

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

个人经历 personal experience 教育经历 2014年-2019年 西北工业大学航海学院-兵器与科学技术-博士学位;2020年-2022年 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所-博士后。


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 获奖西北工业大学研究生教学成果特等奖主要研究方向:水下装备总体设计,结构损伤失效和失稳控制,纤维复合材料轻量化应用,陶瓷结构脆性损伤防护,微分求积方法、近场动力学方法应用研究。


科学研究 Scientific Research 主持项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目中国复合材料学会专项研究课题省部级课题1项企业青年科技创新基金1项


学术成果 Academic Achievements 学术论文:[1] Shen Ke-Chun*, Lei-lei Jiang, Guang Pan, Yi-hua Huang. Buckling and failure behavior of the silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure. Ocean Engineering, 2023(287),115773.(TOP)[2] RanFeng Wei, KeChun Shen*, Guang Pan. Experimental study on buckling behavior of composite cylindrical shells with and without circular holes under hydrostatic pressure. Composite Structures, 2023 (322),117434. (TOP)[3] Leilei Jiang, Kechun Shen*, Guang Pan, Yihua Huang. Strength damage behavior analysis of silicon carbide(SiC) ceramic cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure based on the state-based peridynamics. Ocean Engineering, 2023(286),115590.(TOP)[4] ZhaoQi Yang, Kechun Shen*, Guang Pan, XinHu Zhang. A failure strength analysis method for fiber reinforcement composite cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure based on generalized differential quadrature. Ocean Engineering, 2023(281),114993.(TOP)[5] Leilei Jiang, Kechun Shen*, Guang Pan. Progressive failure analysis of cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure based on an extended bond-based peridynamic method. Ocean Engineering, 2022(262),112272.(TOP)[6] Zhun Li, Kechun Shen*, Xinhu Zhang, Guang Pan. Buckling of composite cylindrical shells with ovality and thickness variation subjected to hydrostatic pressure. Defence Technology, 2022(18). (SCI)[7] Ranfeng Wei, Kechun Shen*, Guang Pan. A numerical study on the effect of delamination on composite cylindrical shells subjected to hydrostatic pressure. Ocean Engineering, 2022(262),112294.(TOP)[8] Ranfeng Wei, Kechun Shen*,  Guang Pan. Optimal design of trapezoid stiffeners of composite cylindrical shells subjected to hydrostatic pressure. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021(166). (SCI)[9] Shen Ke-Chun*, Pan Guang. Buckling and strain response of filament winding composite cylindrical shell subjected to hydrostatic pressure numerical solution and experiment. Composite Structures, 2021 (276),108002. (TOP)[10] Shen Ke-Chun*, Yang Zhao-Qi, Jiang Lei-Lei, Pan Guang. Buckling and post-buckling behavior of perfect/perforated composite cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022,10(2) ,126. (SCI)[11] Shen Ke-Chun, Pan Guang*. Optimizing the buckling strength of filament winding composite cylinders under hydrostatic pressure. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2018 37(13):892-904. (SCI)[12] Shen Ke-Chun, Pan Guang*, Lu Jiang-Feng. Buckling and layer failure of composite laminated cylinders subjected to hydrostatic pressure. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 2017 24(3):425-422. (SCI)[13] 沈克纯, 潘光*, 施瑶. 静水压力下碳纤维缠绕复合材料圆柱壳体应变特性及承载能力研究. 西北工业大学学报, 2020 38(5):937-943. (EI)[14] Shen Ke-Chun, Pan Guang*. Buckling optimization of composite cylinders for underwater vehicle applications under Tsai-Wu failure criterion constraint. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University, 2019 24(4):534-544. (EI)[15] 沈克纯, 潘光*, 黄桥高. 静水压力下纤维缠绕圆柱壳体的稳定性分析. 西北工业大学学报, 2018 36(5):839-847. (EI)[16] Shen Ke-Chun, Pan Guang*, Jiang Jun. Design optimization of composite cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure. 2018 OCEANS. (EI)[17] Shen Ke-Chun, Pan Guang*. Optimization of composites shell subjected to hydrostatic pressure to maximize design pressure factor. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2017 21(12):1551-1563. (EI)


团队信息 Team Information 西北工业大学自主水下航行器科技创新团队无人水下运载技术工信部重点实验室“翱翔”国家重点实验室


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