

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 1. 2010.9-至今,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院副教授,硕士生导师2. 2008.9-2010.9,美国南达科塔州州立大学工程学院机械系,博士后研究员3. 2004.4-2008.8,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,讲师4. 1998.7-2004.3,西北工业大学工程力学系,助教 1. 2004-2007,西北工业大学,力学与土木建筑学院固体力学专业,博士 2. 2001-2004,西北工业大学,力学与土木建筑学院工程力学专业,硕士 3. 1994-1998,西北工业大学,工程力学系工程力学专业,学士


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息       国家级线上一流课程《材料力学》主讲教师,陕西省精品课程/西北工业大学线下一流课程《弹性力学》负责人/主讲教师。      主讲《材料力学》、《弹性力学》、《塑性力学》、《复合材料力学》、《纺织结构复合材料》、《复合材料损伤和断裂力学》和《高等复合材料》、《Composite Materials》,《Mechanical Behaviors of Engineering Materials》和《Advanced Mechanics of Materials》等本硕博课程。      1998-2010参与编写出版教材一部、参与主编出版电子教材两部、设计出版教学软件两套,发表教学研究论文若干,获得校教学成果奖多次。      2020主持校/院级教改项目2项。      2021西北工业大学教师教学创新大赛二等奖。      2022指导西工大代表队获第十三届周培源全国大学生力学竞赛团体赛二等奖,获优秀指导教师奖。      2023指导西工大代表队获第十四届周培源全国大学生力学竞赛团体赛三等奖,获优秀指导教师奖。      2023年获得西北工业大学2022-2023学年本科最满意教师奖。 每年可招收固体力学、工程力学专业学术型硕士和机械、安全工程、航空工程和航空发动机工程专业型硕士1-4名。


科学研究 Scientific Research     主持和参与国家自然科学基金,航空基金,西北工业大学创新基金,十一五-十三五国家和部委航空预研和国防预研项目多项,承担航空航天国防院所及企业合作项目多项。迄今为止出版译著一部,发表学术论文和国际会议论文30余篇。担任多种国内外学术期刊评审专家。 科研方向:1.复合材料结构力学;2.复合材料损伤和断裂力学;3.复合材料力学行为模拟仿真;4.先进功能材料微结构设计制造。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 研究论文/专著:30. Yuxiang Feng, Tao Huang*, Yaohua Gong, Purong Jia, Stiffness optimization design for TPMS architected cellular materials, Materials & Design, Volume 222, 2022, 111078.29. Gong Y, Huang T*, Zhang X, Jia P, Suo Y, Zhao S. A Reliable Fracture Angle Determination Algorithm for Extended Puck’s 3D Inter-Fiber Failure Criterion for Unidirectional Composites. Materials. 2021; 14(21):6325. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma1421632528. Gong, Y.; Huang, T.*; Zhang, X.; Suo, Y.; Jia, P.; Zhao, S. Multiscale Analysis of Mechanical Properties of 3D Orthogonal Woven Composites with Randomly Distributed Voids. Materials 2021, 14, 5247.27. Liang L., Huang T.*, Study on 3D printed graphene/carbon fiber multi-scale reinforced PLA Composites, MATERIALS LETTERS, 2021, V300:13017326. C. -P. Yang, F. Jia, B. Wang, T. Huang, G. -Q. Jiao. Constitutive model and failure criterion for orthotropic ceramic matrix composites under macroscopic plane stress. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2021, 104(2): 1002-1013.25. Zhang L., Jia P., Huang T.*, et.al., Optimal design method for composite blades using stiffness weights, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 2020(238).24. Gong Y., Zhang X., Huang T.*, et.al., Fabrication and mechanical properties of TiO2 polymer-matrix nanocomposite and its 3D woven composite, POLYMER COMPOSITES, 2021.23. C. -P. Yang, F. Jia, B. Wang, T. Huang, G. -Q. Jiao. Unified tensile model for unidirectional ceramic matrix composites with degraded fibers and interface. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39: 222-228.22. Tao HUANG, Yaohua GONG. A multiscale analysis for predicting the elastic properties of 3D woven composites containing void defects. Composite Structures 185 (2018) 401–410.21. Tao HUANG, Yaohua GONG. Effective In-Plane Elastic Modulus of a Periodic Regular Hexagonal Honeycomb Core with Thick Walls. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2018, 144(2): 0601701920. Tao HUANG, Yanling WANG, Gang WANG. Review of the Mechanical Properties of a 3D Woven Composite and Its Applications. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering. 2018, 57(8): 740-756.19. C. -P. Yang, L. Zhang, B. Wang, T. Huang, G. -Q. Jiao. Tensile behavior of 2D-C/SiC composites at elevated temperatures: Experiment and modeling. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37: 1281-1290.18. Tao HUANG, Zhangchi LIU. Experimental and Numerical Analysis ofand Lateral High-Velocity Impacts on Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates, Strength of Materials, Vol 48(1): 183-192, 2016.17. Yang Chengpeng, Jiao Guiqiong, Wang Bo, Huang Tao.  Damage-based failure theory and its application to 2D-C/SiC composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015, 77: 181-187.16. Yang Chengpeng, Jiao Guiqiong, Wang Bo, Huang Tao. Mechanical degradation mechanisms of 2D-C/SiC composites: influences of preloading and oxidation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2015, 35: 2765-2773.15. Liang Li, Purong Jia, Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Study In The Failure Behavior of Notched Composite Laminate Under Tensile Load. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2015(2), 137-144.14. Ting Yang, Purong Jia, Tao Huang, The Experimental Study On The Off-Aixs Tensile Modulus And Strength Of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Pa66. Journal o Mechanical Strength, 2015(2), 254-258. 13. Chunlan Zhang, Purong Jia, Tao Huang, The Tensile Failure Analysis Of Adhesively Stiffened Composite Panels With Stiffener Runout. Mechanical Science And Technology For Aerospace Engineering, 2014(4), 596-600.12. Jingchao Wei, Guiqiong Jiao, Purong Jia, Huang, Tao, The Effect of Interference Fit Size on The Fatigue Life Of Bolted Joints In Composite Laminates ,Composites Part B: Engineering, 2013(53), 62-68.11. Congjie Ye, Guiqiong Jiao, Bo Wang, Tao Huang, Investigation on Tensile Performance of Open-Holed Thin Laminates With Bi-Directional Cloth Lamina. Journal of Mechanical Strength, 2012(5), 767-771.10. Hongyan Qiu, Guiqiong Jiao, Tao Huang, Investigation of The Composite Laminated Beams With Trapezoidal Corrugated Plate Stiffness And Stability Equivalent Analysis Method. Journal of Mechanical Strength, 2012(6), 899-906.9. Long Du, Guiqiong Jiao; Tao Huang, Z-Pin Reinforcement On The Core Shear Properties of Polymer FoamComposites, Journal Of Composite Materials, Vol.43(2009) Pp. 289-300.8. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, 3d Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, In Press, Science Press, 2008,, China.(In Chinese, Translation)(L. Tong, A.P. Mouritz And M.K. Bannister, 3d Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, 2002, Elsevier)7. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Experimental Study On X-Cor Reinforced Foam Core, Journal Of Aeronautics, Vol.29(2008) Pp. 1542-1549.6. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Fatigue Behavior Of Stitched Carbon/Bismaleimide Composite Laminates, Journal Of Reinforced Plastics And Composites, 2007(3):297-303.5. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Study on Shear Modulus of Stitched Foam Core, Journal Of Mechanical Strength, 2007(1), 113-117.4. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Tensile And Shear Properties of Stitched Laminates In Hygrothermal Environment, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 326-328 (2006) P. 1753-1756.3. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Study on Flexural Behavior of Stitched Foam-Core Sandwich, Journal Of Materials Science And Engineering, Vol.24(2006) Pp. 535-538.2. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Research Development and Application of Z -Reinforcement Foam Core, Fiber Composites, 2005(3), 19-23.1. Tao Huang, Guiqiong Jiao, Influence of Stitched Area And Interface Characteristic On Mechanical Properties of Stitched Lamina, Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Vol.22(2004) Pp. 76-79. 授权专利:发明专利:CN109094139B,2020-09-22.实用新型专利:CN210672365U,2020-06-05.发明专利:CN106250648B,2019-06-04.实用新型专利:CN208760099U,2019-04-19.实用新型专利:CN208760427U,2019-04-19.发明专利:CN109094139A,2018-12-28.实用新型专利:CN206258310U,2017-06-16.实用新型专利:CN205955776U,2017-02-15.


社会兼职 Social Appointments 民进西北工业大学总支副主委民进陕西省第十三届委员会社会法制与环境委员会委员中国宇航学会高级会员陕西省力学学会理事


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