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姓名 | 曾玲玲 | 性别 | |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 | 部门 | 土木工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 土木工程学院 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 屏峰校区土木工程学院 |
邮箱 | linglz413@126.com | ||
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个人简介 教育及工作经历2020.9 ― 至今 浙江工业大学,教授;博士生导师2017.6 ― 2020.8 福州大学,教授(破格);博士生导师2014.4 ― 2015.4 法国国立路桥大学(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech),博士后2013.7 ― 2017.6 福州大学,副教授(破格);博士生导师2011.1 ― 2013.6 福州大学,助教、讲师2007.9 ― 2011.1 东南大学,获岩土工程专业工学博士 学术兼职² 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会软土工程专业委员会委员 ² 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会环境土工专业委员会委员² 中国土木工程学会土的本构关系及强度理论专业委员会委员² 中国水利学会疏浚与泥处理利用专业委员会委员² 中国地质学会工程地质青年工作委员会委员² 《土木建筑与环境学报》编委 人才计划/项目/奖励(1) 2021年入选教育部青年长江学者计划(2) 2020年获福建省青年科技奖(3) 2018年获霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金(4) 2016年获福建省杰出青年基金(5) 2014年入选福建省青年拔尖创新人才 教学与课程 育人成果 科研项目 (1) 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目:疏浚泥负压传递衰减规律与径向固结机理研究(No. 51678157),2017-2020年,73万,项目负责人(2) 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目:天然沉积土结构渐进损伤机理与定量演变规律研究(No. 51478121),2015-2018年,86万,项目负责人(3) 国家自然科学基金青年资助项目:考虑固有压缩特性的天然沉积软黏土塑性变形理论与模型(No. 41102168),2012-2014年,25万,项目负责人(4) 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目:盐分浸析作用下天然沉积海相黏土劣化性状与定量评价(No. 41372309),2014-2017年,77万,合作单位负责人(5) 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目:疏浚泥排泥场空间存储效能控制机理与应用研究(No. 52178361),2022-2026年,58万,项目负责人(6) 福建省杰出青年基金:天然沉积土结构屈服演变规律与灵敏度评价理论(2016J06010),2016-04至2019-03,30.0万,项目负责人(7) 霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金:天然沉积结构性土的应力灵敏度与强度灵敏度演化模型(161070),2018-10至2021-04,17.8万项目负责人(8) 浙江省属高校基本科研业务费项目:废弃疏浚泥排水机理与堆场有效容积提升技术研究,2020-9至2022-09,30万,项目负责人(9) 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目:考虑初始状态和结构性影响的天然沉积土压缩模型研究(2016M590403),2016-6至2018-5,项目负责人(10) 江苏水源公司科技研发项目:基于泥-水-污染物相互作用的河道底泥污染关键测试技术与应用研究(SSY-JS-2020-F-48),2020-10至2021-12,项目负责人(11)福建建中建设科技股份有限公司科技研发项目:福州市晋安东区河道底泥处理与资源化利用技术研究,2017-7至2018-12,项目负责人 科研成果 (1)Zeng L L, Gao Y F, Hong Z S. Quantitative shear strength–consolidation stress–void ratio interrelations for reconstituted clays. Géotechnique, 2020, publication online, DOI: 10.1680/jgeot.18.p.262(2)Zeng L L, Cai Y Q, Cui Y J, Hong Z S. Hydraulic conductivity of reconstituted clays based on intrinsic compression, Géotechnique, 2020, 70(3): 268-275(3)Zeng, L L, Wang H, Hong Z S*. Hydraulic conductivity of naturally sedimented and reconstituted clays interpreted from consolidation tests. Engineering Geology 272 (2020) 105638.(4)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S, Cui Y J. United void index for normalizing virgin compression of reconstituted clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2020, 57: 1497–1507.(5)Wang H*, Bian X, Hong Z S, Zeng, L L. Evaluation of vertical superimposed stress in subsoil induced by embankment loads, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2019.1.1, 19(1): 1~9.(6)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S, Han J. Experimental investigations on discrepancy in consolidation degrees with deformation and pore pressure variations of natural clays, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 152: 38~43.(7)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S, Tian W B, Shi J W. Settling behavior of clay suspensions produced by dredging activities in China, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2018, 36(1): 30~37.(8)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S, Cui Y J, Martin L. Compression reference of soil structure evaluation with reconstituted clays at different initial water contents, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2018, 36(7): 759-767.(9)Bian X, Zeng L L*, Deng Y F, Li X Z. The role of superabsorbent polymer on strength and microstructure development in cemented dredged clay with high water content, Polymers, 2018, 10, 1069: 1-16.(10)Zeng L L, Cui Y J*, Nathalie C , Jad Z , Gilles A , Jean T. Experimental study on swelling behaviour and microstructure changes of natural stiff teguline clays upon wetting. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2017, 54(5): 700–709.(11)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S, GaoY F. One-dimensional compression behaviour of reconstituted clays with and without humic acid. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 144: 45–53.(12)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S , Gao Y F. Practical estimation of compression behaviour of dredged clays with three physical parameters. Engineering Geology, 2017, 217:102-109.(13)Zhang F*, Cui Y J, Zeng L L, Robinet J C, Conil Nathalie, Talandier, Jean. Effect of degree of saturation on the unconfined compressive strength of natural stiff clays with consideration of air entry value, Engineering Geology, 2017, 237: 140-148.(14)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S , Wang C and Yang Z Z. Experimental study on physical properties of clays with organic matter soluble and insoluble in water. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 132-133:660-667.(15)Zeng L L*, Hong Z S, Cui Y J. Time-dependent compression behaviour of dredged clays at high water contents in China. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 123: 320-328.(16)Zeng L L, Hong Z S, Cui Y J. On the volumetric strain–time curve patterns of dredged clays during primary consolidation. Géotechnique, 2015, 65(12): 1023-1028.(17)Zeng L L, Hong Z S*. Experimental study of primary consolidation time for structured and destructured clays. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 116-117C: 141-149.(18)Shi J, Qian S, Zeng L L, Bian X. Influence of anisotropic consolidation stress paths on compression behaviour of reconstituted Wenzhou clay. Geotechnique Letters, 2015, 5(4): 275-280.(19)Zeng L L, Hong Z S, Cui Y J*. Determining the virgin compression lines of reconstituted clays at different initial water contents. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2015, 52(9): 1408-1415.(20)Hong Z S, Bian X, Cui Y J, GaoY F, Zeng L L. Effect of initial water content on undrained shear behavior of reconstituted clays. Géotechnique. 2013, 63(6): 441–450.(21)Hong Z S, Zeng L L, Cui Y J, Cai Y Q, Cheng L. Compression behaviour of natural and reconstituted clays. Géotechnique, 2012, 62(4): 291-301.(22)Zeng L L,Hong Z S*, Cai Y Q and Han J. Change of hydraulic conductivity during compression of undisturbed and remolded clays. Applied Clay Science, 2011, 51(1-2): 86-93. 社会服务