

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

秦英杰 教师名称:秦英杰 教师拼音名称:Qin Yingjie 出生日期:1964-06-03 性别:男 职务:teacher 职称:教授 其他联系方式 邮箱:yjqin@tju.edu.cn 移动电话:15522500168 基本信息 研究方向 获奖情况 论文成果     Professor Qin Yingjie received his Bachelor's degree (1985) and Master's degree (1988) in Tianjin University, China, and earned Ph.D degree (1997) in The Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. From 1997 to 2000, he was a postdoctoral researcher in New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA. He was ever as senior Engineer in Carbozyme Inc., USA from 2001 to 2002, and won the US federal government research and development fund (SBIR/STTR) for more than $ 12 million for the companies of Carbozyme Inc., USA and Chembrane Research & Engineering Inc., USA. In 2009, he returned home from US and joined School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Tianjin University, P.R.China.     Professor Qin’s reseach focuses on the development and industrial application of special membrane separation process, mainly includes multiple-effect membrane distillation process and stable supported gas membrane process. And he successfully applies stable supported gas membrane process to treat ammonia wastewater in industrial production and realizes the reuse of ammonia. He has published over 42 articles and licensed over 8 patents.     Professor Qin was nominated for the Outstanding Postdoctoral Entrepreneur Award of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, USA in 2009, and received The Entrepreneur of Tianjin City Thousand Person Plan, China in 2011. 暂无内容 暂无内容 暂无内容

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