发布日期:2024-05-10 浏览次数:次
基本信息 科技研究 教育教学 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 姜守达,男,汉族,1964年生。教授,博士生导师 主要从事联合试验技术、运维保障技术、自动化测试系统及信息处理等方向的研究 组织完成科研项目三十余项,获国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级科学技术二等奖2项、三等奖2项 发表学术论文60余篇,获授权发明专利20余项。 教育经历 名称 1984年07月哈尔滨工业大学 无线电技术专业毕业 获学士学位; 1997年07月哈尔滨工业大学 通信与电子系统学科毕业 获硕士学位 2003年07月哈尔滨工业大学 仪器科学与技术学科毕业 获博士学位 研究领域 名称 1、联合试验技术 研究背景: 产品的试验与评估技术(T&E)的应用领域极为广阔。复杂产品、大规模系统/体系级的产品的试验与评估需要应用联合试验技术。联合试验是将分布在不同区域、不同专业特点的试验资源联合起来协同工作,形成跨地域、多专业的试验体系,并根据具体的产品试验目标构建联合试验系统,完成各类复杂产品的试验任务。 研究内容及技术基础: 联合试验技术包括复杂产品试验方法论、信息物理系统的实现方法、信息系统综合集成、试验数据综合处理、复杂环境条件下装备试验验证技术等内容。覆盖电子与信息、计算机软件、网络、仿真等多个学科。 研究成果: 开发了联合试验基础平台软件,为联合试验提供了体系架构,应用系统开发工具,运行控制工具,试验资源建模工具,复杂虚拟环境构建工具,试验资源管理工具,试验数据管理工具等。完成多项大规模试验系统项目,部分技术处于国内领先水平。 2、自动化测试设备及信息化 研究背景: 自动测试设备(ATE)主要用于装备的测试、维护及保障。针对ATE通用、小型、可扩展,及复杂系统测试需要多套ATE协同完成的基本要求,需要研究具备通用、协同、小型及信息服务能力ATE的技术与实现。 研究内容及技术基础: 各种类型的模块化仪器,开放式的ATE架构,ATE系统集成,ATE的信息化。技术基础包括电子与信息系统,电子测量仪器,计算机软件,网络,故障诊断与预测,人工智能等。 研究成果: 开发了用于ATE的VXI、PXI、LXI系列模块,高功能密度的集成测试模块。完成了多种型号的ATE系统。研制了小型化ATE。研制了支持故障诊断与预测的信息化ATE开放式平台软件。本领域的研究成果在多个领域得到了广泛应用。 团队研究成果 名称 团队研究成果可通过团队成员教师的主页查阅: 林连雷 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/linlianlei 孙 超 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/sunchao 魏长安 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/weichangan 杨京礼 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/yangjingli 许永辉 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/xuyonghui 刘晓东 【待完善】 孙 震 【待完善】 讲授课程 名称 软件技术基础 (本科生课程) 虚拟试验技术 (本科生创新研修课) 工程软件开发技术 (研究生课程) 联合试验技术 (研究生专题课) 嵌入式软件测试技术 (研究生课程) 研究生培养 名称 n采用以导师指导与教学科研团队联合指导相结合的方式培养研究生。 n团队由8名有高级职称、博士学位和海外访学经历的教师组成。 n团队教师承担了大量的国家自然科学基金项目、基础科研项目、专项领域研究计划项目、及国家各大集团院所科研项目。具有很强的科学与技术研究能力。 n团队年均在读硕士研究生25人,博士研究生8人。 n研究工作围绕联合试验技术,自动化测试设备及信息化两个研究领域开展。 n研究基础覆盖电子与信息系统、电子测量仪器、计算机软件、网络、建模与仿真,故障诊断与预测,人工智能等多个专业,可全面培养研究生综合运用多学科知识的能力。研究生有机会参加各种类型的实际项目,在丰富知识的同时提供科学研究能力,为未来继续深造和就业奠定基础。 n研究生可根据自己的规划选择:电子设计、系统集成设计、计算机仿真、专业应用软件、理论研究等多种类型的课题。 n毕业生去向: 航天、航空、电子等等集团的院所。 华为、中兴通信、阿里巴巴、腾讯等著名企业 硕士生继续攻读博士学位 博士生去高校任教 论文期刊 名称 1. Yunlong Sheng, Chang’an Wei, Shouda Jiang. Particle Swarm Optimization based Parallel Input Time Test Suite Construction. The 12th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2018).2018 EI 2. 盛云龙,魏长安,姜守达. 基于CCTL的软件可靠性测试输入特性描述方法. 仪器仪表学报. 2018 EI 3. Yunlong Sheng, Chao Sun, Shouda Jiang, Chang’an Wei. Extended Covering Arrays for Sequence Coverage. Symmetry. 2018 SCI 1.3 4. Cui Zheng, Yang Jingli, Jiang Shouda, Li Junbao, Lin Lianlei*, Gu Yanfeng. An infrared-small-target detection method in compressed sensing domain based on local segment contrast measure. Infrared Physics and Technology. 2018 SCI 1.7 5. Cui Zheng, Yang Jingli, Jiang Shouda*, Li Junbao, Gu Yanfeng. Robust spatio-temporal context for infrared target tracking. Infrared Physics and Technology. 2018 SCI 1.7 6. Yuqi Liu,Chao Sun,Shouda Jiang. A Kernel Least Mean Square Algorithm Based on Randomized Feature Networks. Applied Sciences. 2018 SCI 1.7 7. Yuqi Liu, Chao Sun, Shouda Jiang. A Reduced Gaussian Kernel Least-Mean-Square Algorithm for Nonlinear Adaptive Signal Processing. Circuits Systems & Signal Processing. 2018 SCI 2.0 8. Yuqi Liu,Chao Sun,Shouda Jiang. Kernel Filtered-x LMS Algorithm for Active Noise Control System with Nonlinear Primary Path. Circuits Systems & Signal Processing. 2018 SCI 2.0 9. Li Li, Sun Chao*, Lin Lianlei, Li Junbao, Jiang Shouda. A Mahalanobis metric learning-based polynomial kernel for classification of hyperspectral images. Neural Computing & Applications. 2018 SCI 4.2 10. Li Li, Sun Chao*, Lin Lianlei, Li Junbao, Jiang Shouda, Yin Jingwei. A dual-kernel spectral-spatial classification approach for hyperspectral images based on Mahalanobis distance metric learning. Information Sciences. 2018 SCI 4.3 11. Cui Z, Yang J, Jiang S, et al. Target Detection Algorithm Based on Two Layers Human Visual System[J]. Algorithms, 2015, 8(3): 541-551. 12. Chen Y, Yang J, Jiang S. Data validation and dynamic uncertainty estimation of self-validating sensor[C]//Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2015 IEEE International. IEEE, 2015: 405-410. 13. Chen Y, Jiang S, Yang J, et al. Grey bootstrap method for data validation and dynamic uncertainty estimation of self-validating multifunctional sensors[J]. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 146: 63-76. 14. Yin Wentao, Wei Chang'an, Jiang Shouda. Explicit Loss Inference in Multiple Source Tomography with Network Coding. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014,10(23): 10031-10039. 15. Song Guodong;Jiang, Shouda;Liu, Xiaodong;Lin, Lianlei. Nonlinear descriptor system Kalman estimator with colored noise [J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2014, 35(7): 1532-1538 16. Dai Huhe, Jiang Shouda. Atrial activity extraction from single lead ECG recordings: Evaluation of two novel methods [J]. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE,2013,43(3):176-183 17. Song Guodong; Jiang Shouda; Lin Lianlei. Information fusion Kalman filter with complex coloured noise for descriptor systems [J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2013,34(5):1195-1200 18. Yang JingLi;Jiang ShouDa;Wei ChangAn;Sun Chao. Efficient and Adaptive Topology Inference Algorithm for Unicast Network Measurements [J]. ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,2013,41(10):1888-1894 19. Yang JingLi;Sun Chao;Jiang ShouDa;Wei ChangAn. A Fast Link Delay Distribution Inference Algorithm Based on Hierarchy Decomposition[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology,2013, 35(8):2005-2012 20. Jia Yan-Xi;Jiang Shou-Da. A Photon Transport Modeling Approach Based on Gaussian Distribution[J]. ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,2012, 40(10): 2073-2078. 21. Yang Jing-Li;Xu Yong-Hui;Jiang Shou-Da.A Precise Link Loss Inference Algorithm with Minimal Cover Set[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology,2012, 34(12): 2905-2912 22. Wu Yang;Jiang Shou-Da. Parameters Selection Method of Multiple Vortex-Ring Microburst Model Based on Nested Particle Swarm Optimization [J]. ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,2012, 40(1):204-208 23. Jia Yanxi; Jiang Shouda. Simulation model of laser transmission and detection through cumulus [J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(13): 5517-5526. 24. Yang Jingli;Jiang Shouda;Xu Yonghui. Inference of network internal loss rate base on extended Gilbert model [J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2012, 9(17):5517-5525. 25. Jia Yanxi, Jiang Shouda. Realization of a virtual experiment laser environment propagation model based on split-step Fourier method in rain. Proceedings - 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control 26. Yang, Jingli; Jiang, Shouda; Wei, Chang'An. An improved topology inference algorithm based on end-to-end measurements. Proceedings-2010 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Signal Processing and Applications. 2010: 661-665. 27. Dai Huhe, Jiang Shouda, Wei Chang’an. A novel suppression algorithm of power line interference in ECG signal. Proceedings-2010 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Signal Processing and Applications. 2010: 657-660. 28. Dai Huhe, Wei Changan, Jiang Shouda. A novel blind source extraction algorithm for ill-conditioned mixtures. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(8): 3339-3347. 29. Huhe Dai,Shouda Jiang. Atrial fibrillation wave extraction algorithm based on ICA and wavelet transform. Chinese Journal of Science Instrument, 2011, 32(8): 1716-1723. 30. Shouda Jiang, Lianlei Lin.Use Support Vector Machine to Evaluate the Operational Effectiveness of Radar Jammer.Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, ICICIC 2007. 31. Shouda Jiang, Lianlei Lin, Chao Sun. A fast training algorithm for least squares SVM.3rd International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2007. 32. Changan Wei,Shouda Jiang.Automatic target detection and tracking in FLIR image sequences using morphological connected operator.4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2008. 33. Yang Liu,Shouda Jiang.A Simple Method of Computing Signal Order Tracking Fast in Time Domain.Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2007.9. 34. Shouda Jiang,Lianlei Lin.Use Support Vector Machine to Evaluate the Operational Effectiveness of Radar Jammer.Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2007.9. 35. Shouda Jiang、Lianlei Lin、Yang Liu.A Design of the Interface between DSP and SDRAM.5th International Symposinum on Test and Measuremen, 2003.6, Vol.2. 36. Changan Wei, Shouda Jiang. Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Morphological Reconstruction Operator and Tracking.Chinese Journal of Electronics,2009.4,Vol.37, No.4. 37. Lianlei Lin,Shouda Jiang.A novel online least squares SVM based on SMO algorithm.Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2008.7, Vol.17, No.3. 38. Yang Liu,Shouda Jiang.Multimode Curve Fitting Method of Instantaneous Frequency in Order Tracking Spectrum Analysis.Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2008.9, Vol.38, No.5. 39. Lianlei Lin,Shouda Jiang,Xiaodong Liu. Simultaneous selection of parameters and features for SVM based on the differential evolution algorithm. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2008.9, Vol.38, Sup.2. 40. Lianlei Lin,Shouda Jiang,Xiaodong Liu.Parameter selection for an SVM based on a differential evolution algorithm. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2009.2, Vol.30, No.2. 41. Changan Wei,Shouda Jiang,Chao Sun. Small Target Tracking in Forward Looking Infrared Imagery Based on Kernel Density Estimation.Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2009.7, Vol.30, No.7. 42. Changan Wei,Shouda Jiang.Small Target Detection in FLIR Imagery using Multi-scale Morphological Filter and Kernel Density Estimation.International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2009.7, Vol.30, No.7. 43. Lianlei Lin,Shouda Jiang.An Adaptive Online Recursive Training Algorithm for Least Square SVM Classifiers.Journal of Digital Information Management, 2008.3, Vol.6, No.2 44. Lianlei Lin,Shouda Jiang. Design of Universal Interface-class Simulation Platform for Bus-style Avionics. Journal of System Simulation, 2007.4, Vol.19, No.7. 45. Yang Liu,Shouda Jiang. Analysis of Selection of Parameters in a quasi-synchronous Sampling Algorithm. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2007.11, Vol.28, No.11. 46. Shouda Jiang, Zheming Lu, Haotian Wu.DCT Based Multipurpose Watermarking Technique for Image Copyright Notification and Protection. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2004.11, Vol.11, No.3. 47. Shouda Jiang,Zheming Lu, Hui Pei. Equal-Average Equal-Variance Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm Based on Hadamard Transform.Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2004.9, Vol.32,No.9. 48. Shouda Jiang,Zheming Lu,Qi Wang.Fast Norm-Ordered Codeword Search Algorithms for Image Vector Quantization. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2003.7, Vol.12, No.3.