

发布日期:2024-04-06 浏览次数:

个人经历 personal experience 教育经历 2017.09-2021.11           哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)   材料物理与化学2018.10-2019.12           美国休斯敦大学                物理学


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 常年招生材料、物理、化学、航宇等相关学科的硕士研究生1-3名,研究内容包括热电材料的合成、电声输运调控、热电器件相关研究等,涉及材料科学与基础、半导体物理、固体物理等专业知识。也可专业背景不限,只需热爱科研,我们共同学习、深入探讨学术问题。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2022届哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生2020年哈尔滨工业大学校优秀学生标兵2020年博士研究生国家奖学金2020年哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)材料学院优秀党支部书记2019年工信创新奖学金三等奖2014年国家励志奖学金


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究领域:高性能热电材料的探索与开发主持的科研项目:广东省区域联合基金-青年基金项目,2022-10至2025-09;陕西省自然科学基础研究计划-青年项目,2023-01至2024-12;江苏省太仓市基础研究计划-面上项目,2022-10至2024-09;中央高校基本科研业务费,2021-11至2024.10


学术成果 Academic Achievements [1] S. Li*, J. Li, X.D. Wang, S.H. Hou, X.L. Ye, Q. Zhang, Promising thermoelectric performance in p-type AgBiSe2 doping with alkaline-earth metals, Scripta Materialia, 2024, 242: 115931.[2] S. Li*, S.H. Hou, H.M Liu, L. Yin, X. Bao, J. Li, X.D. Wang, X.L. Ye*, Q. Zhang*, Realizing high thermoelectric performance in CeCl3-doped n-type SnSe polycrystals, Ceramics International, 2023, 49: 40831-40836.[3] S. Li*, L Yin, Y.J. Liu, X.D. Wang, C. Chen, Q. Zhang*, Rare earth element Ce enables high thermoelectric performance in n-type SnSe polycrystals, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 143: 234-241.[4] S. Li*, S.H. Hou, W.H. Xue, L. Yin, Y.J. Liu, X.D. Wang, C. Chen, J. Mao, Q. Zhang*, Manipulation of phase structure and Se vacancy to enhance the average thermoelectric performance of AgBiSe2, Materials Today Physics, 2022, 27: 100837.[5] S. Li, Y.M. Wang, C. Chen, X.F. Li, W.H. Xue, X.Y. Wang, Z.W. Zhang, F. Cao, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Q. Zhang*, Heavy doping by bromine to improve the thermoelectric properties of n-type polycrystalline SnSe, Advanced Science, 2018, 5: 1800598. [6] S. Li, Q. Zhang*, Ionic gelatin thermoelectric generators. Joule, 2020, 4:1628-1629. [7] S. Li, F.H. Zhang, C. Chen, X.F. Li, F. Cao, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Z.F. Ren*, Q. Zhang*, Enhanced thermoelectric performance in polycrystalline n-type Pr-doped SnSe by hot forging, Acta Materialia, 2020, 190:1-7.[8] S. Li, X.F. Li, Z.F. Ren*, Q. Zhang*, Recent progress towards high performance of tin chalcogenide thermoelectric materials. Journal of Materials chemistry A, 2018, 6: 2432-2448.[9] S. Li, Z.F. Feng, Z.J. Tang, F.H. Zhang, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, D. Singh, J. Mao*, Z.F. Ren*, Q. Zhang*, Defect engineering for realizing p-type AgBiSe2 with a promising thermoelectric performance, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32: 3528-3536.[10] S. Li,  H.T. Zhu, J. Mao, Z.Z. Feng, X.F. Li, C. Chen, F. Cao, X.J. Liu, D. Singh*, Z.F. Ren*, Q. Zhang*, N-type TaCoSn-based half-Heuslers as promising thermoelectric materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11: 41321-41329.[11] S. Li, F.X Bai, R.F, Wang, C. Chen, X.F. Li, F. Cao, B. Yu, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, Z.F Ren*, Q. Zhang*, Titanium doping to enhance thermoelectric performance of 19-electron VCoSb half-Heusler compounds with vanadium vacancies, Annalen der Physik, 2020, 1900440. [12] R.F. Wang#, S. Li#, W.H Xue, C. Chen, Y.M. Wang, X.J Liu*, Q. Zhang, Enhanced thermoelectric performance of n-type TiCoSb half-Heusler by Ta doping and Hf alloying, Rare Metals, 2020. 40: 40-47. 共同一作[13] S. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Y.C. Lan, J. Mao, Y.Z. Pei, Q. Zhang, Lead chalcogenide thermoelectric materials. Novel Thermoelectric Materials and Device Design Concepts. Skipidarov Sergey, Nikitin Mikhail Eds. Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2019, pp 83-104. [14] J. Shuai, S. Li, C. Chen, X.F. Li, J. Mao, Q. Zhang, 1-2-2 layered Zintl-phase thermoelectric materials. Novel Thermoelectric Materials and Device Design Concepts. Skipidarov Sergey, Nikitin Mikhail, Eds. Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2019, pp 159-175.[15] Y. Niu, S. Li, J. Mao, C.C. Yang, Q.Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J. Jiang*, C. Wang*, Z.F. Ren*. Suppressed phase transition and enhanced thermoelectric performance in iodine-doped AgCuTe, Nano Energy, 2020, 77: 105297. [16] X. Jia, S. Li, Z.W. Zhang, Y.S. Deng, X.F. Li, Y. Cao, Y.R. Yan, J. Mao, J. Yang, Q. Zhang*, X.J. Liu*, Using materials quality factor BΔΕ* for design of thermoelectric materials with mutiple bands, Materials Today Physics, 2021, 8:100371. [17] C. Chen, W.H. Xue, S. Li, Z.W. Zhang, X.F. Li, X.Y. Wang, Y.J Liu, J.H. Sui, X.J. Liu, F. Cao, Z.F. Ren, C-W. Chu*, Y.M. Wang*, Q. Zhang*, Zintl-phase Eu2ZnSb2: A promising thermoelectric material with ultralow thermal conductivity, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2019, 116: 2831-2836.专利:[1] 一种提升p 型AgBiSe2 基热电材料性能的方法


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