI2SC  IF: 0.989, JCR四区)  ISSN: 1609-0985  他引1次刘云峰,宋山岭,仵健磊,费正东,徐立新. 一种正畸用复合材料的制备及其力学性能评价. 浙江工业大学学报,2017,45(4): 361-365   2017.8  ISSN:1006-4303刘云峰,郑晓东,李伯休,周东,张建兴. 基于SLM的个性化舌侧托槽的数字化设计与成型. 浙江工业大学学报,2017,45(5): 506-509   2017. 10Nan Ru, Sean Shih-Yao Liu, Yuxing Bai, Song Li, Yunfeng Liu, Xiaoxia Wei. BoneCeramic graft regenerates alveolar defects but slows orthodontic tooth movement with less root resorption. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2016 Apr;149(4):523-32.   (SCI:DH4LS  IF:1.69, JCR 二区)仵健磊, 刘云峰*, 彭伟, 林文武, 徐立新. 基于有限元仿真的形状记忆聚合物弓丝初始正畸力分析. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2016, 35(2): 202-210  ISSN: 0258-8021Liang-wei Xu, Jia You, Jian-xing Zhang, Yun-feng Liu, Wei Peng*. Impact of Surgical Template on the Accuracy of Implant Placement. Journal of Prosthodontics, 2016, 25(8): 641-646  (SCI: EF9XC,IF:  1.133,JCR3区) 章巧芳, 林文武,张钦,刘云峰,张鹏园. 热驱动形状记忆聚合物三维力学本构模型,浙江工业大学学报, 2015, 43(01):43-46  ISSN:1006-4303刘云峰,张钦,周东,姜献峰.正畸蜡模的力学性质及其阻力特性研究[J].功能材料与器件学报,2015,21(6): 181-187  ISSN: 1007-4252周根; 刘云峰; 姜献峰, 可降解支架修复骨缺损的有限元模拟预测, 生物医学工程学杂志, 2014,31(3):601-605, 2014/6/25  ISSN:1001-5515Yunfeng Liu, Wei Peng, Xingtao Dong, Xianfeng Jiang. Application of digital medical techniques on interdisciplinary talent education of stomatology and mechanical engineering. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(6):1689-1694. (EI: 20151100648147)  ISSN : 0975-7384, 2014年9月Yun-Feng Liu, Peng-Yuan Zhang, Qiao-Fang Zhang, Jian-Xing Zhang, Jie Chen. Digital design and fabrication of simulation model for measuring orthodontic force. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24 (6): 2265-2271  ISSN: 1878-3619  (SCI: AQ7NW, IF: 1.091, JCR三区) 2014年9月他引2次Yun-feng Liu*, Liang-wei Xu, Hui-yong Zhu, Sean Shih-Yao Liu. Technical procedures for template-guided surgery for mandibular reconstruction based on digital design and manufacturing. Biomedical Engineering Online, 2014, 13:63(SCI:AI5PB, IF1.427, JCR三区,SCI他引46次), ISSN: 1475-925X  2014年5月(2018年9月, Google引用67次)Liu Yunfeng*, Liao Wenqing, Jin Guangsheng, Yang Quanming, Peng Wei.Additive manufacturing and digital design assisted precise apicoectomy: a case study. Rapid prototyping journal, 2014,20(1):33-40   (SCI:294AT, IF2.031, JCR一区),ISSN:1355-2546他引1次(2016年4月) Yunfeng Liu, Nan Ru, Jie Chen, Sean Shih-Yao Liu, Wei Peng. Finite element modeling for orthodontic biomechanical simulation based on reverse engineering: a case study. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2013, 6(17): 3267-3276 ISSN:2040-7459  9月Liu Yunfeng, Zhou Gen, Xu Jianbin, Jiang Xianfeng, Peng Wei. Simulation of Bone Regeneration within Stress Environment based on Scaffold Degradation. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA), 2013, 7(6): 799-907. 3月. EI:     ISSN:1975-9339Liu Yunfeng, Zhou Gen, Liu Sean Shih-Yao. Review on Biomechanical Simulation, Measurement and Control of Orthodontic Force. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, vol647: 623-629  (EI: 20130615988009)ISSN:1662-8985 1月LIU Yunfeng*, ZHU Fudong, DONG Xingtao, PENG Wei. Digital design of scaffold for mandibular defect repair based on tissue engineering. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2011, 12(9): 769-779(SCI: 815XO, IF:1.099,SCI他引8次)ISSN: 1673-1581  ,他引:6次徐健斌,刘云峰,姜献峰,单轴压缩载荷下骨支架的降解模型研究[J].科技通报,2012,28(7):51-54 ISSN 1001-7119Yunfeng Liu, Xingtao Dong, Fudong Zhu. Overview of Rapid Prototyping for Fabrication of Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffold. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, Vols 102-104: 550-554 (EI: 20101512844815, SCI: IDS BPY31, WOS: 000280317100114)  ISSN:1662-8985  SCI他引3次Yunfeng Liu, Xingtao Dong,  Huiyong Zhu, Wei Peng. Study on Application of Rapid Prototyping in Precise Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, Vols 102-104: 64-68 (EI: 20101512844715, SCI: IDS  BPY31, WOS: 000280317100014) ISSN:1662-8985LIU Yunfeng, DONG Xingtao, PENG Wei. Study on Digital Data Processing Techniques for 3D Medical Model. In: proceedings of 2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010. (EI: 20103613208454, SCI: IDS  BH0ZM, WOS: 000397260208002) ISBN-13: 9781424447138 刘云峰,徐俊华,董星涛,姜献峰,彭伟.实现精确种牙的现代设计与制造技术,机械工程学报,2010, 46(5): 150-157 (EI: 20101712896834) ISSN: 05776686  2010年5月他引朱慧勇,刘云峰,王慧明,孙蕾,赵文权.计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造技术在颌骨缺损修复和畸形整复中的应用. 中华创伤杂志, 2010, 26(4): 321-325 ISSN:1001-8050刘云峰,朱慧勇,董星涛,彭伟.实现精确颌面外科手术的数字化设计与制造技术研究.中国机械工程,2010, 21(17): 2100-2106  ISSN: 1004-132X, 2010年9月他引3次Yunfeng Liu, Xianhong Shao, Xingtao Dong, Wei Peng. Study on Realization of Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Based on Techniques of Digital Design and Manufacturing. Materials Science Forum. 2009, vol626-627: 559-564 ISBN0-87849-311-5 (EI:20094712485989,SCI: IDS BOB80, wos:000276113100095)Yunfeng Liu, Fudong Zhu, Huiyong Zhu. Review on Techniques of Design and Manufacturing for Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffold. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2009, Tianjin. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0993D; ISBN: 978-1-4244-4134-1 , vol3: 1147-1150  (EI: 20100312643938, SCI IDS:BNP62,WOS:000275179901006)刘云峰,杨利平,董星涛,姜献峰,彭伟.多平台的三维医学CAD模型重建技术研究. 工程图学学报,2009,30(1):6-11  ISSN1003-0158刘云峰,杨利平,董星涛等.基于现代设计与制造技术的小儿发育性髋脱位精确治疗外科手术研究. 浙江工业大学学报,2009,27(2):208-212 ISSN1006-4303Yunfeng Liu, Fudong Zhu, Xingtao Dong, Xianfeng Jiang, Wei Peng. Study on Computer-Aided Surgery Engineering Based on Modern Engineering Technology. Journal of Information & Computational Science. 2008, 5(1): 127-134.(EI: 083311459263)  ISSN1548-7741Yunfeng Liu, Mingfei Guo, Xiangtao Dong, Wei Peng. Study on reverse modeling of turbine blade based on FBRE method. Proceedings of the international conference on advanced design and manufacture(ADM2006), 2006,1, Harbin, China, 169-173(ISBN1-84233-118-3)Yunfeng Liu, Mingfei Guo and Xianfeng Jiang. Section Feature Based Modeling Strategy of Reverse Engineering. Proceedings of the 6th world congress on intelligent control and automation(WCICA2006), 2006, 6, Dalian, China, (EI:071510544139,SCI:IDS BFG71, WOS: 000241773209115)ISBN1-4244-0331-6Yunfeng Liu, Mingfei Guo, Xianfeng Jiang, and Xingtao Dong. Study on Modeling Strategies in Feature-based Reverse Engineering. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on frontiers of design and manufacturing(ICFDM2006), 2006, 6, Guangzhou, China,(ISBN0-9580692-6-3)刘云峰,柯映林.反求工程中切片数据处理及断面特征曲线全局优化技术.机械工程学报,2006, 42(3): 124-129. (EI: 06269966166) ISSN0577-6686刘云峰,柯映林,王秋成等.基于特征的反求工程技术研究.计算机集成制造系统2006,12(1):32-37(EI: 06159819735) ISSN1006-5911刘云峰,柯映林.反求工程中的混合切片技术. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2003,15(6):741-745(EI: 03387642872)柯映林,刘云峰.基于三角Bezier曲面的复杂特征模型重建及特征融合技术研究.机械工程学报,2004,40(6):85-90 (EI:04358330020)柯映林,刘云峰,范树迁等. 基于特征的反求工程系统RE-SOFT. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2004,16(6):799-811(EI: 04348325279)刘云峰, 郭明飞, 彭伟. 基于UG平台的截面特征曲线全局约束优化研究. 工程图学学报, 2006, 27(4): 94-99授权发明专利:彭伟,刘云峰,姜献峰,董星涛. 一种远程数字化植牙系统, 发明专利(ZL201010136391.1), 授权日期: 2012年10月3日刘云峰;胡磊;廖文清;方乐;董星涛;姜献峰;彭伟种牙导板的钻套的安装设备,发明专利(ZL200910100352.3),授权日期:2013年11月13日刘云峰, 董星涛, 姜献峰, 彭伟. 一种基于形状记忆聚合物弓丝的个性化正畸方法,发明专利(ZL 201210552295.4),授权日期:2015-06-03刘云峰,董星涛,姜献峰,彭伟. 一种三维正畸力检测装置,发明专利(ZL201210552283.1),授权日期:2015-01-28刘云峰,董星涛,姜献峰,彭伟. 一种用于个性化三维正畸力检测的口腔模型的建模方法,发明专利(ZL201210551763.6),授权日期:2015-01-28刘云峰,章巧芳. 董星涛,姜献峰,彭伟. 牙齿正畸矫治器的数字化制作方法及其固定矫治器,发明专利(ZL201310289989.8),授权日期: 2015-11-25刘云峰,张鹏园. 高楼逃生缓降器,发明专利(ZL201310509366.7),授权日期:2015-10-07刘云峰,仵健磊,张鹏园.自动打饭机,发明专利(ZL201410019764.5),授权日期:2016-03-02刘云峰,仵健磊,张鹏园. 家用轿车自动遮阳装置,发明专利(ZL201410112707.1).授权日期:2016-3-09刘云峰,仵健磊,张鹏园.基于形状记忆材料的口腔矫治器制作方法及其隐形矫治器.发明专利(ZL201410379555.1),授权日期:2017-01-04刘云峰, 仵健磊, 周东, 姜献峰, 彭伟. 能模拟牙齿移动的三维正畸力动态测量方法及其装置.发明专利(201510543608.3), 授权日期:2017年1月25日刘云峰,仵健磊,张鹏园,叶铭.腓骨截骨定位装置及其制作方法.发明专利(ZL201410140101.9),授权日期:2017-02-22刘云峰,仵健磊,郑晓东,宋山岭,范莹莹. 个性化矫治装置的设计方法. 发明专利(ZL201610023489.3),授权日期:2017年12月29日刘云峰,范莹莹,仵健磊,周东. 用于修复骨折下颌骨的三维固定板制作方法及三维固定板. 发明专利(ZL201610524171.3), 授权日期:2019年6月14日刘云峰,仵健磊,范莹莹.可模拟任意矫治时刻的准动态牙齿矫治力测量方法及装置. 发明专利(ZL201611093621.4),授权日期:2018年3月16日刘云峰,程康杰,范莹莹. 具有PEKK支撑固定单元与组织工程生长单元的下颌骨植入体设计方法及植入体. 发明专利(ZL201611257306.0),授权日期:2018年4月20日主要获奖:柯映林,李江雄,刘云峰,范树迁等. 反求工程CAD系统RE-SOFT. 2015年浙江省科学技术二等奖彭伟,姜献峰,童若锋,刘云峰,董星涛,游嘉. 一种远程数字化植牙方法和系统开发及推广应用. 2016年浙江省技术发明二等奖 社会服务 浙江省药学会医疗器械专业委员会委员浙江省抗癌协会第一届整复重建学组专业委员会委员浙江省医疗器械产品质量鉴定专家Journal of Biomechanics、Computers in Biology and Medicine、Rapid Prototyping Journal、Computer-Aided Design、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology等国际杂志审稿人
