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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Li Hailong Google Scholar ResearcherID Chair Professor |College of Engineering, School of Environmental Science and Engineering Research Group Dr. Hailong Li is a Chair Professor at School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China. He received a PhD in hydrogeology from Earth Sciences Department, The University of Hong Kong in 2003. His research interests include submarine groundwater discharges, coastal subsurface multi-component multiphase flows and their ecological and environmental effects. He has led over 10 scientific research projects as Principal Investigator including Outstanding Young Scientist Fund, Key Fund, and General Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program) of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He is member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Water Resources, an international top journal in the field of water resources and environments. He has published over 100 SCI papers in peer-viewed international journals, over 80 of which are with first or corresponding authorship in TOP journals including Nature Geoscience, Geophysical Research Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean, Water Resources Research, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Science of The Total Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Advances in Water Resources, and Environmental Pollution, with a citation nearly 3,000 times and H-index of 32 (Google Scholar). He was listed in the list of 2020 Most Cited Chinese Reasearchers of Elsevier. Personal Profile Education PhD, 1999-2003, Earth Sciences Department, The University of Hong Kong Thesis title: Tide-induced groundwater and air flows in coastal aquifer systems MSc, 1988-1991, Mathematics Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Thesis title: Theoretical foundations of numerical methods for the SP well-logging BSc, 1984-1988, Mathematics Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Thesis title: Finite element method for the SP well-logging Experiences Professor, School of Environmental Science and Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, No 1088, Xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518055. (Jul., 2015-) Professor, School of Water Resources and Environmental Science, China University of Geosciences-Beijing, Beijing 100083, P.R. China. (Dec., 2009-) Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Temple University, 1947 N. 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA. (Jun, 2006-Sep, 2009) Professor, Department of Mathematics, Anshan Normal University (1999-2009, part-time during 1999-2003 and 2006-2009) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Anshan Normal University (1998-1999) Associate Professor, Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1994-1998) Assistant Professor, Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1991-1994) Local and international cooperation and academic visiting Visiting scholar, Earth Sciences Department, The University of Hong Kong (July, 2005-Sep., 2005) Visiting scholar, Environmental Engineering Division, School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia (July, 2004-Nov., 2004) Professor (Part-time), School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences (Jan. 2004 – Dec. 2009) Visiting scholar, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1999) Visiting scholar, The Federal Armed Forces University in Munich, Munich, Germany (1996-1997) Awards 2015: Award of Excellent Reviewer in the year of 2013/2014 for the journal Advances in Water Resources 2014: The Second Prize of Excellent Academic Paper in Hubei Province, awarded by Hubei Science and Technology Association, Hubei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department. Award time: October 2014. Xia, Y. Q. (student), and HL Li (Corresponding author) (2012), A combined field and modeling study of groundwater flow in a tidal marsh, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(3), 741-759. 2010: NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) Outstanding Young Scientist Grant (No. 41025009) 2008: Chutian Professorship (part-time) at China University of Geosciences (the highest ranking in professorship in Hubei province of mainland China). 2005: Second Award for Natural Science in Liaoning Province, PR China. 2004: Part-time Special Professor Offer by China University of Geosciences. 2004: Part-time Doctoral Supervisor Offer by China University of Geosciences. 2002: Chair Professor Offer by Anshan Normal University. 2002: One of the Ten Outstanding Young People of the City of Anshan. 1999: Full-time studentship for PhD candidate at The University of Hong Kong. 1996: One-year Scholarship for academic visit to Germany from the Ministry of Education, PR China. 1994: Associate Professor Offer, Outstanding Young Scientist Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1988: Excellent Shanghai University Graduate Award, Shanghai City Higher Education Bureau. Selected membership of professional societies/Professional Service 1.Associate Editor of Hydrogeology Journal, Official Journal of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH). (From Jan. 2012 2.Member of Editorial Board of Science China Earth Science. (From Jan. 2013 to 2017) 3.Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU) 4.Member of European Geophysical Union (EGU) 5.Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Biomathematics (An English-Chinese journal) 6.Member of International Association of Hydrologists (IAH) 7.Member of American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) 8.Reviewer for: Water Resources Research; Advances in Water Resources; Ground Water; Hydrogeology Journal; Environmental Fluid Mechanics; Hydrological Processes; ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering; Water Resources Management, Limnology & Oceanography. Interested research fields Numerical and analytical modeling of subsurface multi-component, multiphase flows Environmental and ecological implications of coastal groundwater flow and associated chemical transport Aquifer parameter estimations Hydrological processes at the ocean-land interface Eco-hydrology, biomathematics Computational fluid dynamics Personal Profile Research Numerical and analytical modeling of subsurface multi-component, multiphase flows Environmental and ecological implications of coastal groundwater flow and associated chemical transport Aquifer parameter estimations Hydrological processes at the ocean-land interface Eco-hydrology, biomathematics Computational fluid dynamics Teaching The Basis of Numerical Modeling (for undergraduates), Environmental Isotopes Methods (for postgraduates), Advanced Groundwater Hydrology (for postgraduates) Publications Read More Dr. Li’s research interests focus on submarine groundwater discharge and subsurface multi-component (such as nutrients, tracer and salt), multi-phase flows (such as air and groundwater) and their ecological effects. He has published more than 180 research articles, including more than 100 SCI articles in leading international journals such as Nature Geoscience, GRL, JGR and WRR in the field of hydrology, water resources and the environment, with a citation number about 3200 and the H index of 33 (Google Scholar). Besides, he owns 5 patents, including 3 invention patents. News More The Latest research Progress of Professor Li Hailong's Research Group 2019-10-24 People Read More PrevNext UpDown Join us Spurred by China’s strategic needs for better environmental protection, Southern University of Science and Technology established the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (“School of Environment”) in May 2015. Professor Chunmiao Zheng, an internationally renowned expert in the field of groundwater research, is the founding Dean of the School. The School’s faculty conduct cutting-edge research on water resources and water quality, soil science and remediation, air pollution control, industrial ecology, global environmental change and related areas. The School also aims to develop advanced technologies to meet urgent societal needs, such as novel wastewater treatment and desalination technologies, energy-saving and emission reduction technologies, and environmental remote sensing technologies.I. Development ObjectivesA leading school for training and cultivating future talents and the next generation of leaders in the field of environmental science and engineering;A world-class environmental research center of excellence;A national platform for development and industrialization of advanced environmental technologies.II. Faculty The School is recruiting an outstanding faculty globally. Currently, the School has 26 full-time faculty members and six visiting faculty members. Among the full-time faculty members, 10 are professors, 6 associate professors, and 9 assistant professors. The faculty have received numerous honors and distinctions. Among them, one is fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), two recipients of the Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one recipient of the State Council Special Allowance, one recipient of the National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program, two recipients of the Outstanding Young Investigator (junior level) Award from NSFC. All faculty members have prior experiences studying and/or working abroad.III. EducationEducational Goals: To cultivate environmental research and management talents with innovative spirit, global perspective and multidisciplinary academic training.Undergraduate Programs: The School has two undergraduate degree programs officially approved by the Ministry of Education: Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) and Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (HWR). The undergraduate education at the School is characterized by its emphasis on solid academic preparation and innovation of engineering and science. The two degree programs have their unique features as well. ESE emphasizes the nexus of resources, environment and socio-economic development, as well as the development of new environmental industries, products and services. HWR emphasizes integrated surface water-groundwater research and management, as well as water science from molecular to global scales. The first class of about 40 students have joined the ESE program since September 2016. About 60 students are expected to join the two degree programs in September 2017.IV. ResearchThe School’s research priorities include hydrology and water resources, environmental biogeochemistry, water pollution and treatment, soil and groundwater remediation, solid waste disposal and utilization, atmospheric chemistry and pollution control, ecological system assessment, environmental remote sensing, and global environmental change. We welcome talented faculty and students in these fields from all over the world to join the School, work with us to build a world-class multi-disciplinary environmental research center of excellence, and contribute to the solution of global environmental problems.Engineering Technology Innovation Center (Beijing)With its reliance on Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering of SUSTech and close studies of the current conditions of China’s environmental protection and the industry’s features, SUSTech Engineering Technology Innovation Center (Beijing) is dedicated to bridging the gap between scientific results and their industrial applications and to benefiting social development, creating work opportunities both for teachers and students as well as generating profits for enterprises. By bringing the scientific results into social, industrial and open applications effectively through working jointly with the academic circle and the industrial circle, we will make the innovation center an international innovative platform for environment protection. The work scope of the center: to develop key environment protection technologies and promote their engineering development and systematic integration as well as their demonstrative application and industrialization; to participate in the formulation of environment protection policies, standards and technological guidelines in China and provide technical support and services for national environment management, supervision and decision making; to offer professional training for students, professionals and key technicians of companies and to build a platform for international cooperation in environment protection-related researches, study and applications. Read More Contact Us Contact Address Room N705, college of engineering, No 1088, Xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518055, China Office Phone 0755-88018015 Email lihailong@sustech.edu.cn