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发布日期:2024-04-27 专利申请、商标注册、软件著作权、资质办理快速响应 微信:543646

姓名 楚楚 性别
学校 浙江工业大学 部门 药学院
学位 博士 学历 药学院
职称 副教授 联系方式 药学院1A409
邮箱 chuchu@zjut.edu.cn    
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个人简介   楚楚,女,博士,中共党员,副教授,博士生导师,博士后合作导师。中国中西医结合学会中药专委会委员;中华中医药学会中药分析分会委员;浙江省毒理学会中药与化妆品安全性专委会青年副主任委员;浙江省药学会中药与天然药物专委会青年委员。长期从事中药活性成分筛选及产品开发、中药质量标准方向研究工作。主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金等科研项目20项。承担质量标准起草10余项,被中国药典、美国药典等收录。发表SCI论文60余篇,第一发明人获授权发明专利17项,获第二届省自然科学奖三等奖、省药学会科技奖二等奖。工作经历:2014 - 至今 浙江工业大学,药学院,副教授2010 - 2014  浙江工业大学,药学院,讲师学习经历:2005 - 2010 中国药科大学,中药学院,硕博连读2001 - 2005 中国药科大学,中药学院,本科进修培训经历:2015/09 - 2016/09 哥本哈根大学,访问学者2015/04  澳门大学,中药质量鉴定技术研修班2006/09 - 2008/09 香港浸会大学,中医药学院,访问学者 科研项目 主持的科研项目(部分):(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目.基于多模态辨识和肠道菌群-胆汁酸代谢轴探究乌药防治高脂血症的药效物质基础和作用机制.48万。2024-2027.(2)国家自然科学基金面上项目.基于多维筛选和代谢组学的决明子治疗代谢综合征药效物质及整合作用机制研究.56万。2021-2024.(3)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目.CD47细胞膜亲和色谱在线液相色谱质谱联用系统的建立及其在温郁金抗肝癌活性成分筛选中的应用. 21.6万。2016-2018.(4)浙江省自然科学基金一般项目.新型金属有机框架固定化酶多级筛选策略的构建及在高效发掘白及酪氨酸酶抑制剂中的应用(LY24H280007).10万。2024-2026.(5)浙江省自然科学基金一般项目.新型杂化纳米花酶微反应器-毛细管电泳在线筛选体系的构建及其在白芍酪氨酸酶抑制剂筛选中的应用. 9万。2020-2022.(6)浙江省“领雁”研发攻关项目子课题.基于真实世界临床研究和质量标志物发现的温阳消癥颗粒研发. 30万。2023-2025.(7)天然药物活性组分与药效国家重点实验室开放基金.10万。2021-2022.(8)浙江省钱江人才计划项目.化学成分群-荧光显微特征谱的建立及其在铁皮石斛质量控制研究的应用.10万。 2012-2013.(9)浙江省中药现代化专项项目.红参微米粉体制备技术的产业化.15万。 2011-2012. 教学与课程 主讲课程:《中药鉴定学》2011年至今(省一流课程)《中药制剂分析》2012年-2020年。《药用拉丁语》2011年至今《中药学专业综合实验》2014年-2021年。主持省级/校级教改项目:1.教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心,中国专业学位案例中心主题案例。浙产道地药材资源综合开发利用——以白及为例。2023。2.省级课程:省线上线下混合式一流课程。《中药鉴定学》。1万。2022。3.省产学合作协同育人项目。2021-2022。4.校级教改项目:专业学位研究生教学案例培育建设项目。2022。5.校专业核心课程建设项目。中药学专业核心课程建设《中药鉴定学》。2017-2018。3万。已结题。6.校课程思政项目。《中药分析学》。2020-2021。3万。已结题。7.校级一流课程培育项目。《中药鉴定学》。2021-2022。3万。结题中。8.校研究生教改项目。多维协同促进非全日制研究生培养质量提升探索研究。2021-2023。正在建设。9.校创新性实验建设项目。以提高创新能力为导向,以学科竞赛为抓手的创新中药专业实验课程群项目建设。2016-2017。已结题。10.校教学建设项目。以提升学生创新能力为导向的中药专业综合实验改革研究。2014-2015。已结题。发表的教改论文:  1.楚楚,颜继忠。探究式教学法在中药鉴定学课程教学中的探索。卫生职业教育,2014,32(14):66-67.  2.楚楚,梁栋娥,李亚琴,颜继忠。浅谈以提高创新能力为导向的中药专业大实验改革研究。卫生职业教育,2015,33(15):5-6.  3.楚楚,全苡萍,梁栋娥,颜继忠。创新中药实验课程群建设——以提高创新能力为导向,以学科竞赛为抓手。教育现代化,2020,2(18):115-117.其他荣誉:全校教学示范公开课《中药鉴定学》。连续多年获评“优课优酬”。撰写《中药分析学》案例入编校思政课程优秀教学案例集。 育人成果 个人荣誉:(1)浙江工业大学优秀教师(2020年);浙江工业大学药学院优秀教师(2020,2021年)。(2)浙江工业大学第三届教师教学创新大赛一等奖(2022年)。(3)浙江工业大学药学院优秀班主任(2019年)。(4)浙江工业大学优秀毕业论文指导教师(2012年)。(5)浙江工业大学第九届青年教师教学技能比赛优秀奖(2014年)。(6)浙江工业大学药学院第八届青年教师教学技能比赛一等奖(2014年)。育人成果:(1)指导研究生魏蒙蒙获第一届全国药学专业学位论文优秀学位论文(2018年)。(2)指导研究生刘彩婧获校优秀硕士论文(2020年)。(3)指导研究生魏蒙蒙、刘彩婧、本科生王萍获省优秀毕业生;指导研究生江璐依、张欢、连琳敏、李璟获校优秀毕业生。(4)指导中药学专业本科生江璐依获得全国制药工程征文比赛一等奖(2017年)。(5)指导中药学专业本科生江璐依、揭小康、徐祥、黄欢获全国中医药高等教育技能大赛——2017年第二届中药学类专业学生知识技能大赛优胜奖(2017年)。(6)指导中药学专业本科生张庆、杨婷媛、赖云枫获全国中医药高等教育技能大赛——2015年首届中药学类专业学生知识技能大赛优胜奖(2015年)。 科研成果 近五年发表的代表性论文:(1) Chu Chu*, Yanfang Zou, Yangbin Lv, Xing Peng, Shengqiang Tong*. A novel strategy by combining “magnified” matrix solid phase dispersion extraction with high-speed countercurrent chromatography for the rapid and efficient isolation of flavonoids isomers with anti-inflammatory effect from Lindera aggregata (Sims) Kosterm Leaves. Sustain. Chem. Pharm. 2023, 33,101073.(2) Jiaxu Li#, Chenyue Li#, Xin Peng, Shaoping Li, Bingrui Liu*, Chu Chu*. Recent discovery of tyrosinase inhibitors in traditional Chinese medicines and screening methods. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2023, 303:115951.(3)  Yangbin Lv, Yanfang Zou, Xindan Zhang, Bingrui Liu, Xin Peng*,Chu Chu*. A review on the chemical constituents and pharmacological efficacies of Lindera aggregata (Sims) Kosterm. Frontiers in Nutrition.2023, 9.(4) Chu Chu*, Jiaxu Li, Chenyue Li, Yangbin Lv, Hongwei Ye, Huawei Lv, Xingnuo Li, Juan Wang, Xin Peng*. A new efficient multi-stage strategy based on the complementarity of ultrafiltration and high resolution biochromatogram for the screening of skin-whitening candidates from the fibrous root of Bletilla striata. J. Chromatogr. B.2023, 1224, 123728.(5) Chenyue Li 1, Yangbin Lv 1, Wei Gao1, Keji Mao 3, Weiguang Shan 1, Shengqiang Tong 1, Xiaolin Xing 2, Feijun Qiu 2, Zhengyan Xia 4,*, Chu Chu1,*. A comprehensive strategy for prediction and quality evaluation of standardized planting herbs based on plant metabolomics coupled with extreme learning machine: Astragali Radix as an example. Phytochem. Anal. 2023, 34: 606-616. https://doi.org/10.1002/pca.3241.(6) Wei Gao, Yaxin Qin, Yaping Zang, Jiaming Zhu, Wei Chen, Shengqiang Tong, Yunqun Zeng, Chu Chu*.Miniaturized matrix solid-phase dispersion and solid-phase clear-up combined with capillary electrophoresis for efficient determination of trace bioactive components in complicated sample matrix: take Wubi Shanyao Pill.  J. Sep. Sci. 2023, accepted.(7) Chu Chu*, Yaping Zang, Jiaxu Li, Yanfang Zou, Wei Gao, Yangbin Lv, Chenyue Li, Shengqiang Tong, E-Hu Liu, Xin Peng, Lan Tang*. Online preconcentration and determination of anthraquinones in Cassiae Semen tea by salting-out assisted liquid‒liquid extraction coupled withdynamic pH junction-sweeping-large volume sample stacking in capillary electrophoresis. LWT. 2022, 170:114014.(8)Fei Yang,  Yanfang Zou, Chenyue Li, Jiaxu Li, Yaping Zang, Xin Peng, Juan Wang, E-Hu Liu, Shengqiang Tong, Chu Chu*. Discovery of potential hypoglycemic metabolites in Cassiae Semen by coupling UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS combined plant metabolomics and spectrum-effect relationship analyses. Food & Func. 2022, 13,10291. DOI: 10.1039/d2fo00562j.(9)Chu Chu, Linmin Lian, Wei Gao, Yaping Zang, Yanfang Zou, Yangbin Lv, Chenyue Li,  Shengqiang Tong, Jizhong Yan*, Suhong Chen*. An efficient matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction combined with online  preconcentration by electrokinetic supercharging in capillary  electrophoresis for the sensitive determination of two alkaloids in  complicated samples matrix. Microchem. J. 2022, 178:107314.(10) Chu Chu, Yaping Zang, Fei Yang, Yanfang Zou, Jiaxu Li, EHu Liu, Tao Yi, Jizhong Yan, Shengqiang Tong*. A simple and sensitive preconcentration strategy by coupling salting-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction with online three-step stacking for the determination of potent anti-tumour compound vinblastine and its precursor in biological samples by capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A. 2022,1664,462794.(11)Linmin Lian, Yaping Zang, Fei Yang, E-Hu Liu, Jizhong Yan, Shengqiang Tong *, Chu Chu *. Online preconcentration methodology that realizes over 2000-fold enhancement by integrating the free liquid membrane into electrokinetic supercharging in capillary electrophoresis for the determination of trace anionic analytes in complex samples. Microchem. J. 2022, 174: 107033.(12)Chu Chu, Jing Li, Fei Yang, Ke Yang, Bingrui Liu, Shengqiang Tong, Jizhong Yan*, Suhong Chen*. A novel high-resolution monophenolase/diphenolase/radical scavenging profiling for the rapid screening of natural whitening candidates from Peaonia lactiflora root and their mechanism study with molecular docking. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2022,282,114607. DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2021.114607.(13) Weiyi Wen, Ping Xu, Haiping Xiang, Mengyi Wen, Xuemin Ye, Chu Chu*, Shengqiang Tong*. Comprehensive two-dimensional countercurrent chromatography × gas chromatography characterization of Artemisia argyi essential oil, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2022, 1237, 340614.(14) Fei Yang, Luyi Jiang, HuiMao, Yanfang Zou, Chu, Chu*. Establishment of deep eutectic solvent assisted matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction for the determination of four flavonoids in Scutellariae Radix based on the concept of quality by design. J. AOAC Int. 2021,104(6): 1681-1689.(15)Chu Chu, Luyi Jiang, Hui Mao, Jizhong Yan*. A simple and environmentally-friendly method by pipette-tip matrix solid-phase dispersion microextraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography for the simultaneous determination of lignans and terpenes. Sustain. Chem. Pharm. 2021, 20: 100384.(16)Chu Chu, Caijing Liu, Fei Yang, Linmin Lian, Jing Li, Hui Mao, Jizhong Yan*.  A dual preconcentration method by combining micro matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction with field-enhanced sample injection and micelle to cyclodextrin stacking for sensitive analysis of neutral coumarins. Electrophoresis. 2021, 42(9): 1102-1107.(17)Chu Chu, Huan Zhang, Hui Mao, Caijing Liu, Luyi Jiang,Linmin Lian, Jing Li, Jiaming Zhu, Wei Chen, Jizhong Yan*. Simultaneous determination of seven compounds in Chinese patent medicines Chenxiangqu by matrix solid-phase dispersion coupled with ultra high performance liquid chromatography and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci. 2020, 43(14): 2869-2879.(18)Chu Chu, Linmin Lian, Caijing Liu, Jing Li, Hui Mao, Luyi Jiang, Jizhong Yan*. Online preconcentration by electrokinetic supercharging for sensitive determination of berberine and jatrorrhizine in biological samples. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2020, 34(6): e4824. (19)Caijing Liu, Jing Li, Lidan Zhu, Linmin Lian, Luyi Jiang, Hanbing Li, Jizhong Yan, Chu Chu*. A sensitive two-step stacking by coupling field-enhanced sample injection and micelle to cyclodextrin stacking for the determination of neutral analytes. J. Chromatogr. A, 2020, 1618: 460854.(20)Chu Chu *, Jing Li, Shan Wang, Lvnan Weng, Luyi Jiang, Huan Zhang,Cai jing Liu, and Jizhong Yan*. A Simple and Sensitive Dispersive Micro-Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for Quantification of Honokiol and Magnolol in Complex Matrices. J. AOAC Int. 2020, 103(5): 1406–1411.(21)     Chu Chu, Shan Wang; Luyi Jiang, Caijing Liu, Huan Zhang, Jizhong Yan. Microwave-assisted ionic liquid-based micelle extraction combined with trace-fluorinated carbon nanotubes in dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction to determine three sesquiterpenes in roots of Curcuma wenyujin. Phytochem. Anal. 2019, 30(6): 700-709.(22)     Qiu Yan Wang, Xin Dong, Juan Yang, Xiao Ting Zhen, LiHong Ye, Chu Chu*, Bin Wang, YuHan Hu, Hui Zheng, Jun Cao*. Solid acids assisted matrix solid-phase disp ersion microextraction of alkaloids by capillary electrophoresis coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci. 2019, 42(23): 3579-3588(23)     Chu Chu, Caijing Liu, Luyi Jiang, Linmin Lian, Jing Li, Hanbing Li, Huawei Lv, Jizhong Yan. On-line synergistic stacking in capillary zone electrophoresis featuring field-amplified sample stacking and micelle to cyclodextrin stacking in the determination of two alkaloids in complicated matrix samples. J. Sep. Sci. 2019, 42(18): 3009-3015.(24)     Chu Chu, Tuo Li, H.A. Pedersen, K.T. Kongstad, Jizhong Yan, Dan Staerk.Antidiabetic constituents of Dendrobium officinale as determined by high-resolution profiling of radical scavenging and alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibition combined with HPLC-PDA-HRMS-SPE-NMR analysis. Phytochem. Lett. 2019, 31: 47-52.(25)     Chu Chu, Shan Wang, Huan Zhang, Caijing Liu, Luyi Jiang, Yiping Tang, Jizhong Yan. A sensitive dispersive micro solid-phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for determination of three flavonoids in complex matrics by using crab shell as a sorbent. Electrophoresis, 2019, 40(9): 1298-1305.(26)     Qing Li,Luyi Jiang, Huan Zhang, Mengmeng Wei, Chu Chu*; Yan, Jizhong. Modified Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Solid-Phase Extraction for the Determination of Trace Amounts of Aflatoxins B-1 and B-2 in Chinese Patent Medicines: The Use of Fupuganmao Granules as a Case Study. J. AOAC Int. 2019, 102(3): 761-766. (27)      Luyi Jiang, Jie Wang, Huan Zhang, Caijing Liu, Yiping Tang, Chu Chu*. New Vortex-Synchronized Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Method for Simultaneous Determination of Four Anthraquinones in Cassiae Semen. Molecules, 2019, 24(7): 1312.(28)     Chu Chu, Mengmeng Wei, Caijing Liu, Hanbing Li, Jun Cao, Jizhong Yan*. Over 1000-fold improvement in an online preconcentration of trace anionic compounds by capillary electrophoresis with ionic liquid micelle-based three-step stacking. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2018, 1044: 191-197(29)     Mengmeng Wei,Caijing Liu,Huan Zhang, Luyi Jiang, Jizhong Yan, Chu Chu*. Molecular-sieve-based matrix solid-phase extraction combined with field-amplified sample stacking in capillary electrophoresis for the determination of three organic acids in a complex solid matrix. J. Sep. Sci. 2018, 41(19): 3742-3750.(30)     Mengmeng Wei,Chu Chu*, Shan Wang,Jizhong Yan. Quantitative analysis of sesquiterpenes and comparison of three Curcuma wenyujin herbal medicines by micro matrix solid phase dispersion coupled with MEEKC. Electrophoresis, 2018, 39(8): 1119-1128. 代表性专利:(1) 楚楚,杨斐。一种基于植物代谢组学和谱效关系的决明子质量评价方法 。ZL202210344952.X, 2024-02-22(2) 楚楚,连琳敏,臧雅萍,童胜强,陈素红,王平,颜继忠。一种基于MSPD联用EKS-CZE测定石蒜科生物碱含量的方法。ZL202110634898.8,2022-08-30(3) 楚楚,刘彩婧,连琳敏,杨斐,童胜强,颜继忠。一种基于MSPD提取联合FESI-MCDS-MEKC在线测定呋喃香豆素含量的方法。ZL202011146591.5,2022-08-30(4) 楚楚,连琳敏,臧雅萍,童胜强,陈素红,王平,颜继忠。一种基于离子液体涂层的FLM-EKS-CZE在线富集测定有机酸含量的方法。ZL202110634894.X, 2022-07-01(5)楚楚,刘彩婧,连琳敏,李璟,颜继忠。一种基于FESI-MCDS-MEKC检测中性物质含量的方法。ZL201911031010.0,2022-07-01(6)楚楚,毛惠。一种同时测定木香顺气丸中木脂素类成分和萜类成分含量的方法。ZL202011593682.3, 2022-04-19(7)楚楚,王珊,江璐依,唐谊平,颜继忠。一种蜂蜜中黄酮类成分的含量测定方法。ZL201910108126.3, 2021-10-15(8)楚楚,刘彩婧,连琳敏,李璟,颜继忠。一种基于FASS-MCDS 在线富集测定生物碱含量的方法。ZL201910340784.5,2021-06-01(9)楚楚,王珊,颜继忠。一种温郁金中倍半萜成分的提取富集方法。ZL201910078215.8, 2021-06-29(10)楚楚,江璐依,唐谊平,颜继忠.一种测定蒽醌类成分含量的方法。ZL201810947817.8, 2021-02-02(11)楚楚,魏蒙蒙,刘彩婧,颜继忠。基于FESI-sweeping-MSS联用在线富集测定痕量有机阴离子的方法。ZL201810118606.3, 2020-02-21 (12)楚楚,李清,魏蒙蒙,王珊,颜继忠。一种同时测定中成药中黄曲霉素B1,B2含量的方法。ZL201710123086.0, 2019-10-29(13)楚楚,郑丽琼,魏蒙蒙,颜继忠。一种五味子中木脂素类有效成分的提取检测方法。ZL201610929146.3, 2019-7-26(14)楚楚,李行诺,颜继忠,章诗迪,宋敏。一种提取制备苯甲酰芍药苷和苯甲酰芍药内酯苷的方法,ZL201410144187.2, 2016-04-13(15)楚楚。一种从生脉方中分离制备5-羟甲基糠醛的方法,ZL201410456332.0, 2016-09-14(16) 楚楚,颜继忠,童胜强,章诗迪。一种五味子中木脂素单体的提取分离制备方法,ZL201310429192.3, 2015-10-28(17)楚楚,颜继忠,章诗迪,童胜强,李行诺。五味子中木脂素单体的提取分离制备方法,ZL201310431854.0, 2014-4-22(18) 彭昕,楚楚,邹艳芳,童胜强。一种提取分离乌药叶中黄酮类成分的方法。ZL 202111330523.9,2023-03-21. 科研获奖:童胜强,颜继忠,单伟光,楚楚,多样化洗脱逆流色谱制备性分离手性化合物,第二届浙江省自然科学学术奖,三等奖,2012.童胜强,颜继忠,程冬萍,楚楚,李行诺,浙江省药学会科学技术奖,二等奖,2017.  社会服务 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,广东省科技厅评审专家,Analytical Chimica Acta, Journal of Chromatography A,Food Chemistry等SCI期刊审稿专家。 内容来自集群智慧云企服 软件产品登记测试全国受理