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裔传灯 20 个人信息Personal Information 正高级 博士生导师 硕士生导师 教师拼音名称:Yi Chuandeng 电子邮箱: cdyi@yzu.edu.cn 入职时间:1999-08-01 所在单位:农学院 学历:博士研究生毕业 办公地点:扬州大学文汇路校区29号楼N532 性别:男 联系方式:13056316469 学位:博士 在职信息:在岗 毕业院校:扬州大学 学科:作物遗传育种 其他联系方式Other Contact Information 邮编 : 225009 通讯/办公地址 : 江苏省扬州市文汇东路12号 扬州大学农学院29号楼N532 办公室电话 : 0514-87937619 移动电话 : 13056316469 邮箱 : cdyi@yzu.edu.cn 同专业博导 同专业硕导 个人简介Personal Profile 教授,博士生导师 1996年获得扬州大学农学系农学学士,1999年获得扬州大学农学院作物遗传育种硕士,2007年获得扬州大学作物遗传育种博士。2000-2002年在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所进行客座研究,2011-2012年在美国Texas A&M University生化系进行访问进修。 长期从事水稻遗传育种的教学与科研工作。主讲硕士研究生的《基因工程原理与实验技术》和《植物生物技术》、本科生的《作物育种学》和《植物生物技术导论》等课程。主要研究方向包括野生稻有利基因的转移和利用、稻米品质分子标记辅助育种、水稻重要农艺性状基因的克隆与功能分析。 先后主持4项国家自然科学基金,2项国家973计划子课题,1项国家重点研发计划子课题,1项江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,1项江苏省高校自然科学基础研究课题;参加多项国家973、863、国家自然科学基金等项目的研究工作。在New Phytologist、Plant Physiology、Molecular Plant、Communications Biology、Chromosome Research、Science Bulletin 和 Journal of Genet and Genomics等学术杂志上公开发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI收录20多篇。作为主要完成人,通过科技成果鉴定2项,其中一项于2004年获教育部提名国家自然科学一等奖。2010年获得扬州大学“新世纪人才工程”优秀青年骨干教师称号,2013年和2015年分别被授予扬州大学农学院考研优秀指导教师和扬州大学最受欢迎的班主任等荣誉称号。 发表的主要论文: Hu, Z., Chen, X., Huangfu, L., Shao, S., Tao, X., Song, L., Tong, W., and Yi, C. D. (2021). Comparative analysis morphology, anatomical structure and transcriptional regulatory network of chlorophyll biosynthesis in Oryza longistaminata, O. sativa and their F1 generation. PeerJ 9, e12099. Miao, J., Li, X. F., Li, X. B., Tan, W. C., You, A. Q., Wu, S. J., Tao, Y. J., Chen, C., Wang, J., Zhang, D. P., Gong, Z. Y., Yi, C. D., Yang, Z. F., Gu, M. H., Liang, G. H., and Zhou, Y. (2020). OsPP2C09, a negative regulatory factor in abscisic acid signalling, plays an essential role in balancing plant growth and drought tolerance in rice. New Phytologist 227, 1417-1433. Liu, X. Y., Sun, S., Wu, Y., Zhou, Y., Gu, S. W., Yu, H. X., Yi, C. D., Gu, M. H., Jiang, J. M., Liu, B., Zhang, T., and Gong, Z. Y. (2020). Dual-color oligo-FISH can reveal chromosomal variations and evolution in Oryza species. Plant Journal 101, 112-121. Zhang, C. Q., Zhu, J. H., Chen, S. J., Fan, X. L., Li, Q. F., Lu, Y., Wang, M., Yu, H. X., Yi, C. D., Tang, S. Z., Gu, M. H., and Liu, Q. Q. (2019). Wx(lv), the Ancestral Allele of Rice Waxy Gene. Molecular Plant 12, 1157-1166. Wang, L., Yuan, J., Ma, Y., Jiao, W., Ye, W., Yang, D.-L., Yi, C., and Chen, Z.J. (2018). Rice Interploidy Crosses Disrupt Epigenetic Regulation, Gene Expression, and Seed Development. Molecular Plant 11, 300-314. Wu, Z., Fang, D., Yang, R., Gao, F., An, X., Zhuo, X., Li, Y., Yi, C., Zhang, T., Liang, C., Cui, P., Cheng, Z., and Luo, Q. (2018). De novo genome assembly of Oryza granulata reveals rapid genome expansion and adaptive evolution. Communications Biology 1, 84. Zhou, Y., Tao, Y.J., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Y.Z., Miao, J., Zhang, R., Yi, C.D., Gong, Z.Y., Yang, Z.F., and Liang, G.H. (2018). Characterisation of a novel quantitative trait locus, GN4-1, for grain number and yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theoretical And Applied Genetics 131, 637-648. Yi, C.D., Hu, D.B., Zhang, J.J., Jin, W.G., Li, W., Zhou, Y., Liang, G.H., and Gu, M.H. (2018). Development and identification of synthetic interspecific hybrids between Oryza sativa and Oryza australiensis. Indian Journal of Genet and Plant Breeding 78, 174-179. Zhou, Y., Tao, Y.J., Zhu, J.Y., Miao, J., Liu, J., Liu, Y.H., Yi, C.D., Yang, Z.F., Gong, Z.Y., and Liang, G.H. (2017). GNS4, a novel allele of DWARF11, regulates grain number and grain size in a high-yield rice variety. Rice 10,34 Yi, C.D., Li, W., Wang, D.R., Jiang, W., Hu, D.B., Zhou, Y., Liang, G.H., and Gu, M.H. (2017). Identification and cell wall analysis of interspecific hybrids between Oryza sativa and Oryza ridleyi. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16, 1676-1681. Zhou, Y., Miao, J., Gu, H., Peng, X., Leburu, M., Yuan, F., Gu, H., Gao, Y., Tao, Y., Zhu, J., Gong, Z., Yi, C., Gu, M., Yang, Z., and Liang, G. (2015). Natural Variations in SLG7 Regulate Grain Shape in Rice. Genetics 201, 1591-1599. Yi, C., Wang, M., Jiang, W., Wang, D., Zhou, Y., Gong, Z., Liang, G., and Gu, M. (2015). Isolation and Identification of a Functional Centromere Element in the Wild Rice Species Oryza granulata with the GG Genome. Journal of Genet and Genomics 42, 699-702. Yuan, Y., Miao, J., Tao, Y.J., Ji, C.Q., Du, P.N., Wang, J., Wang, Z.D., Chen, D., Gong, Z.Y., Yi, C.D., Zhu, J.Y., Dong, G.C., Gu, M.H., Zhou, Y., and Liang, G.H. (2015). Identification and fine mapping of qPH6, a novel major quantitative trait locus for plant height in rice. Mol Breeding 35, 56 Yi, C.D., Wang, M.S., Jiang, W., Wang, D.R., Cheng, X.J., Wang, Y., Zhou, Y., Liang, G.H., and Gu, M.H. (2015). Development and characterization of synthetic amphiploids of Oryza sativa and Oryza latifolia. Science Bulletin 60, 2059-2062. Yi, C., Zhang, W., Dai, X., Li, X., Gong, Z., Zhou, Y., Liang, G., and Gu, M. (2013). Identification and diversity of functional centromere satellites in the wild rice species Oryza brachyantha. Chromosome research 21, 725-737. Zhu, J.Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, Y.H., Wang, Z.D., Tang, Z.X., Yi, C.D., Tang, S.Z., Gu, M.H., and Liang, G.H. (2011). Fine mapping of a major QTL controlling panicle number in rice. Molecular Breeding 27, 171-180. Gong, Z., Liu, X., Tang, D., Yu, H., Yi, C., Cheng, Z., and Gu, M. (2011). Non-homologous chromosome pairing and crossover formation in haploid rice meiosis. Chromosoma 120, 47-60. Zhou, Y., Zhu, J., Li, Z., Yi, C., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Tang, S., Gu, M., and Liang, G. (2009). Deletion in a quantitative trait gene qPE9-1 associated with panicle erectness improves plant architecture during rice domestication. Genetics 183, 315-324. Gong, Z., Yu, H., Huang, J., Yi, C., and Gu, M. (2009). Unstable transmission of rice chromosomes without functional centromeric repeats in asexual propagation. Chromosome research 17, 863-872. Yi, C.D., Tang, S.Z., Zhou, Y., Liang, G.H., Gong, Z.Y., and Gu, M.H. (2008). Development and characterization of interspecific hybrids between Oryza sativa and O.latifolia by in situ hybridiztion. Chinese Science Bulletin 53, 2973-2980. 教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 扬州大学 作物遗传育种 博士 1999.8 2002.4 扬州大学 农学院 讲师 在职 2009.7 2018.8 扬州大学 农学院 副教授 在职 2011.12 2012.5 美国Texas A&M University Biochemistry and Biophysics 访问学者 已完成 2018.8 至今 扬州大学 农学院 教授 在职 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 野生稻有利基因的转移和利用 水稻重要农艺性状相关基因分子标记的开发、鉴定及其育种应用 2000.5 至今 江苏省遗传学会会员