发布日期:2024-05-03 浏览次数:次
更新日期:2021年8月26日 姓 名 黄浩良 性 别 男 出生年月 1983年3月 籍贯 广东佛山市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 哲学博士 技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email huanghaoliang@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 五山路381号华南理工大学381号 单位电话 13512712248 个人主页 http://www2.scut.edu.cn/cement/hhl/list.htm 个人简介 黄浩良,1983年3月出生,获荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)博士学位,华南理工大学“兴华人才”启航学者,副教授,硕士研究生导师。主要从事水泥基材料裂缝智能修复及环境激励、碳材料-水泥基材料复合技术、有机-无机杂化的水泥基材料高性能化、混凝土结构高耐久修复与加固等研究。截止2021年,主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省基础研究计划等国家和省部级项目、企业委托项目共10余项。已发表论文60余篇,其中SCI收录论文40余篇,以第一/通讯在水泥混凝土领域TOP1期刊Cement and Concrete Research发表论文多篇,被引次数>100的论文3篇;申请/授权发明专利10余件。目前总被引用1500余次, h-index为17。 工作经历 2021.09 至今: 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授(转评),硕导;2016.12-2021.08: 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,副研究员,硕导;2014.12-2016.11:东南大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师。 教育经历 2009.10-2014.11,代尔夫特理工大学, 建筑材料与环境,博士,导师:Klaas van Breugel2006.09-2009.07,武汉理工大学,结构工程,硕士,导师:王佶2002.09-2006.07,武汉理工大学,土木工程,学士 获奖、荣誉称号 华南理工大学“普本纳米”奖教金;2018、2020优秀班主任;全国高校无机非金属基础知识大赛特等奖指导教师;第二届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议最佳报告奖。 社会、学会及学术兼职 《建筑材料学报》青年编委;《Coating》期刊topic editor;国际材料与结构实验研究联合会(RILEM) 高级会员;中国建筑学会新材料与结构分会委员;广东省硅酸盐学会理事;广东省材料研究学会青年委员;Cement and Concrete Research等10余国际期刊审稿人。 研究领域 水泥基材料裂缝智能修复及环境激励;碳材料-水泥基材料复合技术;有机-无机杂化的水泥基材料高性能化;混凝土结构高耐久修复与加固。 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金(面上):混凝土修复的界面梯度结构形成机制及其对界面疲劳破坏的控制机理研究(主持);2. 国家自然科学基金(青年):捕捉侵蚀性介质的自修复水泥基材料制备及作用机理(主持);3. 江苏省自然科学基金:海洋复杂环境对混凝土裂缝自愈合影响机理及针对海洋环境的自愈合混凝土制备(主持);4. 硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室开放基金(重点):固化海洋侵蚀离子的水泥基材料裂缝自修复研究(主持);5. 高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室开放基金:针对海洋严酷环境的新型自修复混凝土关键技术究(主持)。 发表论文 1. X. Wu, H. Huang*, H. Liu, J. Hu, J. Wei, Z. Jiang, G. Ye, Q. Yu and B. Lothenbach. Reactions of self-healing agents and the chemical binding of aggressive ions in sea water: Thermodynamics and kinetics. Cement and Concrete Research, 2021, 145: 106450. (本领域TOP1期刊,IF 10.933)2. H. Liu, H. Huang*, X. Wu, H. Peng, Z. Li, J. Hu and Q. Yu*. Effects of external multi-ions and wet-dry cycles in a marine environment on autogenous self-healing of cracks in cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research, 2019, 120: 198-206. (本领域TOP1期刊,IF 10.933)3. Y. Niu, H. Huang, J. Zhang, W. Jin, J. Wei* and Q. Yu. Development of the strain field along the crack in ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) under bending by digital image correlation technique. Cement and Concrete Research, 2019, 125:105821.(本领域TOP1期刊,IF 10.933)4. X. Wu, H. Huang*, H. Liu, Z. Zeng, H. Li, J. Hu, J. Wei and Q. Yu. Artificial aggregates for self-healing of cement paste and chemical binding of aggressive ions from sea water. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 182:107605.(JCR1区,IF 9.078)5. Y. Wang, R. Chen, J. Hu*, Z. Zhang, H. Huang*, Y. Ma*, J. Wei, Z. Zhang, S. Yin, H. Wang, Q. Yu. Surface characteristics and electrochemical behaviors of passive reinforcing steel in alkali-activated slag. Corrosion Science, 2021, 190:109657. (JCR1区,IF 7.205)6. 黄浩良*,吴欣桐,刘昊,彭楚汗,胡捷,殷素红,韦江雄,余其俊. 固化海水离子裂缝自修复剂及其在硬化水泥浆体中的作用机理. 硅酸盐学报, 2021, 49(8): 1619-1631.7. H. Liu, H. Huang*, X. Wu, X. Wang, J. Hu, J. Wei and Q. Yu. Promotion on self-healing of cracked cement paste by triethanolamine in a marine environment. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 242:118148.8. J. Hu*, Y. Zhu, J. Hang, Z. Zhang, Y. Ma, H. Huang*, Q. Yu and J. Wei*. The effect of organic core–shell corrosion inhibitors on corrosion performance of the reinforcement in simulated concrete pore solution. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 267:121011.9. H. Huang, S. Fang, S. Luo, J. Hu*, S. Yin, J. Wei and Q. Yu*. Multiscale modification on acrylic resin coating for concrete coating with silicon/fluorine and graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, Accepted.10. X. Wu, H. Huang*, H. Liu, J. Hu, K. Wu, J. Wei and Q. Yu. A new self-healing agent for accelerating the healing kinetics while simultaneously binding seawater ions in cracked cement paste. Materials Letters, 2021, 283:128884.11. H. Liu, H. Huang*, X. Wu, K. Wu, J. Hu, J. Wei and Q. Yu. Interactions between organic chelation agents and ions in seawater for accelerating self-healing of cracks in cement paste. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2021, 33(4): 04021036.12. M. Luo*, K. Jing, J. Bai, Z. Ding, D. Yang, H. Huang* and Y. Gong. Effects of Curing Conditions and Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Autogenous Self-Healing of Early Age Cracks in Cement Mortar. Crystals, 2021, 11: 752.13. H. Huang*, G. Ye, C. Qian and E. Schlangen. Self-healing in cementitious materials: Materials, methods and service conditions.Materials & design, 2016, 92: 499-511. (JCR1区,IF 7.99)14. H. Huang*, G. Ye and Leo Pel. New insights into autogenous self-healing in cement paste based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) tests. Materials and Structures, 2016, 49(7):2509-2524.15. H. Huang*, C. Qian, F. Zhao, J. Qu, J. Guo and M. Danjinger. Improvement on microstructure of concrete by polycarboxylate superplasticizer (PCE) and its influence on durability of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 110: 293-299.16. H. Huang*, G. Ye. Numerical studies of the effects of water capsules on self-healing efficiency and mechanical properties in cementitious Materials.”Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016(4):1-10.17. H. Huang* and G. Ye. Self-healing of cracks in cement paste affected by additional Ca2+ions of healing agent. Journal of intelligent material system and structures, 2015, 26(3): 309-320.18. H. Huang* and G. Ye. Feasibility of self-healing in cementitious materials - by using capsules or vascular systems? Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 63: 108-118.19. H. Huang*, G. Ye and Denis Damidot. Effect of blast furnace slag on self-healing of microcracks in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 2014, 60: 68-82.(本领域TOP1期刊,IF 10.933)20. H. Huang*, G. Ye and Denis Damidot. Characterization and quantification of self-healing behaviors of microcracks due to further hydration in cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research, 2013, 52: 71-81.(本领域TOP1期刊,IF 10.933)21. H. Huang* and G. Ye. Simulation of self-healing by further hydration in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2012, 34(4): 460-467. (JCR1区,IF 7.586)22. H. Huang*, G. Ye and Klaas van Breugel. Numerical simulation on moisture transport in cracked cement-based materials in view of self-healing of crack. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology--Materials Science Edition, 2010, 25(6): 1077-1081. 出版专著和教材 Haoliang HUANG. Thermodynamics of Autogenous Self-healing in Cementitious Materials. Delft University of Technology, ISBN:9789461863973, 2014.11 科研创新 (1) H. Huang,X. Wu,H. Liu,J. Hu,J. Wei,Q. Yu. A sea-water-ion-binding self-healing agent for cementitious materials and its preparation and application. PCT/CN2020/099003;(2) 黄浩良,吴欣桐,刘昊,胡捷,韦江雄. 一种可固化海水侵蚀性离子的水泥基材料裂缝自修复剂及其制备方法与应用;发明专利(ZL201910652139.7),授权日期:2021年07月20日; 教学活动 复合材料材料科技英语计算机在材料科学与工程中的应用混凝土材料与结构耐久性混凝土结构检测与试验方法 指导学生情况 截止2021年,合作指导博士研究生1名,指导硕士研究生6名,本科生10余名。