发布日期:2024-04-07 浏览次数:次
个人简介 2021.01 - 至今, 苏州大学优秀青年学者2022.10 - 至今, 同级转聘副教授,物理科学与技术学院,苏州大学2019.07 - 2022.09, 副研究员(副高),物理科学与技术学院,苏州大学2016.08 - 2019.06, 助理研究员,物理科学与技术学院,苏州大学2014.09 - 2015.09, 公派联合培养博士生,英国伯明翰大学,导师:Jensen Li教授(现为香港科技大学教授)2011.09 - 2016.06, 硕博连读(保送研究生),凝聚态物理、光学专业,苏州大学,导师:赖耘教授(现为南京大学教授)、须萍教授【博士毕业论文《零折射率材料的性质与应用研究》获评为2017年度江苏省优秀博士学位论文】2007.09 - 2011.06, 本科,物理学专业,苏州大学,导师:须萍教授、高雷教授【本科毕业论文《一维金属光子晶体的色散特性》获评为2011年度江苏省普通高等学校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文)一等奖】罗杰,男,理学博士。江苏省科协青年科技人才托举入选者,苏州大学“优秀青年学者人才计划”入选者,江苏省普通高等学校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文)一等奖获得者(2011),江苏省优秀博士学位论文获得者(2016)。从事人工微结构电磁材料的物性与器件研究,包括零折射率材料、光子晶体、超透明介质、非厄米光学、有效介质理论、布儒斯特效应等。至今共发表SCI论文70余篇,其中50余篇为第一/通信作者(含并列)包括 Physical Review Letters 2篇(1篇被选为PRL封面论文、编辑推荐论文)、Physical Review X 2篇(1篇获Physics亮点评论)、Light: Science & Applications 1篇、Optica 1篇、Laser & Photonics Reviews 2篇、 Photonics Research 2篇(1篇被选为封面论文)、Nanophotonics 2篇、Physical Review系列6篇(1篇被选为编辑推荐论文),引用2000余次,H因子23。发表2部英文论著章节。获授权美国专利1项,国内发明专利15项。成果先后获得江苏省科学技术奖二等奖(排名2/5,2017)、江苏省青年光学科技奖(排名1/1,2016)、苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖2次(排名第一,2018,2020)等。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金等各类基金项目9项。担任Materials主题编辑。指导学生国家级大学生创新性实验计划项目2项、莙政基金1项(结题优秀),第二十届江苏省高校大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛一等奖,获评苏州大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师。======================================================================================================I. 综述与展望论文:6. ...Jie Luo..., Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces, Journal of Physics: Photonics, in press (2024)(来自全世界44个单位82位专家的领域研究总结与展望,合著者包括著名科学家John Pendry等)5. 范辉颖,罗杰*, 无反射电磁超构表面研究进展,光电工程 50, 230147 (2023)报道链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WRSI2EIaPuoHQ9bdk0LVeg4. Tongtong Song, Jie Luo and Yun Lai*, A road toward zero-spacing photonic waveguides and circuits, EPL 141, 15001 (2023)3. 范辉颖, 罗杰*, 非厄密电磁超表面研究进展, 物理学报 71, 247802 (2022)(编辑推荐文章)2. Jie Luo, and Yun Lai, Hermitian and non-Hermitian Dirac-like cones in photonic and phononic structures, Frontiers in Physics 10, 845624 (2022)1. 罗杰, 赖耘, 零折射率材料的物理与应用, 物理 48, 426-437 (2019)II. 第一/通讯作者论文(*通讯作者,#并列一作):51. Mingyan Li, Ran Mei, Dongyang Yan, Zhikai Ma, Fang Cao, Yadong Xu, Changqing Xu*, and Jie Luo*, Dual semi-Dirac cones in three-dimensional photonic crystals, Physical Review B 109, 125432 (2024)【首次构建了双半狄拉克锥色散】50. Ran Mei, Jin Qin, Dongyang Yan, Yun Lai*, and Jie Luo*, Breakdown of effective-medium theory in dielectric composites containing epsilon-near-zero constituents, Physical Review B 109, 045104 (2024)【首次发现了零折射率材料导致的有效介质理论失效,并揭示了内在机制】报道链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/G_CKa2ZTZsZ0EnZLEPZyeg49. Jiajie Guo, Yali Zhang, Min Huang⁎, Yishen Xu, Huiying Fan, Wei Liu, Yun Lai, Lei Gao⁎, and Jie Luo*, Electromagnetically large cylinders with duality symmetry by hybrid neural networks, Optics and Laser Technology 168, 109935 (2024)48. Dongyang Yan, Ran Mei, Mingyan Li, Zhikai Ma, Zhi Hong Hang*, and Jie Luo*, Controlling coherent perfect absorption via long-range connectivity of defects in three-dimensional zero-index media, Nanophotonics 12, 4205-4214 (2023)【发现了三维零折射率材料中电磁相干完美吸收的新机制—杂质长程连通性的关键作用】报道链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8d5vKD5DOC-SA6G8eeoZSg47. Chenglin Wang, Ran Shi, Lei Gao*, Alexander S. Shalin, and Jie Luo*, Quenching of second-harmonic generation by epsilon-near-zero media, Photonics Research 11, 1437 (2023)(封面论文)【首次发现了介电近零材料的二次谐波淬灭效应】报道链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7mC8QXUj4MBJgYGGXZAOhw46. Wenjie Ji#, Jie Luo*#, Hongchen Chu, Xiaoxi Zhou, Xiangdong Meng, Ruwen Peng*, Mu Wang*, and Yun Lai*, Crosstalk prohibition at the deep-subwavelength scale by epsilon-near-zero claddings, Nanophotonics 12, 2007-2017 (2023)【利用介电近零材料实现了超紧凑无串扰的波导阵列】报道链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/P0iX_8vYqTLQGIgSkTm40g45. Jin Qin, Hainan He, Changqing Xu, Jie Luo*, Yun Lai*, Epsilon-near-zero gratings for polarization selectivity, Optics Letters 48, 5407 (2023)44. Sheng Zhang, Zuoheng Yang, Bingbing Liu, Jie Luo*, and Zhi Hong Hang*, Optical perfectly matched layers based onintegration of photonic crystals and material loss, Optics Express 31, 11080 (2023)43. Huiying Fan, Hongchen Chu, Hao Luo, Yun Lai*, Lei Gao*, and Jie Luo*, Brewster metasurfaces for ultra-broadband reflectionless absorption at grazing incidence, Optica 9, 1138 (2022)【首次提出了反常广义布儒斯特效应,并基于此提出了在掠射下超宽频无反射吸收的布儒斯特超表面】报道链接:http://physics.suda.edu.cn/d0/fc/c1855a512252/page.htm42. Cong Wang, Xian Shen, Hongchen Chu*, Jie Luo*, Xiaoxi Zhou, Bo Hou, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, and Yun Lai*, Realization of broadband coherent perfect absorption of spoof surface plasmon polaritons, Applied Physics Letters 120, 171703 (2022)41. Tongtong Song#, Hongchen Chu#, Jie Luo#, Zizheng Cao, Meng Xiao, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, and Yun Lai, Ultracompact photonic circuits without cladding layers, Physical Review X 12, 011053 (2022)(Featured in Physics)【首次提出并实现了无需包层的超紧凑光子回路】报道链接:https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/39;https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI1OTExNzkzNw==&mid=2650458256&idx=1&sn=2540ac7ec2c88ff3f054fd8ed70e4305&chksm=f273ae8ec5042798cf5abb567263fc8984a7e0759702d470e4d9770bb74250e2ebc9bfd26f67&scene=2740. Zhikai Ma, Huiying Fan, Hang Zhou*, Min Huang*, and Jie Luo*, Broadband perfect transparency-to-absorption switching in tilted anisotropic metamaterials based on anomalous Brewster effect, Optics Express 29, 39186 (2021)39. Huiying Fan, Jensen Li*, Yun Lai*, and Jie Luo*, Optical Brewster metasurfaces exhibiting ultrabroadband reflectionless absorption and extreme angular asymmetry, Physical Review Applied 16, 044064 (2021)(Editors' Suggestion)【基于反常布儒斯特效应,提出了一种全新的无反射超表面,即布儒斯特超表面,可以实现超宽频的无反射吸收,且可以拥有角度不对称性】38. Jie Luo*, Hongchen Chu, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, Jensen Li*, and Yun Lai*, Ultra-broadband reflectionless Brewster absorber protected by reciprocity, Light: Science & Applications 10, 89 (2021)【发现了反常布儒斯特效应,可以在超宽频无反射的情况下,实现对透射波的任意操控,包括其折射和吸收。进一步提出了布儒斯特吸收体的新概念,可以在从准静场到光频的超宽频段内实现无反射的完美吸收】报道链接:http://physics.suda.edu.cn/ad/54/c1855a437588/page.htm;https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DiQBCSLEgmFlwpjucnBJbA37. Ting Dong, Jie Luo*, Hongchen Chu, Xiang Xiong, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, and Yun Lai*, Breakdown of Maxwell Garnett theory due to evanescent fields at deep-subwavelength scale, Photonics Research 9, 848 (2021)【发现了MG有效介质理论在深亚波长尺度下的失效】36. Liyou Luo, Yuming Shao, Jensen Li, Renhao Fan, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Non-Hermitian effective medium theory and complex Dirac-like cones, Optics Express 29, 14345 (2021)(Editor's Pick)【发现了复Dirac-like cone】35. Jie Luo, Xun Li, Xinyuan Zhang, Jiajie Guo, Wei Liu, Yun Lai, Yaohui Zhan, and Min Huang, Deep-learning-enabled inverse engineering of multi-wavelength invisibility-to-superscattering switching with phase-change materials, Optics Express 29, 10527 (2021)【人工智能+微纳光学中散射操控】34. Dunjian Wang, Jie Luo*, Zhouzhou Sun*, and Yun Lai*, Transforming zero-index media into geometry-invariant coherent perfect absorbers via embedded conductive films, Optics Express 29, 5247 (2021)33. Liyou Luo, Jie Luo*, Hongchen Chu, and Yun Lai*, Pseudo-Hermitian systems constructed by transformation optics with robustly balanced loss and gain, Advanced Photonics Research 2, 2000081 (2021) (封面论文)【首次提出了“赝厄米光学”新概念】32. Wenjie Ji, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Theory and experimental observation of hyperbolic media based on structural dispersions, Physical Review Materials 4, 105202 (2020)【基于波导结构色散设计并实验验证了极低损耗的双曲超材料】31. Min Huang*, Xun Li, and Jie Luo*, All-dielectric unidirectional complementary media for transmission enhancement, Optics Express 28, 33263 (2020)【设计了全介质的单向互补介质,实现透明金属/电极的新方法】30. Shanshan Li, Yu Wang, Wenya Zhang, Weixin Lu*, Bo Hou, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Observation of wide-angle impedance matching in terahertz photonic crystals, New Journal of Physics 22, 023033 (2020)【超透明介质的首次太赫兹实验验证】29. Wenyu Tong, Jie Luo*, Zhouzhou Sun*, and Yun Lai*, Perfect absorbers based on dielectric optical mirrors and ultrathin absorptive films, Applied Physics Express 13, 032001 (2020)28. 宋彤彤, 罗杰*, 赖耘*, 赝局域有效介质理论, 物理学报 69, 154203 (2020)27. Wenjie Ji, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Extremely anisotropic epsilon-near-zero media in waveguide metamaterials, Optics Express 27, 19463 (2019)【基于波导结构色散提出了极低损耗的各向异性零折射率介质的设计新方法】26. Jie Luo, Yun Lai*, Near-perfect absorption by photonic crystals with a broadband and omnidirectional impedance-matching property, Optics Express 27, 15800 (2019)【设计了全角度的光波完美吸收体】25. Jie Luo, Jensen Li*, and Yun Lai*, Electromagnetic impurity-immunity induced by parity-time symmetry, Physical Review X 8, 031035 (2018)【PT对称超表面+零折射率介质 => 实现了对杂质免疫的完美光/电磁波传输,首次提出了“光子反掺杂”新概念】24. Jie Luo, Bingbing Liu, Zhi Hong Hang*, and Yun Lai*, Coherent perfect absorption via photonic doping of zero-index media, Laser & Photonics Reviews 2018, 1800001 (2018)【设计了与几何形状无关的相干完美吸收体】23. Chenkai Liu, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Acoustic metamaterials with broadband and wide-angle impedance matching, Physical Review Materials 2, 045201 (2018)22. Jiawen Song, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Side scattering shadow and energy concentration effects of epsilon-near-zero media, Optics Letters 43, 1738-1741 (2018)【发现了侧向散射阴影】21. Zhongqi Yao, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Illusion optics via one-dimensional ultratransparent photonic crystals with shifted spatial dispersions, Optics Express 25, 30931 (2017)【超透明介质在幻象光学上的应用】20. Jie Luo, Yuting Yang, Zhongqi Yao, Weixin Lu, Bo Hou, Zhi Hong Hang*, C.T. Chan, and Yun Lai*, Ultratransparent media and transformation optics with shifted spatial dispersions, Physical Review Letters 117, 223901 (2016) (编辑推荐论文)(封面论文)【首次提出了“超透明介质”新概念,相当于全角度的布儒斯特角】报道链接:1) https://www.laserfair.com/news/201703/16/63571.html2) http://www.2physics.com/2016/12/ultratransparent-media-towards-ultimate.html19. Hongchen Chu, Jie Luo*,and Yun Lai*, Efficient way to convert propagating waves into guided waves via gradient wire structures, Optics Letters 41, 3551 (2016)18. Zhongqi Yao, Jie Luo*, and Yun Lai*, Photonic crystals with broadband, wide-angle, and polarization-insensitive transparency, Optics Letters 41, 5106-5109 (2016)【利用一维光子晶体实现的超透明介质】17. Jie Luo, Sucheng Li, Bo Hou, and Yun Lai, Loss/gain-induced ultrathin antireflection coatings, Scientific Reports 6, 28681 (2016)16. Jie Luo, Zhi Hong Hang, C. T. Chan, and Yun Lai, Unusual percolation threshold of electromagnetic waves in double-zero medium embedded with random inclusions, Laser & Photonics Reviews 9, 523-529 (2015)【首次发现并提出了“奇异光/电磁波渗流现象”】15. Yuetao Duan, Jie Luo*, Guanghao Wang, Zhi Hong Hang, Bo Hou, Jensen Li, Ping Sheng, and Yun Lai*, Theoretical requirements for broadband perfect absorption of acoustic waves by ultra-thin elastic meta-films, Scientific Reports 5, 12139 (2015)14. Jie Luo, Weixin Lu, Zhi Hong Hang, Huanyang Chen, Bo Hou, Yun Lai, and C. T. Chan, Arbitrary control of electromagnetic flux in inhomogeneous anisotropic media with near-zero index, Physical Review Letters 112, 073903 (2014)【提出了在亚波长尺度下任意操控电磁能流的新方法】13. Tingting Wang, Jie Luo*, Lei Gao*, Ping Xu*, and Yun Lai, Equivalent perfectmagnetic conductor based on epsilon-near-zero media. Applied Physics Letters 104, 211904 (2014)【等效完美磁导体】12. Jie Luo, Sucheng Li, Bo Hou, and Yun Lai, Unified theory for perfect absorption in ultrathin absorptive films with constant tangential electric or magnetic fields, Physical Review B 90, 165128 (2014)11. Jie Luo, and Yun Lai, Anisotropic zero-index waveguide with arbitrary shapes, Scientific Reports 4, 5875 (2014)10. Tingting Wang, Jie Luo*, Lei Gao, Ping Xu, and Yun Lai. Hiding objects and obtaining Fano resonances in index-near-zero and epsilon-near-zero metamaterials with Bragg-fiber-like defects, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 1878(2013)9. Jie Luo, Yadong Xu, Huanyang Chen, Bo Hou, Weixin Lu, and Yun Lai, Oblique total transmissions through epsilon-near-zero metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersions, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 101, 44001 (2013)8. Jie Luo*, Huanyang Chen, Bo Hou, Ping Xu, and Yun Lai*, Nonlocality-induced negative refraction and subwavelength imaging by parabolic dispersions in metal-dielectric multilayered structures with effective zero permittivity, Plasmonics 8, 1095-1099 (2013)7. Jie Luo, Yun Lai, Epsilon-near-zero or mu-near-zero materials composed of dielectric photonic crystals, Science China Information Sciences 56, 1-10 (2013) (Invited)6. Jie Luo, Ping Xu, Huanyang Chen, Bo Hou, Lei Gao, and Yun Lai, Realizing almost perfect bending waveguides with anisotropic epsilon-near-zero metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters 100, 221903 (2012)5. Jie Luo*, Huanyang Chen, Ping Xu, Lei Gao, Yun Lai, and Huanyang Chen, Manipulate the transmissions usingindex-near-zero or epsilon-near-zero metamaterials with coated defects, Plasmonics 7, 353 (2012)4. Jie Luo, Ping Xu, and Lei Gao, Directive emission based on one-dimensional metalheterostructures, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29, 35 (2012)3. Jie Luo, Ping Xu, and Lei Gao, Electrically controllable unidirectional transmission in a heterostructure composed of a photonic crystal and a deformable liquid droplet, Solid State Communications 152, 577-580 (2012)2. Jie Luo, Ping Xu, and Lei Gao, Controllable switching behavior of optical Tamm state based on nematic liquid crystal, Solid State Communications 151,993 (2011)1. Jie Luo, Ping Xu, Tingting Sun, and Lei Gao, Tunable beam splitting and negative refraction in heterostructure with metamaterial, Applied Physics A 104, 1137(2011)III. 合作论文:23. Yongxin Jing, Hongchen Chu, Bo Huang, Jie Luo, Wei Wang, and Yun Lai, A deep neural network for general scattering matrix, Nanophotonics 12, 2583-2591 (2023)22. Chenkai Liu, Jie Luo, Xiaozhou Liu, and Yun Lai, Hydroacoustic high absorption with broadband and wide-angle impedance matching, Physical Review Applied 18, 044008 (2022)21. Li-bing Cai, Wenjie Ji, Jie Luo, and Yu-qiang Ma, Numerical study of dynamic zigzag patterns in migrating epithelial tissue SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 65, 217011 (2022)20. Changqing Xu, Hongchen Chu, Jie Luo, Zhi Hong Hang, Ying Wu, and Yun Lai, Three-dimensional electromagnetic void space, Physical Review Letters 127, 123902 (2021)19. Hongchen Chu, Xiang Xiong, Ya-Jun Gao, Jie Luo, Hao Jing, Cheng-Yao Li, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, and Yun Lai, Diffuse reflection and reciprocity-protected transmission via a random-flip metasurface, Science Advances 7 eabj0935 (2021)18. Hongchen Chu, Yang Zhang, Jie Luo, Changqing Xu, Xiang Xiong, Ruwen Peng, Mu Wang, and Yun Lai, Band engineering method to create Dirac cones of accidental degeneracy in general photonic crystals without symmetry, Optics Express 29, 18070 (2021)17. Fang Zou, Lei Zou, Yun Lai, Changjian Xie, Jie Luo, Dusan Milosevic, Lianshan Yan, Wei Pan, Yu Liu , Zizheng Cao, Ton Koonen, and Xihua Zou, Parity-time symmetric optoelectronic oscillator based on an integrated mode-locked laser, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 57, 1-9 (2021)16. Ping Bai, Jie Luo, Hongchen Chu, Weixin Lu, and Yun Lai, Non-Hermitian optics for coherent perfect absorption, invisibility and lasing with different orbital angular momentums, Optics Letters 45, 6635 (2020)15. Chenkai Liu, Chu Ma, Xinhao Li, Jie Luo, Nicholas X. Fang, and Yun Lai, Wide-angle broadband non-reflecting acoustic metamaterial fence, Physical Review Applied 13, 054012 (2020)14. Changqing Xu, Guancong Ma, Zeguo Chen, Jie Luo, Jinjie Shi, Yun Lai, and Ying Wu, Three-dimensional acoustic double-zero-index medium with a fourfold degenerate Dirac-like point, Physical Review Letters 124, 074501 (2020)13. Dunjian Wang, Sucheng Li, Wenjie Ji, Wei Xiong, Lei Zhang, Yuanfang Shang, and Jie Luo, Nonlocality-induced polarization beam splitting via metal-dielectric composites, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 38, 445-450 (2019)12. Yuting Yang, Ziyuan Jia, Tao Xu, Jie Luo, Yun Lai, and Zhi Hong Hang, Beam splitting and unidirectional cloaking using anisotropic zero-index photonic crystals, Applied Physics Letters 114, 161905 (2019)11. Wenjie Ji, Dunjian Wang, Sucheng Li, Yuanfang Shang, Wei Xiong, Lei Zhang, and Jie Luo, Photonic-doped epsilon-near-zero media for coherent perfect absorption, Applied Physics A 125, 129 (2019)10. Hongchen Chu, Qi Li, Bingbing Liu, Jie Luo, Shulin Sun, Zhi Hong Hang, Lei Zhou, and Yun Lai, A hybrid invisibility cloak based on integration of transparent metasurfaces and zero-index materials, Light: Science & Applications 7, 50 (2018)9. Zhan Xiong, Haixiao Wang, Hao Ge, Jinjie Shi, Jie Luo, Yun Lai, Minghui Lu, and Jianhua Jiang, Topological node lines in mechanical metacrystals, Physical Review B 97 180101(R) (2018)8. Yazhuo Zheng, Yongxing Wang, Jie Luo, and Ping Xu, Optical Tamm states in photonic structures made of inhomogeneous material, Optics Communications 406, 103-106 (2018)7. Hongchen Chu, Jie Luo, and Yun Lai, A Metacoupler for converting propagating waves to guided waves in wire waveguides, IEEE Photonics Journal 9, 1-7 (2017).6. Ping Bai, Kun Ding, Gang Wang, Jie Luo, Zhihong Zhang, C. T. Chan, Ying Wu, and Yun Lai, Simultaneous realization of a coherent perfect absorber and laser by zero-index media with both gain and loss, Physical Review A 94, 063841 (2016)5. Changqing Xu, Anan Fang, Hongchen Chu, Jie Luo, C. T. Chan, Zhi Hong Hang, and Yun Lai, Angular selection of incident waves by photonic crystals with position-varying Dirac points at the Brillouin zone boundary, Physical Review B 93, 245116 (2016)4. SuchengLi, Jie Luo, Shahzad Anwar, Suo Li, Weixin Lu, Zhi Hong Hang, YunLai, Bo Hou, Mingrong Shen, and Chinhua Wang, Broadband perfect absorption of ultrathin conductive films with coherent illumination: Superabsorption of microwave radiation, Physical Review B 91, 220301(R) (2015)3. Changqing Xu, Gang Wang, Zhi Hong Hang, Jie Luo, C. T. Chan, and Yun Lai, Design of full-k-space flat bands in photonic crystals beyond the tight-binding picture, Scientific Reports 5, 18181 (2015)2. Sucheng Li, Jie Luo, Shahzad Anwar, Shuo Li, Weixin Lu, Zhi Hong Hang,Yun Lai, Bo Hou, Mingrong Shen, Chinhua Wang, An equivalent realization ofcoherent perfect absorption under single beam illumination, Scientific Reports 4, 7369 (2014)1. Tingting Sun, Jie Luo, Ping Xu, and Lei Gao, Independently tunable transmission-type magneto-optical isolators based on multilayers containing magnetic materials, Physics Letters A 375, 2185-2188 (2011)IV. 书籍章节:2. Jie Luo, Yun Lai, Structure-induced ultratransparency in photonic crystals in Theoretical Foundations and Application of Photonic Crystals, Alexander Vakhrushev, InTech Publishing, ISBN 978-953-51-3961-4 (2018.4)1. Jie Luo, Yun Lai, C.T. Chan, Control of electromagnetic flux in inhomogeneous anisotropic media, in Transformation Wave Physics: Electromagnetic, Elastodynamics and Thermodynamics, P.Y. Chen, M. Farhat, eds., Pan Stanford Publishing, ISBN: 9789814669955 (2016.8)V. 授权专利:16.Device without blocking wireless signals based on impedance matching(美国专利US15580068,2019)15.一种高透明复合玻璃(发明专利ZL201710953902.0,2022-04-22)14.适用于流体的全向吸声材料、装置及制备方法(发明专利ZL201911126442.X,2022-03-29)13.透波结构及透波装置(发明专利ZL202010708114.7,2022-01-07)12.透明电极、光伏电池、电子器件及透明电极的制备方法(发明专利ZL201911119774.5,2021-10-22)11.零折射率波导结构及零折射率材料的制备方法(发明专利ZL201910366726.X, 2021-09-07)10.波导装置及信号传输装置(发明专利ZL201910366741.4, 2021-08-10)9.电磁波吸收材料、制备方法、应用、涂层及块材(发明专利ZL202010335045.X, 2021-06-15)8.基于电磁互易的负折射材料、制备方法及应用(发明专利ZL202010333755.9, 2021-06-15)7.一种太赫兹波吸收结构(发明专利ZL201710853667.X, 2021-02-05)6.一种光学吸收多层膜(发明专利ZL201710853669.9,2020-12-22)5.双曲型超材料及双曲型超材料的制备方法(发明专利ZL201910366728.9,2020-10-09)4.一种减反膜(发明专利ZL201711450437.5,2020-09-04)3.一种声波无反射材料的制备方法、装置及应用(发明专利ZL201811456511.9,2019-12-17)2.基于阻抗匹配的对无线信号无阻挡的装置(发明专利ZL201510740921.6,2018-12-14)1.基于阻抗匹配的可见光波段宽角度无反射复合材料(发明专利ZL201510737470.0,2017-09-26)VI. 荣誉奖励:>>“苏州大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师”;“第二十届江苏省高校大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛优秀指导教师(一等奖)”,2023年>>“苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖”,2022年>>“苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖”,2020年>> 获“2017年度江苏省科学技术奖二等奖(排名第二)”;“苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖”,2018年本科、研究生阶段:>> 博士毕业论文《零折射率材料的性质与应用研究》获评为“2017年度苏州大学优秀博士学位论文”和“2017年度江苏省优秀博士学位论文”>> 本科毕业论文《一维金属光子晶体的色散特性》获“2011年度江苏省普通高等学校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文)一等奖”;第一作者论文基于《一维金属光子晶体的高指向性辐射》在第四届全国大学生创新年会上获“国家大学生创新训练计划最优秀论文”奖(2011年)>> 2016年获评为“苏州大学优秀毕业研究生”、“苏州大学研究生学术标兵”、“苏州大学朱敬文奖学金”、“苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖”、“江苏青年光学科技奖”;2015年获“苏州大学研究生朱敬文特别奖学金”;2014年获“2014年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”资助、“研究生国家奖学金”;2013年被评为“苏州大学研究生学术标兵”、“苏州大学优秀研究生”;2012年获“研究生国家奖学金”、“苏州大学优秀奖学金” 研究领域 有效介质理论:准静态有效介质理论、非局域有效介质理论光子晶体:能带理论、有效介质模型分析、空间色散电磁/声学超材料:零折射率材料、双曲超材料完美透射与阻抗匹配:超透明介质 & 5G信号透波墙(全角度布儒斯特效应)、反常布儒斯特效应非厄米电磁/光学:完美吸收、PT对称理论、赝厄米物理波导理论:零耦合波导理论、波导结构色散与有效介质分析AI for Photonics/Electromagnetics ... 基本信息 罗杰 职称: 副教授 院部/部门: 物理科学与技术学院 学历: 理学博士 学位: 博士研究生 毕业学校: 苏州大学 毕业专业: 光学 联系方式 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 电子邮箱: luojie@suda.edu.cn 联系电话: 传真号码: 办公地点: 物理科学与技术学院 Copyright © 2011-2014苏州大学版权所有 苏州大学信息化建设与管理中心技术支持