

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

综合介绍 General Introduction 热爱是科研的第一原动力;敢想,敢做;不负青春,不负梦想。 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2009/06-2014/11,第四军医大学,药学系药理学教研室,讲师2014/12-2021/11,第四军医大学,药学系药理学教研室,副教授2021/12-2023/12,空军军医大学,药学系药理学教研室,教授2024/01-至今,      西北工业大学,医学研究院,              教授 1998/09-2003/07,新乡医学院,临床医学,获医学学士学位2003/08-2006/06,第四军医大学,药理学教研室,获医学硕士学位;导师:罗晓星教授2006/08-2009/06,第四军医大学,药理学教研室,获医学博士学位;导师:罗晓星教授2015/12-2016/11,美国霍普金斯大学医学院,博士后;导师:Kwang Sik Kim教授


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招生专业:硕士及博士研究生:具有药学、医学、生物医学工程、生物技术与工程、制药工程等相关专业背景,且热爱科研的有志青年研究方向:1)抗耐药菌感染药物及作用机制2)抗感染宿主免疫调控


科研成果 Scientific research results 论文成果 专利成果 [1] Fang C*, Ren P*, Bian G*, Wang J, Bai J, Huang J, Ding Y, Li X#, Li M#, Hou Z#. Enhancing Spns2/S1P in macrophages alleviates hyperinflammation and prevents immunosuppression in sepsis.EMBO Rep,24(8): e56635. doi: 10.15252/embr.202256635 [2] Wang M*, Ma B*, Ni Y*, Xue X, Li M, Meng J, Luo X, Fang C#, Hou Z#. Restoration of the antibiotic susceptibility of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended-spectrum β-lactamases Escherichia coli through combination with chelerythrine.Microb Drug Resisit,27(3):337-341. doi: 10.1089/mdr.2020.0044 [3] Qu D*, Hou Z*, Li J*, Luo L, Su S, Ye Z, Bai Y, Zhang X, Chen G, Li Z, Wang Y, Xue X, Luo X#, Li M#. A new coumarin compound DCH combats methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm by targeting arginine repressor.Sci Adv,6 (30): eaay9597 [4] Ma B*, Fang C*, Zhang J, Wang M, Luo X#, Hou Z#. Contemporaneous Measurement of Outer and Inner Membrane Permeability in Gram-negative Bacteria.Bio-protocol,10(05): e3548. doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3548 [5] Wang M*, Fang C*, Ma B*, Luo X, Hou Z#. Regulation of cytokinesis: FtsZ and its accessory proteins..Curr Genet,66(1):43-49. doi: 10.1007/s00294-019-01005-6 [6] Ma B*, Fang C*, Lu L*, Wang M, Xue X, Zhou Y, Li M, Hu Y, Luo X#, Hou Z#. The antimicrobial peptide thanatin disrupts the bacterial outer membrane and inactivates the NDM-1 metallo-β-lactamase.Nat Commun,10(1):3517. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11503-3 [7] Zhou Y*, Niu C*, Ma B*, Xue X, Li Z, Chen Z, Li F, Zhou S, Luo X#, Hou Z#. Inhibiting PSMα-induced neutrophil necroptosis protects mice with MRSA pneumonia by blocking the agr system.Cell Death Dis,9(3):362. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-0398-z. [8] Ma B*, Niu C*, Zhou Y*, Xue X, Meng J, Luo X#, Hou Z#. The disulfide bond of the peptide thanatin is dispensible for its antimicrobial activity in vivo and in vitro.Antimicrob Agents Chemother,60(7):4283-9 [9] Hou Z*, Da F*, Liu B, Xue X, Xu X, Zhou Y, Li M, Li Z, Ma X, Meng J, Jia M, Wang Y, Luo X#. R-thanatin inhibits the growth and biofilm formation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis in vivo and in vitro.Antimicrob Agents Chemothe,57(10):5045-52 [10] Hou Z*, Lu J*, Fang C*, Zhou Y, Bai H, Zhang X, Xue X, Chen Y, Luo X#. Underlying Mechanism of In vivo and In vitro Activity of C-terminal-amidated Thanatin Against Clinical Isolates of Extended-Spectrum β-lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli.J Infect Dis,203: 273-282 [11] Li Z*, Zheng Q*, Xue X*, Shi X, Zhou Y, Da F, Qu D, Hou Z#, Luo X#. Pyroptosis of Salmonella Typhimurium-infected macrophages was suppressed and elimination of intracellular bacteria from macrophages was promoted by blocking QseC.Sci Rep,6:37447. doi: 10.1038/srep37447 [12] Zhou Y*, Zhao R*, Ma B*, Gao H*, Xue X, Qu D, Li M, Meng J, Luo X#, Hou Z#. Oligomerization of RNAIII-inhibiting peptide inhibits adherence and biofilm formation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in vivo.Microb Drug Resisit,22(3):193-201 [13] Hou Z*, Zhou Y*, Li J*, Zhang X, Shi X, Xue X, Li Z, Ma B, Wang Y, Li M, Luo X#. Selective in vivo and in vitro activities of 3,3′-4-nitrobenzylidene-bis-4-hydroxycoumarin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by inhibition of DNA polymerase III.Sci Rep,5:13637. doi: 10.1038/srep13637 [14] Yin S*, Rao G*, Wang J*, Luo L*, He G, Wang C, Ma C, Luo X, Hou Z#, Xu G#. Roemerine improves the survival rate of septicemic BALB/c mice by increasing the cell membrane permeability of Staphylococcus aureus.PloS One,10(11):e0143863. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143863 [15] Ma B*, Zhou Y*, Li M, Yu Q, Xue X, Li Z, Da F, Hou Z#, Luo X#. RIP-V improves murine survival in a sepsis model by down-regulating RNAIII expression and α-hemolysin release of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.Pharmazie,70(2):81-7 [16] Li M, Li J, Zhou Y, Xue X, Shi X, Tu Z, Hou Z#, Luo X#. Synthesis, photoluminescent behaviors, and antibacterial activities of 3-acetylcoumarins. Research on Chemical Intermediates.Res Chem Intermed,41(5):3289-3296 [17] Li J*, Hou Z*, Chen G, Li F, Zhou Y, Xue X, Li Z, Jia M, Zhang Z, Li M, Luo X#. Synthesis, antibacterial activities, and theoretical studies of dicoumarols.Org Biomol Chem,12:5528-35 [18] Lu L*, Hou Z*, Li L, Yang Y, Wang X, Zhang B, Ren M, Zhao D, Miao Z, Yu L#, Yao Y#. Methylation pattern of H19 exon 1 is closely related to preeclampsia and trophoblast abnormalities.Int J Mol Med,34:765-771 [19] Li M*, Li J*, Liu B, Zhou Y, Li X, Xue X, Hou Z#, Luo X#. Synthesis, crystal structures, and anti-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus activities of novel 4-hydroxycoumarin derivatives.Eur J Pharmacol,721:151-157 [20] Li J*, Hou Z*, Li F, Zhang Z, Zhou Y, Luo X, Li M#. Synthesis, photoluminescent, antibacterial activities and theoretical studies of 4-hydroxycoumarin derivatives.J Mol Stuct,1075:509-514 [21] Zhou Y*, Hou Z*, Fang C, Xue X, Da F, Wang Y, Bai H, Luo X. Comparison of microplate and macrodilution methods in time-kill study of new antimicrobial drugs.Folia Microbiol,58:9–16 [22] Hou Z*, Zhou Y*, Wang H, Bai H, Meng J, Xue X and Luo X#. Co-blockade of mecR1/blaR1 signal pathway to restore antibiotic susceptibility in clinical isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.Arch Med Sci,7: 414-422 [23] Hou Z*, Meng J, Niu C, Wang H, Liu J, Hu B, Jia M, Luo X#. Restoration of antibiotic susceptibility in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by targeting mecR1 with a phosphorothioate deoxyribozyme.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol,34: 1160-1164 [24] Hou Z*, Meng J, Zhao J, Hu B, Liu J, Yan X, Jia M, Luo X#. Inhibition of β-lactamase-mediated oxacillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus by a deoxyribozyme.Acta Pharmacol Sin,28: 1775-1782 [1] 侯征, 王明智, 方超, 秦向阳, 马波, 薛小燕, 李明凯.FtsZ及QseC双靶标抗菌分子及其制备方法和用途(ZL 202110092082.7), [2] 侯征,罗晓星,薛小燕,李明凯,周颖,孟静茹,达飞.一种抗MRSA群体感应agr系统反义脱氧核酶的应用.(ZL 201410545851.4), [3] 罗晓星,侯征,孟静茹,于茜,周颖,薛小燕,达飞.一种抗金黄色葡萄球菌AgrC群体感应系统的AIP多肽衍生物及其应用.(ZL 201110175328.3), [4] 罗晓星,侯征,吕军,孟静茹,白卉,周颖,薛小燕.一组含γ-核心模序的未环化抗菌肽及其制备方法和应用。(ZL 200910023032.2), [5] 罗晓星,侯征,吕军,孟静茹,白卉,周颖,薛小燕.一组含γ-核心模序的新型环化抗菌肽及其制备方法和应用.(ZL 200910023033.7), [6] 李明凯,罗晓星,侯征,李靖,周颖,李汾,曲迪,李侠.一类4-羟基双香豆素类化合物及其应用(ZL201410729253.2), [7] 李明凯,罗晓星,侯征,李靖,薛小燕,孟静茹,石鑫.3,3’-(3,4-二氯苯亚甲基)-双-4-羟基香豆素及其在制备抗多重耐药细菌药物中的应用.(ZL 201310229134.6), [8] 罗晓星,白卉,侯征,周颖,薛小燕,孟静茹,桑国军.透膜肽介导的抗细菌RNA聚合酶σ70因子基因rpoD的反义肽核酸.(ZL 201010206024.4), [9] 罗晓星,孟静茹,侯征,扈本荃,王慧,贾敏.抗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌耐药基因的反义核酸.(ZL 200710017826.9), [10] 罗晓星,薛小燕,周颖,侯征,孟静茹,陈瑛瑛.一种多肽、蛋白类药物口腔粘膜吸收剂型的组方及制备方法和应用(ZL 200910023349.6), [11] 罗晓星,王增禄, 李明凯,周颖,侯征,张英起,王春娟.一种抗多重耐药葡萄球菌感染药物RIP1183的制备方法(ZL 201710189557.8), [12] 李明凯,罗晓星,李靖,李侠,侯征,曲迪,李洲朋,束鑫.双香豆素化合物及其抗菌应用,中国(ZL 201410728805.8), [13] 罗晓星,孟静茹,王慧,贾敏,侯征,马雪,何功浩.抗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌耐药基因mecA的反义核酸(ZL 200810232501.7), [14] 李明凯,刘艳,徐梦娴,曲迪,李靖,侯征,薛小燕,罗晓星,涂长春.3,3’-(3,4-二氯苯亚甲基)-双-4-羟基香豆素用于制备抗狂犬病毒药物的应用.中国(ZL 201810231672.1), [15] 薛小燕,陈周,罗晓星,胡玥,周颖,侯征,李明凯,孟静茹.一种多肽及其作为细菌或哺乳细胞转染载体的应用(ZL 201511019593.7), [16] 罗晓星,孟静茹,马雪,薛小燕,贾敏,侯征,达飞,桑国军.一种透膜肽介导的反义抗菌剂及其制备方法和应用(ZL 201210335017.3),


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