发布日期:2024-04-27 浏览次数:次
个人简介 冯翠英,博士后,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,现任浙江工业大学管理学院信息管理与信息系统系副主任,兼任中国运筹学会企业运筹学会理事。四川大学数学与应用数学专业学士,管理科学与工程专业博士,浙江工业大学工商管理专业博士后。主要研究领域为物流与供应链管理、决策理论与方法、智能优化算法。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,中国博士后基金特别资助1项,并参与多项其它科研项目,相关研究成果在Waste Management、Applied and Computational Mathematics、Knowledge-Based Systems、Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering、系统科学与数学等国内外知名期刊上发表。 教学与课程 教改项目:1.参与编写和修订浙江省普通本科高校“十四五”首批新文科重点教材建设项目《数据、模型与决策》。2.校级一流课程培育《最优化方法》3. 数字化背景下教学内容重构和教学方法改革的探究——以《最优化理论》课程为例 4. 管理学院数字创新实验班新建课程:《数据驱动的决策优化》 本科生课程:数据驱动的决策优化,最优化方法,物流与供应链管理,数据挖掘与机器学习研究生课程:物流与供应链管理,高等物流学,数字经济与财务 科研项目 [1] [1] 工程供应链视角下“调度-资源-运输”集成系统多层次主体博弈与动态协调研究(71702167),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018-2020,18万元,主持[2] [2] 项目调度和资源供应链集成化动态联盟及冲突协调研究(2018T110609),中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2017-2018,15万元,主持 科研成果 [1]BIM and ANN-based rapid prediction approach for natural daylighting inside library spaces,Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, 2023,44( 2): 3285[2]A Project Scheduling Game Equilibrium Problem Based on Dynamic Resource Supply. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12.[3] A bi-level multi-objective location-routing model for municipal waste management with obnoxious effects. Waste Management, 2021, 135: 109–121.[4] Conflict Resolution towards an Integrated Project Scheduling and Material Ordering System in a Large-Scale Construction Project. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2019, 18(2): 202-217. (SCI)[5] A multi-criteria decision making method for urban flood resilience evaluation with hybrid uncertainties. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2019. (SCI/SSCI)[6]A hybrid priority-based genetic algorithm for simultaneous pickup and delivery problems in reverse logistics with time windows and multiple decision-makers, Soft Computing, 2019. (SCI)[7] A bi-level programming for transportation services procurement based on combinatorial auction with fuzzy random parameters. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2018.30(5): 1162-1182. (SSCI)[8] Stackelberg game optimization for integrated production-distribution-construction system in construction supply chain, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 157:52—67. (SCI)[9] Stackelberg-nash equilibrium for integrated gravelly soil excavation-transportation-distribution system in large scale hydropower construction project, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2016, 30(6): 04016024. (SCI)[10] Two-stage based dynamic earth-rock transportation assignment problem under fuzzy random environment to earth-rock dam construction, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2015, 21(6):775-797. (SCI)[11] Multimode resource-constrained multiple project scheduling problem under fuzzy random environment and its application to a large scale hydropower construction project, The Scientific World Journal, 2014. (SCI)。。。。。。 育人成果 社会服务 企业运筹学会理事