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更新日期:2022年5月25日 姓 名 陈东成 性 别 男 出生年月 1986年11月 籍贯 广东化州市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email mschendc@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 材料学院发光材料与器件国家重点实验室 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 北区科技园1号楼 单位电话 个人简介 陈东成,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,珠江科技新星,广东省特殊高层次人才计划入选者,2010年于深圳大学获得工学及经济学双学士学位,2015年于华南理工大学发光材料与器件国家重点实验室硕博连读获得工学博士学位,随后留校任教,2018~2019年期间在德国马普高分子所从事研究工作。现主要研究兴趣在有机光电子材料与器件,包括有机发光二极管、太阳能电池、晶体管等。做为负责人,主持国家或省部级基金6项;作为核心项目骨干,参与国家重点研发计划等重大科技项目3项。迄今在Adv Mater, Adv Funct Mater, Acs Appl Mater Inter, Appl Phys Lett等国际知名刊物发表SCI论文超过35篇;参与撰写1部英文书籍章节;申请中国发明专利超过7项。 工作经历 2021~至今,华南理工大学,副教授;2017~2021,华南理工大学,副研究员;2015~2017,华南理工大学,师资博士后/讲师;2018~2019,获国家留学基金委资助,赴德国马普高分子所进行留学研究。 教育经历 2006~2010,于深圳大学获得工学(纳米材料与电子技术方向)及经济学(金融学专业)双学士学位;2010~2015,于华南理工大学硕博(材料物理与化学-材料学专业)连读,获得工学博士学位。 获奖、荣誉称号 珠江科技新星、广东省特殊人才支持计划青年拔尖人才 社会、学会及学术兼职 多个国际著名期刊兼职审稿人。 研究领域 主要研究兴趣在光电子领域,具体包括以下方向:1)超快激光光谱学,如基于飞秒激光的泵浦-探测技术、基于电子技术的时域纳秒荧光/吸收/散射光谱等;2)有机发光二极管:器件设计、制备及机理解析;3)有机太阳能电池:器件设计、制备及机理解析;4)有机(发光)晶体管:器件设计、制备及机理解析;5)有机激光材料/激光器:ASE、光/电泵激光器探索等;6)支持学生挑战富有创新性的光电子领域的其它研究思路。 科研项目 1、2019年“广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才项目,项目负责人,50万,2020.03-2023.03,广东省科技厅,省部级;2、有机半导体中电声耦合的观测及其对电荷传输特性的影响,项目负责人,10万,2019.10-2022.09,广东省科技厅,省部级;3、有机活性平面异质结发光二极管,项目负责人,24万,2017.1-2019.12,主持,国家自然科学基金委,国家级;4、基于有机活性平面异质结的发光晶体管,项目负责人,8万,2016.3-2017.10,主持;中国博士后基金委,省部级;5、有机活性pn异质结的电致发光机理及其高性能器件,项目负责人,15万,2017.06-2017.12,中国博士后基金委特别资助项目,省部级;6、高性能荧光有机发光二极管材料与器件,项目负责人,30万,2018.4-2021.3,广州市科技厅“珠江科技新星”,省部级;7、高性能激基复合物型有机发光二极管,项目负责人,10万,2018.09-2020.08,华南理工大学,校级;8、OLED显示功能材料的批量合成和应用,子课题负责人,1317(28)万,2020.11至2022.10,科学技术部,国家级9、新一代有机电致发光材料与器件,主要学术骨干,3000(195.8)万,2016.7-2020.6,科学技术部,国家级10、高性能蓝光材料及其印刷型电致发光器件的研究开发,主要学术骨干,500(150)万,2016.1-2018.12,广东省科技厅,省部级。 发表论文 [1] F. Meng, X. Liu, Y. Chen, X. Cai, M. Li, T. Shi, Z. Chen, D. Chen*, H.-L. Yip, C. Ramanan, P. W. M. Blom, S.-J. Su, Co-Interlayer Engineering toward Efficient Green Quasi-Two-Dimensional Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Adv Funct Mater 2020, n/a, 1910167.[2] W. Li, W. Q. Li, L. Gan, M. K. Li, N. Zheng, C. Y. Ning, D. C. Chen, Y. C. Wu, S. J. Su, J-Aggregation Enhances the Electroluminescence Performance of a Sky-Blue Thermally Activated Delayed-Fluorescence Emitter in Nondoped Organic Light-Emitting Diodes ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2020, 12, 2717.[3] D. C. Chen, W. Li, L. Gan, Z. H. Wang, M. K. Li, S. J. Su, Non-noble-metal-based organic emitters for OLED applications Mater Sci Eng R 2020, 142.[4] Z. H. Wang, M. K. Li, L. Gan, X. Y. Cai, B. B. Li, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Predicting Operational Stability for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Exciplex Cohosts Adv Sci 2019, 6, 1802246.[5] L. L. Wang, C. Zeng, H. Xu, P. C. Yin, D. C. Chen, J. Deng, M. Li, N. Zheng, C. Gu, Y. G. Ma, A highly soluble, crystalline covalent organic framework compatible with device implementation Chem Sci 2019, 10, 1023.[6] F. Y. Meng, X. Y. Liu, X. Y. Cai, Z. F. Gong, B. B. Li, W. T. Xie, M. K. Li, D. C. Chen*, H. L. Yip, S. J. Su, Incorporation of rubidium cations into blue perovskite quantum dot light- emitting diodes via FABr- modified multi- cation hot- injection method Nanoscale 2019, 11, 1295.[7] M. Z. Long, T. K. Zhang, D. C. Chen, M. C. Qin, Z. F. Chen, L. Gong, X. H. Lu, F. Y. Xie, W. G. Xie, J. Chen, J. B. Xu, Interlayer Interaction Enhancement in Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Solar Cells toward High Efficiency and Phase Stability Acs Energy Letters 2019, 4, 1025.[8] Y. X. Li, M. J. Zhang, X. H. Chen, J. S. Liang, D. C. Chen*, M. Gao, L. Ren, TICT based fluorescent probe with excellent photostability for real-time and long-term imaging of lipid droplets Tetrahedron Lett 2019, 60, 1880.[9] W. Li, B. B. Li, X. Y. Cai, L. Gan, Z. D. Xu, W. Q. Li, K. K. Liu, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Tri-Spiral Donor for High Efficiency and Versatile Blue Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials Angew Chem Int Ed 2019, 58, 11301.[10] W. Li, X. Y. Cai, B. B. Li, L. Gan, Y. M. He, K. K. Liu, D. C. Chen, Y. C. Wu, S. J. Su, Adamantane-Substituted Acridine Donor for Blue Dual Fluorescence and Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Angew Chem Int Ed 2019, 58, 582.[11] L. W. Hu, N. Wang, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, W. Yang, B. Zhang, The dibenzothiophene-S,S-dioxide and spirobifluorene based small molecules promote Low roll-off and Blue organic light-emitting diodes J Photochem Photobiol A 2019, 382.[12] X. Y. Cai, W. D. Qiu, M. K. Li, B. B. Li, Z. H. Wang, X. Wu, D. C. Chen, X. F. Iang, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Nonaromatic Amine Containing Exciplex for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Electroluminescence Adv Opt Mater 2019, 7, 1801554.[13] W. Q. Cai, Z. M. Chen, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Q. H. Xu, H. L. Yip, Y. Cao, High-performance and stable CsPbBr3 light-emitting diodes based on polymer additive treatment RSC Adv 2019, 9, 27684.[14] H. Ye, H. Y. Wu, L. Y. Chen, S. H. Ma, K. F. Zhou, G. B. Yan, J. Z. Shen, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Synthesis, Properties, Calculations and Applications of Small Molecular Host Materials Containing Oxadiazole Units with Different Nitrogen and Oxygen Atom Orientations for Solution-Processable Blue Phosphorescent OLEDs Electronic Materials Letters 2018, 14, 89.[15] B. B. Li, L. Gan, X. Y. Cai, X. L. Li, Z. H. Wang, K. Gao, D. C. Chen, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, An Effective Strategy toward High-Efficiency Fluorescent OLEDs by Radiative Coupling of Spatially Separated Electron-Hole Pairs Adv Mater Interfaces 2018, 5, 1800025.[16] Z. Z. He, X. Y. Cai, Z. H. Wang, Y. C. Li, Z. D. Xu, K. K. Liu, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Sky-blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence material employing a diphenylethyne acceptor for organic light-emitting diodes J Mater Chem C 2018, 6, 36.[17] L. Gan, K. Gao, X. Y. Cai, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Achieving Efficient Triplet Exciton Utilization with Large Delta E-ST and Nonobvious Delayed Fluorescence by Adjusting Excited State Energy Levels J Phys Chem Lett 2018, 9, 4725.[18] L. Gan, K. Gao, X. Cai, D. Chen, S.-J. Su, Achieving Efficient Triplet Exciton Utilization with Large ΔEST and Nonobvious Delayed Fluorescence by Adjusting Excited State Energy Levels J Phys Chem Lett 2018, 9, 4725.[19] Z. M. Chen, Z. C. Li, C. Y. Zhang, X. F. Jiang, D. C. Chen, Q. F. Xue, M. Y. Liu, S. J. Su, H. L. Yip, Y. Cao, Recombination Dynamics Study on Nanostructured Perovskite Light-Emitting Devices Adv Mater 2018, 30.[20] D. C. Chen*, B. B. Li, L. Gan, X. Y. Cai, Y. G. Ma, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Enhanced performances of planar heterojunction organic light-emitting diodes via diluting an n-type transporter into a carbazole-based matrix J Mater Chem C 2018, 6, 29.[21] F. Y. Meng, C. Y. Zhang, D. C. Chen*, W. G. Zhu, H. L. Yip, S. J. Su, Combined optimization of emission layer morphology and hole-transport layer for enhanced performance of perovskite light-emitting diodes J Mater Chem C 2017, 5, 6169.[22] M. Liu, R. Komatsu, X. Y. Cai, K. Hotta, S. Sato, K. K. Liu, D. C. Chen, Y. Kato, H. Sasabe, S. Ohisa, Y. Suzuri, D. Yokoyama, S. J. Su, J. Kido, Horizontally Orientated Sticklike Emitters: Enhancement of Intrinsic Out-Coupling Factor and Electroluminescence Performance Chem Mater 2017, 29, 8630.[23] Q. D. Li, X. Liu, J. Z. Zou, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, X. R. Zeng, Influence of fullerene-based acceptor materials on the performance of indacenodithiophene-cored small molecule bulk heterojunction organic solar cells J Mater Sci-mater El 2017, 28, 5006.[24] K. Gao, K. K. Liu, X. L. Li, X. Y. Cai, D. J. Chen, Z. D. Xu, Z. Z. He, B. B. Li, Z. Y. Qiao, D. C. Chen, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, An ideal universal host for highly efficient full-color, white phosphorescent and TADF OLEDs with a simple and unified structure J Mater Chem C 2017, 5, 10406.[25] Z. M. Chen, C. Y. Zhang, X. F. Jiang, M. Y. Liu, R. X. Xia, T. T. Shi, D. C. Chen, Q. F. Xue, Y. J. Zhao, S. J. Su, H. L. Yip, Y. Cao, High-Performance Color-Tunable Perovskite Light Emitting Devices through Structural Modulation from Bulk to Layered Film Adv Mater 2017, 29.[26] X. W. Chen, S. L. Tao, C. Fan, D. C. Chen, L. Zhou, H. Lin, C. J. Zheng, S. J. Su, Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Coumarin7 as the Donor Exhibiting Greater Than 10% Power Conversion Efficiency and a High Fill Factor of 75% ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2017, 9, 29907.[27] D. J. Chen, X. Y. Cai, X. L. Li, Z. Z. He, C. S. Cai, D. C. Chen, S. J. Su, Efficient solution-processed red all-fluorescent organic light-emitting diodes employing thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials as assistant hosts: molecular design strategy and exciton dynamic analysis J Mater Chem C 2017, 5, 5223.[28] D. C. Chen, K. K. Liu, X. L. Li, B. B. Li, M. Liu, X. Y. Cai, Y. G. Ma, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Engineering the excited-state properties of purely organic intramolecular and intermolecular charge transfer emitters towards high-performance fluorescent OLEDs J Mater Chem C 2017, 5, 10991.[29] X. J. Yin, D. C. Chen, Q. M. Peng, Y. P. Xiang, G. H. Xie, Z. C. Zhu, C. Zhong, F. Li, S. J. Su, C. L. Yang, Rational utilization of intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonds to achieve desirable electron transporting materials with high mobility and high triplet energy J Mater Chem C 2016, 4, 1482.[30] G. Z. Xie, X. L. Li, D. J. Chen, Z. H. Wang, X. Y. Cai, D. C. Chen, Y. C. Li, K. K. Liu, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Evaporation- and Solution-Process-Feasible Highly Efficient Thianthrene-9,9', 10,10'-Tetraoxide-Based Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters with Reduced Efficiency Roll-Off Adv Mater 2016, 28, 181.[31] G. Z. Xie, D. J. Chen, X. L. Li, X. Y. Cai, Y. C. Li, D. C. Chen, K. K. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Polarity-Tunable Host Materials and Their Applications in Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diodes ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2016, 8, 27920.[32] Z. H. Wang, Y. C. Li, X. Y. Cai, D. C. Chen, G. Z. Xie, K. K. Liu, Y. C. Wu, C. C. Lo, A. Lien, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Structure-Performance Investigation of Thioxanthone Derivatives for Developing Color Tunable Highly Efficient Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2016, 8, 8627.[33] F. Y. Meng, D. C. Chen, W. J. Xiong, H. Tan, Y. F. Wang, W. G. Zhu, S. J. Su, Tuning color-correlated temperature and color rendering index of phosphorescent white polymer light-emitting diodes: Towards healthy solid-state lighting Org Electron 2016, 34, 18.[34] X. L. Li, G. Z. Xie, M. Liu, D. C. Chen, X. Y. Cai, J. B. Peng, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, High-Efficiency WOLEDs with High Color-Rendering Index based on a Chromaticity-Adjustable Yellow Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitter Adv Mater 2016, 28, 4614.[35] X. L. Li, X. H. Ouyang, D. C. Chen, X. Y. Cai, M. Liu, Z. Y. Ge, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Highly efficient blue and warm white organic light-emitting diodes with a simplified structure Nanotechnology 2016, 27.[36] X. L. Li, M. Liu, Y. C. Li, X. Y. Cai, D. C. Chen, K. K. Liu, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Structure-simplified and highly efficient deep blue organic light-emitting diodes with reduced efficiency roll-off at extremely high luminance Chem Commun 2016, 52, 14454.[37] R. Z. Hu, Y. P. Ouyang, D. C. Chen, H. Wang, Y. Chen, M. Zhu, M. L. Liu, Inhibiting Sn coarsening to enhance the reversibility of conversion reaction in lithiated SnO2 anodes by application of super-elastic NiTi films Acta Mater 2016, 109, 248.[38] R. Z. Hu, D. C. Chen, G. Waller, Y. P. Ouyang, Y. Chen, B. T. Zhao, B. Rainwater, C. H. Yang, M. Zhu, M. L. Liu, Dramatically enhanced reversibility of Li2O in SnO2-based electrodes: the effect of nanostructure on high initial reversible capacity Energy Environ Sci 2016, 9, 595.[39] D. C. Chen, G. Z. Xie, X. Y. Cai, M. Liu, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Fluorescent Organic Planar pn Heterojunction Light-Emitting Diodes with Simplified Structure, Extremely Low Driving Voltage, and High Efficiency Adv Mater 2016, 28, 239.[40] D. C. Chen, K. K. Liu, L. Gan, M. Liu, K. Gao, G. Z. Xie, Y. G. Ma, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Modulation of Exciton Generation in Organic Active Planar pn Heterojunction: Toward Low Driving Voltage and High-Efficiency OLEDs Employing Conventional and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Emitters Adv Mater 2016, 28, 6758.[41] X. Y. Cai, X. L. Li, G. Z. Xie, Z. Z. He, K. Gao, K. K. Liu, D. C. Chen, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, "Rate-limited effect" of reverse intersystem crossing process: the key for tuning thermally activated delayed fluorescence lifetime and efficiency roll-off of organic light emitting diodes Chem Sci 2016, 7, 4264.[42] H. Ye, B. F. Zhao, D. Y. Li, D. C. Chen, G. Z. Xie, S. J. Su, W. Yang, Y. Cao, Highly efficient non-doped single-layer blue organic light-emitting diodes based on light-emitting conjugated polymers containing trifluoren-2-ylamine and dibenzothiophene-S,S-dioxide Synth Met 2015, 205, 228.[43] L. P. Xia, Y. Y. Xue, K. Xiong, C. S. Cai, Z. S. Peng, Y. Wu, Y. Li, J. S. Miao, D. C. Chen, Z. H. Hu, J. B. Wang, X. B. Peng, Y. Q. Mo, L. T. Hou, Highly Improved Efficiency of Deep-Blue Fluorescent Polymer Light-Emitting Device Based on a Novel Hole Interface Modifier with 1,3,5-Triazine Core ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2015, 7, 26405.[44] M. Liu, Y. Seino, D. C. Chen, S. Inomata, S. J. Su, H. Sasabe, J. Kido, Blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials based on bis(phenylsulfonyl)benzene derivatives Chem Commun 2015, 51, 16353.[45] M. Liu, X. L. Li, D. C. Chen, Z. Z. Xie, X. Y. Cai, G. Z. Xie, K. K. Liu, J. X. Tang, S. J. Su, Y. Cao, Study of Configuration Differentia and Highly Efficient, Deep-Blue, Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Novel Naphtho[1,2-d]imidazole Derivatives Adv Funct Mater 2015, 25, 5190.[46] K. K. Liu, X. L. Li, M. Liu, D. C. Chen, X. Y. Cai, Y. C. Wu, C. C. Lo, A. Lien, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, 9,9-Diphenyl- thioxanthene derivatives as host materials for highly efficient blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes J Mater Chem C 2015, 3, 9999.[47] Y. C. Li, Z. H. Wang, X. L. Li, G. Z. Xie, D. C. Chen, Y. F. Wang, C. C. Lo, A. Lien, J. B. Peng, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Highly Efficient Spiro[fluorene-9,9 '-thioxanthene] Core Derived Blue Emitters and Fluorescent/Phosphorescent Hybrid White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Chem Mater 2015, 27, 1100.[48] Y. C. Li, X. L. Li, X. Y. Cai, D. C. Chen, X. Liu, G. Z. Xie, Z. H. Wang, Y. C. Wu, C. C. Lo, A. Lien, J. B. Peng, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Deep blue fluorophores incorporating sulfone-locked triphenylamine: the key for highly efficient fluorescence-phosphorescence hybrid white OLEDs with simplified structure J Mater Chem C 2015, 3, 6986.[49] R. Z. Hu, H. Y. Zhang, J. W. Liu, D. C. Chen, L. C. Yang, M. Zhu, M. L. Liu, Deformable fibrous carbon supported ultrafine nano-SnO2 as a high volumetric capacity and cyclic durable anode for Li storage J Mater Chem A 2015, 3, 15097.[50] D. Chen, C. Zhang, H. Zhou, X. Li, Z. Wang, S. Su, Y. Cao, Alternative Carrier Injection/Extraction Inspired by Electrode Interlayers Based on Peripheral Modification of the Electron-Rich Skeleton ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2015, 7, 3133.[51] D. Chen, Z. Wang, D. Wang, Y.-C. Wu, C.-C. Lo, A. Lien, Y. Cao, S.-J. Su, Efficient exciplex organic light-emitting diodes with a bipolar acceptor Org Electron 2015, 25, 79.[52] H. Ye, D. C. Chen (co-first), M. Liu, S. J. Su, Y. F. Wang, C. C. Lo, A. Lien, J. Kido, Pyridine-Containing Electron-Transport Materials for Highly Efficient Blue Phosphorescent OLEDs with Ultralow Operating Voltage and Reduced Efficiency Roll-Off Adv Funct Mater 2014, 24, 3268.[53] K. Xiong, L. Hou, P. Wang, Y. Xia, D. Chen, B. Xiao, Phosphor-doping enhanced efficiency in bilayer organic solar cells due to longer exciton diffusion length J Lumin 2014, 151, 193.[54] X. Liu, P. Cai, D. C. Chen, J. W. Chen, S. J. Su, Y. Cao, Small molecular non-fullerene electron acceptors for P3HT-based bulk-heterojunction solar cells Science China-Chemistry 2014, 57, 973.[55] M. Liu, Y. M. Liang, P. H. Chen, D. C. Chen, K. K. Liu, Y. C. Li, S. J. Liu, X. Gong, F. Huang, S. J. Su, Y. Cao, Three pyrido[2,3,4,5-lmn]phenanthridine derivatives and their large band gap copolymers for organic solar cells J Mater Chem A 2014, 2, 321.[56] X. L. Li, H. Ye, D. C. Chen, K. K. Liu, G. Z. Xie, Y. F. Wang, C. C. Lo, A. Lien, J. B. Peng, Y. Cao, S. J. Su, Triazole and Pyridine Hybrid Molecules as Electron-Transport Materials for Highly Efficient Green Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Israel J Chem 2014, 54, 971.[57] R. He, J. Xu, Y. Yang, P. Cai, D. Chen, L. Ying, W. Yang, Y. Cao, Dibenzothiophene-S,S-dioxide based medium-band-gap polymers for efficient bulk heterojunction solar cells Org Electron 2014, 15, 2950.[58] R. He, J. Xu, Y. Xue, D. Chen, L. Ying, W. Yang, Y. Cao, Improving the efficiency and spectral stability of white-emitting polycarbazoles by introducing a dibenzothiophene-S,S-dioxide unit into the backbone J Mater Chem C 2014, 2, 7881.[59] D. C. Chen, H. Zhou, X. C. Li, M. Liu, H. Ye, S. J. Su, Y. Cao, Solution-processed cathode-interlayer-free deep blue organic light-emitting diodes Org Electron 2014, 15, 1197.[60] D. C. Chen, H. Zhou, P. Cai, S. Sun, H. Ye, S. J. Su, Y. Cao, A water-processable organic electron-selective layer for solution-processed inverted organic solar cells Appl Phys Lett 2014, 104, 053304.[61] D. Chen, S.-J. Su, Y. Cao, Nitrogen heterocycle-containing materials for highly efficient phosphorescent OLEDs with low operating voltage J Mater Chem C 2014, 2, 9565.[62] H. Ye, X. W. Hu, Z. X. Jiang, D. C. Chen, X. Liu, H. Nie, S. J. Su, X. Gong, Y. Cao, Pyridinium salt-based molecules as cathode interlayers for enhanced performance in polymer solar cells J Mater Chem A 2013, 1, 3387.[63] S. J. Liu, Z. P. Zhang, D. C. Chen, C. H. Duan, J. M. Lu, J. Zhang, F. Huang, S. J. Su, J. W. Chen, Y. Cao, Synthesis and optoelectronic properties of amino-functionalized carbazole-based conjugated polymers Science China-Chemistry 2013, 56, 1119.[64] Y. Dong, X. Hu, C. Duan, P. Liu, S. Liu, L. Lan, D. Chen, L. Ying, S. Su, X. Gong, F. Huang, Y. Cao, A Series of New Medium-Bandgap Conjugated Polymers Based on Naphtho 1,2-c:5,6-c bis(2-octyl- 1,2,3 triazole) for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells Adv Mater 2013, 25, 3683.[65] D. C. Chen, H. Zhou, M. Liu, W.-M. Zhao, S.-J. Su, Y. Cao, Novel Cathode Interlayers Based on Neutral Alcohol-Soluble Small Molecules with a Triphenylamine Core Featuring Polar Phosphonate Side Chains for High-Performance Polymer Light-Emitting and Photovoltaic Devices Macromol Rapid Commun 2013, 34, 595.[66] X. H. Ouyang, D. C. Chen, S. M. Zeng, X. Y. Zhang, S. J. Su, Z. Y. 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Chen, S.-J Su, White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Organometallic Phosphors, Chapter 10 of book “Organometallics and Related Molecules for Energy Conversion”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-46054-2_1. 科研创新 [1]专利名称:一种平面异质结敏化的有机发光二极管及其制备方法; 专利申请号:CN201510557886.4;申请日:2015.9.1。 [2]专利名称:一种平面异质结有机发光二极管及其制备方法;专利申请号:CN201510553459.9;申请日:2015.9.1。[3]专利名称:一种全荧光白光有机发光二极管及其制备方法;申请号:CN201510863168.X;申请日:2015.11.30。[4]专利名称:一种基于螺式双硫杂蒽的小分子发光材料及制备与应用;申请号:CN201510553458.4;申请日:2015.09.01。[5]专利名称:一种可溶液加工的有机-无机平面异质结发光二极管及制备方法;申请号:CN201510485905.7;申请日:2015.08.10。[6]专利名称:一种以三吡啶基苯为核的化合物及其制备方法和应用;申请号:CN201310329651.0;申请日:2013.07.31;公开号:CN103396355B;公开日:2016.06.22。【授权】[7]专利名称:基于膦酸酯基团的小分子水/醇溶性材料及其制法和用途;申请号:CN201210422262.8;申请日:2012.10.26;公开号:CN102911204B;公开日:2014.12.31。【授权】 教学活动 《量子力学》、《电动力学》、《激光原理》、《光谱学原理及应用》课程负责人。 指导学生情况 在组硕士生5名,博士生1名 我的团队 分子谱学与器件小组。致力于培养身心健康、具有团队合作精神的、独立的科学和技术工作者;致力于研究分子半导体有关的载流子、激子、缺陷、声子等基础问题以及由此相关的高性能材料和器件,如有机发光二极管、有机太阳能电池、发光晶体管、激光等。